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Chanakya: Rules of governance by the guru of governance
Chanakya: Rules of governance by the guru of governance
Chanakya: Rules of governance by the guru of governance
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Chanakya: Rules of governance by the guru of governance

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Chanakya was both a destructive and creative thinker able to annihilate an established empire and erect and establish another larger, richer and greater on the debris, without money, material and man. So, he is the only qualified person in human history to be Guru; Acharya; Teacher; Guide and Mentor in the field of Management. With his super mind and supreme determination he succeeded in everything and everywhere; and wrote down everything without inhibitions or secrecy for the posterity in his three monumental works: Chanakya Niti; Chanakya Suttra and Kautilya Arthashastra. read this book Chanakya: Rules of Governance by the Guru of Governance for all the details of his life; legendary books, and secrets of success in any or every field of Management. #v&spublishers
Release dateNov 1, 2011
Chanakya: Rules of governance by the guru of governance

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    Chanakya - A.H. Hashmi



    Prayers by Chānakya

    Pranamya shirsā Vishnum trailokyādhipatim prabhum

    Nānāshāstroddhritam wakshye rājnitisamuchayam.

    After humbly bowing down to the Emperor of the three worlds (the Earth, Heaven and Hell) the Almighty Bhagawān Vishnu, I herewith present the maxims of the science of political ethics, i.e. RajnitisMstra, selected from different treaties/scriptures.

    Adhityedam yathāshāstram narojānāti sattamah

    Dharmopadeshvikhyātam kāryākāryam subhāsubham.

    By studying these maxims taken from the shātras one acquires knowledge of the best principles to be followed in life and understands what ought or what ought not to be done, what is good or bad, religious or non-religious, sin or virtue.

    Tadaham sampravakshyami lokanam hitakamyayā

    Yen vugyānmātrena sarbagyatwam prapadyate.

    Therefore with an eye to the public good, I’m presenting that knowledge which will lead to the correct understanding of things in their proper perspective, if and when learnt well.


    Abhayam mitrād- abhayam- amitrad- abhayam gyātād-abhayampuroyeh,

    Abhayam naktam-abhayam diwā nah sarvā āshā mama mitram bhawantu.

    Atharva Veda 19:15:6

    O God! We should not be afraid of friends or enemies; make us free from fear of known persons and all other things; we should be fearless during day and night; there should not be any cause of any fear in any country; and everywhere we get friends, and only friends.

    Chānaksa in Spiritual Quadraplets


    The original management Guru Chānakya thought of organized self cardinal; Of managing family well, maintaining relations and improving social set up; Raising and developing organizations and administration of a big-small empire. His useful and pragmatic views made both the ideas and person immortal.


    The son of Rishi Chanak, Chānakya was Takshasheela’s meritorious product; A keen observer who analyzed, synthesized, was able to induct and deduct; Capable of clearing the hurdles heavy and uprooting obstructions outrightiy: Knew to abduct the desired and undesired obliterate, obstruct or defunct.


    Chānakya was made up of opposing elements; crude-smooth, kind-cruel; Attached to promises, detached from gains, extinguishirig, flaming fuel; Without being cruel or curved or with utmost cruelty and deep sweetness; He created one policy for each thing in non-committed manners dual.


    He raised an alert army equipped with arms and expert fighters youthful; Working throughout the days, active and busy throughout the nights, fateful; He created from straw a crown golden, jewelled, bright, large and majestic. Won consistently in piecemeal for a pupil brilliant, obedient and truthful;


    The person with thin body when needed roared like an awesome thunder; He planned a full proof system systematically; it is the greatest wonder; Made paths, carts, wheels, and made them run on smoothly, rhythmically: Obstacle free forward, for he allowed none to commit a mistake or blunder.


    The creative thinker in him vehemently criticized each ill and deformity; He wanted to, acted for, forced for behaviour and actions to be in conformity; Filled up with intellectual power, balanced reasoning, reached a conclusion: With humble submission to the Almighty, he possessed spiritual sublimity.


    He tirelessly and intelligently worked to create one powerful nation; By bringing small kingdoms under it or usurping with pious intention; By ousting attackers; finishing weak, with treaties and key marriages: By strengthening army, changing administration, like an expert mason.


    He appointed performing executives and opponent as Amātya, the Chief; And relinquished the coveted post for arranging ideas immortal and stiff; He performed with meticulous precision and with overwhelming success: With a tranquil mind and in the self with utmost confidence and belief.


    Chānakya provoked and was provoked to take a true candid vow; He diligently scripted new golden bright chapters many in a row; He performed with spiritual insight and benign worldly wisdom: During his time he was a great showman and an enchanting show.


