The Elephant of My Heart
About this ebook
The Elephant of My Heart is the story that emerged as Jessica Clements took her first inner journey on the Personal Totem Pole Process originated by Stephen Gallegos.
Jessicas life had not been easy, for at nine years old, she had suffered a brain haemorrhage. Yet this was just where her new guide, her elephant, took her to, though in the gentlest and softest of ways.
It was here that her elephant, and numerous other animals, taught her that the scars that criss-cross her head can be seen in a different way, for now they are stitched with a black panthers whisker and held by a dragonfly!
I read this book in an evening and couldnt put it down as I was taken on a magical journey by the Elephant at Jessicas Heart.
Stephen Wish, Polar Bear Community
If you like animals and meditate then I highly recommend this book!
Jayne Thorpe
Jessica Clements
I am a published poet, short story writer, and novelist.
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The Elephant of My Heart - Jessica Clements
Copyright © 2014 Jessica Clements.
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-8572-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-8593-2 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 04/15/2014
The Elephant of My Heart
Further information about Jessica Clements’ work
For Information on Deep Imagery
Many thanks to my dear friend Teresa Pignatelli who introduced me to Isabella Ben Charrada who introduced me to Mr Elephant
. Many thanks to Stephen Gallegos, and the "Personal Totem Pole Process.
Thanks also to Simon whose drawings are inspirational. Thanks also to my proof readers my Mother, Liz Clements, Ruth Mateer. Also thanks go to Stephen Wish, Jan & Alex Prowse, Margaret & Roy Pugh, Greta & Colin Mattingley for their continued advice and support.
SimonsFeatherx6.JPGThis book is dedicated to my Mother,
Elizabeth Clements
by Stephen Gallegos
Thirty years ago I was given a great gift, a gift that began the reorganization of my life, of my being, of my presence in the world, of my thinking. The gift I received was that of the chakra power animals who arrived spontaneously and began the long path of healing to return me to the core of who I have always been. This experience of meeting the Chakra animals changed me and gave my life an entirely new direction. It initiated a return, a rebalancing, a realignment of who I am. I meet with the animals regularly and they entered me upon a healing path that was not only profound but also astounding. For most of those thirty years, I have also led others to meet and engage with their chakra animals for their own healing.
We can understand the chakra system as an alignment of aliveness, an alignment of energies that are core to our bodies. The chakra system is the nucleus of our wholeness. It is around this that the other remaining alivenesses gather themselves, and it is also the circle of our chakra energies that comes to govern our continued growing into wholeness. Our task is to remain in consultation with these energies as we grow and heal. We must earnestly befriend these energies and learn to care for and nurture our relationship to them. They are not our servants but wise and capable guides that move us step by step, passageway by passageway, toward our own wholeness.
In 2001, Jessica Clements met her Chakra animals in a journey led by one of my former students, Isabella ben Charada. For Jessica, the aliveness she found in her heart chakra, which came to her as Elephant, became a fundamental guide in her own journey to wholeness. In this book, Jessica Clements has shared with us all her journey with her Elephant of the Heart, exploring the guidance she received through this intimate relationship with her heart chakra and the deep healing, from a traumatic childhood injury, that occurred as a result.
Working within the layers of the Deep Imagination is the most powerful route to emotional healing, growing into maturity, and coming into balance with one’s true being that I am familiar with. It is the avenue to our aliveness. Sadly, this is a way of knowing that we were taught, or encouraged, to abandon in childhood, thinking it childish whereas it is in fact the avenue to our wholeness.
In her work with children, Jessica guides them to meet their Animals of the Heart and subsequently works with them to create stage performances based on these experiences. In doing this, Jessica undertakes to foster and nurture a relationship with the deep imagination for these children and so generates essential pathways for them to connect with their own imagery and experience, and allows them access to their own balance and wholeness.
The deep imagination, is a realm that is not under our control. It is a layer that is significantly alive, that has its own direction and relationship with who we are. It is also the layer that can guide us back into our wholeness, for that is its job. Throughout historical time it has tried to do this in various ways. We have usually interpreted its presence as either religious or magical phenomena. Interpretation is our problem. The deep imagination was never meant to be interpreted. Instead, it is meant to be