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Close Your Eyes and Wake Up
Close Your Eyes and Wake Up
Close Your Eyes and Wake Up
Ebook353 pages5 hours

Close Your Eyes and Wake Up

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Do you feel like you just dont fit in? Are you crippled by feelings of discontent? Do you know within that there is another way of being? Are you ready to begin your journey to truth with courage, determination, faith, and trust?

Like you, author Amenti Marakita knew that she wasnt living her ultimate life. Restricted by feelings of dissatisfaction and a general sense that she just didnt fit in, she knew that something had to change. She needed strength and motivation to create happiness as an adult. Motherhood was her foundation, and secretarial work was her bread and butter, but she wasnt satisfied. She knew that it would take a leap of faith for things to really change.

She took her first step to a new life by opening herself up to the world of natural therapies. She valued the process of working through challenges with various modalities and enjoying the rewards on the other side. She accepted the invitation to explore her reality and experience her true potential as a woman.

In Close Your Eyes and Wake Up, Marakita, a Kinergetics practitioner and instructor, shares her guidance with those who are ready to leave the status quo behind and venture boldly into the unknown. Kinergetics opened her heart to a world of happiness within herself by allowing her programmed self to fall away. By learning to trust synchronicity, signs, and inner and outer guidance, she was reborn.

Release dateJun 2, 2014
Close Your Eyes and Wake Up

Amenti Marakita

Amenti Marakita is a Kinergetics practitioner and instructor, kinesiologist, massage therapist, and Melchizedek facilitator. In Kinergetics (kinesiology) she found the answers to the big questions of life as we know it. By helping others move beyond their limiting beliefs, she has progressed on her journey to her higher self. She currently lives in Australia.

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    Close Your Eyes and Wake Up - Amenti Marakita

    My Principals

    A Creation Story

    ‘I am’ Source, a fully functioning being that is multi-dimensional, creating, preserving and destroying in cycles that I have created. There is no time, no place, no thing, no bodies, no beings without bodies—it is just ‘All-There-Is’.

    Universes, galaxies, solar systems, and beings are created and birthed from the mind and heart of ‘All-there-Is’. Everything created or birthed is still ‘I am’, the ‘I am’ is infused within and without of everything created. I am masculine-Feminine perfectly balanced, the masculine aspect of me creates and the feminine gives birth.

    Beings continue to exist and play in these different worlds in all dimensions. Over time, these beings think and act more independently of ‘All-there-Is’, eventually dropping their vibration through the dimensions to a point where they have separated themselves from ‘I am, All-There-Is’. Although they are still 9th dimensional beings, they only relate to the 3rd dimension, that of the body and its survival and procreation, using only two strands of DNA. These individuals develop different mindsets and beliefs about how to live, becoming very mind and physical orientated, separating more and more, and creating big rifts between beings. Disputes, fights and wars eventuate over land, posessions and women for survival and the procreation of the races. This leads to power struggles and control over others. Some still feel a connection within their hearts to something greater than themselves within the realm of duality. Some beings move on to other planets and start new lives, creating bodies to suit the new environment and lifestyle. They evolve to higher degrees based on their own experiences, using their hearts and minds to survive, live, evolve and prosper. On some planets, the beings become more warlike and continue the game of power of domination.

    Circumstances evolved to a point where a human being was created. The male brings Spirit into matter and the female grounds and gives birth. It was a long process—millions of years—till eventually the process reached a time and space, and Earth was the chosen planet for a new start.

    We as souls, original sparks of ‘All-There-Is’, have agreed to have experiences of separation from Source. Before incarnating into a physical body, we hold council with higher beings of light and it is decided what lessons we will learn and the experiences we will attract in order to learn these lessons. Based on these lessons, our parents are chosen. Signs, synchronicities, guidance, intuitions/gut feelings are all designed to support us and bring experiences and circumstances to us to connect and reconnect with Source through the law of attraction. Therefore we are always free to follow our old ways or reconnect with our higher selves and Source. As a collective consciousness, we decided to see how far a separate mind could go before reaching a point where it needs to reach out to remember its divinity. Now is the time.

