Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization
About this ebook
Shirley Andrews uncovers the living legacy in Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization, a compelling new look at a legendary country once situated on the Atlantic Ridge. The author has traveled extensively to conduct her own comprehensive research, which she synthesizes with the work of hundreds of other Atlantis researchersclassical and modern scholars, scientists, and respected psychics like Edgar Cayce.
Survivors of this fabled land have made their mark on cultures all over the world, and their descendants walk the earth today. Learn how the legacy of Atlantis can help us bring our own world into a new age of peace and enlightenment.
Shirley Andrews
Shirley Andrews (Massachusetts) has had a passionate life-long interest in prehistory, and has conducted research both in the U.S. and at the British Museum Library in London. Her investigations have led her to ancient monasteries high in the Himalayas, the Azores, the Andes, Central America, and the Tio Bustillo cave in Spain. She has appeared on numerous radio programs and gives popular lectures on Atlantis. She is also the author of Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization.
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Reviews for Atlantis
12 ratings2 reviews
- Rating: 2 out of 5 stars2/5She contributes to both the evidence and the lore. Too often, her speculation is stated as fact.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 stars1/5I have to say, I found this book to be a bit of a laugh when I read it while I was doing some research on Atlantis. It was not altogether very informative, but then, I've always been a skeptic when it comes to aliens visiting Earth, so this book was a bit, um, well, unhelpful in that regard. However, it was very amusing in the midst of my otherwise somber research. (I actually did read the account as put forth by Plato in his Timaeus and Critias dialogue.) Seeing as how no one can actually prove or disprove the myth thus far, I suppose aliens and various other explanations are still viable, but it was certainly not a useful book in all seriousness for a research paper. Nonetheless, I did enjoy it more than the one star I gave it would suggest, but it was only because of the absurdity of the suggestions made in the book and the fact there was little to no research to suggest any of it was actually true other than in the author's mind.
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Atlantis - Shirley Andrews
© 2018 Shirley Andrews. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 02/05/2018
ISBN: 978-1-5462-2420-4 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018900545
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Maps on pages 12, 14, 16, and 18 by John S. Moyle.
Shirley Andrews lives in Concord, Massachusetts. She is a graduate of Middlebury College and has studied, performed, and taught flute for over twenty years. Her intense interest in Atlantis has always been part of her and she believes it stems from one or more past life experiences there. After raising six children, Shirley was able to devote time and energy to the study of Atlantis and related subjects, which led her to research in the libraries of the British Museum, Harvard, the University of Chicago, and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, as well as personal travels to the Azores, the Andes, Central America, the Dordogne Valley in France, and the Tito Bustillo cave in Spain. She and her husband have traveled extensively, hiking and mountain climbing throughout the world, often focusing on the customs and beliefs of inhabitants in remote areas as they reflect on the spirituality of the distant past. Her foremost desire is to share what she has learned with others and incite their curiosity to discover more about these fascinating subjects.
If you wish to contact the author or would like more information about the book, please post your comments or review on the online listing of this book through: Shirley will appreciate hearing from you and learning of your enjoyment of this book and how it has helped you.
Read not to contradict and confute,
nor to believe and take for granted,
but to weigh and consider… .
Histories make men wise.
1. Geography
2. History
Early Atlantis Until 48,000 B.c
48,000 B.c. To About 10,000 B.c.
20,000–10,000 B.C.
3. People
Customs And Beliefs
Clothing And Appearance
Fine Arts
Armed Forces
The Occult
4. Architecture
City Of The Golden Gates
Buildings, Walls, And Roads
5. Influences Of Land, Sea, And Sky
6. Science
7. Destruction
8. Survivors
9. Sailing Away
Those Who Sailed To The East
Those Who Sailed To The West
10. Future
Timeline of Atlantis
Figure 1: Atlantis—48,000 B.C. to 28,000 B.C.
Figure 2: Atlantis and continental shelves 18,000 B.C.
Figure 3: Atlantis before its destruction in 10,000 B.C.
