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My Emergent God: The Urgent Need for a Science  Manifesto
My Emergent God: The Urgent Need for a Science  Manifesto
My Emergent God: The Urgent Need for a Science  Manifesto
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My Emergent God: The Urgent Need for a Science Manifesto

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The book is a serious attempt to compile a science-based worldview or ideology. My Emergent God is divided into three parts. The first part is an ontology, the second deals with socioeconomic and political doctrines, and the third part is on futurology, that is, the future of technology, ideology, and the human race.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 11, 2015
My Emergent God: The Urgent Need for a Science  Manifesto

S. Kamiloni

The author worked with the Procter & Gamble in its offshore division as training specialist for over twenty years. He was president and CEO of Vitapure Inc. Canada for five years. He has published several books in other languages.

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    My Emergent God - S. Kamiloni

    Copyright © 2015 by S. Kamiloni.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015912565

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5035-9205-6

                    Softcover        978-1-5035-9204-9

                    eBook             978-1-5035-9203-2

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    Rev. date: 08/10/2015





    PART 1



    Chapter 1

    The Tragedy of Human Existence

    Chapter 2

    The Scientific Revolution

    1.1. It’s time for a new paradigm.

    1.2. Counterrevolution

    1.3. Where Is the Scientific Revolution Leading Us To?

    1.4. Denaturing Human Nature

    1.3 The Theological Dogma

    Mass insanity

    Why Did Dogma and Creed Sustain So Long?

    The Jesus Phenomenon and the Bibles

    The Bible

    1.4 Creation Myths Old and New

    A. Old creation myths:

    B. Creation myths during the onset of the scientific revolution

    Believe it or not!

    Chapter 3

    The Elements of a New Ontology

    1. Integrative Duality (ID)

    Sam’s Hypothesis on ID (SHID)

    So how does nature supports us with IDs?

    2. Energy all the way

    Chapter 4

    Causality and Time

    1. Causality and Infinite Regress

    2. It Is Time to Discuss Time

    3. What Are Causal Loops?

    4. Origins of Energy

    5. My Emergent God

    6. About God

    7. Boundary Conditions

    8. Albert Einstein’s Religious Doctrines

    9. Reviving Deism

    10. De Duve’s Insight

    11. Summary and Recap

    12. Conclusion

    13. Complexity and Emergence

    Chapter 5

    Big History, Small History and an Interim

    The Biological Characteristics of Life (from Wikipedia)

    Summary of Emergence of Life

    Small History Continued

    The Mesopotamian Civilization (The Cradle of Civilizations)

    The Egyptian Civilization

    The Hebrews

    The Minoans and Phoenicians Society


    The Greek Civilization

    The Caste Social System

    The Indus Valley Civilization

    The Vedic Civilization


    My Last Request


    Figure 1 Symbolic causal loops


    Table 1 Craniale Capacities

    Table 2 Summary of All Abbreviations Used in the Above

    Table 3 Summary of Geologic Time

    Table 4 Human Classification

    To the great scientist/philosopher and

    the most prolific science writer

    Dr. Paul Davies.

    His books helped me throughout the last thirty years.

    Thanks, Paul.

    In the early twenty-first century, we feel as though we are proudly established on top of the energy complexity tower. However, I foresee that given a couple of thousand years to come, we will be seen by new emergent life-forms or by a highly advanced future civilizations just like we see today a unicellular organism.

    The Author



    I have to define some terms that I used throughout this chapter:

    Cosmology is the study of the cosmos or universe, its ingredients, origins, structure, dynamics, and fate. History since the creation of the universe is dubbed big history.

    Ontology includes cosmology, in addition to complexity, emergence, and the emergence of life, death, mind, civilization, culture, religion. I will call it small history. It begins with the spontaneous emergence of early life from inanimate matter.

    Ideology or worldview or doctrine combines both cosmology and ontology. It also includes specific systems such as socioeconomic, religious, political, futuristic, philosophical, and ethical that I believe are appropriate to include in a scientifically oriented worldview.

    Humans have been questioning all the above since they became human; in fact it was a progressive process that has been unfolding and accumulating since Homo sapiens evolved. A cumulative, collective information and intelligence process I will name the CCII.

    This cumulative process has created all human progress, including all cultures, all inventions and innovations, all art, philosophy, and music in all civilizations. It led humans to the scientific revolution and our modern way of living, but on top of all, it is still leading us to whatever unfolds in the future, revealing the mysteries of nature. It will stay with us as long as humans are humans. I believe that it has been the most effective human outcome of the emergence of consciousness.

    My Objectives in Writing

    1. The book as a whole (all three parts) is an attempt to create a science-based worldview (ideology), starting with basic cosmology (Genesis) then transforming the cosmology to an ontology by adding to it topics related to emergence of life as well as topics on small history.