    • Our purpose is to remember our divinity, the soul’s connection to ‘All–there-is’, through our ‘separate’ experiences.

    • While working with the mind and heart, duality and the masculine and feminine energies and balancing the separation, we then move beyond duality and remember we are All-There-Is, multi-dimensional beings having experiences in duality on planet Earth.

    • Mother Earth is multi-dimensional, and she is always connected to Source. Now, she is raising her vibration beyond the 3rd/4th dimension (duality) to the 5th/6th dimension while continuing to work in 9 dimensions.

    Living in the now is the point where we create new experiences from new attitudes for a new world.

    As Spirit, in each incarnation, we choose to learn and grow, whether it is on planet Earth or another system in the Universe. Planet Earth is a 3D planet, and, as souls, we incarnate to master 3D. Planet Earth is raising her vibration as are we, whether we are conscious of it or not. We were given ‘freewill’ and with freewill we can choose to work through our challenges and raise our vibration or not.

    Our God presence (All-There-Is) creates spirals in empty space. From light, a spark gets denser and denser until it becomes matter. From matter, it then becomes lighter as we spiral up from the 3rd dimension, up through the 9 dimensions to All-there is. Remember:

    • We are caretakers of this planet while we live on it.

    • No ‘thing’ belongs to us, everything here is on loan so we can experience life here.

    • When we incarnate as a soul, we are divine sparks of spirit. We are given a body to occupy, experience and a heart to express love and learn our lessons in this world.

    • Every night, we go home and experience a mini death—death of old thinking. Each new day and each new incarnation, we, as the soul, put on a physical body much like the body puts on a uniform to go out and learn our love lessons at Earth school. At night, we go home to Mother/Father God: All-There-Is.

    • At night the soul merges with Source and can play in another realm or galaxy. Maybe have a chat with our teachers about opportunities or advice for our experiences on Earth. Insights come through our dreams and visions from our higher selves, guides and angels.

    • When we have learned our lessons, we go to the next grade; this could be to experience life on another planet or to return to Earth. Of course, if we are still learning lessons, we will be born on Earth with new parents, maybe in another country with new experiences.

    • We are here to bridge our inner and outer worlds.

    • We are here to connect our lower and higher selves.

    Mother Earth – She knows there is a harmonious vibration to radiate at and she is shaking everything up that is not radiant. Humans are living in her house and are making a mess of it. Like all mothers, she will tolerate it for quite a while, till it gets to a point where she will say, ‘enough is enough’, and start turning us out. She is saying, ‘Get your acts together, grow up, stop playing control dramas, look at what is in your system that is attracting the suffering, come back to loving yourself and share that love with others. Clean up your acts or you will be tossed out with the rubbish’. Mother Earth is spring-cleaning, and she has the support of the Universe with her. Yes, we have suffered in the past by living in her house, we have learnt many lessons from our experiences, we have died many times in different rooms of her house, we have loved and lost and Mother Earth understands why we are still suffering. However, it is time to forgive the past; it was just an experience. Choose whether you want to be tossed out with the rubbish as Mother Earth spring-cleans or join her in creating a beautiful place to experience all the Universe has to offer. Love is the vibration of the new Earth and anything which is pain and suffering will be tossed out. Freewill is our birth right—exercise it. This is the exercise that will create a fit and healthy physical/light body.

    She agreed to the wars and destruction that have been happening on this planet for centuries. Just like a parent will tolerate a child’s bad behaviour as he/she is learning the lessons of Earth school, Mother Earth is doing the same with humanity—the children playing on her surface. People do not want war and suffering in their homes, and Mother Earth doesn’t want it anymore either; therefore, she is kicking humans off her surface if they choose not to change. To stay on her surface, we will have to raise our vibration along with her.

