Real-World Functional Programming: With examples in F# and C#
By Tomas Petricek and Jonathan Skeet
About this ebook
Real-World Functional Programming is a unique tutorial that explores thefunctional programming model through the F# and C# languages. The clearlypresented ideas and examples teach readers how functional programming differsfrom other approaches. It explains how ideas look in F#-a functionallanguage-as well as how they can be successfully used to solve programmingproblems in C#. Readers build on what they know about .NET and learn wherea functional approach makes the most sense and how to apply it effectively inthose cases.
The reader should have a good working knowledge of C#. No prior exposure toF# or functional programming is required.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
Tomas Petricek
Tomas Petricek contributed to the development of the F# language at Microsoft Research and is active on StackOverflow. He's the author of Real-World Functional Programming (Manning).
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Real-World Functional Programming - Tomas Petricek
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Brief Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About this Book
About the Cover Illustration
1. Learning to think functionally
Chapter 1. Thinking differently
Chapter 2. Core concepts in functional programming
Chapter 3. Meet tuples, lists, and functions in F# and C#
Chapter 4. Exploring F# and .NET libraries by example
2. Fundamental functional techniques
Chapter 5. Using functional values locally
Chapter 6. Processing values using higher-order functions
Chapter 7. Designing data-centric programs
Chapter 8. Designing behavior-centric programs
3. Advanced F# programming techniques
Chapter 9. Turning values into F# object types with members
Chapter 10. Efficiency of data structures
Chapter 11. Refactoring and testing functional programs
Chapter 12. Sequence expressions and alternative workflows
4. Applied functional programming
Chapter 13. Asynchronous and data-driven programming
Chapter 14. Writing parallel functional programs
Chapter 15. Creating composable functional libraries
Chapter 16. Developing reactive functional programs
Appendix Looking ahead
Appendix Resources
Appendix Quick Reference – Functional Programming Concepts
Appendix Quick Reference – F# Language Constructs
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About this Book
About the Cover Illustration
1. Learning to think functionally
Chapter 1. Thinking differently
1.1. What is functional programming?
1.2. The path to real-world functional programming
1.2.1. Functional languages
1.2.2. Functional programming on the .NET platform
1.3. Being productive with functional programming
1.3.1. The functional paradigm
1.3.2. Declarative programming style
1.3.3. Understanding what a program does
1.3.4. Concurrency-friendly application design
1.3.5. How functional style shapes your code
1.4. Functional programming by example
1.4.1. Expressing intentions using declarative style
1.4.2. Understanding code using immutability
1.4.3. Writing efficient parallel programs
1.5. Introducing F#
1.5.1. Hello world in F#
1.5.2. From simplicity to the real world
1.6. Summary
Chapter 2. Core concepts in functional programming
2.1. The foundation of functional programming
2.2. Evaluation of functional programs
2.2.1. Working with immutable values
2.2.2. Using immutable data structures
2.2.3. Changing program state using recursion
2.2.4. Using expressions instead of statements
2.2.5. Computation by calculation
2.3. Writing declarative code
2.3.1. Functions as values
2.3.2. Higher-order functions
2.4. Functional types and values
2.4.1. Type inference in C# and F#
2.4.2. Introducing the discriminated union type
2.4.3. Pattern matching
2.4.4. Compile-time program checking
2.5. Summary
Chapter 3. Meet tuples, lists, and functions in F# and C#
3.1. Value and function declarations
3.1.1. Value declarations and scope
3.1.2. Function declarations
3.1.3. Declaring mutable values
3.2. Using immutable data structures
3.2.1. Introducing tuple type
3.2.2. Implementing a tuple type in C#
3.2.3. Calculating with tuples
3.2.4. Pattern matching with tuples
3.3. Lists and recursion
3.3.1. Recursive computations
3.3.2. Introducing functional lists
3.3.3. Functional lists in C#
3.3.4. Functional list processing
3.4. Using functions as values
3.4.1. Processing lists of numbers
3.4.2. Benefits of parameterized functions
3.5. Summary
Chapter 4. Exploring F# and .NET libraries by example
4.1. Drawing pie charts in F#
4.2. Writing and testing code in FSI
4.2.1. Loading and parsing data
4.2.2. Calculating with the data
4.3. Creating a console application
4.4. Creating a Windows Forms application
4.4.1. Creating the user interface
4.4.2. Drawing graphics
4.4.3. Creating the Windows application
4.5. Summary
2. Fundamental functional techniques
Chapter 5. Using functional values locally
5.1. What are values?
5.1.1. Primitive types, value types, and objects
5.1.2. Recognizing values and data
5.2. Multiple values
5.2.1. Multiple values in F# and C#
5.2.2. Tuple type and value constructors
5.2.3. Using tuples compositionally
5.3. Alternative values
5.3.1. Discriminated unions in F#
5.3.2. Working with alternatives
5.3.3. Adding types vs. functions
5.3.4. Using the option type in F#
5.4. Generic values
5.4.1. Implementing the option type in C#
5.4.2. Generic option type in F#
5.4.3. Type inference for values
5.4.4. Writing generic functions
5.5. Function values
5.5.1. Lambda functions
5.5.2. The function type
5.5.3. Functions of multiple arguments
5.6. Summary
Chapter 6. Processing values using higher-order functions
6.1. Generic higher-order functions
6.1.1. Writing generic functions in F#
6.1.2. Custom operators
6.2. Working with tuples
6.2.1. Working with tuples using functions
6.2.2. Methods for working with tuples in C#
6.3. Working with schedules
6.3.1. Processing a list of schedules
6.3.2. Processing schedules in C#
6.4. Working with the option type
6.4.1. Using the map function
6.4.2. Using the bind function
6.4.3. Evaluating the example step-by-step
6.4.4. Implementing operations for the option type
6.5. Working with functions
6.5.1. Function composition
6.5.2. Function composition in C#
6.6. Type inference
6.6.1. Type inference for function calls in F#
6.6.2. Automatic generalization
6.7. Working with lists
6.7.1. Implementing list in F#
6.7.2. Understanding type signatures of list functions
6.7.3. Implementing list functions
6.8. Common processing language
6.8.1. Mapping, filtering, and folding
6.8.2. The bind operation for lists
6.9. Summary
Chapter 7. Designing data-centric programs
7.1. Functional data structures
7.1.1. Using the F# record type
7.1.2. Functional data structures in C#
7.2. Flat document representation
7.2.1. Drawing elements
7.2.2. Displaying a drawing on a form
7.3. Structured document representation
7.3.1. Converting representations
7.3.2. XML document representation
7.4. Writing operations
7.4.1. Updating using a map operation
7.4.2. Calculating using an aggregate operation
7.5. Object-oriented representations
