Lessons of Love from Above: Ascended Master Wisdom
About this ebook
Teresa Thibodeau
Teresa is a retired nurse living in Connecticut with her husband of 49 years. She started receiving messages from The Ascended Masters to be used in this book of loving guidance in 2012. It has been her privilege to act as their scribe for this purpose.
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Lessons of Love from Above - Teresa Thibodeau
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-3112-5 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019909547
Balboa Press rev. date: 08/06/2019
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About the Author
This is a book dictated to
me by the Ascended Masters to support the teachings brought forth in A Course in Miracles as well as later books by Gary Renard which support and align with A Course in Miracles.
The goal of memorializing these transmissions is to offer the same teachings in different words so that other people may hear the message. Not everyone learns in the same way. There is much repetition of the teachings as this is an all important aspect of learning. Repeat, repeat, repeat, and then repeat again. It is our honor to repeat these basic teachings in many ways in the hopes of reaching more folks in a way they can understand. The vibration of my spirit is compatible with the name Haliabus. I am pure spirit and have not completed cycles of embodiment as have the Ascended Masters. I come forth to offer my assistance to mankind through the vessel known as Oneesha-a minister/teacher/healer on earth at this time. I have worked with the scribe of this book in previous lifetimes. It was agreed that we would work together toward the goal of bringing this book to publication for the benefit of mankind. The Ascended Masters Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya and Mary the Mother of Jesus have also participated in this endeavor. It is with the greatest love that we offer this book to all of those who have been searching for access to the truths contained herein.
Thank you.
September 9, 2012
Conversations with Haliabus
52203.pngGood afternoon Dear One. It is I Haliabus checking in today on the status of our book?
I have gotten the computer which my loving husband bought and set up for me and the desk and space are ready for us to get started. The computer was too difficult for me so I wrote the remainder in long hand and hired a transcriptionist.
Excellent! Good work! Let’s get started on our dialogue.
Yes. Please.
We shall start small at first. We have decided that our book will be a search for truth. Have we not?
Yes and the different approaches of the I Am and A Course in Miracles.
Yes. I believe that is correct. What seems to be the problem?
It may not be a problem as much as it is confusion. The I Am seems to concern itself with man and this earth, defending our brothers as well as offering service. A Course in Miracles says that all our brothers have been created as wholly innocent. Having been created that way everything else is only an illusion of the ego mind. For simplification I will use the term brothers for human beings of any sex throughout this book.
Both of these statements are true. I see your confusion though regarding the need to defend yourself or others from any whom you perceive as a threat despite knowing they are as wholly innocent as yourself. You are not your bodies. You are indeed wholly innocent in your spirit in which you were created. Your bodies are part of the thought form manifestation of the imagined and impossible separation from your Creator, God created you from His very Being as an extension of Himself. The I Am concerns itself with life as it appears to be played out in a third dimension illusion where duality can appear to exist. In this illusory state of duality good and evil do appear to exist with the idea of separation because now there is an opposite of everything. Instead of being One Spirit you think you exist in separate bodies and there appears to be limited resources to survive. This sets up a competition between bodies to garner these resources for yourselves any way you can. The bodies learn that it is difficult to survive alone and begin to form groups.
The emotional body also becomes evident and love/hate relationships are formed with all that implies. In this illusory state of separation it is important to defend those who cannot defend themselves while at the same time maintaining the awareness that the so called aggressors are truly still the innocents of God just as yourself. Reality is the truth of the Oneness of all Creation while only the illusion sees your brothers as separate from yourselves and the duality of good and evil. Jesus honored His so called physical existence in the illusion of duality very well. He was a shining example of justice, kindness and mercy while still maintaining the vision of each person as an innocent creation of the Father. That is what is meant by being in this world but not of this world.
August 29, 2012
52205.pngToday begins the process of amplifying and expanding the teachings and concepts contained in the book A Course in Miracles.
It is for you to know that what you choose to accomplish will be in perfect alignment with the will of God so that your accomplishments mirror that will. If you align yourselves with a pure heart and a pure intent to assist your brothers in the salvation of the world then so it is and so shall it be. We begin at the beginning then, back to the time of the un-time of eternity, back to when there was no time at all when God and all His Creations were of One Being. Knowing the truth of that statement: God is, always was and always will be, you see that no separation is possible. One cannot be cut off or separated from that from which one was created as a perfect extension of the Creator. Another truth is that God is all present and all powerful. There is no place where God is absent. There is no instance where God is not all knowing. There is nothing that God cannot do.