    This means letting go of everything that doesn’t support us as we become bodies of light; i.e., toxins, food, beverages, people, places, relationships, jobs, houses and possessions. We are not alone, and we are all being guided to where we need to be, doing what we need to do for our highest good and greatest joy. All we have to do is be willing to listen to the whispers in our heart. A lot of us are being asked to be free spirits with little possessions, not only trusting we will be given shelter, food and provided for but sharing and being of service in whatever way we are guided.

    Mother Earth, as feminine energy, is the frequency that connects with the Universe; i.e., the power point is always connected to the electrical system of a house. Although always connected, it does not get utilized in this realm unless it has an appliance plugged into it that is turned on. A toaster doesn’t work until it is plugged in and turned on. We, as physical appliances, also need to plug into universal flow.

    Humans have for such a long time plugged into the physical realms for its energy Source, sucking the energy from fellow humans. Now, we need to connect to Father Universal Energy and Earth ourselves in Mother Earth.

    Allow nature, Mother Earth, to support you instead of resisting your life and your purpose for being here. Life on Earth has given many experiences to us, and we have built up mistrust. We have killed and been killed. We have loved and been loved, lost and found and so on. We have to learn to trust again.

    A lot of us have come from higher planes of awareness to bring in the higher energies, as we have done in previous times of human evolution. This is a significant time in human evolution, and even though we may have been condemned, been crucified and failed in previous times, we are here again to remember who we truly are…love. Love, All-There-Is, God/Goddess, Mother/Father God, source, Universe, the Nameless One….

    Make the most of being here on Earth; there is a line-up of souls waiting to take on a body and incarnate on this planet.

    Fringe Dweller – There is a ‘space’ between one ‘thing’ and another ‘thing’. This ‘in between’ is as important as the things.

    Before incarnation, the soul decides what it wants to experience in its next roundon Earth—like choosing subjects to study at college. The teachers (mother and father) are chosen, and then so are various teachers along the way. Conception and the first three months are observed, and then the soul comes into its bodily form. For the next six months or so, the soul learns about life on Earth through the experiences of the parents, and while still connected to Source, the soul learns as the foetus grows. When the baby is born, it starts to lose its connection to Source. This is why it is imperative that the baby is loved and its surrounding world is loving.

    During life’s experiences in this denser dimension of source, the soul forgets more and more of its divinity and gets more and more caught in the web of illusion. At some critical point, the soul cries out from within and says, ‘enough is enough, I know there is a greater Source, and I want to know it again’. This cry is heard through the dimensions, and so the waking up process begins. Experiences are created for the lower/ego self to remember. Freewill comes into play, and the ego self will either continue to run the life or the higher self will be intuitively followed. Eventually the soul, the higher self, will be followed, leaving the ego to highlight what we are releasing and the old lower self’s control over our lives dies, little by little. This is the only death there is.

    The soul/higher self becomes the guiding force, and the physical experiences in the world become more exciting, fulfilling and happy. Life will continue to give us challenges, though now we have more exciting opportunities to assist us as we exist in both worlds.

    • This is an opportunity to define what we want. Releasing any thoughts we don’t want and imagining what we do want.

    • Allow the Universe to give us a surprise and bring it to us in magical ways.

    • Follow any guidance; we never know where an idea may lead us. Meeting up with a friend may lead to an opportunity, or a random conversation with a stranger may just be the connection we needed.

    Disease cannot live in a healthy emotional state. The body is creating millions of new cells and as casting off millions of old cells every second. Some parts of our body are literally being replaced daily, other parts within months and some take years; therefore, within a few years we can have a brand new body.

    Creation took place from the higher dimensions down. To experience separation completely, time and space were created so we could experience separation as cause and effect.

    Cause…time…effect. For every thought or action/cause there is an equal and opposite reaction/effect. Therefore, what we are reacting to NOW is a result of a thought/cause in the past: a past second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year or lifetime in this dimension of time and space.


