Weeding the Garden
About this ebook
E. Lee Jensen
My name is E. Lee. Jensen. I am A blogger, writer and former talk radio show host and radio producer of several shows. I have done well over a hundred interviews from various shows, both on the internet and on F.M radio airwaves. I have a loving daughter and have been married over 26 years. We reside now in Washington State.
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Weeding the Garden - E. Lee Jensen
© 2021 E. Lee Jensen. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
Published by AuthorHouse 03/19/2021
ISBN: 978-1-6655-2054-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-6655-2053-9 (e)
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Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.
1 - Is The Corona Virus Being Used To Kill Off The Elderly And Aging
2 - Why our government wants to control our population
3 - Why Social Security is broke in the United States
4 - Why our government might be conspiring against us by using Covid-19
5 - Body count rising as states hit their peaks, residents ordered to stay and take shelter
6 - The United States used Agent Orange chemicals Against us in the 1960’s, and 70’s
7 - The United States Government conducted Experiments On Its Own Citizens using Agent Orange chemicals
8 - Donald J Trump stops funding to the World Health Organization, for Covering up corona virus spread
9 - Elderly body count continuing amid corona virus cure
10 - Anonymous tip leads to 17 elderly bodies being discovered in A make shift shed
11 - Democrats and social media misleading Covid-19 cases to place blame on Trump
12 - Is there a secret plot to damage Donald Trump and America?
13 - The hate agenda of the far left
14 - The Democratic Party has no problems linking itself to known urban terrorist groups
15 - The more we know, The less we know
16 - The Food supply cut short among rising Covid-19 cases
17 - The (C.D.C) Center for Disease Control now saying expect December To even be worse than current pandemic
18 - Millions now hungry and unemployed
19 - The aging now have no place to go
20 - Was the corona virus devised to cost trump the Election?
21 - Corona virus targets Trump voters aged 53 to 80
About the Author
This is dedicated to
My loving Family
When I heard of this book being written, I jumped at the chance to write the foreword. Being 74 years old with heart trouble, I am a bold target for this virus. I am not some conspiracy nut, but this whole situation leads to many unanswered questions. Since when does a virus target a specific age group? Other than the elderly, it only attacks those that are already ailing, or those with a compromised immune system. Aside from the elderly, this virus is only fatal to a fraction of those that contract it and yet we in the U.S. are treating it like the Black Plague? We have a large homeless community that has not been touched by this virus, yet it takes hold in nursing homes?
I cannot believe any of the numbers being reported when each institution is awarded a bonus of $39,000 for recording a Corona virus death and only $13,000 dollars for listing the virus as a contributing factor. We saw the nursing home deaths reported in high numbers and we specifically read; 17 bodies found, 13 bodies found, etc.. How are they found? They certainly were not lost. If found dead, does this not indicate that these people were never sent to a hospital? Imagine watching these poor sick souls just languish and expire. Ask yourself, why would the nursing home miss out on their $39,000 bonus and give it to the hospitals? If it sounds sick……..it is. They had no incentive to provide these elderly patients with the best of care. What is with the blame game on where this virus originated? Was it an accident in a laboratory? Was it a bio-weapon being developed, was it from an animal? Was it from a Chinese Market? How at the base of this are Americans involved with Chinese scientists? Somehow all of our brainiac scientists have no idea and certain Politian’s are left stuttering. All of us have to agree that this was totally exploited by our media. After getting orders to close businesses and be quarantined, the general public witnessed no significant effects and began ignoring the stay at home orders and protesting in masse.
I am usually pretty good at looking behind the curtain and seeing an answer, but this one confuses me. The only thing that really is damaged almost beyond repair is our economy? This was President Trumps crown and glory as he pulled our country back from Obama’s legacy of sure financial ruin. Now, millions of Americans will lose their jobs, possibly their homes, and surely their dreams of a achievable bright future. It gets more scary when you realize that many other countries are jumping on the exterminate the elderly bandwagon. Without making this short
forward into a chapter, countries made no secret of not wasting healthcare resources and just refusing to treat the elderly and just sending them home to die. Our country is discussing a Federal DNR
law and overriding a person’s healthcare wishes. Can all this be?? This book will certainly give you a lot to think about. If this was a conspiracy, it is a perfect one, leaving evidence pointing in all directions. All I know is at 74, I will no longer allow myself to be vaccinated or injected with anything anymore. I want what little time I have left regardless of whether the government views me as a unnecessary drag on the system. I worked my life paying into a retirement and healthcare system and it is owed to me. I will end this with a laugh. A year ago I looked into moving to a assisted senior facility which also is a nursing home. Only a day ago I received a phone call inviting me to have lunch with them. I said Hell no!
Edwin F. Becker, 2020
41893.pngCHAPTER ONE
A t the end of the day, we’re all born as equals with our own lives to live. Each individual has their own stories to tell, their own uniqueness. At the end of the day governments are just made up of a group of humans who for some reason, Have come to think they can control the rest of us and brainwash us into what they feel we should be doing. Why can’t they just live their own lives instead of focusing on dictating to others? What gives our government the right to decide who lives and who dies in this country? I thought only god made those decisions.
The entire world is on lockdown status, as a rampant killer virus wreaks havoc on what millions will say, has certainly changed their lives forever. Wuhan China is being secretive and the World Health Organization is being accused of covering up the spread of the virus pandemic. A virus I believe to be specifically designed to Weed The Garden. It seems the main focus is to Kill off the elderly and aging baby boomers of the world and to reduce the world’s population.
I had never thought I would be the one truly believing in what some are calling a government cover-up, A conspiracy, that runs so deep it has become worldwide. However as a stone’s fly here I am doing just that. I am still finding it difficult to sink my head into the thought, A concept so evil, that any government would want to kill off their elderly. It is a though that saddens me deeply. Everyone knows of someone who’s getting up there in their older days or years, and most of us grew up with grandparents who were close to or over the age