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Blue Book
Blue Book
Blue Book
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Blue Book

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Dear Reader,

Have you ever thought of aerially visualizing your life through the concept of life map? Have you ever thought of locating your position into such a map of your own life?

Until you do so, it would not be possible for you to achieve your goal on time.

First of all, this book suggests you to have an idea of this wonderful and interesting concept, and furthermore, it will help you to locate yourself into your own conceptual life map.

Release dateSep 3, 2013
Blue Book

Rohit Kumar Vohra

Rohit has expressed all topics after experiencing, observing or visualizing them during his working experience of 25 years, he believes that each one of us posses all strengths and all the weaknesses, which either makes or breaks us, Hence you “must know” what you “do not know” that you “need to know”.

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    Blue Book - Rohit Kumar Vohra

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    Section 1

    Understanding Blue Book

    How This Book Can Help A Reader?

    Blue Book

    Discovery Of Your Personality

    Human Life Is A Great Journey

    Probable Brahma Chakra (Spiritual Life Cycle)

    Section 2

    Your Blue Book And You

    Your Location!

    Stage / Junction No.1 Normal Living Being, Or Sadharan Jeev

    Section 3

    Something About Section 3

    1.  Know Your Present Status—Think Deep

    2.  Have Self-Respect—If You Lack

    3.  Should Have A Dream—If You Lack

    4.  Develop A Vision—If You Lack

    5.  Gain Confidence—If You Are Under-Confident

    6.  Just Work Hard—If You Are A Lazy Person

    7.  Confrontation Is A Part Of Life—Don’t Feel Shy To Do So

    8.  Happiness Is The Key Word—If You Are Sad Or Does Not Frequently Feel Happy

    9.  Faith—Nothing Has ‘Worth’ Without It—If You Have Lost It

    10.  Developing Devotion—If You Lack

    11.  Facing The Failure—If You Have Failed

    12.  Crisis Management—If You Are In A Crisis

    13.  Worship Your God—If You Avoid

    14.  Realize Without Prejudice—If You Have Done A Mistake

    15.  Repent Without Prejudice—One Must Do It.

    16.  Rectify By Heart—That Is ‘The Way’

    17.  Love Has No Substitute—Maintain Your Love

    18.  Be Happy Again—Happiness Is The Best Fuel Takes You Up

    19.  Desire Instead Of Being Greedy—Evaluate The Difference

    20.  Never Lose The Self-Esteem—Stick To Your Fundamentals

    21.  Struggling Is A Part Of The Game—Keep Pouring In…

    22.  Patience—It Is A Virtue

    23.  Differentiate Between Smart And Hard Work—Easy To Understand

    24.  Focus On The Task—If You Tend To Lose Focus

    25.  Regaining Confidence—If You Have Lost It

    26.  Habit Of Winning—Keep Improvising Your Skills

    27.  Lay Down Milestones—If You Feel Stagnated

    28.  Build Your Fort—If You Want To Secure Your Goodwill Forever.

    29.  Shine As A Star And Spread Like Air—

    30.  Renounce It (The Semi-Final Word)—You Need To Leave For Next Generation

    31.  Get Dissolved (It Is The Final Word)—You Need To Get Bliss

    Section 4

    Stage / Junction No.2 Anuyayi (The Follower)

    Stage / Junction No.3 Sevak (The Servant)

    Stage / Junction No.4 Wachak (The Preacher)

    Stage / Junction No.5 Guru (The Teacher)

    About ‘Mind Power’

    About ‘Yoga’

    An Overview—‘Ashtanga Yoga’


    Dear Reader, Have you ever thought of aerially visualizing your life through the concept of Life map?

    Have you ever thought of locating your position into such a map of your own life?


    Until you do so—it would not be possible for you to achieve your goal On time.

    First of all, this book suggests you to have an idea of this wonderful and interesting concept, and further it will help you to locate yourself into your own conceptual Life’s map.

    Once you identify your present stage out of the TOPICS in this book, and by following its few suggestions, you may navigate yourself in a better way—to attain success, or probably ‘find a route’ to attain success and bliss.