    2. In the second and third parts of the book, I hope to develop the ontology to an ideology from a scientific perspective. I shall add other features such as socioeconomically oriented doctrines, political doctrine, general futuristic outlook, ethical systems, etc.

    3. I have tried my best throughout to be more scientific and less speculative. However, at some points, I have resorted to speculative ideas meant to create theoretical novelty, mainly for assessment and feedback by my fellow scientists worldwide. This is particularly true when dealing with matters that cannot be easily proved or falsified. I will carefully evaluate the feedback of scientist/ philosophers whenever they are available.

    4. I regard this book as a call to arms to scientists and research workers in every scientific field, to intellectuals and experts on cosmology, ontology, and social justice, encouraging them to join efforts somehow. The objective is to arrange for a worldwide think tank to take over the collaborative mission of preparing a science-based worldview (ideology). Hopefully, it will replace the frozen-in-time theological ideologies that are currently infiltrating and devastating the world. I find this mission urgent.

    Ontological attempts to answer fundamental questions, such as How come existence? (J. A. Wheeler) or Why is there something rather than nothing? (Leibniz) or What is life? (Schrödinger) or How did life originate on planet Earth? were undertaken since antiquity by intellectuals of every major civilization. They tried to express their views in telltale stories mostly mythical, echoing their lifestyles and sacred beliefs.

    Ancient ontologies were mainly built on fear of the unknown, on the worship of gods of every sort. Gods were invented as an explanation for every subtle unknown. The ancient myths reflected the deceitful human nature and the practice of killing and slaughter. They always included creation legends that had no logical grounds and lacked any support. Most creation fables included disputes among gods who behaved like humans, except for being immortals and capable of making miracles. Sacrifice by killing and burning of humans to please the gods has been a common practice. The mythology of ancient civilizations eventually developed into the mythology of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions of today, which if added to Hinduism and Buddhism will comprise the mainstream religious beliefs of the world.

    • The first documented account of ancient myths is the Epic of Gilgamesh, written by Sumerians on clay tablets about five thousand years ago. The Sumerian culture is the dawn of civilization and has contributed much to the human heritage, most importantly by inventing writing.

    • Gilgamesh was an extremely despotic king of Sumer, a sex maniac who dictated that every newly married bride in his kingdom must pass her first night in his bed. Needless to say that the bridegrooms reluctantly accepted such mania just to save themselves from beheading!

    • It is worthwhile mentioning that the Epic of Gilgameshis the first written document ever discovered from ancient civilizations circa five thousand years ago. It was written on clay tabs in Sumerian wedge letters, but guess what the main theme of Gilgamesh’s story was all about?

    • The tyrant was looking for a plant that grants immortality to whoever eats it. So the denial of death was a major human concern since the dawn of civilization. No wonder that theologians have invented the big, unfounded rationalization of afterlife. It seems that they were following the notorious rule that states, The bigger the lie, the easier people will believe it.

    Ontology is just a part of worldviews (ideology). Worldviews may start with a cosmology followed by an ontology such as in the biblical Genesis. It would not be effective unless it defines other vital sectors of a full ideology. Should scientists come up with a sustainable science-based cosmology, it will be a good starting point and an opportunity to surpass the apparent success of theological dogmas.

    Modern worldviews (ideologies) such as the Marxist doctrine are also deficient in this respect. Although they seem to be a great improvement compared to biblical and other similar mythologies, Marxism failed mainly because it was based on the wrong assumptions. I will expand on this in the socioeconomic part of the book.

    Ultimately, the biggest task ahead of any modern ideology is to set the theoretical basis for a real and permanent solution to the persistent issue of extreme poverty, disease, malnutrition, and gross injustice in the world at large. In view of the current conflicting ideologies and policies of the major players, it is very difficult to decide on what optimum economic, political, and social systems that will best serve this end. The subject will remain controversial until historical realities sway the majority of the public. Eventually, most people will select the proper economic system to follow.

    This is conditional, however, to being convinced rather than coerced.

    Cosmology is just a part of a new full-fledged worldview. It is within the reach and scope of the scientific community to organize and coordinate efforts that are needed for a scientific conclusion on genesis issues as a starting point.

    Settling the cosmological basis of a scientifically oriented genesis must precede any successful socioeconomic movement.

    As I see it, our universe is a randomly demarcated universe among millions of others (they call it the multiverse). What defines our universe is a set of universal constants that were naturally selected. Examples are the speed of light (300,000 km/sec), Planck’s constant (h) (6.26069 × 10−34 J/sec), gravitational constant (G) (6.67384 × 10−11 m³ kg−1 s−2), the masses and charges of all fundamental particles like electrons, quarks, gluons, photons, and many others.

    The universal constants have generated laws of nature. Laws of nature have in turn generated our anthropic universe. This in turn generated inelegance, information, and all forms of life that emerged from nonliving chemical elements since the formation of planet Earth.

