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We Fundamentalists
We Fundamentalists
We Fundamentalists
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We Fundamentalists

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We Fundamentalist is an inspiring religious and social political book that is part personal experience, part analytical and part sermon. Thus determining what is right instead of who is wrong so that the heart, mind and soul of the world body will be better informed from the viewpoint of an orthodox Sunni Muslim African American Imam. Addressing frankly, those pragmatic issues that bond humanity between ideas to our benefit and ideas to our mutual harm, which relate critically to our conditions here in this contemporary world of ours, both eastern and western societies.
Hence, a forthright novel of the metaphysical perspective of injustice and the Islamic faith distinguishing what is compatible with human survival, taking into account life`s apparent realities of knowledge and beliefs with the hope of producing an arresting moment of human clarity.
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Release dateJun 19, 2014
We Fundamentalists

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    We Fundamentalists - Muhammad Dawud

    Copyright © 2014 by Muhammad Dawud.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014909562

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4990-2725-9

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    PART I:



    Go East

    Hearts of Mankind

    Religious Freedom


    The Shiite Resistance

    That Shiite Spring

    Arab Spring

    That Human Scourge

    Islam and Secularism


    Suspended Rights


    The Five Essential Pillars

    Allah`s Short List

    The Emancipation

    What Worries Me

    PART II:


    Their Hearts and Minds War

    The Big Business of War

    The Kafir Community

    Your Hearts Reflects Your Freedom

    Dying For Love



    Everything is Permissible


    That War On Drugs

    Half Your Faith

    Long Live the King

    Simon Says

    What`s Going On?

    The Free Press

    Justice and Islam


    Piggy Banks

    The Heavens are Not Empty


    That Stateless Government


    When Muhammad Dawud, a Muslim American citizen, who was a student at Damascus University, Damascus Syria; a director and English teacher at a private English Educational Syrian school is thrown into a Syrian underground dungeon because he is a Sunni Muslim by the Syrian Alawite (Shiite) government at the beginning of the Arab Spring, he starts writing about the oppression and injustice he sees and lived with in the Muslim and Western World.

    Muhammad Dawud is a world renowned Imam, and lecturer on Islamic and current international issues to both public, and private, Muslim and non Muslim audiences. London, UK. New York, New Jersey, USA. Mecca, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Damascus, Syria. Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan. Karachi, Lahore, Dir-N.W.F.P., Pakistan. Fes, Morocco.


    To my mother, Thelma Edwich Hastings Hickson, and father, Constant Patrick Hickson. I thank you.

    To my lovely wife, Houda H. Bassim, and children, Khaoula M. Dawud, Salah Eddin M. Dawud, and Abdullah Constant M. Dawud.

    To Howard University and all my teachers here in America. I thank you.

    To Imam Hamass Abdul Khaalis, Samwell Oliver, and all my Muslim brothers and sisters in this jihad struggle here in America, including Sheikh Omar S. Abu Namous from the Islamic Culture Center of New York, Dr. S. Sultan, and those true believers from Dar-Ul-Islah Mosque in Teaneck, New Jersey. I thank you.

    To Dr. Fouad Rasheed and those true believers from the Islamic Center of Passaic, New Jersey, I thank you.

    To King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Abd Al-Aziz Abd Allah ibn Baaz, Sheikh Safar Al-Hawali, and all my teachers at Mecca University and all those believing brothers and sisters there in Saudi Arabia, I thank you.

    To Sheikh Abdul Maged, from Sudan, and all my teachers and those believing brothers and sisters in Sudan, I thank you.

    To Sheikh Ali, from Sham, Syria, and all my teachers at Damascus University and those believing brothers and sisters there in Syria, I thank you.

    To King Mohammad VI of Morocco and all my teachers at Al-Quaraeen University in Fes, Morocco, and those believing brothers and sisters there, I thank you.

    To Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei and all those believing brothers and sisters there.

    To Prince Saeed bin Maktoum bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, from the United Arab Emirates, and those believing brothers and sisters there, I thank you.

    To Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and all my teachers and those believing brothers and sisters who aided me in England, especially those at Whitechapel East London Mosque, I thank you.

    To Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qarardawi from Egypt and all those believing brothers and sisters there, I thank you.

    To Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, Guardian Jurist of Iran, Leader of the Revolution, and those believing brothers and sisters there, I thank you.

    To Doka Umarov, Shamil Salmanovich Basayen, Thamir Salen Abdullah Al-Suwailem, and all those believing brothers and sisters in Chechnya, we, the Muslim Fundamentalists thank you.

    To Hakimullah Mehsud and all those believing brothers and sisters in Pakistan, we, the Muslim Fundamentalists thank you.