    No navigator in the world could ever proceed without knowing or determining its respective present status or location, and this is the simplest method. Surprisingly, most of the people have never focused on this fact when it comes to understand and review their life and its goal.

    I have followed and practiced most of the points as mentioned in this book, but not always.

    Whenever I re-read it to contemplate the same, I conceptually grow and get enlightened little more from my previous mental stage, towards realizing these facts.

    Let me further assist you by giving an example. Suppose you are in ‘crises’ during the present phase of your life, then you simply require the topic of Crises management of this book, and proceed for the solution. In case you have recently achieved something good, then you may refer to the topic of Lay down milestones and proceed with the reading. Suppose you have done something wrong in life, and you do not know what to do next, then simply go to the topic of Repent without expectation and proceed further. In case you are lacking self-confidence, then you may refer to the topic of Gain confidence. Above all, suppose you are at the early stage of life, then just refer to the topic of Develop a vision and understand it before following it.

    The topics and ideas in this book are expressed in a simple and lucid manner, which are very easy to understand, and may conveniently guide and help the readers to enhance or elevate the quality of their day to day life.

    It can be interestingly observed that, this book serves as an abundant source of invaluable ideas which can be considered to have the compilation of timeless and qualitative wisdom of several books. It depends on the propensity of reader that how much inspiration and benefits he try to take out of this book.

    All the best!

    Rohit Kumar Vohra

    Author Jaipur. India

    (Age: 42 yrs. Profession: Businessman)

    The readership of this book is referred to the targeted age groups which are classified with some Ratings, as under:

    ‘AA’ (Very useful): If you are within the age group of 22-30 years.

    ‘A’ (Quite useful): If you are within the age group of 30-48 years.

    ‘B’ (Very interesting): If you are within the age group of 48 to 55+ years.

    ‘AAA’ (Extremely useful): If your age is 55+ then this book is really going to help you for tuning and leading your coming generation on the right track.

    This book is an attempt that will help you to discover yourself and find your best suitable way to success, happiness and perhaps to attain Bliss.

    *     *     *

    Selecting the title of this book as Blue Book

    Before sending this book for publishing, I gave it to several Intellectuals to suggest me the most suitable title for this book. I got various suggestions and few of them are here, as below. But still I could not choose one, since all of them were sounding quite suitable, hence I leave it for you to decide and name it. After all, it is finally your Blue Book!

    1. Step by step Yogic way to be a successful person

    2. Philosophy of life made simple to understand

    3. Gateway to Success, Peace and Moksha

    4. It is easy to be a successful person

    5. Human life and its suitable course

    6. To whom so ever it may concern

    7. Discover yourself step by step

    8. Work, Love, Peace and Moksha

    9. The best way to live

    After reading and understanding this book, you will think that any of the above titles could be used as the title of this book.


    First of all, thanks a lot to ‘you’ (being a reader of this book) for showing interest in this book. Thanks to my Mother Late Sudha, Father Late Mahindra kumar vohra, proffessionl gurus, School,colleage teachers and NCC instructors,They all taught me a lot and also thank to my friends and relatives who read this book before its publication and provided their valuable testimonies and feedback, which encouraged me to write in a more suitable manner for masses.

    Thanks to Ms Sadhana Saini, Ms Sapna from Kota, Mr Sumeet from Jaipur for editing the language and my daughter Aasma for finishing the illustration.

    Special thanks to my wife Harsha for most of the time listening the topics soon after they were written in odd hours and reading them later critically to give me the feedback.

    And above all:

    Thank you God for making it possible since you knew it that I wish to do so.

    Rohit Kumar Vohra.

    Important Note No.1: For Readers

    Disclaimer: It is suggested and strongly recommended in expressed/implied form that, the readers or anyone who follow this book to get all the points/contents (as mentioned in this book) well evaluated/checked by eminent Psychologist elderly people, parents, teachers, mentors, intellectuals or the respective experts, before implementing the theories and practices of this Blue Book into one’s own life or the others. Author has expressed his own point of view, knowledge and experiences, the effect of which may vary from person to person. The contents of this book are not proven/established facts and hence it does not claim to be 100% correct/suitable for its every reader/follower. Anyone who buy/read/follow this book, it is assumed that s/he has considered and accepted all the above points, and cannot blame/claim author, editors, publisher and/or any concerning person in any way or to take/charge for the losses/damages (if any) of any kind, anytime, anywhere or in any manner expressed/implied whatsoever.