    He was a realist, idealist and a pagan; magnanimous, lenient and brute; He was a racist, fascist and also mystic, a root, stem, branch and soot; A mind master, a servant and one who generated services ample: Above all, a perennial fragrant flower and rejuvenated energized fruit;


    First he himself followed then he gave wise lessons to the posterity; They are prized, cherished, Uuminating, immense fully free property; Experienced statesman and learned Ächārya wrote dictums-aphorisms: The teachings are enough for health, happiness, peace and prosperity.


    No praise, eulogy or obeisance will be enough for soft metallic man; Who knew and was friendly with Time which always after him ran: When deeds glowed, success followed, victory garlanded, fame spread: So, imbibe, imitate, absorb him in total, and be like Chānakya if you can.

    From Spiritual Quadruplets


    Chānakya: Man, Life and Governance

    There are certain super conscious human beings, positive and creative thinkers who acquire immense power of knowledge and wisdom that in reality they change the course of time and history of the period. They are so effective that history takes the course that they dictate. Without any doubt Chānakya was such a legendary figure. No other human being of the past or present can claim to be closer to Chānakya in knowledge, wisdom, practical approach, character, integrity and performance. The most wonderful thing is that he lived like a saint, accumulated nothing other than knowledge and fame for himself. He did everything for others, for the betterment of the life of the people, for the betterment of society, and the security of the country.

    Chānakya is symbolised by Dhoti as adho vastram and a folded shawl on the shoulders as angvastram; open plait at the back of large, shining head with big bright eyes, wide and glowing forehead and black colour; books in hand as knowledge in possession. Such was Chānakya, the brilliant, determined and wise ācharya and son of Rishi Channak.

    People like Chānakya continue to live through the centuries through their teachings. People die but their words and ideas are passed on by men of the coming generations. It is essential and valuable for them and the posterity, for the future of human beings. Chanakya is living and an active thinking and guiding force as ideas.

    Chanakya: A Fair Administrator

    Chanakya was an esteemed thinker and man of quick and lasting action; a strict teacher and fair administrator; an immaculate strategist and manipulator; a dexterous planner and extraordinary executive; a destructive force and creative energy; rational and highly emotional; an annihilator of a kingdom and creator of a dynasty; he was always superb and performed very close to perfection. He did everything with his mental power. He was an āchārya and had been teaching at the university for a few years when he took up the vow to demolish the Nand dynasty. He had left the profession of teaching to share his wisdom and do good with the society. The Nand dynasty was either sucking the people dry or throwing them into luxury and unscrupulous works. It spelt disaster for the society and the country. Chanakya demolished it with character and grace. He had no money, no power, no post and no army, yet with his mental agility and determined effort he created an emperor out of a village child, raised a big, capable and well-furnished army and accomplished an impossible task. He realized the power of wisdom. He was also an exemplary writer who declared: buddhiryasya balam tasya nirbuddhestu kuto balam, which means, only he is powerful who has wisdom.

    That single and simple event changed the history of India, that single Brahmin has changed the life and attitude of the millions of men in every century down the ages. With his own effort he has become a high mountain which can’t be scaled; a deep sea which can’t be fathomed; a blowing wind which can’t be checked and the purest human being who can’t be won. Chanakya is bigger than a shāl tree, fertile as a basin, secure as a cave and illuminating as rays. He is worshipped and feared at the same time. It’s the living force of that man who worked and inspired countless volcanic transformers some 2,500 years ago and still continues to inspire numerous souls for greater achievements.

    Personal Expenses Vs Treasury Expenses

    One incident is enough to throw ample light on the nature, character, behaviour, sincerity and honesty of Chanakya - a superb and dominating figure of all times.

    This incident of changing the lamp before allowing the visitor to sit and before entering into a conversation has been described by Megasthanese in India. It is related to him. He had come to India and had heard about Chanakya. He wanted to meet him. It was not difficult to meet him. He sent a message and was allowed to go to the hut in which Chanakya was living.

    When Megasthanese went there, it was the first hour of the evening. Chanakya was writing something under the dim light of an earthen lamp. He raised his head, welcomed the guest and asked politely, What’s your purpose?

    I’ve come to see you and talk to you about yourself and on different topics. It was the candid reply of the foreigner.

    Chanakya asked him to wait. Then he took another lamp and after lighting it he put off the first lamp. Then he invited Megasthanese to sit on a broad mat. He sat down but he could not hide his surprise. He asked,

    I feel there must be a reason that you have put off the first lamp and lighted another one but I don’t find any difference between them; neither in the shape and size nor the light that it is emitting. Please tell me why did you change the lamp?

    Chanakya gave a simple reply. Before changing the lamp I asked about your purpose. I came to know that this is a personal meeting. So I put off the official lamp whose oil comes from the government treasury and I lighted the lamp for which I purchase oil from my salary. While doing a personal work I can’t misuse the government’s money.

    The visitor did not know how to react. He knew Chānakya was all powerful in the Maurya kingdom yet he was behaving in such an honest way. He bowed before him and said,

    This is the reason of your immense power.