    Our planet Earth was naturally formed along with our solar system from the wreckage of the explosion of a first-generation star, about 4.5 billion years ago.

    Our universe (not the multiverse), as we know it, came into existence as a result of an inflationary field resulting from a false vacuum patch while the multiverse resulted from millions of other false vacuum patches that came into existence when an emergent God transformed all the energy (He) contained into highly energetic but unstable false vacuum patches. Details of all of this are summarized in the following chapters of this book. Needless to say that it is my opinion, hopefully a good one.

    It is most important for the reader to keep in mind the following:

    1. That all universal constants were established prior to the creation of our universe.

    2. That all the laws of nature were established before the creation of our universe. That is before the big bang. Examples of laws of nature are special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics, conservation of energy. These laws were randomly established prior to the inception of the chain of events that followed the big bang.

    3. If they tell you that what came before the big bang is meaningless, that even space and time were not created except with the big bang, I suggest you question this. I believe that this is a big flaw and insist that all major constants of nature as well as all laws of nature that imposed themselves on every single speck of energy and matter that emerged were established before a big bang. If there were nothing and our universe sprang from nothing, as some scientists claim, I believe that this is a big fallacy. It stands in direct opposition to the law of conservation of energy.

    4. I do not trust the (à la mode) version of scientific genesis that is promoted nowadays by great scholars like Dr. Krauss. With my full respect to Dr. Krauss, his integrity and vast knowledge, I’d frankly tell him, "In this one, my dear Lawrence, you are absolutely wrong.

          The law of Conservation of energy demands that the energy of the universe was not zero and that energy is not created from nothing but transformed from the structure of an emergent God. As for how, when, and where? I have something new and different to tell you, Lawrence. However, I need to add a few points to all efforts of creating a scientific genesis as follows:

    • That our mental aptitudes that are a product of complexification of energy over 13.7 billion years are based on our unique mental ability to symbolically represent the world.

    • An aptitude that gave rise to language, writing, arithmetic, causality, music, pattern detection, a neurological concept of time, and another neurological concept of space. The outcome of which, I have summed up under the title of the collective, cumulative information and intelligence (CCII). This same aptitude has enabled humans to be self-aware and consequently death aware. Whatever agrees with our mental aptitude, we call it common sense. Unfortunately nature is not obliged to restrict emergence to the abovementioned outcomes, particularly those that lead to common sense. In fact, the whole course of the scientific revolution is trending against common sense. May I assure you, Dr. Krauss, that the real revolution that Albert Einstein was not just changing our concepts of space, time, and gravity but was a full-fledged rebellion against common sense just by adapting and reinventing the same mathematical faculties of our brain to cope with anti-common sense.

          This will teach us a lesson, that nature is able whether by Darwinian or directed evolution to reload that missing mental faculty that will enable future humans to explain the unexplainable and clearly recognize that what we call common sense might be found, at the end of the day, to be nonsense. Conversely what seems nonsense may be discovered as the reality we were and still are searching for."

    5. The role of boundary conditions. Our universe, as I see it, is undergoing an unfolding process that is transforming energy from initial conditions to final conditions, both constituting boundary conditions.

    Initial conditions are physically the borderlines of our universe. They contain the directives we call laws of nature and the physical constants needed to create a universe. As mentioned above, those initial conditions are randomly selected from an inflationary field that resulted from an energy-overloaded false vacuum patch. Initial conditions, laws of physics, universal constants are all conditions that preceded the confirmed big bang event. As to from where did the false vacuum patch originate? I will respond to this question by an Aha! This is the Eureka moment! They all originate from final conditions. That means that initial conditions and final conditions are overlapping. Their overlap forms a causal loop whereby an emergent God (final conditions) transforms (not creates) the energy contained in final conditions into a false vacuum energy ensemble. The false vacuum patch is about 25 grams of matter/energy that are squeezed into a Planck’s volume, 3 × 1.616199 × 10−35 cubic meter. Its density is approximately a trillion times that of water. It is unstable. I have conjectured an integrative duality (ID) permeating the universe and synthesizing a mutually causal and necessary unity between a positive and a negative. I should add that the transformation of final conditions to initial conditions occurs in negative space-time. Negative space means a space with no energy, absolute nothingness. While negative time is that with a time arrow pointing to the past. All of the above are further explained in the next chapters.

    6. Finally if my valued friend Dr. Krauss tells me: Oh, Sam, what are you telling us? It all seems anti-common sense, I will respond:

    7. Indeed it is! Common sense in science is over, kaput! But let us not forget that we are all on the same boat. Like blind persons trying to figure out what the monster looks like just by touching his footsteps.

    In his great book Life Ascending, Dr. Nick Lane writes the following:

    It seems inescapable,

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