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Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension
Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension
Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension
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Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension

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Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges Of Ascension offers a new perspective on awakening to Fifth Dimensional or New Earth frequencies in a way that honors both the movements and the difficulties. Author and SoulFullHeart Facilitator Jelelle Awen provides teachings, poetry, channeled messages, Ascension energy updates, and sharings from her personal process. Bliss Mess covers a six month period in 2017, providing both an expansive, current context to the overall collective Ascension process and an intimate window into Jelelle’s world full of multidimensional realities and Sacred Union. She introduces you to her parts work and Metasoul Aspect connection process that opens up access to previously repressed traumas and karma in your emotional body and soul from other lifetimes/timelines, leading to healing on a quantum level. Bliss Mess invites you into a magical, radically honest, emotionally authentic, and catalytic world to discover your essence as Infinite Love in Sacred Human form!
Release dateDec 29, 2017
Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension

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    Bliss Mess - Jelelle Awen

    Bliss Mess: The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension

    Bliss Mess

    The Wonders and Challenges of Ascension

    Jelelle Awen

    Copyright © 2018 By Jelelle Awen

    First Edition

    ISBN 978-1-387-47078-5

    The author hopes the information in this book will be shared with everyone. Therefore parts of this book may be reproduced and shared without the permission of the author, so long as the information is freely given and the source is acknowledged. No parts of this book may be reproduced for profit without the prior written permission of the author. Send any such requests for permission to

    About The Author -

    Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Union Facilitator, Soul Scribe, WaySHOWer, Galactic Love Ambassador, and co-creator/teacher/facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She has been on a personal soul awakening and emotional body healing journey for 15+ years, as she has been called to hold space for others and serve love.

    She is author of Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond and Sacred Human Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body With Your Spirituality. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, writings, and much more.

    Visit for daily writings from Jelelle about ascension, awakening, spirituality, parts work, sacred feminine, sacred union, becoming the 5D sacred human, and more. Contact her at and follow her on Facebook at


    What you are losing…it was gone in some way already. It was already not fitting you and your glorious rebirth into the New.

    What you are grieving….it can not ever really be lost or gone. It is energy that is just shifting and changing vibrations into something different from you.

    What you are finding….it was within your possession all along. It can arise anew the more you let go of the old.

    What you are becoming…it is in your Divine blueprint. It is the seed of your Sacred Humanity blooming in response to the waters of love.


    Prologue -

    I first heard about the Ascension process when I moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in July, 2016 with my husband Raphael and soul friends/students Gabriel Heartman and Kalayna Colibri. We had been living on a remote, off-grid ranch about three hours south from there. We left the ranch out of necessity for money earning, mainly at first through Gabriel and Kalayna teaching English online. They needed very good internet service which wasn’t available on the ranch. I also received what I call a ‘ping’ from the Divine that we needed to leave the ranch and become more accessible to others, to begin serving and teaching again.

    The experience at the ranch offered a ground of letting go and deconstruction, bringing me into deeper frequencies of connection with Mother Gaia than I had known living in the United States and Canada. Living on very low money there had offered me valuable reboots around trust and surrender to Divine flow. However, it eventually became clear that our original vision of creating an off-grid, sustainable community at the ranch to ride out any possible industrial collapse timelines was not going to manifest. This was due to many factors, including lack of values resonance and conflicts with current occupants there and the owner of the property; inconvenient and even unsafe living conditions; and expensive and unreliable internet access.

    We had poured our hearts and sweat out for 19 months there to plant three organic gardens, built a hut out of cob (clay, water, straw, and sand) by hand, and lived without our own internet, a refrigerator, or electricity. We had to park our van a mile away from our house on the other side of a river that at times became dangerously uncrossable in the rainy season. It was challenging to just ‘walk away’ from all of our efforts at the ranch and, yet, we felt a trust that the new would offer us whatever was next. This was yet another moment of death and rebirth in my life -long journey of entering and exiting realities in order to grow and learn.