There is comfort in the truth that there never was or ever could be any actual separation from God. The appearance of what happened is known as the illusion. This illusion began with the so called beginning of time which of course never really happened. Part of God’s Sonship
imagined that they separated themselves from their Father and from each other. Thus began the elaborate illusion of separation from your Father and the rest of His Creation which you now call your brothers. You all remain an integral part of the Whole (God’s Mind/Will) and as such He will never see you as beings separate from Himself. As the All Knowing Being He is aware that you think you have separated from Him and therefore created the Holy Spirit, an aspect of Himself as a link between illusion and reality so His Sons would always have a guide to remember who you really are whenever you choose to do so. In the illusion the idea was brought forth of the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in order to allow the so called separated minds to function in the illusion while maintaining somewhere deep inside the truth of your own Reality.
Eventually after many embodiments you begin to realize that there is more to life than what you see. That you are not your bodies but Eternal Spirit. When you are ready to release your minds of that which never really happened the last illusion of separation will take place and the Father will take His sons symbolically back into the Reality of Himself and the illusion of separation, time and duality will simply disappear. Knowing this to be the Truth it is simple to forgive yourselves and your brothers for whatever evil you imagined in the illusion of separation because it never really happened. Just as you would not condemn actors who played an evil part in a play or movie so you need not condemn yourselves or your brothers for the so called evil actions you take in the illusion of that which never happened. It is essential, however, that you forgive what you perceive to believe as the last step in the releasing the illusion even though forgiveness itself is an illusion. Since in Reality there is nothing to forgive it follows then that forgiveness is the last illusion to release before you accept the true Reality of God of whom you are an integral part.
October 16, 2012
52208.pngGood morning Dear One. It is with great joy that I have accepted your offer to act as my scribe in the physical dimension. I know we have had a couple of starts and you stopped because of your concern for plagiarism. I will endeavor to avoid such a thing although as you know the spiritual truth is the spiritual truth and there are a limited number of ways to verbally express it.
October 7, 2012
52210.pngI know you think that everything that is needed or ever could be needed for the brotherhood of man to advance and remember who he really has already been written. There are many ways to say the same thing in a slightly different way so that all may have a chance to hear it. There is an audience awaiting this book as we write it. It is to know that everything you think you are learning is that which in the reality of your being you already know. However to participate in the so called game of life it was necessary to forget
who you really are, that is not to bring it consciously into the illusion. You decided to pretend to be separate bodies of much lower vibration than Reality with separate ideas and emotions opposite of your Source which is God. This idea of duality brought hate, envy, jealousy and a feeling of lack in many areas.
You have all done a magnificent job of feeling what it is like to be separate from your Creator and from each other. It is your free choice to believe in this illusion or to remember and place your faith in the truth of who you really are. Only in the illusion can the question of why did the illusion happen be asked because in reality there is no such thing as anything but complete Oneness so there can be nothing to be asked about. In the following text the attempt will be made to illustrate many scenarios of illusion causing pain and misery in people’s lives and we will attempt to show how a change in perception will often help to see a situation differently and change the outcome. Perception is, as A Course in Miracles says only an illusion because in Reality there is only truth and there is no other way to perceive the truth. It just is. Since you do not recognize this truth yet we will practice little exercises in perception throughout these teachings.
October 18, 2012
52212.pngYou must remember that no matter what, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem to be, you are never ever alone or unsupported. If you begin to feel that way you must stop and be quiet for a moment asking all of us on this side of the veil to step up and allow you to feel our presence, love, strength and support. We are with you continually, each and every one of you. No matter what you appear to be going through we are here for you. Try to remember and if you can’t try to imagine the peace, love and joy of God and Heaven. It is yours always without end when you remember or even when you don’t it is always there waiting for you. No matter who you are if you could but remember your true self you would have the faith, confidence and will to complete your embodiments on earth as you wished. It is yours to do. Trust yourselves. Trust spirit and live your life in the peace, joy and love with which you were created. You are all magnificent vessels of God’s qualities. Remember and share these qualities with each other. It is another perspective to work on. Earthly beings have feelings in common of inadequacy and fear. It is the human condition which is born of the separation illusion. It is not true. Once the illusion was accepted as real, fear in all of its forms became normal. The work of changing the results of this fear must begin through changing your perspective to one of true forgiveness. When the shift to full true forgiveness is made, the need for bodies will disappear. This is an eternal truth and the more ways we say it, the more people that can hear, the quicker it can happen.
