Pregnancy: The Best Time to Submerge Your Baby in Prayer
By Edna Rivera
About this ebook
Thinking about having a baby? Already pregnant? Pregnancy is a weekly, educational devotional that goes beyond describing the babys physical development. It combines Gods word with the studies in the field of prenatal memory. Research has confirmed that some of the experiences the baby has in the womb are being imprinted in its inner being.
If you desire to connect with your baby and your baby with God, then Pregnancy is the book for you. Each week the baby describes itself in a joyful and sometimes amusing way. It speaks to its parents about its physical development during that week and glorifies God. This is followed by prayers based on the Bible, for the parents to pray for each organ in development, as well as the babys soul and spirit. Pregnancy covers the forty weeks of gestation, including the preconception period and the day of delivery.
Pregnancy may be shared with your loved ones. Invite them to do something special and unforgettable by joining you in prayer.
You will also find support guides for when the baby is not initially wanted, the experience of an abortion, and when you suffer the loss of a baby during pregnancy.
Pregnancy will help you enjoy all the stages of your babys development and imprint special memories of love and acceptance in its inner self. You will be setting the foundation for the spiritual and social-emotional identity of your unborn child for the rest of its life.
Edna Rivera
Edna Rivera is an Early Childhood Consultant. She has a Master of Education and is the founder of Formation of a New Generation, a ministry where expectant parents come to receive prayers for their unborn child using the principles established in this book. Edna is married, has two children and lives in Caguas, Puerto Rico.
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Pregnancy - Edna Rivera
Copyright © 2015 Edna Rivera .
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WestBow Press rev. date: 04/21/2015
In Honor of Your Conception
First Month
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month
Seventh Month
Eighth Month
Ninth Month
Appendix 1: The Baby Who Was Not Initially Wanted
Appendix 2: When You Have Lived The Experience of An Abortion
Appendix 3: The Loss of Your Baby
Appendix 4: Quick Reference
Bible Verse Reference
Inhonorofyourconception.jpgIn Honor of Your Conception
There are so many special people who believed in this project and accompanied me throughout the journey that culminated in the production and translation of this book.
My sincere thanks to:
Lillian López, my sister in Christ, for being my prayer partner, for believing in this project when it was just a dream, for accompanying and encouraging me from the beginning to the end.
Nyrma Feliciano, my covenant sister, for covering me in prayer, for contributing her knowledge of medicine, for reading the draft and for the valuable recommendations made in the process.
Carmen Marchany, my spiritual daughter, who assumed various roles in the process. She held me up with her prayers, contributed ideas and assumed the arduous task of editing the Spanish manuscript.
María S Pedraza, my sister in Christ, who by her own initiative said, Here I am
and assumed full responsibility for organizing the format of the Spanish manuscript.
Sara Arroyo, my sister in Christ, for the hours invested in the first edition of the Spanish manuscript.
The Squadron of forty prayer warriors from my church, for adopting one of the forty weeks of pregnancy and covering it with prayer.
Pastor Oscar Rivera, physician, who provided information on the function of the organs of the baby and also a member of the prayer squadron.
Ruth Sanjurjo, for the many tasks she assumed, contributing her artistic ideas, advice and formatting the final Spanish manuscript.
Wanda Soler, my spiritual daughter, for sharing her valuable writer’s advice and her emotional support.
Edwin Correa, for designing the book cover.
Judy Cox, my sister, for reviewing the initial translation from Spanish to English.
Tony Oliveras, for the full translation of the book from Spanish to English.
Rafael Flores, for his assistance in the initial editing of the translation from Spanish to English.
Angélica Cid, my sister, who took upon herself the responsibility of typing all of the English manuscript, and for the hundreds of hours she invested in editing the final version of the English translation.
Luis Cid, my brother in-law, for supporting his wife, Angelica Cid, during the long hours of the editing process and for also proofreading the final manuscript.
Loida Levy, my sister, for proofreading the final manuscript of the English translation.
I dedicate this book, first and foremost, to the Holy Spirit, the true author. The one, who inspired me, pushed and sustained me through the long process of completing it.