    Moving into the city, I suddenly had easy internet access after living without it on the ranch. I had internet in bed again instead of crossing a river in front of the ranch, walking a mile, and driving two hours into town to use it at a cramped, hot internet cafe with shifting operation hours and drab surroundings. It felt like Heaven to go online whenever I wanted to and for as long as I wanted to! Something I had taken for granted when I lived in Canada, now felt very precious to me after living without it on the ranch.

    I allowed myself to ‘rabbit hole’, which is when Divine guidance and synchronicities seem to lead me to the discovery of this webpage and then that one without much logical intervention. This is when the third eye and intuition takes over and google search becomes like a scrying pool offering you bread crumbs to follow as you put together the possible visionary pieces of your future timeline. I quickly found myself on the metaphysical website,, taking in suddenly a new paradigm of Ascension. Ascension offers that Gaia as a planetary consciousness and us as her human inhabitants are moving into fifth dimensional (5D) consciousness (also called New Earth or Unity Consciousness) from our previous third dimensional (3D) consciousness states.

    Although the specific terms used in the Ascension paradigm were new to me, the process of Ascension certainly was not. I had been experiencing it personally for close to 15 years by that point. Although my words for this process had been different, as I called it the awakening process, death and rebirth process, emotional body and soul awakening and enlightenment. I was surprised at how I could relate so easily to what was offered as 5D consciousness, as I had been living in it as my way of life for many years. Raphael and I had even deepened our access to this consciousness with visits to what we called Golden Earth through etheric journeys (remaining conscious in the body) during meditation.

    This is what the Celts called ‘Immrama’, a form of shamanic journeying. We had named this ‘place’ of consciousness Golden Earth, yet the frequencies were the same ones described in Ascension as 5D….. blissful, tastes of Unity Consciousness, high vibrational frequency love, telepathic communication, communion with Gaia and animals, and more. I was living from Golden Earth Consciousness more and more in moments, especially during meditation and with Raphael. And, yet, I was not in other moments when parts of me would be fearful and reactive, as are the usual wax and wanes; dips and valleys; highs and lows; of our awakening journey here.

    I was naive about the Ascension paradigm and I felt like I had much to learn! Instead of learning and educating myself through others, I had been living it out from the ground up without realizing and consciously connecting to what was happening to me and others in my community as Ascension. I read some writings online about Ascension, but, mostly, I preferred to let my soul’s intuition lead me through discoveries and revelations. The outer resources that I need usually then are synchronistically drawn to me from this place of inner guidance, supporting what is already being illuminated from within. In this way, it is my soul that is leading the learning, rather than just my mind looking to outside sources for validation.

    Fairly soon after arriving in Puerto Vallarta, I began to connect with Archangel Metatron. He was unlike any Guide or Ethereal Aspect that I had previously connected with before. His vibration was quite high and in the beginning I could only ‘see’ him as a bright white light with the outline of angel’s wings. I could always hear him clearly though, and his deep, rich, friendly voice talking and laughing with me. He was here to bridge much for me, teach much, and also use me as a communication channel and Soul Scribe to communicate with those who needed to hear the Ascension message. I was already a writer for many years, having self-published some books and written two of them during the time I was on the ranch: Keep Waking Up! and Living As If. Also, I had been writing regularly in my blog until moving to Mexico in September, 2014. However, with Metatron’s influence and inspiration, I truly began to transform into a Soul Scribe.

    As my relationship with Metatron deepened and I learned through him and let him ‘speak through me’ without losing my individuality and autonomy, the words really started to pour out, especially starting in January, 2017. In January, I felt a stronger activation and anchoring of my soul consciousness into fifth dimensional consciousness and deeper clarities about my purpose here in serving love. Metatron told me repeatedly, This will be your year beyond fear. I took this into my heart to mean that the fears that parts of me still held around speaking out, drawing attention, and being rejected for sharing would be healed to a deeper degree and moved this year as I stepped into sharing from my soul and heart bigness.

