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The Rough Road or the Golden Path?
The Rough Road or the Golden Path?
The Rough Road or the Golden Path?
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The Rough Road or the Golden Path?

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This is a story like many othersthe history of a person persecuted for knowing, but mainly for spreading the truth that has never really been welcome in this world. This persecution happened at the time he was deeply in love with a very pretty young lady he was paying court to, but to survive and to have a chance to continue writing about the biggest scandal of all times, he had to flee from her, and this without even have a chance to explain the situation to her.

By writing his story, this man is in the hope that a public inquiry will be made about these injustices that have hurt him a lot. For this matter, he has brought together many testimonies of people who participated in this persecution.

Many of these people have regretted deeply, mostly because they are animal lovers and many of these animals were cruelly and savagely killed in the process. But just like Jesus said it and I often said it myself, the weeping and gnashing of teeth are not for the children of God. It is already too late to save the dead animals that paid the price for these crimes, but a public inquiry might just be the tool that will help in saving these innocent beings in the future.
Release dateSep 12, 2014
The Rough Road or the Golden Path?

James Prince

Hi, everyone. I am a Jesus’s disciple, and because I listen to my master, I want to make the truth known to all the nations as he asked me to do in Matthew 28:20: “And teaching them everything I have commanded you.” I have known the desolation because this is something that all the religions I know don't do. They are preaching Paul instead of Jesus, and for this reason, the truth is not known. Jesus’s instructions are completely opposite to Paul’s teachings, and people must know about it. You'll find a lot of proofs in this book of mine, and all of them are from the Bible, not from me.

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    The Rough Road or the Golden Path? - James Prince

    Copyright 2014 James Prince.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4483-4 (sc)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Surprising Things

    Chapter 4

    My May 6Th Dream

    Chapter 5

    The Work Force

    Chapter 6

    The Sabbath

    Chapter 7

    Angie, The Miracle Dog

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    The Ten Virgins And The Kingdom Of Heaven


    From dream to dream I think a dreamer never quit dreaming. Although, if my life is a dream come through as beautiful as being able to write Sheba’s story, friend of mine, dream or reality it is wonderful.

    On the first of April 2001 I had a dream where I was visiting Sheba at her place for the very first time. When I walked through her driveway a dog, I don’t know if it was hers or not, but it came at me and managed to get a bite at my buttocks. I acrobatically reached and grabbed its jaws with both of my hands behind my back and I simply opened its mouth and broke it.

    I walked inside her house bleeding my pans, totally ignoring the pain and I found her in a far corner of the house looking outside a window and she seemed to be very distraught. I kissed her and to my surprise she enjoyed it and she looked at me with a pleasant look of stupefaction. When she realized I was bleeding she pulled my pans down and she started taking care of my wounds.

    This must hurt a lot? Is it bad? I don’t feel a thing. Now I’m sorry I broke the dog’s mouth. I’ll put peroxide on it, but I think you should go to the hospital. Why should I go to the hospital if I’m cured by your loving care?

    I had another dream on April fifteen. It seemed to me we were in a hospital or in a sort of a medical clinic to get the confirmation of my child authenticity. While waiting for the result of the test Sheba and I had a dance, a very nice old time waltz that was playing on the radio. When we were done I hold Sheba very tightly in my arms making all the nurses kind of envious and jealous. Some of them came to asked me if I could make them dance too, but I told them this was exclusive to Sheba. They smiled at me giving me the pretty eyes and all that; brushing their breasts meaning; ‘Look at what I have to offer you.’ I simply told them I love what I got.

    On the sixteen of the same month I dreamed of this book I’m writing now; The Rough Road! Sheba told me once that her life has been pretty rough; this was the story of her life.

    I don’t know why my life has been so much of a mess, but whatever it was, I still love the Lord. "You should keep loving Him Sheba, because your life could be much rougher yet; you know this, don’t you? The Lord has the power to put thornbushe where ever He wants; you should know this. I am the guy to talk to if you want to talk to someone about it. Not that I’m an expert or anything like it, but I am interested and I can be a good listener.

    We never know; I might be able to explain a bunch of things to you. I lived through some things that would make your hair grow greyer when you’re hear them. I’m old enough for this anyway and besides, there is always some dyeing processes.