October 19, 2012
52214.pngIf you are ready perhaps we can begin again on the subject of perception. What is it?
Perception is a word which describes a way of thinking and seeing that may be changed from the usual way by changing angles from which you choose to view the situation. When you were little and you came home from school after having a difficult experience with someone your mother would tell you to pretend that you were the other person. Then she asked how you viewed the same situation from their position. Now that you have viewed the situation from both sides what do you think? This usually helped to understand what had happened and changed the reaction to it. Correct?
Yes. I remember her doing that quite often
This method of viewing both sides has continued with you. Sometimes your first reaction is impatience and anger; however, you do eventually come around to of both points of view. You have experienced in your own life how helpful this can be and how the situations improve when each party feels as though they are being heard and understood. With this new understanding, the whole experience is then elevated into a new higher vibration of teamwork and cooperation.
Do you see how this works?
Yes, a change in perception can change the outcome into a positive experience for both sides.
October 22, 2012
52216.pngToday we would speak of another circumstance of perspective.
If you found yourself in the middle of a war zone as are so many places on your beloved Mother Earth at this time you would undoubtedly feel alone, frightened and be tempted to pick up arms to defend yourself. Imagine now you are in a battlefield and you overcome the temptation to choose fear and self-defense. You remember that there is no separation between you and your brothers and that there never was a separation from God. (It is good to remember at this point that you are not your physical bodies)
Now you look up and all you see around you is the Light and Oneness of all your brothers and all of their angels all around you for this is truly the way it is. Instead of the out picturing of extreme fear you now feel only extreme love and unity. The secret is that some aspect of each of them will feel it too. By this shift in perception you have changed a fearful scene of anger and hate and fear of all kinds into a place of love peace and unity in your own vision and heart. This may not affect the outward appearance of the situation, however, it will honor your own new belief system of living in Light rather than fear and you will advance on your own journey.
This is an extreme example and yet this is your choice every day and every second of every day. Choose between love and fear. People do not realize that they have a choice but we are teaching them that they do. This is clearly taught in A Course in Miracles and it bears repeating in every way possible so that everyone can get it. The quicker more people know they have a choice and the quicker the majority chooses love over fear, the sooner peace will reign.
Maybe today we could pick an hour and consistently make the choice for love within that hour. The more practice the more it becomes a habit just like anything else, but it doesn’t just happen automatically. You must be conscious of your choices at all times. You can do this if you practice with more consistency.
Today we would also like to talk about forgiveness as the key to attaining salvation. It is absolutely something that must be practiced constantly. As A Course in Miracles says this is not the forgiveness you are accustomed to in which you feel wronged in some way and through the generosity in your hearts you decide to let them off the hook. True forgiveness lies in the fact that all life as you know it here on earth is only an illusion and therefore you are still in Heaven as One Spirit with your Father, wholly innocent in every way. All so called wrong doings only exist in the illusory world and never really occurred at all.
This is true Forgiveness. Remembering that this statement is true one cannot forgive a crime that never happened. No judgement or condemnation is required or appropriate. True forgiveness of the entire illusion is the last step to salvation. Forgiveness itself is an illusion because there is nothing to forgive and yet the last step is acknowledging that fact. When this happens God appears and offers you the Eternal Reality of His All Encompassing Love, Peace and Joy and the illusion of who you thought you were simply disappears as a dream upon awakening. This is a most beautiful thing when you finally wake up and remember that the so called separation never really happened and you are forever safe and secure in the Love of Your Creator. All you have to do is to remember that the separation never really happened.
People are afraid to release the illusion of their loved ones and all they hold dear as beings separate from themselves because they feel they will lose them. The truth is (with the separation never occurring) you are all contained in one another in a state of completion of All That Is. There can be no separation ever. This is a state of Eternal Bliss.
It is a choice you have to make to always remember the truth of who you really are. You can live in your physical body and remember your true being. The enlightened ones who do choose to remember consistently their truth and live accordingly appear to be perfectly serene with a slight smile evident on their faces because they now accept the truth and release the illusion of separation. Peace then follows automatically.
October 23, 2012
52220.pngToday would be a good day for us to discuss the idea of reincarnation.