    A Greative Thinker

    Chānakya was a creative thinker, a famous intellectual, a tireless worker, an imaginative organizer, a detached minister, a determined fighter, a performing executive, a controlling economist, a secret adviser, a meticulous planner, a mysterious protagonist, and an experienced statesman. In all that, he had no peer. It is an accepted fact that in his absence his books are doing what he was able to do. This way, his strength has become the creative and managing power for millions.

    Chānakya, the first, original and victorius management guru, is treated as the first Economist; the first one to theorize administration and management. He is a living, active and immortal teacher, writer and statesman. He destroyed the ruling Nand dynasty and established a bigger and stronger Maurya dynasty.

    Chānakya was the greatest and most powerful thinker, minister, organizer, and director, known in the history so far. His actual greatness lies in the fact that he relinquished the post of the Prime Minister, at the peak of his career, after establishing the biggest and greatest empire in India by bringing it under one rule and changing it into a United Whole. He retired for writing books and teaching and training other administrators; he actually did it to be free from daily administrative rituals and thus to be able to keep an eye over everything for strengthening the king, kingdom, and administration.

    A very tough administrator, Chānakya collected the existing laws and regulations and on that basis created his own rules for petty things like weight and measure to the great and successful strategy for attack and defense.

    Management Wizard

    Kautilya, who was widely known as Chanakya, was the world’s first management guru. His management thoughts and ideas helped kings and rulers for centuries. Chanakya himself first practised it as a test case through his disciple Chandragupta, a village lad whom he first made the king of Magadha after demolishing the reign of the Nand dynasty and then expanded it and covered the extreme borders. All neighbouring kingdoms came under his rule, the rule of the Maurya dynasty. It is known as Brihattar Bhārata, greater India.

    All the powerful kings in ancient India like Ashoka had learnt the Arthashāstra and practised it to expand their kingdom multifold. How do the kings and rulers of today’s corporate world apply his techniques in their respective organizations?

    No wonder scholars down the centuries have time and again described Chanakya as a mastermind who could be an expert in so many varied and specialized fields.

    He was responsible for bringing down the Nand dynasty and establishing his able student Chandragupta Maurya on the throne as the emperor. This is the reason why he is called a Maker of Kings. He is also credited with having masterminded the defeat of Alexander the Great in India, when he was on the path to conquer the world.

    As a political thinker, he was the first in history to visualize the concept of a Nation. During his time, India was split into various kingdoms. He brought all of them together, under one central governance, thus reuniting the oldest nation called Aryavarta. It was also known as Bhārat Varsha. It is now known as Bhārat, Hindustan or India.

    Chānakya was one of the great men and legendary characters in history who shaped time through their vision and exemplary actions; Chānakya, perhaps, is the only personality who has been accepted and revered as a genius both by Indian and Western scholars. He is a historical milestone in the making of India amidst tremendous upheavals and myriad’s of reversals. Celebrated as a shrewd statesman and a ruthless administrator, he comes across as one of the greatest diplomats of the world. He had the guts to speak his heart out even in front of the rulers, which shows his strong inclination towards democratic values and the audacity to put his views across. Although he lived around the 3rd century BC, his ideas and principles show concurrence and validity in the present day world. Politics was his forte. Diplomacy in a politically-charged environment shows his self-confidence and the ability to stay calm in trying situations.

    His foresight and wide knowledge coupled with politics of expediency founded the mighty Mauryan Empire in India. He was a great laureate of economics with a glittering intellect to perceive the intricate dynamics of various economic activities and principles.

    Written Works

    Chānakya, apart from being a man of wisdom and unfailing strategies, propounded Nitishāstra, the ideal way of living for every individual of the society. He looked at the country like a person surrounded by problems. He worked at the total annihilation of problems from the roots. The re-appearance of troubles only shows its growth. His contribution to foreign policy in the present day world is immense. Universities teach his principles to aspiring foreign policy experts showing the infallability of his principles. Chānakya’s art of diplomacy is well known across India and practised in the areas of defence, strategy formation, and foreign relations.

    What the Western thinkers repeated in 20th century that War is only the continuance of state policy by other means, Chānakya had already written it in his book Chānakyaniti. Most of his views were so farsighted that they appeared to be prophecies. Talking on diverse subjects such as corruption, he commented very rightly, It’s just as difficult to detect an official’s dishonesty as it is to discover how much water the swimming fish drink. Most of these views and some new ones are contained also in his book Vriddha Chānakya.

    He documented his life-long work in his book Arthashāstra. For ages, rulers across the world have referred to the Arthashāstra for building a nation on sound economics, based on spiritual values. Emperor Ashoka is supposed to have built and expanded his kingdom on the principles described in this book. Shivāji, the ruler of the Indian state of Maharashtra, is said to have studied this book in order to plan and defeat the Mughals.

    As a person, Chānakya has been described in many ways be it as a saint, as a ruthless administrator,

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