Figure 4: Atlantic Ridge and continental shelves today
Figure 5: Plain, canals, city, and harbor
Figure 6: City of the Golden Gates
Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization would never have materialized without the assistance and encouragement of my supportive family and friends. I wish especially to thank Bill Andrews for his patient assistance with the intricacies of computer technology, his editorial suggestions, and his time and effort in printing repeated new drafts. My sincere appreciation also goes to Katherine Min, Karen Taylor, Marianne Trost, and Rebecca Zins for their careful editing and to Jim Keck, Marian and Dick Thornton, Susan, Carol, and Roy Andrews, Terry Baker, Peggy Davenport, John Reid, and Barbara and Jack Wolf for their helpful comments and suggestions.
The views I have expressed in Atlantis are my own and are not all shared by those whose help I have acknowledged.
When I was very young, I constantly thought about a land called Atlantis that I was sure lay in the Atlantic Ocean. Adults finally convinced me it wasn’t there but, like an adopted child searching for a birth parent, my insatiable interest in the mysterious country persisted. I now think that perhaps in a previous life in Atlantis I used my knowledge and skills in evil ways to gain power. As a novice priest I came under the influence of older magi, who encouraged me to take advantage of women and abuse my talents to control others. To atone for these misdeeds, I believe I must publicize what I know about the Atlanteans’ accomplishments in hopes of indirectly improving and maintaining life on this planet today.
For years, whenever it was possible, I read about Atlantis. I learned from ancient scholars, scientists, contemporary researchers, Native Americans, and the readings of Edgar Cayce and other reputable psychics. It startled me to discover how well the channeled material from the psychics correlates with more traditional sources, even though they had no access to one another. Before long, I was completely convinced that until about 12,000 years ago, the people of Atlantis did thrive on land in the Atlantic Ocean that, like so much else on the surface of our unstable planet, just isn’t here now.
An extensive amount of the knowledge I have acquired about Atlantis is relevant to life today. Our Atlantean ancestors managed to live peacefully with nature without destroying it. They developed an admirable life similar to the type we presently strive to attain, a life in which individuals fully understood what lay within themselves, comprehended the magnitude and power of the universe and had a satisfying relationship with it.
Edgar Cayce offers a further advantage to study of the lost country. He maintains that many who lived in Atlantis chose to be reborn into the present time; these people retain latent qualities that influence their behavior today. Some carry an interest in science and technology. Others, because the+ir land was so terribly destroyed, have a desperate desire for harmony, peace, and preservation of the Earth. Buried in humanity’s subconscious are vivid memories of the distant past, and for many people today this means experiences in Atlantis. It is my hope that academic and intuitive examination of the lost land and its people will help us create a better world, modeled on that outstanding civilization of prehistory.
Striking parallels between accounts of the advanced accomplishments of Sumerians, who lived in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers about 4000 B.C., and descriptions of life in Atlantis became apparent during my study of prehistory. Attempting to understand the reason for the unbelievably rapid progress of human beings in Sumeria and its similarity with Atlantean feats, I was drawn to the research of the renowned scholar Zecharia Sitchin and others who suggest that extraterrestrials visited our planet in the past and assisted in the accelerated development of some primitive societies. If beings from outer space frequented the Earth in antiquity, the glacier-free, mineral-rich land of Atlantis would have been a logical destination for them. This explains Plato’s reference to the god Poseidon marrying a mortal woman and settling in Atlantis, and accounts for the Atlanteans’ amazing achievements.
Most accurate knowledge of long ago is lost in the mists of time but plenty remains in the bright sunlight, apparent to those who search for it. Hopefully what follows will arouse the reader’s interest and curiosity, and encourage pursuit of this fascinating subject in new and varied directions.
ThinkstockPhotos-868486764.jpgPART I
MODERN HOMO SAPIENS, our own species, appeared on the Earth more than 100,000 years ago. While devastating floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, Ice Ages, comets, and asteroids completely destroyed many other species of plants and animals, these vulnerable humans managed to survive. Using their highly developed intuition and their minds, which were as competent as ours, they not only persevered but, when natural circumstances permitted, they flourished.
I was taught in school that our ancestors of before 10,000 B.C. were big, strong brutes with hairy bodies who didn’t wear clothes, lived in caves, and behaved like wild animals. When I learned of the difficulties modern craftsmen encounter in reproducing their everyday stone implements, I realized that anyone with that amount of skill and patience could easily make a bench to sit on and a house to live in. My picture of prehistoric families squatting on the ground in rock shelters was soon replaced by a more realistic image of their living in dwellings of stone or wood with tables, chairs, and beds.