Although it still only exists in the illusion of the world it is helpful for your brothers to know that you have had and will continue to have many, many chances to come back to the classroom of earth to remember who you and who your so called brothers are and to accept the pure Love of your Creator.
The Love, Peace and Joy with which you are created are God qualities and as such are pure Spirit. These are the qualities you wish to nurture and grow in your lives on earth. As you become further and further aligned with them it becomes easier for you to release the more dense energies of fear, anger, envy, jealousy, hate and all those emotions that make you feel uncomfortable and less than. When you are in a place of deep and unconditional love it is impossible for you to feel those aspects of fear at the same time. It is to remember that everything you require for your life’s journey to remembrance is within yourselves. You have but to access the memory of who you really are. It is a process.
October 24, 2012
52222.pngToday I thought we could discuss the emotion of fear in its many forms such as anger, injustice and pain of all kinds.
The basic cause of fear is always the same, separation from your Creator and from each other. Once you thought that you separated yourselves you suddenly felt alone, incomplete and uncomfortable. You thought you needed someone outside yourselves to make you feel whole and complete once again. It is no wonder that those of the human condition appear to suffer from lack of and not good enough and the thought that if they are not with me then they are against me
mentality. Once you feel you have cut yourselves off from your Source of Love, Peace, Joy and Plenty the next step can only be that of lack in its many manifestations of less than whole. When you felt as if you were no longer a part of the One Mind and the One Heart it was only natural to become distrustful and fearful of your brothers who appear different than yourselves. When you feel different you become afraid, afraid of that which you do not know.
As an outgrowth of this new emotion of fear, there is pain of every sort imaginable. The good part is that all the results of separation are impossible because separation itself is impossible. However, until you remember this in all its truth the experiences of pain feel very real indeed.
This false idea of separation feels very real and you are deeply ingrained in your false perception. The important thing to remember always is that in Reality there is only God. All of you are a part of God as All That Is. There is no opposite of All. It is complete within Itself. How can one have dark or the absence of The Light, which is God, when the Light extends everywhere eternally? There is no place where the Light is not except in the mistaken and incorrect concept of separation. You also chose to forget (when you made up the idea of separation) the fact that as part of the whole of God there is nothing you can do without Him. It is from Him all life and power flows. A hand cannot function without the rest of the body. When you remember this and you attempt to live your lives from the God qualities within yourselves things go well.
When you attempt to live your lives through actions and reactions that are fear based, there is a less than a pleasing result. Jesus performed His miracles with the blessing and the power of the Father because He knew He was not separate. He repeated this several times so that everyone could hear it. This is how He forgave everyone’s sins in the name of the Father because He always saw everyone in their original innocence. This is how He could feel unconditional Love always no matter what form the scene may take. He always saw through the illusion of chaos and violence to the truth of all which is pure, holy and Eternal Love. This is how He was without judgement because in the absolute innocence of Creation what is left for there to judge? Judgement requires more than one thing to judge against. Since there is only One there is nothing to be compared with or to be judged. It is extremely simple but you have allowed yourselves to believe in the illusion for so long that you now are finding it very difficult to release your faulty ideas. Practice every day and see yourselves and your brothers as the wholly innocents that you truly are.
October 25, 2012
52224.pngToday we would like to discuss multiplicity. Multiplicity is a term used to describe the disconnection of thinking one way and acting another way. It is deceitful in that it disrupts the integrity of the whole. Speaking one way and acting another disrupts the alignment of thought word and deed as a perfect extension from one form to another. It is not always done for selfish reasons.
Sometimes it is done in the misguided effort to support another’s feelings or to offer them support when they feel down. If that loved one or a friend is feeling victimized or put down by someone else the temptation is to agree with them and let them know you are on their side and that the other person is indeed acting badly or in a less than intelligent and compassionate way.
You may be practicing to see everyone as a perfect child of God that they are, but in this situation where a troubled family member or friend comes to you feeling wounded in some way by someone else you revert to your old way of thinking and acting and stand in judgement of the offending person in order to support your loved one in their feelings of victimization, weakness and defenselessness. If you feel they do not want to hear about non-judgement right now in the middle of their situation then you should try just being there in a loving way with your mouth shut and your heart open rather than revert to your old disingenuous patterns. It feels different at first and you may feel inadequate in your response to their apparent pain, however, in time you will become more comfortable with this approach and realize that by bringing the higher vibration of love and acceptance to the situation with a commitment to non-judgement you are actually raising that very situation to its highest point of perspective allowing space for new resolutions of higher energies. At the same time you have strengthened your own commitment to non-judgement and non-separation. It is a win that is worth practicing.