7.5.1. Representing data with structural patterns
7.5.2. Adding functions using the visitor pattern
7.6. Summary
Chapter 8. Designing behavior-centric programs
8.1. Using collections of behaviors
8.1.1. Representing behaviors as objects
8.1.2. Representing behaviors as functions in C#
8.1.3. Using collections of functions in C#
8.1.4. Using lists of functions in F#
8.2. Idioms for working with functions
8.2.1. The strategy design pattern
8.2.2. The command design pattern
8.2.3. Capturing state using closures in F#
8.3. Working with composed behaviors
8.3.1. Records of functions
8.3.2. Building composed behaviors
8.3.3. Further evolution of F# code
8.4. Combining data and behaviors
8.4.1. Decision trees
8.4.2. Decision trees in F#
8.4.3. Decision trees in C#
8.5. Summary
3. Advanced F# programming techniques
Chapter 9. Turning values into F# object types with members
9.1. Improving data-centric applications
9.1.1. Adding members to F# types
9.1.2. Appending members using type extensions
9.2. Improving behavior-centric applications
9.2.1. Using records of functions
9.2.2. Using interface object types
9.3. Working with .NET interfaces
9.3.1. Using .NET collections
9.3.2. Cleaning resources using IDisposable
9.4. Concrete object types
9.4.1. Functional and imperative classes
9.4.2. Implementing interfaces and casting
9.5. Using F# libraries from C#
9.5.1. Working with records and members
9.5.2. Working with values and delegates
9.6. Summary
Chapter 10. Efficiency of data structures
10.1. Optimizing functions
10.1.1. Avoiding stack overflows with tail recursion
10.1.2. Caching results using memoization
10.2. Working with large collections
10.2.1. Avoiding stack overflows with tail recursion (again!)
10.2.2. Processing lists efficiently
10.2.3. Working with arrays
10.3. Introducing continuations
10.3.1. What makes tree processing tricky?
10.3.2. Writing code using continuations
10.4. Summary
Chapter 11. Refactoring and testing functional programs
11.1. Refactoring functional programs
11.1.1. Reusing common code blocks
11.1.2. Tracking dependencies and side effects
11.2. Testing functional code
11.2.1. From the interactive shell to unit tests
11.2.2. Writing tests using structural equality
11.2.3. Testing composed functionality
11.3. Refactoring the evaluation order
11.3.1. Different evaluation strategies
11.3.2. Comparing evaluation strategies
11.3.3. Simulating lazy evaluation using functions
11.3.4. Lazy values in F#
11.3.5. Implementing lazy values for C#
11.4. Using lazy values in practice
11.4.1. Introducing infinite lists
11.4.2. Caching values in a photo browser
11.5. Summary
Chapter 12. Sequence expressions and alternative workflows
12.1. Generating sequences
12.1.1. Using higher-order functions
12.1.2. Using iterators in C#
12.1.3. Using F# sequence expressions
12.2. Mastering sequence expressions
12.2.1. Recursive sequence expressions
12.2.2. Using infinite sequences
12.3. Processing sequences
12.3.1. Transforming sequences with iterators
12.3.2. Filtering and projection
12.3.3. Flattening projections
12.4. Introducing alternative workflows
12.4.1. Customizing query expressions
12.4.2. Customizing the F# language
12.5. First steps in custom computations
12.5.1. Declaring the computation type
12.5.2. Writing the computations
12.5.3. Implementing a computation builder in F#
12.5.4. Implementing query operators in C#
12.6. Implementing computation expressions for options
12.7. Augmenting computations with logging
12.7.1. Creating the logging computation
12.7.2. Creating the logging computation
12.7.3. Refactoring using computation expressions
12.8. Summary
4. Applied functional programming
Chapter 13. Asynchronous and data-driven programming
13.1. Asynchronous workflows
13.1.1. Why do asynchronous workflows matter?
13.1.2. Downloading web pages asynchronously
13.1.3. Understanding how workflows work
13.1.4. Creating primitive workflows
13.2. Connecting to the World Bank
13.2.1. Accessing the World Bank data
13.2.2. Recovering from failures
13.3. Exploring and obtaining the data
13.3.1. Implementing XML helper functions
13.3.2. Extracting region codes
13.3.3. Obtaining the indicators
13.4. Gathering information from the data
13.4.1. Reading values
13.4.2. Formatting data using units of measure
13.4.3. Gathering statistics about regions
13.5. Visualizing data using Excel
13.5.1. Writing data to Excel
13.5.2. Displaying data in an Excel chart
13.6. Summary
Chapter 14. Writing parallel functional programs
14.1. Understanding different parallelization techniques
14.1.1. Parallelizing islands of imperative code
14.1.2. Declarative data parallelism
14.1.3. Task-based parallelism
14.2. Running graphical effects in parallel
14.2.1. Calculating with colors in F#
14.2.2. Implementing and running color filters
14.2.3. Designing the main application
14.2.4. Creating and running effects
14.2.5. Parallelizing the application
14.2.6. Implementing a blur effect
14.3. Creating a parallel simulation
14.3.1. Representing the simulated world
14.3.2. Designing simulation operations
14.3.3. Implementing helper functions
14.3.4. Implementing smart animals and predators
14.3.5. Running the simulation in parallel
14.4. Summary
Chapter 15. Creating composable functional libraries
15.1. Approaches for composable design
15.1.1. Composing animations from symbols
15.1.2. Giving meaning to symbols
15.1.3. Composing values
15.1.4. Composing functions and objects
15.2. Creating animated values
15.2.1. Introducing functional animations
15.2.2. Introducing behaviors
15.2.3. Creating simple behaviors in C#
15.2.4. Creating simple behaviors in F#
15.3. Writing computations with behaviors
15.3.1. Reading values
15.3.2. Applying a function to a behavior
15.3.3. Turning functions into behavior functions
15.3.4. Implementing lifting and map in C#
15.4. Working with drawings
15.4.1. Representing drawings
15.4.2. Creating and composing drawings
15.5. Creating animations
15.5.1. Implementing the animation form in F#
15.5.2. Creating animations using behaviors
15.5.3. Adding animation primitives
15.5.4. Creating a solar system animation
15.6. Developing financial modeling language
15.6.1. Modeling financial contracts
15.6.2. Defining the primitives
15.6.3. Using the modeling language
15.7. Summary
Chapter 16. Developing reactive functional programs
16.1. Reactive programming using events
16.1.1. Introducing event functions
16.1.2. Using events and observables
16.1.3. Creating a simple reactive application
16.1.4. Declarative event processing using LINQ
16.1.5. Declaring events in F#
16.2. Creating reactive animations
16.2.1. Using the switch function
16.2.2. Implementing the switch function
16.3. Programming UIs using workflows
16.3.1. Waiting for events asynchronously
16.3.2. Drawing rectangles
16.4. Storing state in reactive applications
16.4.1. Working with state safely
16.4.2. Creating a mailbox processor
16.4.3. Communicating using messages
16.4.4. Encapsulating mailbox processors
16.4.5. Waiting for multiple events
16.5. Message passing concurrency
16.5.1. Creating a state machine processor
16.5.2. Accessing mailbox concurrently
16.6. Summary
Appendix Looking ahead
A.1. What have you learned?