    To Mullah Mohammed Omar, head of the supreme council of Afghanistan, and all those believing brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, we, the Muslim Fundamentalist thank you.

    To those Teaneck, New Jersey, residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center in New York City: Daniel D. Bergstein, Gregory A. Clark, Fanny M. Espinoza, George Ferguson, Jennifer L. Fialko, Lillian I. Frederick, Edward Lichtschein, and Mark L. Rosenberg.

    To Allah (swa). I thank you.

    PART I:

    The Enemy Near

    I am compelled to put forth this book so that the heart, mind, and soul of the world body will be better informed.

    Because Allah will never change the conditions he hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their own hearts: and verily Allah is he who hears and knows all things.

    Quran 8:53


    Oh, humble reader of this book. As I sit here silently in this underground dungeon located somewhere in downtown Damascus, Syria, watching from within the large crowded cell while the Syrian guards quietly did a head count, I pondered the fragrance of patience. The atmosphere is eerie; together with the stale smell of human sweat and anger that fills these chambers. This place is indeed inhuman, yet here we are. The semidarkness is not deep enough to hide the injustice; the sounds of Muslim prayers are just loud enough to overcome those words of foul contempt by those toward our Syrian guards. But what captivated me was that single point of cigarette light that was being passed around quietly clockwise illuminating the hard determined Arab faces of the young and middle-age men held in limbo, here behind the sun. Sadly, many of whom had been held here for months and years not even knowing the charges against them or seeing their families and loved ones to say that they are alive.

    Yet what truly enthralled me in spite of my circumstances was that single loaf of bread that was being passed around counter clockwise amongst us, quietly illuminating the hearts of the Muslim brotherhood among us. I reluctantly but humbly broke off a small piece and pass the loaf onward to my right hand side to a bearded lean Syrian from Aleppo ending my three day hunger strike of protest.

    I must be patient; revenge is best left to Allah (swa): All praise is due to Allah. I am not in the company of murderers, thieves, kidnappers or the insane. This underground dungeon is not a place of rehabilitation center because of some crime against humanity. No! This place, oh, humble reader, is an incubator of ideas that house religious and political prisoners against their will. Those whom that are suspected upright in their way of life called Islam, are thus, an abomination in the sight of the wicked and the apostates in many places of the Arab, Muslim, and secular world today!

    It is Allah (swa) that underscores the true reality of our world we all live in for millennia, thus, enlightens those who seek to understand sincerely those descended responsibilities we as human beings had inherited from our lord as a fact of life that is widely ignored to our peril.

    Therefore, there is no reason for me to harbor hate or revenge in my heart against my fellow Muslim neighbors for their failings on social graces and unlawful conduct towards me, or one another. Only Allah can forgive them for they just do not know what they are doing is just about the only prayer that comes to my mind as I sit here in this filthy dark underground dungeon, sardine along with more than a hundred and eighty other Muslims whose crime is thinking about the injustice in their lands, or pondering out loud that fearful relationship between faith and reason. It`s that I am in good company, which is that spiritual reply that comes to my heart; this is indeed one of the fruitful consequences of being spiritually aware to some degree, oh, humble reader, in this day and era. I must endure and pay my dues.

    In the promotion of knowledge, this is where foreign and domestic Muslim religious scholars go to once that change in the conditions of their own hearts starts to glow in regard to justice. Yes, those students of knowledge whose hearts can contemplate the reality of the future of an Islamic change in their own Muslim communities are hooded, tied, and mailed to places of such behind the sun. Unsympathetically, peaceful Muslim travelers seeking the truth for their own hearts are also received here by the Syrian secret thought police in downtown Damascus to expel out without regard of karma.

    As I lie here in these dim shadows, I cannot see the light of day or hear the busy traffic of cars, minibuses, and people going about their daily business above me in spite of being two stories down underground. They the Muslim people for now above us going about their daily affairs cannot hear nor wish to see our concerns, anguish, and torment in spite of them being Muslims for more than 1,400 years. Yet they the Muslim people above us also enslaved in regards to fear of the alternatives in their lives on the streets and in the cafes know we are down here.

    It`s no legend that Jihad Salafi and/or Salafi are highly feared by despots, tyrants and secularist with Muslim names because there is no way an unjust person can capture a soul, destroy faith, and devotion at the same time, and cope with the fundamental threat of jihad against them in return. In spite of my American and British nationality, I got caught up in the early dragnet of the fear of Arab Spring. That Alawite (a Shiite sect branch of Islam) regime`s growing fear of their own domestic religious Sunni Islamists` growing powers that’s getting stronger by the day is real. Yes, I was arrested on the streets of Damascus by the secret police that held me in their underground prison for nine days until I was flown out of the country leaving my wife and children behind me. But it`s why that Syrian Alawite regime that’s now in power and is facing such a resilient religious Sunni jihad against them; it`s why, the believers of this Islamic faith must be firm and vigilant against those who are unjust. We must be known to all oppressors whomever they are that we have not forgotten the sanctity of our faith!

    Deemed persona non grata by the Syrian government in July 2009 may not be such a bad idea as far as Allah is concerned. Today, now the beginning of the spring season of 2014, the Alawite Assad government is in a full civil war setting; they would have killed me and my Salafi brothers on sight and vice versaonly highlights the upside of patience. Yet I shall never forget the Syrian government indiscriminate crackdown upon religiously conservative Sunni people and their abuse of me simply because I am a Salafi Sunni Muslim peacefully studying Arabic at Damascus University and working as a director in a private school teaching English to the local people.

    There can never be enough said about oppression upon an Abrahamic monotheist peoples by their own governments because of their own hearts. Far too long this has been the norm and the novelty of the Muslim World, as well as the Christian and Jewish world! Oh, humble reader, please don`t confuse today`s populism with democracy in the Muslim lands. That Arab Spring the world is now witnessing is only the rippling effect of the Muslim people saying enough of the injustice and a time for a historic change of heart back to Sharia (the Islamic law) for the mercy of Allah!

    "When rulers are wicked, their people are too, but good men will live to see the tyrants down fall." (Bible, Prov. 29:16)these words truly suites and address the hard times we Muslims are facing in Muslim lands today when it comes to the wicked ruling and those who are good will be those who will see the downfall of oppressors.

    These are the moments that mark your life; thus, time is unique in a dreadful kind of way. Though I often look for a pause button, I finally had to admit to myself sometimes everyday that, there could be no possible cure for a jihad whose time has come. We fundamentalists are the stem cells of humanity who are ready without fear to stand on the frontlines of the heart, mind and soul war that will happen anytime and anywhere, which will be undertaken by anyone who desires to stand up and fight with his sword or handsfight with his words, fight with his pen, and fight with prayers. We march all together with hope in our hearts if need be. Yes, we fundamentalists of faith and reason who are ready to be carried off to prison or even the grave against those barbed wired barriers of social injustice, due process of law abuse, human rights violations and the denial of equal rights for all without fright. Yes, the world has come about begrudgefully and is transpired by events of the peoples own hearts when in spite of everyone in the accepted secular culture, political, and fashion media said liberty could not be achieved when taking into account life`s apparent realities of oppression and greed, except our lord.

    The true state of the Muslim world is awakening to the fact that they are on the menu! The realization of this ongoing never-ending human competitive societies competing for the dwindling world resources exist. Please note that as our world population grows, so does our problems and with less time to solve them. The true depth of the social, economic, political and religious demands that is now pressing upon the growing one and a half billion Muslims who are locked in poverty is only beginning to bite. The awakening and growing demands upon the Muslims like senior citizens and their pensions, the working poor and their jihad of just chasing payments that leads nowhere, and the youth with their dreams and aspirations seeking an ever-more meaningful life, parents who are doing their best holding families together in their capitalistic, socialistic, and class-driven societies dreaming about good full health care in their lifetime and an opportunity for a good and enlighten education that will help themselves prepare for the competitive future at hand are dire and real.

    Indeed, I am only a human being like you, a family man with three lovely children and a wife whom I greatly love now together over seventeen years. We all have the same needs! So why cannot we be frank with each other about the essential matters of our world? This is far better than submitting and kneeling in the presence of this obscure world together talking about the irrelevancy.

    That true state of the Muslim worldit is quite clearis fighting for reforms. The Arab spring is nothing but a call for real change from the old nationalistic ideal reforms, and habits towards Islamic leaders who advocate Sharia law (Islamic law), which is the best and only law for the Muslim lands. Such an awakening, with its priorities on justice and faith, is now in full worldview. Similarly, those Western secular democracies that exist parasiticallywhose peoples, enjoy the freedoms of their civil liberties like human rights, equal rights, justice, and due process of lawbut at the expense of the Muslim world and the third-world body cannot be sustained any longer. Not surprisingly, this hearts and minds war is old newspaper from one generation to the next in the mind`s eye of fundamentalists believers. First, the use of tyranny and oppression by Muslim-in-name-only leaders over their own people in the guise of fighting the foreign enemy, Israel, and/or those imperialist cannot also be sustained. Second, fighting that civil disobedient Muslim fundamentalist called jihadist at home cannot also be defeated. From the land of the Berber in the west to the ongoing jihad for an independent Islamic state on Mindanao, Philippines, in the east, the jihad war against the pharaoh`s rule continues!

    As a Jihad Salafi¹ Muslim American citizen, who was born in the West and grew up in the Bronx, New York, United States of America, I am not surprised or fooled by my country’s failing ideological struggles of the twenty-first century, their hearts and minds war. Nor am I misled or disheartened by those allied oppressors, Muslim-in-name-only leaders, those dictators, despots, tyrants, and presidents-for-life. Like Tunisia`s ex-president-for-life Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt`s ex-president-for-life Hosni Mubarak, or now currently General Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi, Moammar Gadhafi, that dictator-for-life-only from Libya, President-for-life Abdelaziz Bouteflika from Algeria, President-for-life Bashar Assad from Syria, King Hamed Bin Isa Khalifa, a tyrant-for-life from Bahrain, as well as Ex-President-for-life Ali Abdullah Saleh, and currently President-for-life Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi from Yemen. One does not have to be a military intelligence expert to correctly assess that American and European powers are losing this hearts and minds war; it’s clearly because of their abandonment of human rights, equal rights, justice, and due process of law abroad. These foreign policy decisions of folly inevitably have their consequences, both domestically and abroad.

    Today, it saddens me greatly to a high degree that the great majority of Sunni Muslim leaders are dictators, despots, tyrants, and presidents-for-life; likewise, I am continuously disturbed that the government of my country, America, has been and still is a prime supporter of oppression, injustice, and subversion in Muslim countries and Third-world. Throughout history, prophets of all stripes, shepherds of their nations or tribes, men such as Prophet Lut (Lot) who stood for the sanctity of family values, Prophet Moses who struggled for the emancipation from bondage, Prophet Jesus who beckoned for that divine revelation to be hearken, and Prophet Muhammad (sas): Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him who fought for the freedom of monotheist worship. Yet what has been gained in regards to the moral quality of spiritual life and justice that we the peoples of the Abrahamic faith have so longed for on this earth today?

    As a free Jihad Salafi fundamentalist Muslim, the creed of my faith, which I recite five times a day, is my moral compass. Nowhere in the Quran does Allah (swa) say to the believers that they can oppress, be unjust, subvert, lie, steal, or murder anyone. Yet the enemy near has Muslim names. And to this I must ask why. The Quran twice states that Allah will not change the conditions of a people until the people change the conditions of their own hearts.² My advantage, if indeed it is a favorable position only Allah (swa) knows, is that I choose this faith Islam of my own free will not because I felt that Christianity was bad or insufficient but by persuasion and example. Perhaps my next advantage is frankness. In controversial times like today, you require an interpersonal website of a strong mental and spiritual character to survive.

    Where shall we begin in this journey of frankness? Let`s start with the root of the problem, indeed one of the main causes of that monotheist social illness is that idea of self-glorification, which is one of the true symptoms of nationalism, thus one of the many reasons it has no place in an Islamic society. Nationalism cannot unite people anywhere because it is based on quest for leadership on wrongful goals and methods. This conceited quest for leadership creates a wrongful desire for power between people that is based on race, family, tribal ties, and clans, whereas Islam binds people together, base on the purity of their faith in Allah (swa) and his messenger prophet Muhammad (sas). Thus, Islam calls for the loyalty to the faith of Allah rather than loyalty to the nation or tribes. This viewpoint is extremely important for the simple Muslim person to differentiate and for the straightforward non-Muslim person to understand. All Muslims are supposed to be treated under the law of Sharia with exactly the same rights in the sight of their brethren regardless of where that person was born or what tribe that person is from!

    If by chance you just happen to be born last night and lived in a spartan cave all your life, these self-glorified Arab nationalist Muslims by name-only leaders are today`s pharaoh`s. Please, there is no need to turn that page once more to Exodus in the Torah or Al-Baqarah in the Quran and visualize. No, all you have to do is watch the Arab League live when they convene or observe the Muslim World League when its leaders flock and gather. Instinctually reactionary, they naturally prefer the shadows. But so unlike their ancestors of old, they put on a hubris show at the right time of crisis and Muslim suffering. How could you really dare not see, oh, humble reader? Their pictures are literally everywhere in their home countries, watching and displaying the evil eye if anyone should dare dissent. Their vanity is too deep to ever miss a photo-op. Their avarice is too high to miss a kickback.

    After living and traveling in Muslim countries for more than fourteen years of my life, I am not fooled by what I see, read, or experience there. In fact, there is a sharp contrast between faith and what is practiced daily in the Muslim world. Imagine your father, mother, brother, sister, friend, or neighbor just disappeared without a trace because of a careless whisper of dissent. So what had happen to me in Damascus, Syria in July of 2009 is of no surprise to the average Muslim citizen living in a Muslim country in this modern time and in many regards it is a normal inconvenience because of that concept of injustice and the denial of human rights in their lives!

    Naturally, you would want to run away from such places. But say I, our faith says take a stand and fear only Allah (swa). These events happened to the Hebrews before us: ³ Hast thou not turned thy vision to the chiefs of the children of Israel after the time of Moses? They said to a prophet that was among them: Appoint for us a King; that we may fight in the cause of God. He said: Is it not possible, if ye were commanded to fight, that that ye will not fight? They said: How could we refuse to fight in the cause of God, seeing that we were turned out of our homes and our families? But when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band among them. But God has full knowledge of those who do wrong (Quran 2:246).

    So wipe away those tears and say to one self, Where does the trail of redemption begin for those fundamentalists facing those enemies near? Where to start? For me, it began in our Muslim countries, in our streets, and in our very own homes. All you have to do is look in the mirror. No, this book is not about demonizing peoplenot at all. We the Muslim people as a nation who celebrate that one faith called Islam must take a stand and be aware of our fundamental responsibilities not just to Allah, but also to each other.

    Our prophet Muhammad (sas)⁴ has said referring to Nationalism:(Asabiyyah), Leave it. It is rotten. (Hadith—Muslim and Bukhari). This is something I learned and experience personally in the summer of 1990 in Cairo, Egypt. Those who have eyes and see, understand those methods for leadership based on religious humbleness like wanting for others what you want for yourself. Sharia law and fear of Allah go a long way in regards to justice and human rights. Yet nationalism is all around me as I walked these streets of Cairo, Egypt. I was quite elated at the time; less than five years after embracing the Islamic faith, I am now praying for the first time, as one, with millions of my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters in a Muslim country in Raba`a Adawiya Mosque in Nasr City, Cairo, and many other mosques that is older than America. But it`s that dominant secular nationalistic atmosphere that is the same here amongst it`s people like back home in New York, United States of America, or in London, United Kingdom, or anywhere in Europe. This is an ideological power struggle between the people and their goals that produces conflicts of interest among various strata of societies for achievement and leadership. Whereas its how and for what purpose, we Muslim are competing against each other for is what defines us in that eye of the creator and human beholder who is Allah (swa) fearing that is under siege. Yes, mankind all has the same needs, but we call on different gods and sovereigns to answer them! All praise is due to Allah, Egypt is one of many Arab Sunni Muslim societies whose promise far outweighs its nationalistic poison. Yet self-glorification is one of the true symptoms of nationalism, and one of the many reasons it has no place in an Islamic society, but the people therein must see this poison for themselves in order to change their own hearts. I, Muhammad Dawuda humble Muslim seeking knowledge standing on a Cairo street corner in 1990, a Muslim from the West preaching to them about this obvious poisonwill only land myself eventually behind the sun. Their own sheikhs and imams for generations have said the same thing to them and was greatly ignored, imprisoned and even murdered because of their own people`s hearts. Many of the upcoming sheikhs and scholars with whom I studied in Saudi Arabia, and Sudan taught me that only Allah is to be glorified, and to be patient!

    There are many caveat effects, and consequence, that are quite clear. So behold, for example that public servant, who is supposed to be the guardian of the Muslim state from foreign aggression; behold the Muslim generals today. They shamefully usurp powers unto themselves driven in part by their notable achievements and pride. That defender of the faithful then becomes the cancer of the very society they suppose to be guardians of! That fear of Allah (swa) concept, which is in our Holy Quran, but these Sunni Muslim generals in name only want it for themselves, so that their own people fear them, worship, and serve them totally. It is because of this conceit that our Muslim generals, Allah (swa) knows best, have not won a major war against the kufr⁵ since the fall of the caliphate in Turkey 1924 until July 6, 2006, in southern Lebanon against an Israeli army!

    But I humbly ask of you, oh, humble reader, what nation of people has not been tested? What tribe of people has never been admonished by their Lord? Yes, we all have gone through or experienced some form of social revolt in our human lives. Yet it`s those that have overcome who are the true authors of today`s history! Not one of my teachers can tell me of any one nation or tribe of people who has an exclusive monopoly of pain, suffering, injustice, betrayal, or holocaust by their own indigenous tyrants. If we are sincere with ourselves, then who doesn’t know the truth when that imam, rabbi, or minister disappears after giving that sermon about injustice in the land? Who doesn`t know the truth when that teacher at the university or college has been dragged off to prison with no trial because of intolerance? Who doesn`t know the truth when that social worker for human rights, equal rights, justice and due process of law is assassinated?

    The fact of the matter is it`s what have they done, oh, Allah (swa), when their neighbor’s door was kicked in, not by thieves at night but by the secret police with fright. What did the people there in the lands of the prophets do? Gone with the wind the family jewelsthose beloved ones who spoke, who took a stand and tried to make a change with their hands and walk the talk.⁶ "Give this warning to those in whose hearts is the fear that they will be brought to judgment before their lord: Except for him they will have no protector nor intercessor: That they may guard against evil. Send not away those who call on their lord morning and evening, seeking his face. In naught art thou accountable for them, and in naught are they accountable for thee, that thou should turn them away, and thus be one of the unjust. Thus do we try some of them by comparison with others that they should say: Is it these then that Allah hath favored from amongst us? Does not Allah know best those who are grateful?" (Quran 6:51-53). Yes, it is a sin to look and not see the wrong. To hear the muezzin`s call but only for prayers.

    Prophet Muhammad (sas) is the man who saves you from yourself. The companions of this prophet and the prophets before him are the best examples and guidance for mankind. But we Muslims today are not teaching and showing the benefits of steadfastness and patience to our youths as a curriculum or possess it as a shield early in life, which is crucial.By the token of time through the ages, verily man is in loss, except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and join together in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and constancy(Quran ch.103).

    At times, indeed, unfortunately, forcing people to look at the unspeakable we risk losing them, so we establish first the underlying seriousness of the issues so then we can awaken that moment of clarity that`s in us all. Why, the Sunni Muslim world features so much despots in its leadership, most of whom rose to power from the military or from posts as public servants, but who was one of the best-known Muslim generals who was both loyal to the faith and successful in his missions, who possessed that fundamental element of patience that is essential for a Muslim general sworn to be a true guardian of the Muslim state from foreign enemies? His name is Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, The Sword of Allah. The point is not that he was victorious in his jihad against the kufrs—no. The point is the character of the man. For example, the Roman emperor Heraclius sent an ambassador to ask General Khalid to return his daughter who was captured during a battle; his ambassador gave Khalid the letter from the Roman Emperor, which reads as follows: I have come to know what you have done to my army. You have killed my son-in-law and captured my daughter. You have won and gotten away safely. I now ask you for my daughter. Either return her to me on payment of ransom or give her to me as a gift, for honor is a strong element in your character. General Khalid Ibn Al-Walid said to the ambassador, Take her as a gift; there shall be no ransom.

    Before I go any further, I wish to share my insight with you, oh, humble reader, of the contested ground that men would defend if they faced other to please Allah (swa). Not only did General Khalid win every major battle he led against the unbelievers, but he was also known to be an honorable man by both friends and foes alike. He was a patient, charismatic, and a noble leader on and off the battlefield. However, when the Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab dismissed General Khalid and thereby put an end to his successful military career in the autumn of 638 (17 Hijri), the Caliph Umar explained to the people: I have not dismissed Khalid because of my anger or because of any dishonesty on his part, but because people glorified him and were misled. I feared that people would rely on him, and I want them to know that it is Allah (swa) who does all things and there should be no mischief in the land.

    The message is clear: In a heart, mind and soul war, submission and patience to that civilian authority that is Allah fearing is essential in a jihad, as well as beware of people glorifying you!

    Hum du Allah: (All praise is due to Allah). General Khalid Ibn Al-Walid understood that Allah is the Ar-Rahman: (The beneficent); therefore, trust is ruthless in the heart, mind, and eyes of Allah-fearing people. When people starts to sing you praises, start to add your name poetically in their books. Start to even publicly glorify you enthusiastically. Don`t take a bow! They are just cutting your throat by their ignorance. Therefore, he peacefully resigned without a fuss. Even though he was a heroic and noble warrior, yet this entire means nothing if people start to give you praise instead of Allah (swa). When people started to feel safer because of him not Allah (swa), therein lies the danger. General Khalid Ibn Al-Walid was well aware of this, so it seems, as well as what was said on the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said that Prophet Muhammad (sas) said of Allah (swa) who said: "Pride is my cloak and greatness my robe, and he who competes with me in respect of either of them I shall cast into hell fire."

    In a Monotheist faith called Islam, humility goes a long way in dealing with unfavorable circumstances that may turn out successfully in one`s favor in the sight of a divine one who only demands gratitude. I honestly believe a high achievement of humility can only come about through training of submission and patience towards our own civilian authority that respects and worships a divine sovereign jealously. Therefore, indeed, the early days of pure Islam was a theocracy.

    I bring this example up because it has a contemporary connection, especially to the holy month of Ramadan, the month the have-mores and the haves eat the most and throw crumbs—if that much—to the have-nots in this sad era of our times. This holy month of Ramadan in which the Quran was first revealed to prophet Muhammad (sas) as a mercy to the believers, is a month of fasting to remember both Allah and the plight of the poor amongst us. Ramadan is the month when Muslims must pay charity to the poor if they have a certain amount of funds. Yet today`s reality bite is that the poor receives little if any needed funds or aid in the Muslim world. That sustained social economic policies by Muslim in name-only leaders that will truly help abate the brutal and harsh life of the majority have-not poor has only ended with conjecture, corruption and condemnation by their own citizenry. The one big question is I believe, does not the mainstream Muslim world realize that they are getting poorer? And if so, what will be the literal reaction of one and a half billion Muslims that sees and believes that that small ruling elite class as non-religious (secular), too comfortable (rich), and too out of touch (corrupt)? Thus, what will be the dire consequences if Allah should withhold more of his mercy from us Muslims because of our hearts? Is it a myth, or is it wrong to ponder that very probable thought?When some of them said: Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment? Said the preachers: To discharge our duty to your lord, and perchance they may fear him. When they disregarded the warnings that had been given them, we rescued those who forbade evil; but we visited the wrong doers with a grievous punishment, because they were given to transgression" (Quran 7:164-165).

    Were not the Hebrew people before us Muslims also tested by the same lord oh, humble reader?I set before you here, this day, a blessing and a curse: A blessing for obeying the commandments of the Lord, your God, which I enjoin on you today; a curse if you do not obey the commandments of the lord, your God, but turn aside from the way I ordain for you today, to follow other gods, whom you have not known. When the Lord, your God, brings you into the land which you are to enter and occupy, then you shall pronounce the blessing on Mount Gerizim, the curse on Mount Ebal. (Deut.11:26-29). And when in their insolence they transgressed all prohibitions, we said to them: Be ye apes, despised and rejected. Behold! Thy lord did declare that he would send against them, to the Day of Judgment, those who would afflict them with grievous penalty. Thy lord is quick in retribution, but he is also oft-forgiving, most merciful (Quran7:166-172)

    I don`t really need to travel with you, oh, peaceful reader, we are already there at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. Standing there en masse defiantly against the tide of Muslim believers is Mr. Ayman Nour the party founder of the Egyptian secular Al-Ghad party and his followers. And that Nobel Prize winner Mr. Mohamed El—Baradei and his followers, along with hundreds of thousands of Egyptian agnostics, heretics, Coptic Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and Arab women who`s creed is pagan European way of life style! They were banking on the idea that their Egyptian society can only tolerate one change at a time, so redemption should have waited a little longer. Unexpectedly that Egyptian field marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, plainly a witness to all resigned quietly without a fuss, so he says, so it seems.

    Was it not just two years ago they all together before with their allies The Muslim Brotherhood and the peoples of Egypt overthrown a president for life (Hosni Mubarak) who had taken sovereignty into his own hands for decades and murder and oppress them all for years in the name of security and Arab Nationalism?

    Presently, in the case of leadership and social justice, the Egyptian people accepted the promise of democratic elections from Western powers. They the Western powers guarantee democracy will transform all their lives for the good by placing sovereignty unto all the people not just one person or one divine being.

    Yet they had been warned that ingenious nature of those Allah-fearing people and their power to organize and unite. So it`s not hard to imagine that golden age of a free classical contest that elected Mohammed Morsi as president from the Muslim Brotherhood and place him in the presidential palace, who in turn proceeded to hand over sovereignty not to the people individually but to Allah in whole by way of Sharia law as the new Egyptian Constitution.

    Please take a few minutes with me and consider the human debris of atonement, oh, humble reader, that is in under cover of darkness and ignorance. That human citizenry living in lands of known prophets who want power and sovereignty for themselves only, what has been gaineddespots? Because of the peoples own nationalist desires and harden hearts, it was incomprehensible for them to have a leap of faith to appreciate their own countrymen in placing sovereignty towards an unseen divine being called Allah (swa) who only demands gratitude liken their forefathers before them.

    You can still see them standing there defiantly no doubt with their souls on their shoulders shouting out against the human religious tide with posters in hand, their anger of events unfolding plainly a witness to all. It was their wish to falsifying the will of Allah, demanding that his people take once again a non-tethered walk across an unpopular void of the hearts for the sake of modernity. Truly it`s not really so far from here to there, oh, humble reader, people who wish to feel free like free people yet dreams go unfulfilled because of the lack of the will of change from pagan secular ways starting with their own hearts!