October 26, 2012
52226.pngThere is at times such a struggle between the idea of physical illusion of oneself and the truth of one’s spiritual reality that it causes confusion and fatigue. As you know it is the illusion of the ego that causes this idea of imbalance between the real and unreal. It is important during these times of confusion to take the time to rest, release the worries and frustrations and conflicts of the world for a time and allow yourself to consciously exist in the spiritual realms of pure, peace, love and joy and to be nourished, renewed and refreshed in the Light and Love of God. In fact let us take a moment right now to go to this place of Peace. Breathe in and out the breath of God easily and effortlessly, relaxing your whole body. Just be. Let everything else wait on pause while you take this short break with Spirit in Heaven. Breathe slowly, deeply and relax. When you are feeling relaxed, feel the Peace and Love flow through every aspect of your physical and emotional body and through every aspect of your being. Relax and let it refresh and renew you. When you feel ready, take another deep breath in gratitude and wake up ready to go.
October 29, 2012
52228.pngToday we wish to talk about acceptance. Accept yourselves as the pure creation of God that you are as well as the human beings that you are pretending to be at the moment. As you can see there are many earth changes occurring at this time as all vibrations are raising higher and higher into the Light of Brotherhood and unity. Mother Earth herself is part of this movement as are all human beings at this time. It is a time for new opportunities for growth individually and collectively.
It seems as though mankind evolves the most and the fastest during times of extreme adversity. Those times are here for these earth changes have only just begun. This is not big news for most of you nor is it anything new. Over the past billions and billions of years it has occurred many times in cycles. It does seem unsettling at the least and yet you must remember who you really are, the perfect children of God created by and of Spirit. This is only a human experience and a temporary one as it is part of the illusion. It would behoove you to draw together and work with each other instead of against one another for easier movement through the difficult times ahead. The less you go into fear and the more you learn to support and love one another the easier the whole transition will be.
October 30, 2012
52230.pngAll is well Dear One. I cannot emphasize enough to tone down the stress and just work together with me and enjoy our time together! I can be quite fun you know. It serves me well to help relax my students so they may get the most out of the teachings. When you are uptight about doing everything exactly right it becomes more difficult for me to get through to you. Take a deep breath, relax and listen. Today we would like to express our thanks for your commitment to our project and to opening your mind to receive the truth and this goes also for our readers. It is the truth that we are all One with God our Creator and each other. The illusion of separation is something you made for yourselves in order to experience your own power or so you thought. In Reality you took away your power by appearing to believe you were separating from your Source. Of course we remind you once more that this so called separation never, ever took place and never could, it being impossible to split from your Creator.
What you are attempting to do now is to reclaim the power with which you were created and lead the way home for all of your brothers who have felt lost and disconnected for so long. It is a good thing and high time you took up this journey out of your illusion back to the safety and love of your Creator for all Eternity. The process is simple but not easy. You must come to realize and believe with all your hearts that the illusion never happened and is not real even though you have spent billions of years convincing yourselves that it was so. The easiest and quickest way to accomplish this is by working through A Course in Miracles but some people have not resonated with this as of this time so our book will attempt to address all of our brothers as an invitation to release their fears and attachment to worldly things and events and to see life another way. In this other way of life you open your minds and hearts to one another. You respectfully listen to their beliefs and concerns and you begin to realize that they are not so different from yourselves. This indeed is the beginning.
I’m sure each of you has done this to some extent at least once in your lifetime. Once having shared your beliefs and hopes and dreams with someone no matter how different they appear at the time you develop a certain bond and it becomes impossible to hold feelings of hate or disrespect for them. You all have or will have nearly the same experiences at some point in your many lives. It is how you remember who you are. You learn compassion, trust, faith and love over a period of many embodiments and each different experience brings you back to the truth of who you were created to be. When you lose this desire and drive to remain in the higher vibrations of the God qualities of peace, love and unity you begin to feel terrible because now your lives are being ruled by jealousy, envy, hate, anger, and pain.