A.2. Where do you want to go next?
Appendix Resources
Works cited
In print
Additional resources
In print
Appendix Quick Reference – Functional Programming Concepts
Declarative Style
Appendix Quick Reference – F# Language Constructs
Primitive Expressions
Values and Functions
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
For the past couple of decades, object-oriented programming has dominated the industry, its ability to hide complexity and provide structure and intuition providing a major boost to software development.
Not all kinds of complexity submit willingly to the mechanisms of encapsulated shared state and virtual methods. Some domains of computation, analysis, and transformation were not much helped by objects, and, looming bigger every day, the demand for concurrency is placing new pressure on the object-oriented paradigm.
From an obscure existence in academic institutions and research labs, functional and declarative techniques have gradually crept into mainstream languages to counter those challenges. In C#, for instance, we added generics, anonymous functions, and monadic query expressions. But a full-fledged commercial functional programming language with the extensive libraries and tools that are crucial to developer productivity has been lacking. I believe F# is a magnificent milestone: one of those turning points that we will look back on and say that’s when we turned the corner.
F# reaches back pragmatically over the language divide, comfortably embracing the full object model of the .NET framework. But now, we have to distinguish between functional programming and functional programming languages. As languages become multi-paradigmatic, what used to be a binary choice up front (object-oriented or functional) morphs into a broadened set of opportunities at every turn in your program. You can use functional programming techniques in C# to great benefit, though it is easier and more natural to do so in F#. You can settle on a preferred flavor in your choice of programming language, but your problem-solving options remain open.
The great genius of this book is how it teases apart the functional mindset from the F# language itself. By showing both the C# and F# embodiments of functional programming patterns, the reader is well served. The developer who wants to embark on coding in F# gets a leg up from seeing the patterns used in a (presumably) familiar language. The programmer with good reasons to stay in C# can appreciate the principles in their pure form from the F# examples.
Functional programming is a state of mind. It is a way of thinking differently about the problem. It is not just a bag of useful tricks (though it is that too), but a perspective from which the gnarliest knots prove to be approachable. In this book, as practical and hands-on as it is, Tomas and Jon gently and bravely insist on stressing the principles underneath. Read it at your own peril; you will never look at your own code the same way again!
This book is different from many other programming books available today. It doesn’t focus only on a specific programming language or library. Instead, it uses the presented languages and libraries to explain a way of thinking—a way of thinking that is becoming increasingly important and has influenced many recent technologies.
You may already know some of the concepts described in this book, because functional ideas appear in many technologies. Examples from the .NET world include C# 3.0 and the LINQ project, Microsoft Parallel Extensions to .NET, and the declarative programming model used in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). In this book we’ll build on top of your existing .NET and C# experience to explain the functional programming paradigm. We’ll introduce F#, Microsoft’s new functional programming language, and use it to turn abstract ideas into something more concrete. Where possible we’ll also use C#, because functional ideas can help you when designing C# applications.
If we’d been writing a book solely about F#, we could have simply organized it based on the individual language features and explained those features one by one. This book is about functional programming in general, so the structure is loosely based on ideas that form the functional paradigm. This is more difficult, because ideas don’t have clear boundaries and often overlap.
We’ve tried to select the ideas that we believe are the most important for newcomers to functional programming and then shape the book around them. This is particularly important in part 2, where we systematically look at functional values, higher-order functions, and the architecture of functional programs. This means that some examples that can be used to quickly demonstrate functional programming, such as working with collections of data, don’t appear in only one place. Instead, they’re developed gradually through several chapters after we introduce each new idea. We decided to use this approach because it shows how functional programming elegantly arises from a small set of simple concepts—just as functional programs themselves do.
The butterfly effect,
a term coined by Edward Lorenz, is based in chaos theory: the idea is that a seemingly minor event such as a flap of butterfly’s wings somewhere in Asia can cause a major event such as a hurricane in South America. (The butterfly flapping its wings has been constant in the concept, but the location [Asia or Brazil] and the result [hurricane or tornado] have varied.) This alone would be enough to say that there were many more people (and butterflies), without whom this book would not exist than I can possibly list here. And even if I didn’t believe in chaos theory, the number of people I’d want to mention in this section would be enormous.
I would never have become interested in F# and functional programming if I hadn’t met Don Syme. Don was my mentor during two internships at Microsoft Research and it was a great pleasure to work with him and participate in long discussions about F# (and life, the universe, and everything else). I’m also grateful to James Margetson from Microsoft Research who taught me many cool functional programming tricks. However, I’d never have met Don and James if I hadn’t gained status as an MVP by Microsoft and met Luke Hoban who introduced me to Don later. If I were to continue like this, I’d end up mentioning Michal Bláha, Jan Stoklasa, Božena Mannová, the authors of, and many others.