    I wrote two to three page articles nearly every day, sharing them on Facebook and on our blog with increasing audience response and resonance to them. Eventually, I submitted some of my writings to popular metaphysical Ascension websites, and I still remember the excitement when my first article was published on on December 30, 2016 and letting in the attention it received. After years of receiving very little interest in my books and blog writings, my words were now receiving sometimes hundreds of views, many comments, and drawing attention. This was so validating to parts of me that had felt so often like I was teaching into a void space with no one in the room to hear me other than my beloveds. I described this feeling as ‘crickets’, representing the lack of humans for my offerings to land in. Interestingly, the crickets in loud chorus was often the background track that I wrote to at the ranch!

    I eventually shared over 35 articles on and 50+ articles on The other awakening of soul gift expression in the last year has been of using my voice to transmit and activate higher consciousness energies in others. I was contacted by two Ascension channels on Youtube, Receiving Love and Higher Self, to share my writings as audio blog recordings on their channels. I didn’t resonate with the robotic voice that is used in general for these recordings, so I began to record my own to share with these channels and to put on our own SoulFullHeart Experience Youtube Channel. Some of my audioblogs have received several thousand views, with overall positive and resonant response to them and appreciation for the Divine Feminine energy coming through my voice.

    I have written every day since January, 2017 and shared all of it on social media and many of them through audio blog recordings. My last book, Sacred Human, Arising Wonder, is a compilation of all my shared writings from January to June, 2017. It was amazing to me as I was putting that book together the volume of writing that had moved through me in just six months, along with the increasing soul wisdom and clarity that I was coming from in those writings. I was contributing to the understandings of the Ascension process, yet I was also bridging the spiritual awakenings experienced during it with the necessity for the maturation and awakening of the emotional body. I was also offering a specific process for doing that through connecting with Parts or Subpersonalities and aspects of the self and the soul.

    Parts of us form when the traumas we have experienced remained undigested and stuck. These parts have different consciousness orientations ranging from 3D to higher with also different root origins from this life experiences and those from other lifetimes. I’ll be talking much more about parts in this book. My personal process has been focused on this integration of the emotional body with my spirituality. This is what I feel that my soul came here to heal at a deeper level this life and to serve this process of deeper emotional healing with others. To become a ‘heart priestess’ is also how I have come to feel this.

    Contributing to my rising clarities about the Ascension process as it connects with integration and maturation of the emotional body was being able to serve women during space holding sessions starting in September, 2016. At the ranch, I was filled with desires and visions of facilitating, teaching and leading sessions and my own women’s circles. I tried to connect this desire to serve with living in such a remote location without internet access. The only picture we could imagine was people coming to live with us at the ranch as a healing community and awakening school based around our process and way of life called SoulFullHeart.  I tried to energize, visualize, and offer this for 18 months, yet the response online was minimal and the connections we made with people fell apart before anyone actually came to stay or live with us there. I feel now that this was mainly due to the lack of resonant energies at the ranch and the difficulties of living there.

    Being in town with reliable internet access, I was now able to serve women from all over the world and draw them through the steady sharing of my writings and teachings. Raphael and I had been offering SoulFullheart (in one form or another) since 2010, yet, it had not quite ‘taken off’ in terms of supporting us financially and forming into a larger group. We were supported financially through Raphael’s lucrative painting contracting business when we lived in Canada, with SoulFullHeart providing a modest allowance through a few individual sessions and a monthly group session. When we left Canada for Mexico in September, 2014, to explore living a less industrial-based lifestyle, we were also leaving behind the former container of SoulFullHeart and how it had been offered mostly through in-person sessions to those local in the Vancouver, Canada area. The main gifts we received in offering it so far had been in drawing the dedication and contributions of Gabriel and Kalayna, who even ventured with us to Mexico, and continue to be closely intimate with us today, now serving as SoulFullHeart Facilitators and writers themselves.

    Serving women in session space offers me the opportunity to share from the overflow that I experience from within me after many years of engaging in a parts work process, soul awakenings, and being in a nourishing community and Sacred Union with Raphael. Sessions also offer me the gift of bridging to the emotional reality of where so many souls seem to be right now. Many of my words shared publicly flowed out of what I felt in sessions with women. Most of them were in a place of transition from 3D consciousness to fourth dimensional (4D) consciousness with tastes of 5D consciousness. This transition is marked by death and rebirth, setting boundaries in relationships, letting go, completions, identity ‘crises’, and also a more visceral sense and feeling of what still needs to be healed in the emotional body. It is a challenging transition, made even more so by undigested emotional woundings and soul karma traumas personally as well as in the collective.

    Individual sessions eventually opened up desires in some souls to come here to visit and live near us here in Mexico. One woman even came here for two weeks to experience living here with us, yet ended up going back to her home, with four others buying plane tickets to come here. I will be sharing much more in this book about our experience around this, what we have learned, and what we currently feel about the development of a community around SoulFullHeart. In short, we now are able to better determine the appropriate timing for someone joining us based in feeling and getting to know their parts relationship to joining us, along with our own readiness to host and make room for new people. This ground of serving others has been a powerful mirror for me, illuminating places in my emotional body and soul for deeper healing and feeling. I don’t feel that we are ever ‘done’ healing and growing, even as we shift more and more into centered, awakened, more healthy, and less reactive consciousness states.

    So, here I am, in this Now, writing this to you in mid-November, 2017. I received the ‘assignment’ of this book with more clarity just a few days ago during the November 11th portal, which seemed to offer soul purpose clarities and next steps to our highest timeline manifestations. I was guided to share the writings in this new book that have come since Sacred Human, Arising Wonder was published on my birthday, June 1, 2017. This book is shared in chronological order of when these writings were offered, as they often connect to specific dates related to cosmic Ascension activity and energies. I am again amazed to see that just putting these blog writings together totals over 200 pages!

    I offer in this book teachings from the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life and process, plus inspirational stories from facilitants when that applies. I also feel to share a ‘behind the scenes’ sense of what was going on in my own process or others’ in session space that led to the creation and sharing of some of the public writings. This transparent sharing feels like it will offer a bridge to my daily life, how I process reality, and where I come from in offering the SoulFullHeart process as a means of integration, maturation, and awakening of the emotional body with profound soul aspect integrations as well. This is not just a process that I have co-created, yet, also, the way that I live my life in every dimension, facet, and expression of it.

    I mention many times in this book about the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. This is the awakening, healing, and transformational process that Raphael and I have been offering since 2010. We offer the SoulFullHeart energy primarily through weekly sessions with facilitants and through monthly group calls. If you’d like more information and inspiration about this process, please visit our website at

    Thank you so much for joining me in the offering and sharing of this book. Thank you so much for receiving it into your heart and soul. We are co-creating this experience together as I share and you receive, no matter which ‘Now’ moment that this is happening in. I am very grateful for this collaboration as it creates the energies that inspire and alchemize the new reality that we are all so deeply wanting.

    If you feel moved, touched, deeply resonant with what I am offering here in this book, please connect with me at to see if this is your soul speaking to you, inviting you into your places beyond fear, into connection with us through session space, group calls, community….into the unknown where Infinite Possibilities can arise into Infinite Love in human form!

    From my heart and soul to YOURS,

    Much love and blessings,

    Jelelle Awen

    November, 2017 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


    Intro: The Bliss Mess Of Ascension -

    We are shifting. We are awakening. We are evolving. We are becoming Sacred Humanity. We are currently in a phase of major consciousness shift from what we have known as five-sense based life to much more expanded consciousness in response to all areas of our lives. Five-sense based reality filters most of what we experience through a flattening lens of literalness, rationality, and practicality. The mind dominates mainstream culture, fueled by the unhealed wounded masculine or Patriarchy. The wounded masculine shows up in relationships of all kinds and in all kinds of ways and is a root cause of much suffering, pain, and violence - along with the wounded feminine.

    This ‘age of reason’ and expression of the wounded masculine has been needed until it was no longer serving our deepening evolution as a species. The cutting edge of our evolution is about shifting our consciousness to include healing of the wounded masculine; arising of the Sacred Feminine; healing of our emotional bodies and core shadow-based woundings; activation of our Higher Heart’s capacities of compassion and creative intuition; and integration of metaphysical, esoteric, spiritual, energetic, and non-dualistic consciousness states into our experiences of everyday, practical life.

    This shift has long been prophesied and energized as a timeline that would occur in this Now, beginning in the 1960’s and activating at particularly accelerated and deepening levels starting in 2012. Many of us have chosen to be here during this time to experience and serve this grand shift in consciousness for our own soul’s growth and to contribute to the transformation of the collective too. We came here to be witnesses, active participants, leaders/teachers/students and audience during this exciting, epic, and often tumultuous show.

    This process of awakening and shifting consciousness is generally called ‘Ascension.’ Ascension offers an internal shifting rather than a literal, exoteric experience of going to Heaven when dying and leaving the body, as offered in many religious pictures. The Heaven is within, ultimately, and can be experienced in the Now as increasingly higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness on all body levels - emotional, spiritual/chakral, social, physical, and mental - are activated within us. During Ascension, we increasingly experience life as a ‘Heaven on earth’ and ourselves as heavenly BEings having a human experience.

    Ascension is a collective invitation, yet, an individual experience. Each soul is invited to ascend in every moment and with every choice point. In some ways, it is as simple as feeling that Ascension occurs (on both collective and personal levels) anytime we are choosing love over fear. The process of Ascension is happening on a soul level to all souls as it is natural, organic, and spring loaded to occur for and to all of us. There are not just some ‘special’ souls who are granted the gift of Ascension. The degree and rate that the Ascension process can be consciously experienced and deepened is dependent on what each soul has signed up for and where they are in their growth journey.

    Rather than some grand, sweeping moment where all souls are ascended into a blissful Heaven because they qualify for it and are ‘redeemed’, Ascension is actually an ongoing process available to all of us that is marked by highs and lows, ups and downs, both struggles and triumphs, openings and closings. Ascension accepts that we are learning and growing; that we purposefully chose to forget our Divine nature so that we could remember it again; and that ultimately we are not broken, not sinful and do not need ‘saving’ by anything or anyone outside of us, even if we choose to have guides and teachers during phases of our journey. It is a love-based process that respects our sovereign choices, even if they are coming from resistance and fear.

    During Ascension, we are experiencing a grand awakening of the soul, enlightening of the mind, enlovening of the heart, and crystallizing of the physical body. Awakening of the soul is our higher consciousness coming into our awareness bringing depth, meaning, connection with a ‘higher power’ or Divine Source, moving beyond personality and self image, and a deepening sense of passion purpose. The veils of amnesia that we chose as souls to put over ourselves when we incarnated here are lifting, so that we can ‘see’ and feel the multiple timelines for which our individual soul source, or Metasoul as we call it, or Higher Self, is expressing itself as many fractals projected out. The fractals all represent the whole, just as in nature. I will be sharing much more about the Metasoul in this book. The lifting of the veils gives us access to these Metasoul fractals from other timelines, archetypal energies (pre-programmed collectively held ‘typical’ patterns of seeing and responding to life that play out individually), our soul gift expressions, higher consciousness states, and our karmic binds and soul pattern woundings.

    Enlightening of the mind expands our mental capacities beyond the rational, logical, and linear into experiences of the non-dualistic fabric of reality, into more quantum, multidimensional reality processing from the intuitive, creative, right side, of our brains. We are shifting out from a left brain focus that has been conditioned and trained by our educational systems and emphasis on academic learning and attainment. It becomes less important to be tracking, analyzing, and understanding with our minds what we experience. We experience more ‘loose brain’ moments where the grids of the mental body expand and, in some ways, ‘drop’ so that we can feel the arising magic and Is-ness of everything.

    Enlovening of the heart offers the healing of emotional woundings, opening up of defenses, feeling our vulnerability and sensitivity, and being able to transact intimacy with ourselves and others. We move out of codependency-based relationships based on duty and obligation that offer familiarity and comfort, yet we have outgrown on the soul level. We are more drawn to soul resonance and transactability on all levels of heart, mind, soul, and body. The primary, foundational relationship that provides a source of constant love is first with ourselves and all aspects of us.