Secondly, to Andrés Rivera Chico, the child with whom some of the principles in this book were first used when his mother was pregnant. Today Andrés is a young teen who, from his childhood, knows the scriptures and enjoys an intimate relationship with God. Andrés knows his destiny in God! He speaks passionately about his need to prepare himself to take the Word of God to the nations.
From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.
Psalm 22:10 (NIV)
The exclamation in Psalm 22:10 perfectly portrays the purpose of this book: To help parents use the 40 weeks of gestation to submerge their unborn child in the Word of God. Just as the baby’s umbilical cord nourishes his physical body, the Word of God becomes his lifeline to his Creator; saturating his spiritual senses, so he may come to long for the pure milk of the Word of God, and by it he may grow in respect to salvation (1 Peter 2:2). Science is just beginning to explain how it is possible for there to be multiple cases of persons who have memories of experiences that took place while they were still in their mother’s womb. The prominent Dr. Thomas Verny in his book: The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, (1988) presents numerous examples of these cases from different parts of the world. Interestingly, Dr. Verny also presents evidence of how a baby from its mother’s womb knows if he is a wanted baby or not, and the effect that this has on him in his adult life.
In line with these investigations the fields of prenatal and perinatal psychology have emerged. These are interdisciplinary studies of the foundations of health in body, mind, emotions and in enduring response patterns to life. They are the study of the psychological and psychophysiological effects and implications of the earliest experiences of the individual before birth (prenatal), as well as during and immediately after childbirth (perinatal), on the health and learning ability of the individual and on their social relationships.
Research has confirmed some of the experiences the baby has in the womb are being imprinted in his inner being. It has also confirmed, beyond a doubt, that during the process of gestation, the baby can hear, see, feel and react to stimuli from the outside world as John the Baptist did while he was still inside his mother’s womb.
Based on these scientific findings, I ask myself if in 2nd Tim 3:15 the Bible is referring to Timothy’s prenatal memory in the same way Isaiah 40:22 makes reference to the world being round, long before Christopher Columbus made this discovery. In 2nd Timothy 3:15, it says that from his childhood Timothy knew the scriptures. What’s interesting in this Bible verse is that when you study it in its original language, the word childhood can also mean: "typically an infant that has not been born." With this in mind, 2nd Timothy 3:15 can be paraphrased to read: and while you were in your mother’s womb, you have known the Holy Scriptures (Author emphasis). Could it be that his grandmother Lois, and Eunice, his mother, took a proactive approach and used the time of gestation to begin to teach Timothy the scriptures, as they also developed a bonding relationship with him from the very womb?
The time has come for the people of God to apply the knowledge in the field of prenatal memory in conjunction with the Word of God to instruct their unborn child on its identity in Jesus Christ during the pregnancy period. This book does precisely that; it combines the Word of God and the findings of science concerning prenatal memory. The intent is for parents to have a tool that will not limit them to only praying for the physical development of the baby in gestation, but also have a tool to help them pray for the unborn child’s soul and spirit. As a result of the Word of God being imprinted in the baby’s inner being, his spiritual senses will begin to develop, sharpen and lead him, at a very early age, to an intimate relationship with his Creator and a victorious life in Christ Jesus.
I firmly believe this book reflects God’s heart for a time such as this. The Bible is definitely the greatest teaching manual in existence and science continues to confirm the veracity of what has been written in its pages. Pregnancy is a vital time in the life of the parents and the unborn child. Don’t miss the opportunity and privilege you have as parents to enter into an alliance with God to declare life upon the spirit, soul and body of your unborn child.
So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11
The purpose of this book is to connect your baby to the powerful Word of God during the entire gestation period. It links the principles of the Bible with scientific findings on prenatal memory. The goal is that as you submerge your baby in prayers, based on the Bible, the Word will imprint itself in his inner being, sharpen his spiritual senses, and pave the way for him to enjoy an intimate relationship with God at an early age and live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.
It is a tool to help you take advantage of the nine months of pregnancy to develop a bonding relationship with your baby as you wrap him in God’s love. The Bible teaches us in 1st Thessalonians 5:23 that we are spirit, soul and body and the three should be sanctified. For this reason, prayers have been included so you can sanctify and nourish these three essential aspects of your baby’s development.