The book wouldn’t exist without Mike Stephens from Manning who first contacted me, and without Harry Pierson without whose initial involvement we’d never have started working on it. Even though we only worked together briefly, Harry’s participation was very important and encouraging.
Now that I’ve mentioned people without whom the book would never have started, it’s also a time to mention those, without whom it would never have been finished.
I’m very grateful to my coauthor Jon for helping me through the long process of turning the initial drafts and sketches into a real book. Jon is also the person to thank if you feel like this book was written exactly for you, because he carefully adjusted everything to be in the right form for our audience. Finally, Jon is a wonderful person to work with, so it was a pleasure to discuss the book with him both online and briefly in person.
At this point, I’d like to mention everyone from Manning who contributed to this book. I already mentioned Mike Stephens who was always helpful in difficult moments. Nermina Miller and Tara McGoldrick Walsh guided me through the everyday jungle of the writing process and Mary Piergies, with Liz Welch and Elizabeth Martin, helped me to find the way out of this jungle to a clear light. I briefly worked with many other great folks at Manning including Gabriel Dobrescu, Steven Hong, Dottie Marsico, Christina Rudloff, Gordan Salinovic, Maureen Spencer, and Karen Tegtmeyer. I would also like to thank publisher Marjan Bace, who provided numerous useful insights.
Folks from Manning also had a lucky hand picking people for the reviews at various points in the writing process. We received a large number of comments, suggestions, and hints, but also exactly the right amount of positive feedback that encouraged me to take as many of these suggestions as possible into account. Aside from our anonymous reviewers, I’d like to thank our two technical reviewers, Matthew Podwysocki and Michael Giagnocavo. I had the role of a technical reviewer in the past, so I can appreciate your hard work! And special thanks to Mads Torgersen, who wrote the foreword
Another group who provided valuable input are readers of the early drafts. First of all, my colleagues Jan Stoklasa and René Stein, but also those who purchased the book through the Manning Early Access Program and shared their feedback in the forums (Dave Novick, Peer Reynders, Vladimir Kelman, and Michiel Borkent to name a few). Other reviewers who had a hand in making this book what it is are Marius Bancila, Freedom Dumlao, Eric Swanson, Walter Myers, Keith J. Farmer, Adam Tacy, Marc Gravell, Jim Wooley, Alessandro Gallo, Lester Lobo, Massimo Perga, Andrew Siemer, Austin Ziegler, Dave McMahon, Jason Jung, Joshua Gan, Keith Hill, Mark Needham, Mark Ryall, Mark Seemann, Paul King, and Stuart Caborn.
I’d, of course, like to thank my friends and my family. To those who don’t know them, their question, When is your book finally going to be finished?
may not sound particularly supportive, but I know them well and I honestly appreciated their encouragement. Last, but not least, I’m grateful to my dearest Evelina, who not only provided invaluable moral support, but also was so kind as to read and review large portions of the manuscript.
I would primarily like to thank Tomas and everyone at Manning for giving me the opportunity to be part of this book. Being a small part of a bigger goal is always interesting, and it’s been great fun learning about functional programming from
a book and into
a book at the same time. I can only hope that the minor contributions I’ve made will be useful—I’ve primarily acted as the voice of a passionate but ignorant reader (and C# enthusiast of course), so in some ways the book you’re reading now is tailored toward teaching me functional programming. That in itself is a gift to be grateful for. Tomas has thanked all the editors and other staff at Manning, and I’d like to echo those thanks.
My children are still too young to be programming, and my wife is too...well, normal, basically—but they’ve always been there for me when higher-order functions have burst my brain. I’ve been struggling to stay sane and work on more than one book at a time, whereas my wife (who writes children’s fiction) seems perpetually up to her ears in proposals, chapter breakdowns, first drafts, copy edits, proofs, and delivered manuscripts, all for different titles and even publishers. Beyond that, she’s married to me—how she stays sane is anyone’s guess. However, I’m very glad that she does, and I’d like to thank her for being who she is. Tom, Robin, and William show great promise in their love of technology, but it’s their smiles and cuddles when I get home from work for which I’m most grateful.
Finally, I’d like to thank all my English teachers, especially Simon Howells. The more I learn about programming languages, the more I believe that the language a software engineer should pay most attention to is the one he uses to communicate with people, not computers. Simon Howells is as passionate about language and literature as I am about computing, and that passion rubs off on his students. It is highly unlikely that he’ll ever read a word I’ve written, but his teaching will be with me for the rest of my life.
About this Book
If you are an existing .NET developer who knows object-oriented technologies and are wondering what this new functional programming
movement is about and how you can benefit from it, this book is definitely for you.
It’s particularly tailored for .NET developers with working knowledge of object-oriented programming and C# 2.0. Of course, you don’t need to know either of these for functional programming in general, or even F# in particular. In fact, it’s more difficult to learn functional programming if you’re already used to thinking in an object-oriented manner, because many of the functional ideas will appear unfamiliar to you. We’ve written the book with this concern in mind, so we’ll often refer to your intuition and use comparisons between OOP and functional programming to explain particular topics.
If you’re an existing object-oriented programmer using other languages and tools (for example, Java, Python, or Ruby) with the ability to understand languages quickly, you can also benefit from this book. We’re using examples in C#, but many of them would look similar in other object-oriented languages. The C# 3.0 features that aren’t available in other languages are briefly explained, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost.
This book doesn’t focus on academic aspects of functional programming, but if you’re a computer science student taking a course on the topic, you can read this book to learn about the real-world uses of functional concepts.
What will this book give you?
If you’re still wondering whether this book is right for you, here’s what you’ll learn by reading it:
Functional programming concepts. As you read through the book, you’ll learn a new way to think about problems. We’ll see how complex object-oriented design patterns become one simple concept in functional programming. Functional thinking can be used when programming in any language, so this will be useful regardless of the specific technology you work with.
Basic functional constructs in practice. Some of the constructs are now available in C# 3.0, so you’ll see many of the examples in familiar C# code next to a clean functional F# implementation. We’ll also explain recent features in C# 3.0 and how they relate to functional ideas. Understanding the concepts deeply will help you to get the most benefit from the new features.
Writing real-world F# code. Even though the book isn’t only about F#, it will teach you everything you need to know to start. We’ll explore areas where F# really shines, including asynchronous programming and creating composable libraries.
We’re not claiming this is the perfect book for all purposes: computing isn’t a one-size-fits-all field. It’s worth knowing what this book isn’t to avoid disappointment.
What won’t this book give you?
This hasn’t been written as a reference book. If you haven’t been exposed to functional programming, the best way to read the book is to start from the beginning and follow the order of the chapters. That’s the way we’ve assumed it will be read, so later chapters often refer to concepts explained earlier. If you open the book somewhere in the middle, you may find it hard to understand.
This book also isn’t a quick guide to F# programming. The only way to become a good F# programmer is to understand functional programming ideas. You could learn all the F# keywords and rewrite your C# code in F#, but it wouldn’t do you much good. If you want to write idiomatic F# code, you’ll need to learn a different way of thinking that is used in functional programming. That’s what you’ll get by reading this book. Once you’ve adapted to thinking in a functional style, there are other books which can help you learn F# in more depth.
Our primary goal is to write a book that can be used by professional programmers to write solutions to real-world business problems. However, that doesn’t mean we can offer you a ready-to-use solution for the specific problem you need to solve right now. Instead, we’ve focused on the relevant concepts and techniques. We’ve demonstrated those principles with many examples, but it isn’t possible to cover all the areas where F# and functional programming can be applied.
This book uses an iterative structure. In part 1 (chapters 1-4) we’ll explain a few aspects of the most important topics, so that you can see the motivation and understand what makes functional programming different. Part 2 (chapters 5-8) systematically discusses all the foundations of functional programming. In part 3 (chapters 9-12) we build on these foundations and talk about best practices for functional programming, optimization, and some advanced techniques that most of the functional programmers occasionally need. Part 4 (chapters 13-16) presents more complex examples showing how to use functional programming to develop larger real-world projects.
Chapter 1 discusses the reasons why functional concepts are becoming increasingly important. It gives examples of existing technologies that you may already know and that benefit from some aspects of functional programming. It also shows the first sample application in F#.
Chapter 2 introduces the concepts behind functional programming. Without showing any details and mostly using C#, it’ll help you understand how these concepts relate to each other and what they mean for the structure of program.
Chapter 3 finally shows some real functional code. It demonstrates some data types used in F# such as a tuple and a list. We’ll see how to work with the types in F#, but we’ll also implement them in C# to explain how they work. This chapter introduces the idea of using functions as values, which is essential for functional programming.
Chapter 4 shows our first real-world application implemented in F#. We’ll use various .NET and F# libraries to implement a program for drawing pie charts. You’ll also see how to efficiently use the tools F# provides during the development process.
Chapter 5 talks about values. Functional programs are written as calculations that take values as arguments and return values as results, so it is easy to see why we have to start the systematic review of functional features by looking at numerous kinds of values.
Chapter 6 describes the most common way of working with values, which is to use higher-order functions. Working with values directly often requires a lot of repetitive code, so this chapter shows how to design and implement reusable operations.
Chapter 7 turns the attention to architectural aspects. The structure of a functional application is determined by the data that it works with. We’ll use an application that manipulates and draws simple documents to demonstrate this important principle.
Chapter 8 focuses on the architecture of applications that need to dynamically change their behavior at runtime. This can be done using functions, so we’ll talk about them in detail and we’ll also explain related topics such as closures.
Chapter 9 shows how to mix object-oriented and functional styles in F#. It demonstrates how you can use functional features like immutability with object-oriented concepts such as encapsulation when writing functional .NET libraries.
Chapter 10 focuses on correctness and efficiency. We’ll see how to write functions that can process data sets of arbitrary size and how to write these functions efficiently. You’ll also learn how to optimize code using imperative constructs like arrays.
Chapter 11 talks about refactoring, testing and laziness. We’ll explain how functional programming makes it easier to understand and improve existing code. We’ll also look at unit testing, seeing how composability and strictness remove the need for some types of test.
Chapter 12 starts by showing how we can work with collections of data. We’ll introduce F# sequence expressions, which are designed for this purpose. You’ll also see that this isn’t a built-in feature unlike its closest counterpart in C#—it’s an example of a more general ability to change what code means.
Chapter 13 presents a common scenario when working with data in F#. It starts by downloading data using a public web service, then parses it into a structured format. Finally we see how to visualize interesting aspects using Excel.
Chapter 14 shows how to use functional concepts to build applications that are easy to parallelize. It demonstrates this using an image processing application and a simulation featuring animals and predators that hunt them.
Chapter 15 describes how to build declarative functional libraries. The chapter shows that well designed libraries can be elegantly composed. As an example, we’ll see how to create a library for creating animations and a library for representing financial contracts.
Chapter 16 shows how to build GUI applications and in general, programs driven by external events. Implementing control flow like this is quite difficult in other languages, so we’ll look at tricks that make it much easier in F#.
Typographical conventions
The book contains numerous code examples that are typeset using fixed-width font. Longer samples are presented in listings with a heading. Since the book mixes C# and F#, the heading in side-by-side listings also indicates the language used. When showing code in F#, we distinguish between two forms of listing. Code marked as F#
is plain source code that can be compiled as a whole. Listings marked as F# Interactive
present snippets in F# entered to an interactive shell. The output produced by the shell is typeset using italics. Bold fixed-width font is used to highlight all C# and F# keywords in all the listings.
Naming conventions
In this book, we’re mixing not only two languages, but also a functional programming tradition with the object-oriented tradition. Since we want to use the natural style in both languages, we have to follow different naming conventions in F# and C#.
In C# we follow the usual .NET style. In F#, we use this notation without exceptions when developing classes or when writing components that can be accessed from other .NET languages. When we show F# code that is only a private implementation, we follow the functional naming style. Most notably, we use camelCase for both variable and function names. This is the usual style in F#, because a function declaration is essentially the same thing as a variable declaration.
Occasionally, we use shorter names and abbreviations. There are two reasons for this. First, this style has been often used by functional programmers. With better IDEs there are fewer reasons to use this style, so we’ve tried to minimize its use. In some cases the shorter name is a common term in functional programming, so we’ve kept it. The second reason is that sometimes we present two samples side-by-side, which means that we have to use a more compact coding style. Otherwise, the naming mostly follows the .NET style with a few exceptions that are discussed in the text.
StyleCop and FxCop
If you’re familiar with tools for code analysis such as StyleCop and FxCop, you may be wondering whether the code in this book follows the rules required by these tools. We follow most—but not all—of the usual .NET conventions. If you run the code through these tools, you’ll get numerous warnings, again for two reasons.
The tools for code analysis were developed for object-oriented languages using the naming and style of the object-oriented tradition. As you’ll learn in this book, the functional world is different in many ways and we simply cannot follow all the object-oriented principles. The F# language is successful because it is very different from C# and Visual Basic. This isn’t just visible in the language keywords, but in the overall style of programming that it uses and in some ways also in naming conventions that make the code more succinct.
The limited space we have in the book. We use source code samples to demonstrate important ideas, so we didn’t want to include noise that isn’t important for the discussion, but would be required to make the code comply with conventions.
Source code downloads
The source code for the examples in the book is available online from the publisher’s website at and at a code repository created by the authors
Author Online
The purchase of Real-World Functional Programming includes free access to a private web forum run by Manning Publications, where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the authors and from other users. To access the forum and subscribe to it, point your web browser to This page provides information about how to get on the forum once you’re registered, what kind of help is available, and the rules of conduct on the forum.
Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the authors can take place. It’s not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the authors, whose contribution to the book’s forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking them some challenging questions, lest their interest stray!
The Author Online forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s website as long as the book is in print.
Other online resources
In addition to Manning’s website (, we have created a companion website for the book at It contains additional information that you may find useful, source code for the individual chapters, and material that didn’t fit in the book. The page also links to recent articles related to functional programming, so you can look at it to learn more about this topic.
If you’re interested in F#, you may also want to check out the official Microsoft’s Developer Center available at It contains the most recent information about the language as well as links to articles, videos, and other F# resources. If you want to ask a question about F# and be sure that you’ll get a competent answer, you can visit the F# community forums available at
About the Cover Illustration
The figure on the cover of Real-World Functional Programming is captioned An employee,
and it shows an office clerk or civil servant elegantly dressed in suit and top hat and carrying an umbrella. The illustration is taken from a 19th-century edition of Sylvain Maréchal’s four-volume compendium of regional dress customs published in France. Each illustration is finely drawn and colored by hand. The rich variety of Maréchal’s collection reminds us vividly of how culturally apart the world’s towns and regions were just 200 years ago. Isolated from each other, people spoke different dialects and languages. In the streets or in the countryside, it was easy to identify where they lived and what their trade, occupation, or station in life was just by their dress.
Dress codes have changed since then and the diversity by region, so rich at the time, has faded away. It is now hard to tell apart the inhabitants of different continents, let alone different towns or regions. Perhaps we have traded cultural diversity for a more varied personal life—certainly for a more varied and fast-paced technological life.
At a time when it is hard to tell one computer book from another, Manning celebrates the inventiveness and initiative of the computer business with book covers based on the rich diversity of regional life of two centuries ago, brought back to life by Maréchal’s pictures.
Part 1. Learning to think functionally
You may have picked up this book for any number of reasons. Perhaps you’ve heard of functional programming when reading about LINQ and C# 3.0 or another technology that has been largely influenced by it, and you’re wondering if it has any other interesting ideas. You may have heard that functional programming makes it simple to write parallel or asynchronous programs. Maybe you’ve heard about other interesting applications of the functional style—just how do you go about writing programs with no mutable state? You may have heard about a new language called F# that’s going to be a part of Visual Studio 2010, and you want to learn what it has to offer.
In any case, the first thing you’ll learn about functional programming is that it’s built on fundamentally different principles than the ones you’re probably used to. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to throw away any of your existing knowledge, because functional programming on .NET plays nicely with the object-oriented style and existing libraries. The foundations are different, but we can build on top of them and return to familiar areas, looking at them from a different perspective.
In part 1 we’ll focus on these fundamental principles. In chapter 1, we’ll examine the practical effects of some of these principles, but we won’t go into much detail. We’ll also write our first F# program so that you can start experimenting with F# on your own while you’re reading. In chapter 2, we’ll review the ideas behind functional programming more systematically and discuss how they change the way we write programs. We’ll use C# for most of the example code in that chapter, because many functional ideas can be used in C# as well.
Chapter 3 gets into F# in more detail, looking at values, function declarations, and several built-in data types. We’ll also implement corresponding types and functions in C#. This is the easiest way of explaining how F# works to a C# developer, and we’ll be able to reuse some of the types in real-world C# examples later in the book. In chapter 4 we’ll use everything we’ve learned so far to develop a charting application in F#.
Chapter 1. Thinking differently
This chapter covers
Understanding functional programming
Increasing productivity with functional ideas
Writing efficient and readable code
Implementing your first F# application
Functional languages are expressive, accomplishing great feats using short, succinct, and readable code. All this is possible because functional languages provide richer ways for expressing abstractions. We can hide how the code executes and specify only the desired results. The code that specifies how to achieve the results is written only once. Thanks to the rich abstractions, we can hide all the complexity in libraries.
This different approach to programming has far-reaching implications for real-world applications. This way of expressing logic makes programs readable and easy to reason about, thus making it possible to understand and change previously unknown code. Functional programs are easy to test and refactor. Yet despite these benefits, functional languages have largely been ignored by mainstream developers—until now. Today we’re facing new challenges. We need to write programs that process large data sets and scale to a large number of processors We need to deal with ever larger systems, so we have to get a better handle on their complexity. These trends open the door to functional languages. But they are far from being the only reason for using functional programming.
As a result, many mainstream languages now include some functional features. In the .NET world, generics in C# 2.0 were heavily influenced by functional languages. One of the most fundamental features of functional languages is the ability to create function values on the fly, without declaring them in advance. This is exactly what C# 2.0 enables us to do using anonymous methods, and C# 3.0 makes it even easier with lambda expressions. The whole LINQ project is rooted in functional programming.
While the mainstream languages are playing catch-up, truly functional languages have been receiving more attention too. The most significant example of this is F#, which will be an official, fully supported Visual Studio language as of Visual Studio 2010. This evolution of functional languages on .NET is largely possible thanks to the common language runtime (CLR), which allows developers to
Mix multiple languages when developing a single .NET application
Access rich .NET libraries from new languages like F#
Sharing of libraries among all .NET languages makes it much easier to learn these new languages, because all the platform knowledge that you’ve accumulated during your career can still be used in the new context of a functional language.
In this book, we’ll explore the most important functional programming concepts and demonstrate them using real-world examples from .NET. We’ll start with a description of the ideas, then turn to the aspects that make it possible to develop large-scale real-world .NET applications in a functional way. We’ll use both F# and C# 3.0 in this book, because many of these ideas are directly applicable to C# programming. You certainly don’t need to write in a functional language to use functional concepts and patterns. But seeing the example in F# code will give you a deeper understanding of how it works, and F# often makes it easier to express and implement the solution.
But we’ve jumped the gun. This is a book about functional programming, after all. Wouldn’t it make sense to start off by describing what the term means?
1.1. What is functional programming?
Finding a precise definition of functional programming is difficult. Various functional languages exist, and there’s no clear set of features that every functional language must have. Nonetheless, functional languages share common properties and support somewhat different styles of expressing solutions to programming problems. It’s easiest to describe functional programming by comparing it with the most common alternative option: imperative programming.
Functional Languages
Functional programming is a style of programming that emphasizes the evaluation of expressions, rather than execution of commands. The expressions in these languages are formed by using functions to combine basic values. [Hutton ed. 2002]
This definition comes from a FAQ of an academic mailing list about functional languages, so it may sound a bit abstract. Believe us, the meaning will soon become clear. The evaluation of expressions
in the first sentence represents the functional approach, compared with the execution of commands
style of imperative code. Commands in imperative languages are called statements, so we’ll use this terminology instead. Let’s take a look at these two options in detail:
Execution of statements—The program is expressed as a sequence of commands, which are also called statements. Commands specify how to achieve the end result by creating objects and manipulating them. When using this approach, we typically work with objects that can be changed, and the code describes what modifications we need to perform in order to achieve the desired result. For example, we start by making a cup of black coffee. The object can be modified, so we can change it by adding two sugars to get the desired result.
Evaluation of expressions—In the functional style, the program code is an expression that specifies properties of the object we want to get as the result. We don’t specify the steps necessary to construct the object and we can’t accidentally use the object before it’s created. For example, we say that we want to get a coffee with two packets of sugars. We can’t drink it before the sugar is added, because when we get the cup, it already contains the sugar.[¹]
¹ The analogy with coffee making was also used by Luca Bolognese in his great talk about F# at TechEd in 2009 [Bolognese, 2009]. This coincidence suggests that by learning functional programming you’ll learn to think differently not only about programming problems but also about afternoon breaks.
This may still sound like a subtle difference, yet it leads to huge changes in the way you design code. The single axiom is that we write code as expressions instead of a sequence of statements, but this approach has many logical consequences. We encapsulate and compose code differently, we use various techniques for writing reusable code, we work with data structures that are more suitable for representing the result of a complex computation...the list goes on.
Providing a definition of functional programming is one thing, but we also need to understand how the concepts can be used together. These two topics form the focus of this book. After you finish reading it, you’ll not only have an understanding of our earlier definition, but you’ll also get an intuitive feeling for functional programming. This is much more important, and unfortunately, it can’t be explained in a few sentences.
So far this may all sound a bit abstract, but this book’s title includes the words Real World
for good reason. Functional programming can offer notable benefits. You may have encountered (just like the authors of this book) these situations where a functional style may be the answer:
Do you find it hard to predict the results of changing your code, due to hidden dependencies and subtleties?
Do you find yourself writing the same patterns over and over again, leaving little time for the genuinely different and interesting parts of the problem?
Do you find it hard to reason about your code, worrying about whether each statement will execute in the right order and in the right conditions?
Do you find it hard to express abstractions that hide how the code executes and specify only what you’re trying to achieve?
Do you struggle with asynchronous control flow, finding that it leads to code that bears more than a passing resemblance to spaghetti?
Do you find it hard to split tasks into logically independent parts that can be run concurrently on multiple processor cores?
Does your code behave differently in the real world than it does in unit tests?
Before we look how functional programming can make you more productive, let’s briefly talk about its history, which is surprisingly rich.
1.2. The path to real-world functional programming
Functional programming is a paradigm originating from ideas older than the first computers. Its history goes as far back as the 1930s, when Alonzo Church and Stephen C. Kleene introduced a theory called lambda calculus as part of their investigation of the foundations of mathematics. Even though it didn’t fulfill their original expectations, the theory is still used in some branches of logic and has evolved into a useful theory of computation. To explore the basic principles of functional programming, you’ll find a brief introduction to lambda calculus in the next chapter. Lambda calculus escaped its original domain when computers were invented and served as an inspiration for the first functional programming languages.
1.2.1. Functional languages
The first functional programming language celebrated its 50th birthday in 2008. LISP, created by John McCarthy in 1958, is based directly on the lambda calculus theory. LISP, an extremely flexible language, pioneered many programming ideas that are still used today, including data structures, garbage collection, and dynamic typing.
In the 1970s, Robin Milner developed a language called ML. This was the first of a family of languages that now includes F#. Inspired by typed lambda calculus, it added the notion of types and even allowed us to write generic
functions in the same way we do now with .NET generics. ML was also equipped with a powerful type inference mechanism, which is now essential for writing terse programs in F#. OCaml, a pragmatic extension to the ML language, appeared in 1996. It was one of the first languages that allowed the combination of object-oriented and functional approaches. OCaml was a great inspiration for F#, which has to mix these paradigms in order to be a first-class .NET language and a truly functional one.
Other important functional languages include Haskell (a language with surprising mathematical purity and elegance) and Erlang (which has become famous for message passing concurrency that we’ll discuss in chapter 16). We’ll learn more about Haskell and LISP when we focus on topics where those languages have benefits over F#—but first, let’s finish our story by looking at the history of F#.
1.2.2. Functional programming on the .NET platform
The first version of .NET was released in 2002, and the history of the F# language dates to the same year. F# started off as a Microsoft Research project by Don Syme and his colleagues, with the goal of bringing functional programming to .NET. F# and typed functional programming in general gave added weight to the need for generics in .NET, and the designers of F# were deeply involved in the design and implementation of generics in .NET 2.0 and C# 2.0.