    Crystallizing of the body happens as our every living cell transitions from carbon-based to crystalline frequencies and into more expression of the pure light and love energy that it is. This process also activates previously dormant DNA strands as well as the pineal and pituitary glands, which become transmitters and receivers of the light codes that come in from Cosmic sources. Our bodies become truly a treasured vessel, held with honor and respect for their health and well being.

    Ascension is both a collective experience (whether people are conscious of it or not) and a very personal one. Gaia herself is going through Ascension and raising her vibrational frequency as a planetary consciousness from the third dimensional Earth to much higher. What this means is that there is a necessary transitional phase for Gaia (and for us) of turmoil, death and rebirth, chaos, upheavals, and disorder as the old collapses to make way for the new. For Gaia, this dis-ease manifests itself in global warming, extreme weather patterns and shifts, and a sense of lovingly ‘shaking off’ some of Her human guests as and if necessary. Feeling Gaia as a planetary consciousness that is evolving along with us allows for a sense of collaboration and individual choice in our relationship with Her, rather than the dominant, disconnected, and adversarial one that has been so prevalent for so long.

    Ascension is the process of moving inward, moving onward, and moving upward. The moving inward is about becoming inward focused rather than externally focused. Moving inward is about going within during meditative states; through therapeutic, deep feeling-based senses of ourselves as we connect with and integrate different multidimensional aspects of ourselves; and through tracking what is happening inside of us and not just reacting to external triggers and situations. As we move inward, we become so much more aware of our internal world and see that what we experience ‘outside’ of us is a reflection of the inside.

    Moving onward is healing beyond the traumas of our past experiences, both this life and from other lifetimes. Onward is to be in the Now, present moment, rather than constantly associating with or dissociating from previous situations and circumstances. Moving onward is feeling the root cause of our traumas, feeling them and healing them in order to transform the energies that are stuck in the past that are very accessible in the Now, until they vibrate more in alignment with our essence. Onward means that we are no longer anchored to the past and to the experiences that we had then with much more fluidity to let in the present.

    Moving upward is raising our consciousness frequency from third dimensional (3D) to transitional fourth dimensional (4D) to heavenly fifth dimensional (5D) and beyond. Upward is bridging to higher vibrational frequencies of love and light from within our human bodies and integrating those energies with our human hearts. Upward is our Higher Self coming into our body and, therefore, into our conscious awareness, eventually becoming our primary expression of self in the world. Upward is about experiencing Heaven in the Now and from within us, not as a place we ‘go to when we die’, yet rather what we can know right in this moment. I’ll be sharing much more in this book about the differences between 3D, 4D, and 5D consciousness states and the selves and parts of us that form around the experience of them through teachings along with sharing my personal experiences and process navigating this ground.

    Ascension is a labor process for Humanity as a collective as well as on an individual basis with tightness, pain, and birth contractions, then bursts of joy, relief, soul bigness expression, and love. This is a messy process, as all births are……it can be like riding an edge of near devastating loss while experiencing blissful, opening vistas of deepening love for self and with others. Letting go while you are letting in and the seemingly paradoxical feelings that come up from the emotional body as this is navigated.

    Ascension is going into the bliss mess to emerge more and more whole, complete, and sacred. The bliss aspect comes from bringing in higher dimensional frequencies of love, Unity Consciousness, and joy. Tastes of Unity Consciousness remind us of the Divine Source we came from and how connected we were in thoughts, feelings, and ideas with each other. This sense of unity offers a balm to heal the wounds that come from being separated and isolated from each other and, in many ways, from ourselves too. We also experience increasing unity with Divine Source, with the remembrance that we are a fractal from the Divine, and that we will eventually return to this state and can connect with this energy now through our Higher Selves.

    The bliss is reuniting with our higher dimensional consciousness aspects of our Higher Self that vibrate to angelic frequencies and dimensional states; with Star BEing Aspects from other planets and galaxies; and with aspects that share the same Metasoul as us from other lifetimes and timelines. We experience intense reunion feelings as we are reuniting, integrating, and merging our previously 3D-based consciousness with the much higher ones available through most of these aspects. The bliss happens as we move out of the 3D reality of polarity, fear-based duality and separation…...and into fifth dimensional 5D love-based community and intimacy with self and others. The bliss is the feelings of being One yet not the same, or what I call ‘conscious duality’.