    Maybe we should sit down and write your story; it might be useful for a lot of people and to yourself, who knows? I had a very rough road, you know? So did I. Let’s try to smooth off the rest of it if you want to. We should meet somewhere else though; before some of your colleagues start making stories you don’t want to be writing about in the book.

    I have to make a trip for collecting hubcaps on Easter Monday. Do you care to join and telling me some of it? Would you really take me along with you? Sure, I’d love to take you along with me. You could enjoy the ride maybe and see what a day in the life of a hubcaps collector is like. I’ll pick you up at 6; 00 a.m. Don’t worry about lunch, I’ll take care of it, ok? It might be boring for you at times though; especially when you’ll be waiting for me to come back with my collection while I walk the road, so bring a good book to read along with you. I’m reading your book right now in my spare time, The Precious Princess of Wonderland; so I’ll take it with me. We’re on John.

    Should I call you John or James? Whatever suits you best Sheba; I don’t mind either one and they both belong to me. Where did the name John come from? When I was a kid still I formed a little gang to protect the young girls and boys who were mistreated by the bullies and older ones; especially the bums who were stealing from the little ones. They elected me to be the chief and I thought the name John wasn’t a name serious enough or worthy of a chief because I thought it was not enough authoritarian; so I decided on the name James and they all agreed with me. Sixteen years later; when I was walking in the street someone who I didn’t recognize called me James to my surprise. I turned around wondering and I asked him why he called me this way, by this name. He said;

    You’re James, my chief. You’re the chief of my gang. I’m truly sorry not to recognize you my friend, but I’m very flattered and pleased you remember me.

    I think when a person received a nickname once; it most likely follows this one for the rest of his life.

    I can’t believe I’ll spend a complete day with James Prince, the writer and the author of the Precious Princess of Wonderland and The True Face of The Antichrist. I have a hard time believing in this. Not only he is a writer, but he is also the hubcap king; the owner of the largest collection of hubcaps in my country. It’s so exciting. Did you pack a pen and a note book Sheba? We’re surely going to need this. Don’t worry John, I got all we need to start the story and this includes a lot of my memories. It will be enough to make your hair stick up though. You’ll have a lot of writing to do for me while I’m driving and don’t you worry; not much surprises me anymore, do you know? I can do this.

    We drove north to Falkland BC and we stopped there for breakfast in a restaurant at 7.10 a.m. After breakfast we hit the road towards the lakes and the hills. After six kilometres up a swirling road we stopped at the first cattlegard, which is twelve to twenty pipes across the road and spaced every four inches to prevent cattle or wild animals to cross over. Although, when the vehicles cross them a little too fast the hubcaps fly off. The best chance people have to recover their lost hubcap is through my business or one like it. If the road workers find them before me, chances are good they end up buried at a dump site or thrown in a recycle bin.

    Sheba watched me going with amazement and smiled when I stepped down to find the first hubcap of our venture. Eight minutes later I was back to the vehicle with many nice pieces.

    Now John tell me, how much those worth? Let’s see here, ta, ta, ta, $340.00. What? I have to work a whole week for this kind of money. I have to wait the whole year to find this many over here. I also have to be here just on time. If I get here just a bit too late it is just too bad but I get nothing. If I get here first whoever follows me finds nothing and he might be discouraged from trying again. Timing is everything.

    We arrived at the sixth cattlegard of this stretch of the road where I found a big bunch of them again. Through weeds and thorn bushes up and down embankments I found a very good value; more than five hundred dollars worth anyway.

    This was a tough road you just went through there John; now I can see why you’re in such a good shape and so strong. Yes, the road is pretty rough sometime Sheba. It took you more time to get those little weeds off your shoes and out of your clothes than it took you to gather all those hubcaps. I hate them but a man has to do what he has to do, right?

    From the East side of Chase we drove to Kamloops to find another stretch of road where there are six more cattlegards. There was absolutely nothing at the first one.

    How come there is nothing over here John? As you can see for yourself Sheba; both sides of the road here are very visible and easy to walk. I’m sure hubcaps fell off here too, but someone stopped and picked them up. I couldn’t even find an empty beer can. You pick up cans and bottles too, don’t you? If I pick up a dozen cans in five minutes this will bring me twelve dollars an hour and it is better than nothing; especially if I don’t have the luck to find any hubcap. You’ll be surprised to find out how it adds up at the end of the day. I’ll bet it does. I never know what I’m going to find. There are places where I expect to find a lot and there is nothing. There are places where I expect to find little and I find a lot. I got to know my spots pretty well though. I’ll bet you do; you seem to know what you’re doing. John, there is one hubcap back there on the side of the road.