    • Everything goes in cycles: little and big cycles; inner and outer cycles.

    • Life is an illusion.

    • Life is a mirror.

    • We incarnated on this planet into bodies, but our angels and guides are without bodies. We work together for the soul’s evolution. We do 50% of the work; the Universe does the other 50%.

    • Animals remain connected to Source—God—and they know they are not separate; they are here to remind us of our connection through our animal nature.

    • Cetaceans, whales and dolphins, are highly evolved souls that are here to guide, heal and support us in remembering.

    • Mother Earth is a school to remember our divinity. Treat her with respect; we are caretakers of this planet.

    • We do not own anything, including our bodies, children, etc. Everything here is an illusion, a place to play in, and everything here is on loan. Be detached. Undo attachment to anything and anyone.

    • If you think it is—so it is. If your thoughts support you then keep them; otherwise, practice detachment—Give to Archangel Michael, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

    • When there is acceptance there is non-attachment, good karma, no approval seeking, no debt repayment, etc.

    Time is already expanding: 4th-dimensional dramas, 6th-dimensional structures and 8th-dimensional organizations are expanding beyond the illusion of control, profit and manipulation. They are being forced to come from integrity, responsibility and respect. 5th- and 6th-dimensional planets, 7th- and 8th-dimensional universes and 9th-dimensional galaxies are all affected and accelerating along with us.

    Dimensions – This 3rd dimension is duality with two strands of DNA, the 1st for the survival of the species and the 2nd for procreation of the species; this is the energy we have been experiencing for millions of years, so no wonder we are having so much trouble letting go of relationships, jobs and beliefs.

    Even dimensions are the vibration of density and structure.

    Uneven dimensions are the vibration of creativity and freedom.


    1st – Harmony, bliss, being grounded—core of Earth

    2nd – Telluric powers and elementals

    3rd – Manifestation of ideas into matter, 5 senses, linear space and time on Earth, disconnection from Source

    4th – Emotional body, non-physical, archetypal planets and their forces of our solar system

    5th – Stellar (star) light from Alcyone (Pleiades)

    6th – Orbits that hold various bodies in galactic night; Syrians are keepers of orbits; 6th dim creates geometrical light constructions (morphogenic fields), sacred geometry

    7th – Photon bands emanate light from the vertical axis of the galactic centre.

    8th – Milky Way Galaxy is called Galactic Federation; Ashtar Command (like the Pentagon), which Vegas runs, holds galaxy in form by means of information highways of photon bands; Andromeda watches over Milky Way Galaxy, its twin.

    9th – Darkness, empty divine mind of pure creativity; gives birth to more dimensions; Enoch and Christ carried intelligence of 9 dimensions simultaneously.

    10th – Universe—the Cosmic All

    (Reference: Anne Winter)

    Parenting – Parents do not own their children, parents are the gateway into this world and guardians of a soul; being a parent is not only an experience, it is a gift. Being a parent is one of the greatest and hardest experiences in this world, and it needs to be seen and experienced in a whole new light. When we appreciate life on this planet as a gift, learn our lessons and understand the system, our journey here can take on new meaning and joy.

    Cause is mental—infused with emotion—manifesting on the physical.

    Mind–Heart Connection

    We are spiritual beings having physical experiences on planet Earth.

    In the beginning: ‘All-There-Is’, The Nameless One, The One, Source, Creator, Mother/Father, God/Goddess. One Being comprising of the mind and heart.

    We are in God/Creator/Source—God/Creator/Source is in us. Where does ‘in and out’ begin and end? It doesn’t—we don’t. When we are in oneness, compassion, love, connectedness, acceptance, joy or happiness, we are in our heart/mind and are connected to God’s heart/mind.

    When there is pain and suffering of any kind—physical, emotional or mental—our separate/individual mind and heart of God is experiencing separation. Pain and suffering is only separation—forgetfulness of our true nature: our connection to Source.