    Perhaps, this upcoming holy month of Ramadan, the Islamic month of mercy, will be the catalyst that is needed to turn hearts around. It did work for me in prison in Butner, North Carolina Federal Correction Institute (F.C.I.) United States of America back in 1986. I was fasting with the Muslim inmates in the holy month of Ramadan, yet I was not a Muslim at the time, just praying for a change of heart in a month claimed to be the month of mercy from Allah (swa). A change of heart amid the mazes of human self-denials and pondering a grand leap of faith amid the mazes of religious deceptions had no doubt brought me spiritual clarity and peace. No, it`s not really so far from here to there, that conquest of one`s own heart, simply because it`s always a question of sincere intentions.

    Yes, I am indeed fascinated and so should you. That millions of believers acted on their faith and voted to give sovereignty to a divine being sight unseen, and live by Sharia laws, the laws of their ancestors before them! It is captivating, observing a people throwing an anchor into heaven knowing that the litany of complaints against despots and those who follow their own desires is not sufficient towards acting on their faith in these so called modern times. The real question before the world audience is, how far are the believers willing to sacrifice to keep their victories in these lands of the prophets in order to please Allah (swa) now that they have their backs to Raba`a Adawiya Mosque in Nasr City, Cairo?

    One of the golden rules I have learned the hard way in life is that providence is your rear guardian in whatever your endeavor is in life. As such, every citizen signs directly or indirectly into that social contract. For some, it is openly clear; for others it is a tacit consent. Thus, the idea permits in its government, disobedience and/or revolution, if their government breaches its side of the contract. Therefore, the duty to obey the law is a matter of degree. If all the people are not fully enfranchised members of a society, then they are not fully bound by its laws. However, that social contract cuts both ways. If we Muslims, whom by faith are not secular and believe sovereignty cannot be with the people but with a divine one whom we call Allah (swa), then whatever good comes from Allah (swa), and whatever bad befalls us Muslims comes from our own hands. The ongoing dire consequences to our forward frontier is really long term and problematic. Being a spectator in this era is a true crime. For example, if you believe that Sharia law is a system in which Allah (swa) matters more than your personal freedom on this earth then you are saved, why? Because when people who don`t believe that Allah (swa) exists and should not be given sovereignty, in fact desires sovereignty for themselves (democratic-secularist) in vivid detail, they are in fact, destroying themselves (apostates-pagans) and/or conceiving by your simple presence what faith is all about, thereby bearing witness against themselves. Because knowledge is justified true belief amongst the confusion and the clutter of mankind’s endeavors. In vivid detail a people and/or despot that is afraid to freely let its own citizen population judge the truth, and falsehood peacefully in an open free market of ideas and methods, of how to move forward in their lives positively, and stand by the merits of that decision whether they win or lose an election and/or decision knowing that it is with Allah whom they put their trust, but sayshamefully, to their neighbors, and themselves, ‘go away, and let`s vote again.’ Is a nation that is afraid of itself, knowledge, and justice.

    Nations who live in bubbles are those who are afraid of religious, cultural, and political engagement. Indeed, how the people`s faith applies in their daily life in relative to their own hearts tells us the degree of success in their jihad. So we must beware that averse enemy`s aim, which would be to attack with the idea that your faith has no freedom! For those who which to be truly free in their lives so why that Islamic way of life, what benefit can there be in avoiding that mutual harm in our society. Such a monotheistic life style would only limit our desires, right. Your faith supposes to enhance your freedom right? Then where`s that freedom/that God, that has been brought onward by your faith, oh, Muslim living here in the east in the lands of the prophets surrounded by despots ignorant of the word jihad? Or is this that true condition of your overall hearts, in thus a promise land from your lord, one would sincerely ponder knowing that freedom isn`t free and justice is not cheap.

    Go East

    He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere!

    Ali, the fourth caliphate of Islam

    How did America make me a better Muslim? Well, that`s a fair and sincere question, but the real answer is that my first thoughts about becoming a Muslim happened in America—in prison, in fact. Perhaps what decided the path I had to take was reading about "Al-Rahman" (Allah most Gracious) (Quran ch.55). It was then I decided to sincerely answer the question imposed by its author, Which of the favors would I deny my Lord? Since this is the holy month of Ramadan perhaps there is some way I can succeed in getting Allah to work with my plans knowing that there is none of the favors of my lord I could really deny. Now it was my turn to reach down into my inner soul, and contemplate about the Muslim brotherhood I left behind in America. Sitting on that cool white marble floor inside the huge Al Masjid Al Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, I gazed at those large golden doors of the Kaba (earthly house of Allah) and those golden words engraved

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