    I was tempted to slam the breaks as someone said once I was doing, but I don’t. I look behind first and then I stop as quickly as I can without damaging my tires or taking any risk of an accident. I parked the truck on the side of the rough road and I walked back the four hundred feet to pick up a very good hubcap in a very good shape which is worth seventy dollars.

    Tell me now John; it seems to be very unusual to find a hubcap like this out of nowhere? I mean this hubcap had no reason to fall off. Sometime the hubcap got started off at the cattlegard and hangs on until the vibration from the rough road finishes the work. If it didn’t get off here it would have probably fell off at the next cattlegard. When you say a seventy dollar hubcap; this is the price from the dealer, isn’t it? No Sheba, the same hubcap brand new is sold from the dealer for approximately two hundred dollars plus taxes. Wow! This is quite a saving when people buy it from you. "It sure is, but still many people complain about my prices; mainly because they don’t know what the original price is from the dealer.

    Others know but they just try to squeeze blood out of me. If only they knew what it cost to sell nowadays. Maybe they know too, but they just don’t care.

    I usually send these people hunting for their replacement hubcap somewhere else. Very often they shamefully come back to get it after they spent a number of dollars on gas. Others will go buy cheap hubcaps from the hardware stores. In my opinion they buy a one dollar hubcap and they pay anywhere from ten to twenty-five dollars for one. This is not being very smart. Those caps either rust very quickly or break when they try to put them on. A lot of people don’t seem to know the difference between good quality and cheap. It cost a lot of money to learn in some cases. What do you do John other than pick up hubcaps? You said you have to wait a year for you to come back over here. Oh, I have many places to go. My next trip will be around Banff and Calgary. You’re more than welcome to join me if you want to. We could possibly have a couple of dances in Calgary on Saturday night and pay your mom a visit on Sunday before returning. What do you think of it? It is very inviting. I’ll have to see. But you better finish reading this book of Precious Princess first. I want you to get to know me a bit better. I also like to build a mention for you. Build a mention for me? What do you mean? Well, you’ll know better when you’re done reading this book, but the Lord wants me to build this place of mine for his children, the ones I know. Do you like water and fish? I just love water John. I want to make a little lake over there with a fountain splashing water through coloured lights; especially made to kill mosquitoes which are going to end up feeding the fish. It will be very pretty at night. The lake will also make a nice skating ring in the winter.

    I also want to make a small strawberry field with a gazebo in the centre capable to sit forty people around it. I would love to have your opinion on this. It sure sounds wonderful John, but all of this cost a lot of money. Not if you have the right emplacement for it and if you know how to do it. I think it would be nice to give our friends a good strawberry and ice-cream feast between Bible’s studies once in a while. All of this followed by a sing along. I would also love to welcome them sometime with a good pickerel or green bass diner. You like to share, don’t you? It’s fun. I sure don’t like to be taken though. But now you should be answering some of my questions, don’t you think?

    You said you didn’t know your father. Do you mind telling me about it? In her young years my mom was a babysitter and she became pregnant of the man she was working for. She never wanted to tell me more about it. As far as my father is concerned I’m in a limbo. I know you have a Father in heaven who loves you and who looks after you. A lot of things could have happened. There is more than one possibility. It could be that she liked him, teased him and felt responsible for her pregnancy. This way she wouldn’t want to cause him any trouble; especially if she really loved him. He might have paid her also a big amount of money to keep quiet about the whole situation. Another possibility is he has threatened her and she was afraid not to see her child again; especially if he was a powerful man. It could be also she was raped and never want you to know who he is. Whatever it is; she certainly felt it was better for you not to know him.

    I would like you to tell me about your first day in school. Did you like to go? I got very scared. There were people from the zoo with snakes and one of them put one around my neck and it began to squeeze me dangerously and I panicked, which made things worst. I have always been scared of them since. One day I was walking on my property with my little Princess, her who was following me everywhere I went and we suddenly heard some little birds twittering. Princess wanted to go after them, but I quickly held her back telling her she is not to harm these little delicate beings. I told her to stay on the spot and I went to look in the high grass where the sound came from. This was under an old forty-five gallons oil stand. So I began moving the grass with my bare hand hoping to see these little birds. What a surprise I had when I discovered there was a mama rattle snake that was busy swallowing her babies. It is most likely what save both of us. I had my share of fright too that time.