It is your choice but sometimes you do not believe this as you look at the people and circumstances surrounding you and feel as though you have been victimized and there appears to be nothing to do but fight back. If at these times especially you could just stop and ask God, your angels or whomever holds your belief and say to yourselves is this the way I want to feel or is there another way? At this point you are opening your minds and hearts to actually change your perspective and allow room for a higher vibrational way of thinking and feeling to come take the place of the negativity. A different perspective can do that. Some people say they give themselves a good talking to, others say they give up because they just can’t stand living in the negativity any more. Either way what you do is to allow the light of a higher vibration of thinking and feeling and seeing to come forth into your consciousness. It may be difficult at times to stay in this higher vibration when you look around and think you see challenging circumstances everywhere. As often as you choose to change your perception is how often you avail yourselves of the opportunity of practicing to live in the God qualities or vibrations of truth, peace, love and joy.
You spent billions of years practicing how to live in the lower vibrations and now it is time to remember how to raise your vibrations and to live in the higher energies where it feels more comfortable. There is no right or wrong here only the barometer of how you feel. At times you may decide to wallow in your fears and frustrations and have a good old pity party for yourselves. If this is the choice then go ahead and do it with full intensity. If you are going to do a thing then do it fully, commit to it. Then when you are done sit back and allow yourself the luxury of inviting the Light of Love to come forth and lift your spirits so that you can go on. Eventually you will begin to choose the God qualities of the Reality of Peace, Love and Joy that is forever over the temporary illusion of pain and separation. As you do this more and more often you begin to remember that this is your normal state of being who you really are. It feels good. No one is excluded. Now you begin to have enough faith in the real to begin to release all those illusions that you spent so long embellishing to support who you thought you had become. What a great day when you find that you were mistaken and all you have to do to regain your original state of Eternal happiness is to begin to relinquish that which never really was. How great is that?
October 31, 2012
52232.pngIt is with great pleasure that I come to you today to tell you of our plans for our book. We will continue to speak about perception as that is such a useful tool to aid in forgiveness for yourselves and for others. We will begin by asking this question. Who do you think you are?
I think I am a creation of God as an extension of His Spirit and His God qualities of Love, Peace, Joy and Light. I think I Am one with Him and all of His Creations for all time and that I have chosen to live in embodiment in the lower vibrations of the separation illusion to experience duality and learn compassion, understanding and forgiveness. I have believed that this physical form was the truth and that my real self as Spirit was the dream. I am remembering now that I and my brothers are the true creation of God our Father with absolutely no separation between us possible. I am trying to remember the unity and release the false or mistaken idea of separation that I made up in my mind so long ago in a time which doesn’t exist. I want to bring my misconceptions to the Holy Spirit for correction as it says in A Course in Miracles so that I may remember the truth of Reality and return Home where I have always been no matter what the illusion in which I thought I believed. I feel like I pretended so long that it is now difficult to see the truth. Why do you ask?
I wanted to set a sort of base on which to build our bridge to remembrance. If you have begun to remember who you are then there are many, many others who are waking up to realize the same thing. Do you see?
Yes. So now what?
Now we begin to shed Light on the illusions that they may be released. You do know that I am with you and other students all day and every night in the mystery schools right?
I know you are always there when I call you but I guess I hadn’t thought about you just being with me all of the time. Is that The One
thing or more like my guardian angels thing?
Both actually depending on your perspective. It will work either way. Let us say that we are working on perspective from your viewpoint which we have already been doing for years anyway. I would like to have you check in with me several times a day in different circumstances and we will talk about a perspective change to bring Light and positive thoughts to many situations. Note: I do this all the time now and it has changed my life for the better and improved my relationships so much that I am now a much happier person on a daily basis.
There are seven rays of God that concern different qualities that souls have chosen to come to earth to work on. Everyone works on all rays but each one is born specifically under one particular ray of focus. Briefly the rays are:
Blue - Will of God
Yellow - Wisdom of God
Pink - Love of God
White - Purity of God
Green - truth, healing, concentration and consecration of God
Red and Gold - Peace of God
Violet - violet flame of transmutation to be called forth to clean and clear dense energies and balance them and transmute them into the Light of God.
You, our scribe for this particular book, have come into your earthly embodiment on the green ray of truth, healing, consecration, and concentration The concentration is presenting a challenge because of your attention deficit disorder. You are not alone in this disability. It is quite widespread at this period of history. You are, however, striving to overcome it and remain on your spiritual path toward enlightenment. As with all of life it is the path and the experiences along this path that create such a rich tapestry of your life. Nothing is to be taken lightly as insignificant. But everything is to be taken in the Light of the One with never a separation. Yesterday you agreed to look at your challenges from a different perspective to experiment and now because the biggest challenge included your granddaughter you aren’t sure you want to get this personal. How about we write it down and ask your daughter’s permission at some point? How would that be? We could do that as well for anyone else that shows up in your daily life.
