Demonic Invasion:: Causes and Remedies
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Demonic Invasion: - Therese Abdoush
Copyright © 2015 by Therese Abdoush.
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Rev. date: 04/09/2015
Part 1
Levels Definitions And Causes Of Demonic Invasion
Chapter 1: Levels of Demonic Activities
Chapter 2: Demonic Activities
Chapter 3: The Kingdom of Satan
Chapter 4: Strong Men of Satan’s Kingdom
Part 2
Remedies Believers’ Authority Deliverance Ministry
Chapter 1: The Believers’ Authority Over Satan
Chapter 2: The Believers’ Spiritual Weapons
Chapter 3: Guidance for Deliverance Workers
Chapter 4: Ministering A Deliverance
Chapter 5: Example of Deliverance
Part 3
Current Events And Issues
Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.
Cover Illustration By: Joel Ray Pellerin
I WANT TO GIVE the glory to God for writing these words, for it is not by my power or might but by the power of the Holy Spirit that I am sharing this personal understanding of the effects of demonic invasion of the world.
My Lord put on my heart to share personal experiences He indulged me with since my youth years for the purpose of lending a hand to those in need of identifying the real reason behind some of their suffering and torments.
Years back, after I become a born-again Christian and received baptism, the Lord made me aware that I am blessed with gifts of the Holy Spirit, and one of the gifts is the discernment of the spirits. He allowed certain events into my life so I can understand the darkness of Satan’s kingdom.
Through my life, I resided in two different places that were haunted. In both houses, I encountered demons and underwent events that opened my eyes to the realities of the kingdom of Satan.
I also experienced demonic activity and cast out demons by the power and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit without any prior education or knowledge; I called evil spirits by their names and was easily able to cast them out, thanks to the word of knowledge given to me by the Holy Spirit.
Working, guided and helped by the Holy Spirit, is the most awesome of all experiences and the most fruitful and spiritually satisfying of all works.
The purpose of this book is to make it is easy for my brethren in humanity to understand what actions, behaviors, thoughts, associations, and engagements, according to the word of God, land them in the hands of the Lord and in his kingdom of the life, and which ones throw them into the arms of Satan and his world of torment and death.
T HE SCOPE OF this book is to humbly contribute to the spreading of the word of God, particularly to making the important and complex subject of the effects of Satan’s kingdom on the world, on the places and institutions, and on the daily life of the people easy to understand; and to simplify, according to the Bible, the means and weapons available to us to counter the devil’s plans and activities.
The first chapters break down Satan’s kingdom and its works:
O What activities, behaviors, and thought processes are demonic?
O How and why they are demonic?
O How Satan’s kingdom is structured? How it operates, and what are his plans and final goal?
O Which are the most destructive spirits that support and help Satan’s kingdom flourish?
The chapters that follow simplify people’s needs and choices in the spiritual warfare:
O What is God’s kingdom, and how it can be attained?
O How to resist and defeat Satan?
O What tools and weapons are available to them in the battle?
O What are people’s involvements with the occult?
The final pages address, from a biblical perspective, some of the pressing current world issues and events, including those taking place in churches and in the Middle East.
Demonic Invasion
Levels of Demonic Activities
T HE OLD TESTAMENT mentioned the existence and the agency of demons, but it was during the life of Jesus on earth that they spectacularly manifested their power. Jesus came to redeem mankind, and Satan wanted to assert his control of the world where he had established idolatry. Jesus brought the light of heaven, and the agents of darkness realized that if Jesus succeeds, their role will end; they raged like wild beasts and exhibited their power over the hearts and bodies of men.
The New Testament plainly and frequently documented that men have been possessed by demons and were suffering with diseases caused by unnatural causes; this is the kind of illnesses addressed by this book.
Jesus had complete understanding of demons’ effects on people and recognized the direct presence and work of evil spirits, their methods, and their strengths and levels; and He showed us how to deal with them.
According to the teachings of most Christian churches and denominations, every demonic activity is tracked to one of the following levels:
Infestation is possession of an object or place, such as a house or building, by demons. When a demon possesses a place, he can move things at will and cause various noises, voices, and smells. Infestation never causes the possession of any of the people who live in there. Such infestation may occur in a place due to satanic rites being performed with frequency and may result from a hex, spell, curse, voodoo, witchcraft, or from a killing act in the place. A place is infested when demonic voices and footsteps are heard and/or shadowy figures are seen and or objects move, disappear or appear without human interference
Temptation is an enticement to sin arising from the desires or from outward circumstances. God’s angels are God’s messengers; they communicate his messages clearly and announce plainly who they are and who the Lord is. In contrast, demons or the fallen angels do not bear messages from God but from Satan centered on the selfish desires of the person they seek to influence so as to drive him or her away from God by speaking to individuals with feelings, images, and concepts that displease God.
Oppression is when people are mildly or severely harassed by evil spirit(s). Such victimization results from the opening of doors to Satan’s influence. Noticeably, feeling the presence of a demon or hearing voices of demons cause them to become confused and in fear of subjection to bodily harm, accidents, or scratches.
Obsession is a form of mental or emotional insanity not of natural causes. It is rather caused by the persistent attack of an invading evil spirit from outside of an individual; obsession is the opposite of possession.
Possession is a condition in which one or more evil spirits inhabit the body and the spirit of a human being. They take complete control of it at will, residing in his or her heart and expressing his (or their) personality through that body. The demon’s goal is to get the possessed to kill himself and/or others before they act on an opportunity to be saved.
A possession happens when a person makes a pact with the devil or takes part in occult séances, satanic worship cults, or dreadful group behaviors. Possession can also come from a parent’s offering of a child to Satan and/or from being victim of witchcraft such as hexes, spells, hypnotism, etc.
Can a Christian Be Possessed?
A Christian cannot be