    This energy (Source) had an idea to experience itself within itself, creating and birthing energies: souls.

    In reality, we never left God/Home, we just created memories of forgetfulness. We just have to reconnect the mind and heart by not judging what we think and feel. Inspiration then comes from our higher self/Christ mind—to our lower self/ego in the form of our intuition/gut feeling.

    MIND AND HEART - We are mind and heart.

    Universal mind/Male and universal heart/female created bodies to experience separation. Separation is the ultimate experience. Our experiences are remembered and stored in our physical, emotional bodies and mental bodies and these memories have taught us that we are all separate.

    The physical human form is polarized into two vibrations: masculine and feminine. The masculine is the form and the feminine is formless, both these vibrations reside within every human being whether the physical body looks male or female.

    The physical body not only has bones and muscles to form its unique shape, it also supports and houses our internal organs and systems for the soul to experience physicality. The physical body holds emotions and thoughts from all experiences, and each organ not only has a specific function in the body, it also works in a specific way in relation to the body in general. Each organ or system has a mental and emotional relationship also. The emotional body surrounds the physical form approximately the elbow’s width out, and the mental body resides approximately an arm’s length around the physical. We then have light bodies extending further out. These light bodies in our auric field merge in and out of the auric fields of other people in close proximity to the physical body, therefore we are not separate. As we become more aware, evolved and sensitive and work with our bodies in a more conscious way, we feel these subtle energies and respond accordingly: by moving away from unwanted energies and expanding our awareness by communicating with more likeminded people.

    We know we are not separate; otherwise, how would we be able to feel the emotions and react to thoughts from others?

    We have more than the seven basic chakras. We have more than two strands of DNA; some reSources say thirty-three, others thirteen. What is important here is not the number but that we do have more than we have been functioning with. At this time in human evolution, we are waking up these dormant strands of DNA.

    The human race is evolving, and we are working more and more with our chakras and light bodies, using more of our brain and activating our dormant strands of DNA.

    • Remember that we are not separate.

    • All humans contain all memories since the birth of creation and our dormant strands of DNA hold the keys to opening these doors to remembering oneness.

    • Oneness is within us and we are within the oneness.


    Where is your mind? The simple answer is: all around you and within you.

    Unconscious – runs the automatic functions of the physical body, through organs, glands and chakras.

    Conscious – awareness of what is being thought and felt. Awareness comes from the subconscious or super-conscious.

    Subconscious/lower self – old thought forms and emotions, beliefs and perceptions formed from past experiences on Earth, or from the

    Super-conscious/higher self-soul-Source – imagination, higher intelligence, divine guidance. The energy which pervades, permeates in and around everything. Things were created out of nothing and exist within that nothing. Akashic records, everything we have ever thought, felt and experienced. One mind of All-There-Is

    Intuition – often the first thought, often faint, subtle ideas and visions. Ego-based thoughts can often be of fears, doubts, ifs, buts and maybes that follow.

    When our mind is connected to the super-conscious mind, we are connected to the realm of infinite possibilities. This mind will guide us, keep us safe and keep us centred, calm and balanced. We trust the world we live in, love our experiences and allow others to remember their own divinity.

    We judge or accept our conscious thoughts based on our previous memories stored in the subconscious. We have to accept now that we do have freewill and have to take responsibility for our actions. We exercise our freewill by using this inner power to transform these old programmes.

    Therefore, we have a choice: to follow the egotistical, fear-based thoughts of the subconscious or follow the guidance of our higher self. ‘I give thanks to my subconscious/lower self saviour for showing me where I have come from and now allow my journey on Earth to be guided by my higher self’. When the ego knows it still has a valued part to play in your life and knows it is not going to die, then it will quieten, allowing the higher aspect of itself to have the louder voice.

    This is one of our purposes for being here. Every time an individual changes his/her reaction to something outside of themselves, they are raising the consciousness of themselves, their family and the human race.