    The mess aspects of Ascension are the decisions and choice points that happen as your soul awakens and moves into your consciousness. What you desire and want in relationships of all kinds shifts as you seek out more soul and values resonance. This can lead to phases of letting go, death, and mourning with fallouts in relationships, conflict, and pain. 3D life loses much of its meaning and significance as you pull up the anchor from it, along with what you have been conditioned to believe about it.

    The mess aspects of Ascension are about the healing of the 3D Self that has been doing and being in the polarized, fear-based 3D world. The mess is identifying the protective layers that had to be created over the preciousness of your innocence, your essence as a love sponge, your heart and soul porosity. Feeling these protective layers gets messy because they’ve been created to keep you safe. They run on fear and the modulation of love. The mess is the undigested pain and wounding that live in your emotional body, stuck there and still energizing there because there is not linear time for the emotional body. Traumas are freeze-framed in the moments that they happen and ‘pool’ and ‘pocket’ in the emotional body, forming into parts of yourself or subpersonalities, awaiting your curiosity and connection.

    The bliss is the relief that comes out the other side from feeling and healing and BEing with these layers, these pockets, these wounds, and these traumas. This is the cathartic relief of finally releasing what has long been pent up and trapped energies in our emotional bodies and soul fields.  Going through the mess to get to the bliss is the process for embodying our Sacred Humanity or our Higher Self coming more into our bodies and consciousness.

    It is necessary to experience both the bliss and the mess to ascend, awaken your soul, enloven your heart, enlighten your mind, crystalize your body. To just reach for and want the bliss aspects of Ascension is to miss out on the gifts that going into your deepest densities and shadows offers you. There is a wealth to your woundedness. Not that you need fixing, yet, going into your woundedness and healing allows you to free up your essence and bigness from the wounded frequencies. This is a spring-loaded process that just happens organically as you open up to experiencing both the bliss and the mess.

    There is a necessary gestation period, a necessary cocooning, within this bliss mess Ascension and awakening process. This is a time of growing and learning, becoming more aware and conscious about 3D life and the limits it has placed on your consciousness. This may happen mostly on a mental level for a phase of time, where you are finding new resources offering a picture that is an expansion beyond what you have been conditioned to believe about reality from your 3D cultural indoctrination called ‘school.’ Your curiosity grows as your mind expands into the Infinite Possibilities that arise when the ceiling of five sense perception is lifted.

    Then, your awakening moves into more personal grounds as your desires to end suffering and experience more love grow inside of you. This especially manifests within relationships where the previous grounds are no longer enough and longings of deeper soul resonance and intimacy are growing from within you. There is much at stake then, in a deeply personal way, as the old timelines begin to collapse and new ones come into BEing that are fueled by your heart and soul desires for a life of authenticity, service to love, and BEing YOU.

    What is at stake is the reality that parts of you have created and the rumbling caused by the question of, Is this an expression of my soul or is it not? What is at stake are relationships and whether they will go deeper into arising grounds of soul, heart, and mind connection or whether they will complete. What is at stake are previous means of livelihood that required you to shrink your soul reason and purpose for BEing here. What is at stake is comfortable geographies and living situations that keep you hooked into frequencies that you are outgrowing as a soul.

    It, then, is a phase of letting go, as you feel what has been previously comfortable and safe begins to feel more and more confining to your Soul Self or 5D Self. The energies being offered by Divine Source are wanting to facilitate the birthing of the new you and the letting go of the old in all areas of life. This invitation is meant to manifest for you in a real and tangible way……in the physical, in the mental, in the emotional, in the spiritual, in the financial, in the environmental areas of your life. What has been put into or related to from a compartment becomes flooded by the catalytic waters of love. In this flood, you do not drown but rather learn to float, learn to surrender, learn to get used to the sensation of moving waters.