    What sport do you like the best and what do you like to do beside working? It is time for lunch, are you hungry? What do we have? I have beef Bologna, cheese, bananas, fresh buns, little chocolate cakes, apple strudels and seven-up. If you don’t like any of this we’ll stop at a restaurant. We didn’t come all the way up here to waste our time in a restaurant. We wouldn’t be wasting our time; you would have to answer some of my questions. I can do this in the vehicle. As you wish Sheba! I used to make ham sandwiches, but since I found out pork is an abomination to God and it’s not good for us I don’t eat it anymore. It is not just because it’s not good for our heath, but I also hate to displease God. I’m sure He had a very good reason to forbid it too. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear one day it causes cancer or some other diseases. I know pork is full of parasites and these cause cancer. This is a known fact.

    We’re getting close to Cache Creek now. The ground is uneven around here, very different. It looks almost as if we were on the moon or on some other planets. Isn’t it? There is a Dairy-Queen Sheba; would you like an ice-cream or something else? This would be wonderful. Thanks!"

    Now, here we are at another stretch of road with many cattlegards. I didn’t come here for three years now; there might be quite a bit of them.

    I searched the two first ones and Sheba watched me go with total amazement. But then she got a bit worried when we arrived at the third one.

    John, you’re not going down there, are you? You’ll never come out of it. It is too steep. I could climb the highest mountain on earth if I knew you were on the top of it waiting for me and ready to tell me your story. What do you mean John? I mean nothing will hold me from getting back up here. Many reporters have risked their life for less and hundreds of them died in action. I don’t want you to die; I want you to write my story. Don’t you worry; I won’t risk my live, but only a few scratches maybe.

    A few seconds later I slipped down about twenty feet making the dirt and the rocks roll by me missing my head just by a bit.

    Are you ok John? No harm done? I’m just fine Sheba."

    The hubcap I was carrying went down about thirty feet lower than where I was. I went to get it and I climbed up sideways this time like a deer or a ram would have done. I was then out of breath for a little while and I wept off all the sweating it caused me.

    The least I can say is you can call this a rough road.

    I motioned her to give me one minute with my finger to let me get my breath back.

    You’re right Sheba. This was a tough one. If they were all like this one I couldn’t do it all day long. Did you see Sheba the crevice in the ground over there? It looks like almost two feet wide by twelve to fifteen feet deep. It is very nicely cut too as if someone did it with a huge knife. What caused this John? The water from the rain running off the road cut the ground almost like a huge knife would have done it. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? God has his own tools to shape up the earth his own way. With a big tornado He can make a lake like the Okanogan one. With the wind and sand He can level up miles of land. With an earthquake he can shook up the mountains and destroy huge cities and countries in only a few seconds if He wants to. With lightning He can start thousands of fires at the same time and yet some people don’t believe in Him. I just wonder what it would take for them to open their eyes. Although, I think most of the people who don’t believe in God it’s because of the church leaders who keep lying about a lot of things.

    I cleaned up this last road and it was four o’clock already. I could have use at least another five hours to do all I wanted to do and go everywhere I wanted to.

    We should be going back soon. There are three more cattlegards to clean up by Monte Lake and there are two and a half hours to drive back home yet. Besides, when I get home I’ll have thirty-eight hungry hounds to feed. John, after all this you don’t even look tired. You drove more than six hundred kilometres, you walked at least twenty-five miles up and down cliffs among thorn bushes and weeds and you look as if you’re ready to start all over again. Don’t kid yourself Sheba; I’m almost worn out. You sure don’t look like you are. I wish I have learned more about you though. We’ll meet again if you want to. If I want to? As soon as I have finished feeding my dogs I’ll sit at my computer and I’ll write down all the great moments of this day. How much worth do you figure you found today? More than I sold from the beginning of the year; which is around thirty-five hundreds dollars, but this doesn’t beat one time where I found fourteen thousands dollars worth in one hour and this was near Brad Creek. You got to be kidding me. You’re not mocking me, are you? "I never fool around with this kind of serious stuff Sheba and I never mock

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