    The mind is either tuned into the past, present or future. It is beneficial to be aware of where it is. If the thoughts are of fear, doubt, ifs, buts and maybes, then the mind is tuned into the lower self and programmes from the subconscious. Maybe the mind is focused on what is happening in the moment, in the NOW. Or maybe it is daydreaming in another realm or on a past experience or imagining a future experience. Wherever your mind is is fine, being AWARE is the key.

    ‘Love is in the air…take a deep breath. Love is the air we breathe—our life force’.


    Physical – The heart which keeps the physical body alive.

    Emotional – The heart where we feel. When there is an emotional charge to the feeling this connects with the emotional body; i.e., we feel and then a thought comes into our conscious awareness from the subconscious mind, thus attaching a thought to the feeling, either good or bad depending on the subconscious programmes.

    Cosmic – The heart connecting the being to the one heart of All-There-Is.

    You are reading this as mental information and you are responding emotionally also: the mental information you will think about, the heart information you will feel. Every experience is an opportunity to be in the ‘heart’: to be compassionate, understanding, accepting. When we cannot be this then we must:

    • Change our mind/thoughts, through affirmation, distraction, meditation, writing, personal development techniques.

    • Be aware of our feelings and feel through them—heart.

    The mind relates to the left brain and the heart relates to the right brain.

    KNOWING is MIND/HEART alignment. Being aware of this connection brings us to the ‘I’.

    • Look at your surroundings. What is your perception, what do you think and feel?

    • Close your eyes. What is your perception?

    Who or what is having that perception?

    Now from this inner awareness, perceive what you think and feel. It is not what you think and feel that is the focus of this information, it is the shifting of your consciousness from identifying yourself with the thoughts and feelings to observing your thoughts and feelings; BECOMING THE OBSERVER, the soul observing the thoughts and feelings.

    Only through being the OBSERVER of the experience is there an opportunity to change the perception. Closing your eyes stops the mind in the present. Then, sure enough, a thought comes up from your subconscious mind or from your mental body in the auric field or from the Super-consciousness—the mind of Source.

    Every experience is an opportunity to be ‘in the ‘heart’, to be compassionate, understanding and accepting. When we cannot be ‘in the heart’ then:

    • Observe the thought and change it—mind.

    • Feel the feeling and breathe through it—heart


    The soul, in co-operation with creation, is given a ‘script’ for our lives on Earth. We forget this at birth, and only when we are connected do we get to view the ‘script’, giving us guidance for our actions in the world. Meditation and conscious awareness will reveal the script. At least then you will be practicing your lines—living life in preparation for the part you will play.

    Only when the lower self has had enough of playing out the old programming and asks for help does the soul/higher self answer, and a new script can be lived out.


    We are not just physical; i.e., weigh yourself. We not only weigh the body, we weigh our emotions and thoughts about the physical body. We measure our judgements on the physical form; we measure our success/failure, wins/losses, rights/wrongs in regard to exercise and food consumption. When we want to lose weight, this is confusing for the mind because loss under other circumstances can mean something very different. Generally when we lose something, we go looking for it…unless we have worked through attachment issues and understand we no longer needed that something. To win at losing (weight), to succeed at losing—this is a tricky one for the mind. Considering that the mind created the physical body, maybe it is logical to weigh the thoughts held in the mind about our body, our life and relationships. Take a load off the mind and we take a load off the body.

    The body will also tell us where our thoughts are blocking the energy, causing pain and imbalance.

    Using this knowledge to influence the world around us

    Beyond this 3D realm and our human form, we are etheric, and the closer we are to our expression in 9D, we are formless.

    An interaction with another person can influence how we feel and think. Our experiences while thinking or connecting with another person, whether physical or etheric, can affect these people and the collective consciousness. The etheric also affects us in the physical; e.g., the sadness in us can be activated by a sad

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