While their well-built homes turned to dust long ago and no records of them exist, traces of their sophisticated lives remain. Anthropologists are finding necklaces our forebears placed on bodies they buried tens of thousands of years ago in southwestern Europe. Beads that required hundreds of hours to create were carefully strung with delicate needles. Prehistoric peoples could easily have used those needles to sew soft, comfortable garments of animal skins, or of cotton and linen, which were cultivated in antiquity. Once I acquired a more realistic picture of our predecessors and understood they really were similar to us mentally as well as physically, the concept of an advanced Atlantean civilization with superior accomplishments assumed increasing plausibility.
162862.pngTimeline of Atlantis in history (all dates are approximate)
Sources of Atlantean Existence
If we condense the most recent 100,000 years so that it equals only one year of 365 days and imagine that the history of modern humanity took place in that twelve-month period, recorded facts begin in the last week of December. From July until early December the Atlantean civilization flourished. The period from January to the last week of December is referred to as prehistory, a time from which we have almost no written or recorded facts but plenty of information.
A wide variety of sources contribute to a picture of Atlantis from 100,000 to 12,000 years ago. The readings of the gifted psychic Edgar Cayce offer insight into the location and disintegration of its land as well as the society’s accomplishments. All of Cayce’s data correlate with more conventional reports he could not have been familiar with. Most psychics describe life in Atlantis at only one period in its long history, usually the most recent. Cayce is an exception; although the majority of his readings are concerned with the culture’s final 20,000 years, he often furnishes details of early Atlantis as well. Psychics W. Scott-Elliot and Rudolph Steiner also provide information about the beginning of its civilization.
Additional accounts of the people of Atlantis are found in stories from England and Ireland that describe the thousands of individuals who fled to those areas from a country that sank into the Atlantic Ocean. Native Americans recall the lost land in legends they have transmitted carefully from generation to generation since the beginning of their time. Diodorus Siculus, a Sicilian geographer and historian of the first century B.C., was a far-ranging traveler and a trained and experienced compiler of knowledge who recorded many details about Atlantis that he learned from the native people while researching in Africa. Stories and legends of prehistory deserve to be taken seriously, for ancient people were not given to fiction and the information their memorizers handed down in this manner was based on facts; verbal transmission was known to be more long-lasting than recording it on perishable materials. The close correlations in data about the lost country from widely diverse sources are impossible to explain without a belief in the basic concept of Atlantis.
Numerous scholars have added to the overflowing cup of knowledge about Atlantis. Lewis Spence (1874–1955), a Scottish mythologist and ancient historian, compiled reports that related to Atlanteans and their nation from a wide variety of sources including Herodotus—a fifth-century B.C. Greek traveler—Pepi 1st of Egypt (2800 B.c.), and later British treasure-seekers Cuchulain Fionn, Laegaire MacCrimpthian Labraidh, and Mannannan Osin. Greek scholar Plato (429 B.C.–347 B.C.), one of the foremost philosophical writers of the western world, describes in detail the geography, people, and government of the largest island of Atlantis, which he places in the Atlantic Ocean about 9,000 years before his day. He thoroughly outlines his sources, and four times in two dialogues, the Critias and the Timaeus, confirms the veracity of his statements about the ancient country. His accurate description in 355 B.C. of the geography of mid-Atlantic islands and his references to the continent beyond contribute to the credibility of Plato’s information. More recently, the works of Edgarton Sykes, David Zink, Nicholai F. Zhirov, Ignatius Donnelly, and many others are available for enlightenment about the lost country.
A few aspects of life in prehistoric times that are still with us offer more tangible information about life in Atlantis. Shamanism, a form of spiritualism that has prevailed for 40,000 years, is practiced in a comparable manner throughout the world. Sensitive artworks created as long as 30,000 years ago are visible on cave walls and ceilings in France and Spain. These beautiful paintings suggest numerous clues that contribute to an understanding of the lives of the masters who crafted them.
Further details depicting Atlantis were collected in extraordinary libraries in the western world that were available for study and research in the centuries before Christianity. One of the most notable, with over 500,000 books, was located in Carthage, on the north coast of Africa. The Carthaginians were excellent sailors and their archives contained maps and facts concerning the world they and their predecessors explored. In 146 B.C.., when the Romans ravaged the library at Carthage, kings of North African tribes managed to rescue some of the valuable books.¹ They guarded them carefully for hundreds of years, and fragments of this knowledge of ancient times eventually reached the European continent with the Moors.²
Alexandria, in northern Egypt, was the site of an extensive library that Edgar Cayce says Atlanteans established in 10,300 B.C.³ The huge university that centered on the library at Alexandria included faculties of medicine, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and literature. In A.D. 391 and again in A.D. 642, ignorant invaders burned the libraries and over one million precious volumes. In the chaos and confusion of these traumatic events, local people joined the marauders and saved various irreplaceable books. Nevertheless, heat from the fires of burning manuscripts warmed water for the baths of Alexandria for several months. When the Moors from North Africa occupied portions of Spain during the eighth to the fifteenth centuries, they carried some of the ancient books their forefathers saved to the European continent.⁴ Scotsman Michael Scot (A.D. 1175 –A.D. 1232), who was familiar with Arabic, traveled to Spain in 1217 and translated knowledge recorded in the manuscripts from Africa, including details of Atlantean lives.
A source of information that portrays the skills of Atlanteans is available in sailors’ charts from ancient times that were preserved in northern Africa and in the dry Middle East. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries A.D., when it became permissible to think that the world extended beyond the Straits of Gibraltar, copies of these detailed, accurate maps appeared in western Europe. They illustrate northern Europe with its lakes and ice as it was before the glaciers melted in 10,000 B.C., as well as unknown islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
Where Was Atlantis?
Plato, psychics, and hundreds of legends describe an ancient country on land in the Atlantic Ocean. Intensive studies of the details of the ocean floor in the vicinity of the Atlantic Ridge—including core samples, the geography of the terrain, glacial residue, lava rock, coral, sand deposits, and plant growth—contribute convincing proof that portions of the Atlantic Ridge were above the surface until 10,000 B.C.
The Atlantic Ridge was a desirable location for people. Fertile volcanic soil was abundant and warm winds from the Gulf Stream caressed the land. Glaciers plaguing the Neanderthals on the nearby European continent were confined to the northernmost zone of Atlantis. Surrounding ocean waters provided safety from marauders, while chains of small islands offered necessary access to the rest of the world. Just as favorable island conditions supported the evolution of huge wall spiders in the Canary Islands, giant tortoises in the Galapagos, and yard-long lizards in Grand Canary Island, so in Atlantis they afforded the ideal living conditions for developing the first group of modern, fully evolved homo sapiens, known as Cro-Magnons.
Cro-Magnons appeared in various places on the Earth about 55,000 B.C. For thousands of years prior to their emergence the human race was unchanged. Suddenly, without progenitors, these people with larger brains and stronger bodies, whose skeletal modifications from those who lived before them would have required isolation and an infinite amount of time to develop, were present in widely separated areas. Biblical scholar Zecharia Sitchin offers an explanation for the mysterious origin of Cro-Magnons. As he studied the Old Testament, Sitchin was fascinated by references in the Bible to the Nefilim
who spent time on the Earth, and to the phrase in Genesis 6:4: When the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
Sitchin realized that although Nefilim is usually translated as giants,
it literally means Those Who From Heaven to Earth Come.
His search for the origin of the biblical phrases led him to the early civilization in the Tigris and Euphrates Valley and the belief that the ancient accounts of the Nefilim referred to the people the Sumerians called the Anunnaki, who descended to Earth from the heavens,
and that the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials. Sitchin proposes that extraterrestrials became aware of the extensive mineral deposits on the Earth. Hoping to create slaves to extract the abundant gold they needed to protect their planet from the atmosphere, they worked to improve the human race genetically. Cro-Magnons were one of the results of their efforts.
The extraterrestrials conducted their genetic endeavors in the idyllic land of Atlantis, and the Cro-Magnons that resulted thrived in the ideal climate. All dates of 10,000 B.C. and before are approximate, but about 30,000 B.C., due to unstable conditions in Atlantis, many of these superior people left their homes and sailed in small boats to the adjacent lands of southwestern Europe and South America. Their artwork, bones, tools, and jewelry remain in the valleys of rivers leading to the Atlantic Ocean, where they carefully placed them thousands of years ago. While working in Europe and South America, German archaeologist Marcel F. Homet discovered that the burial techniques of Cro-Magnons in the two widely separated areas, as well as remains of their skeletons, tools, and personal belongings, closely resemble each other.⁵ In fact, archaeologists have discovered that Cro-Magnons lived in South America before they appeared in Europe. Identical occult practices and other similarities of ancient cultures of Cro-Magnons in the lands contiguous to the Atlantic Ocean offer information about their common source: the civilization on the islands that lay between them.
A jigsaw puzzle composed of only verified, flawless facts about the prehistory of our Earth and its inhabitants at the time of Atlantis, from 100,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C., will never be assembled using the scientific techniques of conventional archaeology and anthropology. Just as historians are realizing that Vikings visited this continent long before Columbus and that Troy was more than a myth, so Atlantis will eventually be included in our history books. For a thorough description of Atlantis, I combine plausible data from a wide variety of individuals, including channeled information from intuitively gifted psychics. Occasional conjecture is necessary but, as much as possible, I describe my sources and avoid assumptions and exaggerations. I believe what follows depicts that land of paradise
and its inhabitants as well as is currently feasible, and that much of it will one day be verified, to the benefit of our present civilization. So, with an open mind, return to distant Atlantis and
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider… . Histories make men wise.
TODAY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN covers almost all of ancient Atlantis, whose land once stretched, sometimes in the shape of a serpent, from the present country of Greenland in the north, to Brazil in the south, and from the United States almost to Africa. When the fertile continental shelves bordering the Atlantic Ocean were above the surface, many Atlanteans left their unstable land and settled in those desirable areas. Atlantis’ varied topography included vast plains of rich red soil, deep river valleys, and rugged mountain ranges, many of whose tall peaks were covered with perpetual snow. The country gradually returned to the ocean bottom from whence it came. Today’s sonar devices, which use reflected sound vibrations to detect the presence and location of submerged objects, portray the physical features of Atlantis just as they were thousands of years ago when the land was above the surface.
1.jpgFigure 1: Atlantis—48,000 B.C. to 28,000 B.C.
Atlantis began to emerge from the hot, liquid bowels of the Earth 200 million years ago when Pangea, the supercontinent that contained all the land of our globe, slowly broke apart. Separations occurred along the lines of the tectonic plates—large rock masses, forty-five to seventy-five miles thick, which cover the surface of this planet. The plates float on a hot, thick liquid, known as the mantle, like pieces of wood floating on a simmering thick soup. After Pangea separated, molten lava and volcanic rocks poured from the cracks at the boundary line between the American plate and the Eurasian plate. These extensive ejections from the inner Earth united to form the Atlantic Ridge, a section of the ocean floor running north–south in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ridge plus the Azores Plateau (150,000 square miles of relatively flat land on the northeastern side of the Ridge) comprised the mainland of Atlantis.
Today the sea floor between the American and Eurasian continents continues to separate at an erratic but average rate of about one-half inch per year, or approximately as fast as a fingernail grows. Two hundred thousand years ago, the continents on opposite sides of the ocean were only two miles closer to each other than their current locations. Studies of rock strata reveal that layers of ancient crystalline rock are identical on today’s South American and African continents, where they once fit together nicely. The North Atlantic Ridge, when it was above the surface, occupied the space between North America and Europe.
2.jpgFigure 2: Atlantis and continental shelves 18,000 B.C.
The original southern boundary of Atlantis is defined by the Romanche Trench, a deep underwater valley close to the equator that runs between two chains of mountains from Africa to South America. Deep ocean troughs of this sort are almost always situated close to either continents or islands. The Romanche Trench is the only exception—there is no land near it since Atlantis, once adjacent to the trough, disappeared into the sea.¹
During the 100,000 or more years when people lived on the Atlantic Ridge, the expanse available for habitation varied. When deep glaciers enveloped large parts of the surface of our planet, their masses of snow and ice contained tremendous quantities of frozen water from the oceans. As a result, the surface of the Atlantic Ocean was sometimes 400 feet below its current level, exposing large zones along the shores of the Atlantic Ridge as well as the continents. Like birds attracted to a recently filled feeder in midwinter, plants, animals, and humans soon flocked to these desirable living spaces.
An Unstable Area
The region of Atlantis was, and still is, unstable for many reasons. Two tectonic plates move at the Atlantic Ridge, disturbing the delicate crust of the Earth and making that area one of