    Important Note No.2: For Readers

    Each one of us is at some specific point (in our life), as mentioned in either of the topics/chapters which is referred as phase or stage of our life. Identify yourself where you are in the journey of your life, understand the stage and move ahead accordingly. If your life is more messed up then start your new life-journey from the topic No. 1 and go on… . It is never late to restart, once you restart you have a greater chance to get the success and to get blessed and move towards attaining the Bliss.

    Human life has four components at large:

    ▪ Mind

    ▪ Body

    ▪ Heart

    ▪ Soul


    Mind: It is nurtured and developed by a person on the basis of the fundaments which he has inherited through his DNA or learnt through his parents in addition to his elementary education and social environment. A person is the sole owners of his mind and responsible for all of its acts.

    Body: Body is gifted to us by our parents.

    Heart: Philosophically, here this component is not referred to an organ which a person has inside his chest. It means a place of one’s emotions and feeling ‘within the mind’. It is solely developed by one’s sub-consciousness and nurtured with love and happiness. It is referred to person’s choices, likings and such an emotional part (aspect) of brain which helps a person to take several such decisions that a mind cannot process, because the working of mind concerns deals with facts and figures, intellect and the conscious efforts.

    Soul: It is the best part of all the four components, and it is gifted to us by Almighty God through our parents, in the form of a life force spread over to each and every cell and the genetic material of our body. The passive form of a soul gets a chance to be carried along or placed into the reproductive cells of parents which further transforms into the dynamic life force of a conceived child (fetus).

    Knowledge of mind and body is clearly understood by most of us, but the spiritual knowledge about existence, origin and importance of soul is not so clearly known to many people. It can be conceptually compared with an example of a SIM card in a cell phone, some people know about the mobile handset with loaded software in it, but they do not know much about SIM card and how does it work? In this example, SIM card to the mobile handset can be correlated with the importance of soul to the human and other living beings. Knowledge about existence of soul also manifests the importance of Almighty God.

    In this book, I am trying to elaborate the importance of God, who gifted us the soul as a life force of our existence.

    We owe a lot to our Parents and the Almighty God, who have given us wonderful body and super wonderful soul.


    Understanding Blue Book

    My Dear Reader, After reading this book, you might get answers to various questions, which probably many people wanted to ask. These answers are written in a very simple language, to facilitate the understanding of a person having an average IQ. You may create any question related to your present life and might get the relevant answer in some form in this book.

    This book conveys the philosophical-cum-practical aspect of human life. It depends upon the reader’s perceptions (while reading this book) that how he reaps the benefits out of this book. You may get the answers as per your perception. This book may truly become a very useful book for the readers if they keep their attitude positive towards the author. Inferences and interpretations will vary from person to person.

    This book is about the philosophy of human life, and this is actually a self-help book. This is my first attempt to write and convey my message, views on human life through a book. This book offers some basic guidelines to be followed and placed in person’s life.

    Today At the time of start(in 2006) I am a successful businessman of 42 years, with an experience of 21 years of hardships in life. During these 21 years, I had been a salesman, a manager, an entrepreneur, on the job trainer, an advertiser, apart from being a cook, pilot, musician, stage actor, sportsperson, swimmer, horse rider and a successful NCC cadet of National level. I have worked with several types of people and have been training them for several tasks, be it selling, human resources development, debt recovery methods, launching of new concepts, dealing with labour, Government officers to ministers and lawyers, from creative writing in advertisement agency to planning, developing infrastructure, doing door-to-door sales to International business, media planner to a successful negotiator.

    The two factors which I followed common in every task were: optimism and hard work. Optimistic approach was very much required to accomplish any tasks

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