Ok. I guess. What if everyone refuses and then we have big holes in our book?
We will cross that bridge when we come to it. Let’s continue. Shall we?
Yes. Yesterday while decorating the house for Halloween I got tangled up in the cords and pulled my ceramic jack-o-lantern on to the floor and smashed it. I was shall we say very upset and vocal about it. My granddaughter who stays with me during the day until she starts school said she was very sorry because I was so upset and I kept thanking her for expressing her concern. I thought about it and I asked to change my perspective but it was not me that managed to do it. It was her.
Every day she pretends she is some sort of animal. Yesterday she was a bat. She looks at me with her beautiful, innocent little face and says Nana, you still have your little bat with you.
Of course I agreed but it didn’t get in my heart right away. I had to think about it a minute and let it sink into my angry self. After a bit I realized how right she was and how wise she was to know how to break through my anger and frustration with myself by showing her value to me. Needless to say I finally got it and called her to me to tell her how great she was and how lucky I was to have her. I’m not sure I’m very proud that it took a four year old to turn things around instead of myself.
The best way to turn things around is to look with loving and grateful acceptance. That it came from someone outside of yourself was a gift of love. Your beloved angels, who you often say you could not get along without, love you just as much as you love them and assist in these gifts of loving and sharing quite often.
Yes they do. Whenever I feel off in any way with someone, I call forth the angels of healing relationships and before I know it the situation is resolved. Angel teams of all sorts are a huge part of my life for which I am forever grateful.
It is good that you share so openly about your angelic help and tell others they have it too if that is something they would care to pursue.
November 2, 2012
52235.pngWhat did you change your perspective on yesterday?
I’m not sure I did so well. All I remember is painting the night stands with the third coat of paint and noticing they were not covering as well as I had hoped. I felt discouraged but as I kept painting it seemed to be getting much better and then I remembered reading about something called Wabi-sabi. It refers to acceptance of that which appears as imperfect as something that may have been acquired over years of service and as such could be viewed as objects deserving of appreciation. It made me see the overall value of the pieces rather than the flaws and then I was glad to have them just as they were.
Yes, that is the idea and it was only inanimate objects. Can you imagine how things might improve when you decide to change your perspective on individual people as well, say nothing of whole groups of people? View each person no matter how flawed in outward appearance as a valuable piece of God’s creation. You have heard this and read this many times before but maybe your experience with the nightstands will help you to remember.
It sounds silly but I think you may be right. Sometimes little things stick with me better.
Today we would like to discuss the nature of existence as you know it. Right now there are individuals, families and groups of all kinds with very definite ideas on social mores and spiritual and legal beliefs. As Mother Earth continues her transformation into higher energies the disturbances created are beginning to bring people together and show them how much the same they are rather than highlight their differences. You all know this inside yourselves but now you are being reminded and beginning to value unity over separation. This is a big step in evolution. Take heart and honor earth changes, reach out to each other in support and it will be easier. Remember there is no reality in separation. Each one of you is like a hologram containing all of the whole.
Today we will talk about a message that is dear to my heart. It is one of love and perseverance. It begins on a day a long time ago in France. There was a young boy going out to earn his wages in a factory of sorts. His boss was a cruel man and gave the boy no rest, no food and no encouragement of any kind. He felt that if he could break the boy’s spirit that he could frighten him enough to do whatever he wanted (the boss) and not have to pay him anything. It did frighten the boy and he became very depressed and upset when no wages were forthcoming to contribute to his family’s meager income. He loved his family very much and would do anything for them.
While walking home one night after work he cried out to God to help him. The next day while walking back to work he had a clear vision about his upcoming encounter with his boss. He was shown that he was a powerful young son of God with angels on his side to assist. In order to help him see his situation better he was also shown that his boss had grown up in a family very short on love and compassion. They had mistreated him since he was young and that was how he learned to relate to other people. The boy seeing this other side of his boss then approached him in all his power and said that he was working for a fair wage to help support his family and that after he was paid the next week his boss was invited to come to dinner with him and meet his family. The boss did not like the change in the boys attitude at all and felt like he was losing control over him. As the week continued the boy came