    Your bliss mess gestation period may be coming to completion. You are birthing a new you into a new world even while the old one may be collapsing around you. This can be a very intense experience and, in moments, can feel almost unbearable to navigate for parts of you as the world they have known is falling down. The sense of love with yourself, with others who are in soul resonance with you, and with the Divine offers support during this transition. Connecting and holding space for the reactions that come up in the emotional body allows for moving through and digestion. These love frequencies with self and others become the midwife of your butterfly self who has left the cocoon behind in order to soar the skies of a reality with Infinite Love possibilities as you BEcome Infinite Love in human form!


    Chapter One: June, 2017 -

    We have been Star BEings, Oneness consciousness, much more than we have been human BEings. We are here to experience the bliss mess (yes, both) of feeling. The bliss mess, the highs and lows, the ups and downs, the suffering and the joys, the tears and the laughs.

    Oh, this is our humanity in all its glory. Angels and Star BEings are watching us, admiring us, merging with us (when our consciousness and emotional body are ready) more and more to experience this emotional experience of reality through and with us. They are not judging our emotional states, yet do hope for the end of our suffering over suffering and for us to heal from the karmic patterns that can unconsciously haunt us, so that we can merge with them some more and create something completely new.

    Our hearts are the beacon that shines across the stars and draws attention from around the galaxy….


    June 3, 2017 -

    The waters are receding. The image I was given in mediation today with Archangel Metatron was of each of us being an island whose waters are receding back to reveal more and more of the land mass beneath it. The waters are the veil of amnesia and forgetfulness and unconsciousness that we chose, as a Collective Consciousness, to place over ourselves. We became like individual islands, or believed that we were, creating an isolated and separate experience of reality. When actually, as we move into 5D frequencies more and more, we remember that we are all connected as One, like a piece of land that has no ending or gaps or drop offs. We remember that there is nothing actually separating us from each other and it was only an illusion to feel that we were.

    As the waters recede, you have more access to remember, feel, and connect with your soul legacy or what I have been offered by Metatron to call our ‘Metasoul’. Because time in higher dimensions is not linear, you are invited to feel that rather than ‘past lives’, you are a fractal from a higher frequency Metasoul source with many projections off this source living out in different ‘eras of time’, dimensions, and even planets, that are all accessible to you in the Now. You share a Metasoul with aspects living out timelines in Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Greece and Egypt. Or, from other dimensions such as Avalon and the Faerie Realm. And, also, Metasoul Aspects that come from different planets and even galaxies, such as Arcturian, Sirian, and Pleiadian. These Metasoul Aspects are not in the distant or ancient past at all, yet rather in the Now of non-linear experience.

    You can gain great information about your soul by connecting with your Metasoul Aspects and working toward mutual healing together. In my experience of this conscious connection process with myself and offering this with others, karmic patterns and even very deep soul legacy play outs can be healed in a quantum way with ongoing resolution and integration. I have experienced that there is a rich and meaningful gift exchange that happens between myself and a Metasoul Aspect during our relationship with each other. Usually, I offer them emotional body digestion and heart healing while they offer me experience of higher dimensional consciousness states and access to soul gifts. This ‘gift exchange’ leads to eventual integration of these gifts and consciousness states into our awakening self or what we call our ‘5D Self’ in the SoulFullHeart process. Both myself and the Metasoul Aspect are transformed during this exchange in deeply meaningful ways.

    As the waters of amnesia recede, you also have more sense of the deeper woundings that have been suppressed in your emotional body. In the past, your emotional body may have been largely subconscious to you with awareness coming only in moments of emotional reactivity, crisis, or turmoil. My experience has been that fluidity of bridging to your emotional body becomes possible through connecting with aspects or parts of you that have solidified into ‘stuck’ frequencies or energies due to undigested emotions and traumas. Some of these 3D-based parts express as the Inner Protector, Inner Matriarch and Patriarch, Inner Teenager, and Inner Child. These are all expressions of the 3D Self that is created as we incarnate and live out life here in a density that requires us to fragment ourselves in order to survive.

    So much of our 3D world has

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