With generics implemented in the core framework, F# began evolving more quickly, and the programming style used in F# also started changing. It began as a functional language with support for objects, but as the language matured, it seemed more natural to take the best from both styles. As a result, F# is now more precisely described as a multiparadigm language, which combines both functional and object-oriented approaches, together with a great set of tools that allow it to be used interactively for scripting.
Microsoft F#
F# is a functional programming language for the .NET Framework. It combines the succinct, expressive, and compositional style of functional programming with the runtime, libraries, interoperability, and object model of .NET. [F# home page]
F# has been a first-class .NET citizen since its early days. Not only can it access any of the standard .NET components but—equally importantly—any other .NET language can access code developed in F#. This makes it possible to use F# to develop standalone .NET applications as well as parts of larger projects. F# has always come with support in Visual Studio, and in 2007 a process was started to turn F# from a research project to a full production-quality language. In 2008 Microsoft announced that F# will become one of the languages shipped with Visual Studio 2010. This alone is a good reason for taking interest in F# and the whole functional paradigm, but let’s look at more pragmatic reasons now.
1.3. Being productive with functional programming
Many people find functional programming elegant or even beautiful, but that’s hardly a good reason to use it in a commercial environment. Elegance doesn’t pay the bills, sad to say. The key reason for coding in a functional style is that it makes you and your team more productive.
In this section, we’ll look at the key benefits that functional programming gives you and explain how it solves some of the most important problems of modern software development. Before exploring the specific benefits, we’ll consider a higher perspective. Functional programming isn’t a strictly delimited technology, because the functional ideas can appear in different forms.
1.3.1. The functional paradigm
Functional programming is a programming paradigm This means that it defines the concepts that we can use when thinking about problems. But it doesn’t precisely specify how these concepts should be represented in the programming language. As a result, there are many functional languages, and each emphasizes different features and aspects of the functional style.
We can use an analogy with a paradigm you’re already familiar with: objectoriented programming (OOP). In the object-oriented style, we think about problems in terms of objects. Each object-oriented language has some notion of what an object is, but the details vary between languages. For instance, C++ has multiple inheritance and JavaScript has prototypes. Moreover, you can use an object-oriented style in a language that isn’t object-oriented, such as C. It’s less comfortable, but you’ll still enjoy some of the benefits.
Programming paradigms aren’t exclusive. The C# language is primarily object-oriented, but in the 3.0 version it supports several functional features, so we can use techniques from the functional style directly. On the other side, F# is primarily a functional language, but it fully supports the .NET object model. The great thing about combining paradigms is that we can choose the approach that best suits the problem.
Learning the functional paradigm is worthwhile even if you’re not planning to use a functional language. By learning a functional style, you’ll gain concepts that make it easier to think about and solve your daily programming problems. Interestingly, many of the standard object-oriented patterns describe how to encode some clear functional concept in the OOP style.
Now let’s focus on the benefits of functional programming. We’ll start by looking at the declarative programming style, which gives us a richer vocabulary for describing our intentions.
1.3.2. Declarative programming style
In the declarative programming style, we express the logic of programs without specifying the execution details. This description may sound familiar to you because it’s quite similar to the definition of functional programming we’ve seen in section 1.1. But declarative programming is a more general idea that can be realized using different technologies. Functional programming is just one way to achieve that. Let’s demonstrate how functional languages make it possible to write declarative code.
When writing a program, we have to explain our goals to the computer using the vocabulary that it understands. In imperative languages, this consists of commands. We can add new commands, such as show customer details,
but the whole program is a step-by-step description saying how the computer should accomplish the overall task. An example of a program is Take the next customer from a list. If the customer lives in the UK, show their details. If there are more customers in the list, go to the beginning.
Once the program grows, the number of commands in our vocabulary becomes too high, making the vocabulary difficult to use. This is where object-oriented programming makes our life easier, because it allows us to organize our commands in a better way. We can associate all commands that involve a customer with some customer entity (a class), which clarifies the description. The program is still a sequence of commands specifying how it should proceed.
Functional programming provides a completely different way of extending the vocabulary. We’re not limited to adding new primitive commands; we can also add new control structures—primitives that specify how we can put commands together to create a program. In imperative languages, we were able to compose commands in a sequence or by using a limited number of built-in constructs such as loops, but if you look at typical programs, you’ll still see many recurring structures—common ways of combining commands. In fact, some of these recurring structures are very well known and are described by design patterns. But in imperative languages, we keep typing the same structure of code over and over again.
In our example we can see a pattern, which could be expressed as "Run the first command for every customer for which the second command returns true. Using this primitive, we can express our program simply by saying
Show customer details of every customer living in the UK. In this sentence
living in the UK specifies the second argument and
show customer details" represents the first.
Let’s compare the two sentences that we’ve used to describe the same problem:
Take the next customer from a list. If the customer lives in the UK, show their details. If there are more customers in the list, go to the beginning.
Show customer details of every customer living in the UK.
Just like the earlier analogy of making a cup of coffee, the first sentence describes exactly how to achieve our goal whereas the second describes what we want to achieve.
This is the essential difference between imperative and declarative styles of programming. Surely you’ll agree that the second sentence is far more readable and better reflected the aim of our program.
So far we’ve been using an analogy, but we’ll see how this idea maps to actual source code later in this chapter. This isn’t the only aspect of functional programming that makes life easier. In the next section, we’ll look at another concept that makes it much simpler to understand what a program does.
1.3.3. Understanding what a program does
In the usual imperative style, the program consists of objects that have internal state that can be changed either directly or by calling some method of the object. This means that when we call a method, it can be hard to tell what state is affected by the operation. For example, in the C# snippet in listing 1.1 we create an ellipse, get its bounding box, and call a method on the returned rectangle. Finally, we return the ellipse to whatever has called it.
Listing 1.1. Working with ellipse and rectangle (C#)
Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100));
Rectangle boundingBox = ellipse.BoundingBox;
boundingBox.Inflate(10, 10);
return ellipse;
How do we know what the state of the Ellipse will be after the code runs just by looking at it? This is hard, because boundingBox could be a reference to the