Pregnancy is definitely the best time to begin praying for your baby. The baby is captive inside its mother’s womb for nine months. In a mysterious way, for good or for evil, the experiences around him are being imprinted in his inner being. This book will help you imprint experiences of life, which will prepare him for his life in the world. It is not about making positive statements, rather prayers based on Biblical principles. It is about blessing your baby with the power of the Word which is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
The first page provides a place for you to dedicate this book to the baby you will be praying for. You can choose to give it to the baby once he is born or wait until he is old enough to value it. A gift like this is a treasure that conveys the message that someone loved him so much that, week after week, they took the time to pray for his physical development and to nourish his soul and spirit with the Word of God. Can you imagine the effect an act like this, combined with your prayers, will have on the emotional development of the child in the coming years?
Beginning with the period before pregnancy, prayers are provided for the couple to consecrate the ovum and the sperm that will unite to conceive their baby. It also includes a prayer to sustain the couple if the period of conception is prolonged.
A very special section has been included which compiles the findings of the Messianic Jew, Zola Levitt. Mr. Levitt unveils, in an impressive way, how our God has interwoven the pregnancy process with the Feasts of Israel described in the book of Leviticus. This information has been summarized in tables and is located in the corresponding month of pregnancy. If you wish to read more on this matter, visit the webpage: and request the video: A Child is Born or the pamphlet: The Seven Feasts of Israel.
For ease of use, the contents have been organized around the nine months of pregnancy and the weeks that make up the month. In each table you will discover the prayer focus for each month, the name of God used, and the relation between the week of pregnancy and the Feasts of Israel.
In the section, I Am Alive and I Describe My Physical Development, the baby describes himself in a joyful and sometimes amusing way. He speaks to his parents about his physical development during that week and glorifies God for the care he has received from him. This book does not pretend to be a medical manual, but rather an avenue for a pleasant dialogue between the parents and their unborn child.
The section, Prayer Guide for the Physical Development of Our Baby, begins before the pregnancy has occurred. It starts with prayer to sanctify the ovum and the sperm that will unite at the moment of conception. If the pregnancy is delayed, you will find a prayer to sustain both the husband and the wife during the waiting period of the conception of their baby. Once the baby is conceived, there is a prayer for each week of pregnancy. The prayers in this section present to the Lord each organ in development that week and its function.
The section, Prayer Guide for the Soul of Our Baby (emotions – mind – will), provides the parents with the opportunity for planting the powerful Word of God in the baby’s soul, as it grows in the mother’s womb. Given that the Word teaches us in Psalm 8:2 that from the mouth of infants and nursing babies, God established strength. This, without a doubt, is the best time to begin to pray for the soul of your baby. The nine manifestations of the fruit of the Holy Spirit have been integrated into the prayers for the soul. Furthermore, each week a Bible character has been identified who exhibited this fruit. You are invited to pray with the conviction that you will have guaranteed results; for the Word of God never comes back empty, but it accomplishes that for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11). In these prayers, you will be asking God to give the baby a heart conformed to his, to make him wise and to fill him with his intelligence.
The section, Prayer Guide for the Spirit of Our Baby, follows the same pattern, based on the Word of God, prophesying and blessing the spirit of the baby, but with a slightly different approach. With these prayers you will speak directly to the baby’s spirit and begin to instruct him on how much God loves him, his identity in God, his unique ability to discern the things of God, and to be able to communicate directly with God. The ultimate goal of the prayers for the spirit is to begin to fine tune your baby’s spiritual senses as you feed him with the beautiful and powerful Word of God. As you speak to your baby’s spirit, while he is still in the womb, you will be instructing him on his inheritance in God, the need for him to surrender his heart to Jesus, his spiritual senses, each piece of the armor of God and the gifts of the spirit that are available to him.
The appendix includes several important resources, such as a quick reference that allows you to know at a glance, the name of God that is used, the prayer focus and the Bible character chosen for that week. It also includes a guide and prayer to be used when, for some reason, the baby was not initially wanted. You will find a prayer guide for those who have lived the experience of an abortion and a prayer guide in case that during the pregnancy you suffer the loss of your baby.
These prayers should not be turned into a tedious ritual. Rather, it should be a delightful experience where parents can enjoy some beautiful moments of intimacy with their baby. Do not think that in one day you have to read all the prayers assigned to a week. The prayers can be divided as follows: