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Young, beautiful and brilliant with several academy awards and honors attach to her name, these are some of the things that describe Elaine. Yet with all these accolades Elaine was yet to go on a date until the son of a wealthy man demand her hands in marriage. It was Elaine’s mother who insist that she attend university before she commits herself to marriage.
In Elaine’s very first semester whiles in university she met and fell in love with a genius, the only person in the history of the university to amass a perfect grade point average. She couldn’t find it in her heart to tell him she was engage and as their love grew, she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Elaine must risk everything she stands for, everything her family means to her so she could experience love the likes of which only a few people can testify to. As the semester came to an end all that Elaine try to keep a secret was threaten to be expose and with it her personal happiness.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 30, 2021

O'mar Loutin

O’Mar Loutin is the first born of the second set of twin boys, he is ten of twelve children for Mr and Mrs Loutin. Born in a rural community called Connors sixteen miles on the outskirts of Old Harbour Saint Catherine. He now lives and work in the parish of Westmoreland. I am a fun loving person, who is self motivated and driven. I have six finish novels just waiting to hit the market.

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    Promises - O'mar Loutin

    Copyright © 2021 by O’mar Loutin.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 06/25/2021






    Chapter 1 Elaine

    Chapter 2 Room mate

    Chapter 3 Initiation

    Chapter 4 Henry

    Chapter 5 September

    Chapter 6 October

    Chapter 7 Notices and announcements

    Chapter 8 Exams and midterm break

    Chapter 9 November

    Chapter 10 The amusement parks

    Chapter 11 Henry’ birthday

    Chapter 12 December

    Chapter 13 End of first semester

    Meet the Author: 10 questions for O’mar Loutin


    To: Trecia Clarke who have read every piece of work I have

    ever written, thanks my number one fan.

    Orane Loutin my twin brother who spends weeks on the

    bus going home from work reading this novel. Thanks for

    your encouragement on each chapter.

    Shian Davis a high school senior at the time spends her

    Christmas holiday with this novel. We had a lengthy

    discussion the first week she returns to school about the

    characters and what they meant to her. Thanks a million

    for your advice.



    I never consider myself beautiful yet people often tell me that whenever they saw me in the streets. I never encourage them not even the ones with wealth. My father often mentions that ninety percent of the men who tells you that they love you, love you for the wrong reasons. I must point out that I am somewhat of a mix race in its entirety. My mother was born in south Saint Elizabeth an area known to be populated by a large group of migrant Germans. It is often said brown complexion is a natural part of even the landscape. On the other hand, my father’s generation spring directly from Scotland and with them came natural long wavy hair.

    I don’t want to put you on the spot but if you had a wide imagination, then maybe then you would come up with the idea that I am beautiful. I stand five feet, eight inches tall with very long jet-black hair. Often times I catch it up in one and tie it in back in a ponytail fashion. Sometimes I wear it straight and sleek. I have small beady dark eyes, high cheekbones and a unique unforgettable face. These are the features that my parents pass onto me but if you don’t have what I have don’t be worried you are properly beautiful too or maybe not…… lol.

    To be totally honest some of the remarks pass about my beauty are from women who tells me they envy my looks and styles. I didn’t pay them much attention as my belief doesn’t involves women taking a person interest in my looks. Grown men say they love my body and looks. They beg me for an embrace and the opportunity to take a picture with me, the latter I often time decline. Some children mostly girls want to touch my long flowing hair. One time a very tall ten-year-old girl produce a pair of scissors from the left back pocket of her jeans which she intended to clip my hair with.

    I can’t lie, I enjoy spending time with old people until the men want to touch my breast and butt. Old women be wanting to touch my skin and reminisce about their own beauty when they were my age. Some I belief others I don’t take them to heart. I know that they don’t really belief what they are saying themselves. They just say it to feel important just for profile.

    I was born at the ending of the great eighties, a full year after hurricane Gilbert destroy most of Jamaica knocking over homes and power lines. While growing up as a child in primary school most of the people in my community still didn’t have electricity. I have lived most of my life in a small rural district many miles from the community that my mother was born in but in the same parish. In my district most people think my parents are rich. My mother has been a teacher since she was nineteen years of age, that same year she met my father who was a field office for the Saint Elizabeth health department.

    All in all, I can say I have grown up with a financial stable family. Mark you my family wasn’t in the upper class by any stretch of the imagination nor were we in the lower-level living on the edge of the poverty line. My parents ensure that we have food to eat every day and all school supplies. My mother never stops us from going to school, even when we were sick, she would often use her motherly instinct to determine if we are faking it or we were really sick. That attitude towards education lingers with us, and with it came rewards. Every prize giving at primary school myself and my siblings would get the award for best attendance.

    I have been going on and on about myself that I almost forget to mention that am not an only child, like what most people often boast about. In fact, I am the last child, I have a big sister she is the first born. She is the one responsible for the marriage of my parents, an anecdote she often whispers in my hearing. When my mother realize she was pregnant even though they were engaged they got married days after. Second in line my brother, a clone of my father.

    My parents are Christians, they attend the local Seventh Day Adventist church. Some of my earliest memories are embedded in attending church. We spend hours each Saturday at church worshiping and fellowship with family and friends and the wider community. My siblings were the ones to held several posts amongst them in the church. I am always comfortable begin a member, that in itself is enough for me. I didn’t want to be one of the statistics of my family when it comes to church. Automatically my family is given responsibility in the church whether we like it or not.

    My father has one wife, which is my mother and no one else. Not a second wife, nor a bunch of random baby mothers and sweetheart. I don’t know if it every happen but I have never seen another woman in my father’s life. My father told me once that he always wants to get married, his reason was to establish a strong family. His belief is that if a man has more than one woman, he will have more than one family. To be truly honest a man cannot take care of two families equally. He will at some point in his life love one more than the other.

    In my family each gender has their separate rolls and function, just like a well-oiled machine we work together. The males provide and protect and amongst other things do most of the laborious work around the house. The females run the household, every financial decisions are discussed then carried out by my mother, my sister and sometimes me. My mother insists that my father and brother never be given much financial decisions to make simply because they will make their decision solely on feelings and not what is necessary good for the family.

    My mother never argues with my father in front of us, never… I know they argue over things that one of them think is best for us when the other didn’t view it the same way. I think personally that is the true meaning of real love, thinking of the family other than yourself. My parents know we look up to them for leadership and love and they never let us down.

    Every family have their own sets of secrets, whether it maybe one parent having an addiction such as gambling or personal sickness which they go the full length to hide. In my family our secret is something that will surprise you. Every male going as far back as my father’s father seven generation can have only one son. There you have it my family’s best kept secret out in the open to the entire universe.

    I am most grateful that my family haven’t to live with a member or members having to disgrace us in the matter of whorish behavior. I know personally if my sister or myself ever got pregnant without getting marry or having intimate relationship my mother will disown us immediately. We would never enjoy the life style and contentment of respect reserve for a daughter, mother or wife. The punishment would be severe and include isolation.

    In my household drinking alcohol is forbidden, not even on social settings or occasions. My parent believe it makes us behave with ignorance. After drinking alcohol often times we forget God and so doing destroy our self and our family.

    *     *     *

    I went to primary school just a few meters from where I live, the very same school my mother teaches. My primary school experience is by far the best and easiest of all my school live. My entire sibling family went to the same primary school. I was able to benefit from school supplies that my sister has pass down to my brother then down to me. For three years straight I was the top student, winning all prizes on offer including best attendance and most helpful.

    During those years at primary school my mother didn’t interfere in my learning nor stifle it in any way. She would often times guide me along the right path but at the same time allow me to find and develop my own style of learning. The teachers that taught me were extremely fair to me, always giving me an opportunity if they think I was the best suited candidate not because my mother is one of their colleagues. Again, my mother got full marks from me for simply not going over the heads of the teachers when they make a decision not to my liking.

    On the day for choosing which high school I would attend; my mother gives me full control of the decision process. I had asked her months before to allow me to choose instead of her or my father making that choice for me. My main and only reason was I didn’t want to attend the same high school that my sister and brother both went to. For once I want my own Identity, want to chart my own path in a new environment. My mother was a bit reluctant at first sighting the fact that I would get a head start over the other student because I would have both of my siblings notes, homework and texts books to my advantage. I wasn’t worried about performing in high school as I have already set two goals for my high school life, one of passing eight CXCs all in ones and the other putting the name of my school in the hearts of the entire Jamaican population.

    In my first semester of high school, I announce myself as a contender for the coveted high achiever and principal list. I made both list in one sitting, gaining the highest average in the history of the school. With my high average came the rewards and I gladly hold onto them with both hands. For the duration of my high school life my parents didn’t once pay any school fee nor administrative cost. From the first semester I was given a five-year scholarship if I could maintain my average, which I did gladly.

    From as early as third form my language teacher insists, I get a feel of the national exam reserved for fifth form students. That year I sat both English A and B, passing both with distinctions. By fourth form I was allowed to sit all of my subject as if I was a final year student. When the results were announced I have passed every subject that I sat gaining them all in distinctions.

    Several universities and college came knocking on my door wanting me to attend their institutions, offering me full tuition along with room and boarding. I was upbeat about the offer but my mother wasn’t comfortable with the idea of me going to a tertiary institution at the tender age of sixteen. I didn’t let that get me down for I haven’t gain another goal that I have set for myself that of been the first person in the history of the school to do A & O levels. With me staying at high school instead of taking up one of the higher education’s offers the administration of the school decided to institute a six-form program another first instigated by me.

    *     *     *

    With all the academic achievements I had I was yet to go on a date, yet to have a boyfriend not that I was interested in any of the above. My mother has always sat me down and talk to me about my emotional feelings and the distraction that comes with it if I allow it to get the better of me. So, when a wealthy businessman son shown an interest in me, I directed him and his father to by parents. In our part of the country certain traditions as it relates to religion and family lifestyle was still maintained.

    My mother wasn’t impressed with this type of arrangement, she belief in the old fashion method of finding a partner. However, she allowed me to make the final decision. At first, I went along with it out of curiosity, begin sixteen and inexperience. As times went by, I was liking the idea of building a friendship before going into marriage.

    On my eighteen birthday my husband to be engage to me with the idea of us getting married when I become twenty. He had wanted to marry me when I turn eighteen but my mother insist that I go to university and get some exposure and experience the wider world.

    At this junction I have to pause and point out that I wasn’t so much into my husband to be. He his four years older than me, not a virgin nor a Christian. He works very hard shadowing his father both at work and home, as he was to be the hire to his family’s business. We spend little time together getting to know each other but he was always kind to me and more so my family. Each weekend he ensures groceries are delivered to my house enough to last the entire week. My sister and father were in aww of him, showering him with praises and kind words.

    On our first date we were taken to Hope Garden by our respective fathers. Our fathers would be a hundred yards behind us while we talk and admire the garden. I taught this practice was outdated and primitive. I could not fathom why this activity was plan in the first place as it offered no privacy at all. I however had no other experience of dating nor been in the presence of the opposite sex in an intimate setting. The idea has crossed my mind to tell my mother that I wasn’t comfortable with this arrangement. No wonder my mother didn’t give her full blessing. It came to my knowledge much later that my mother has endure this very practice and many other women before us so who am I to try and change a century old custom.

    I must leave my life there for a moment. If you were paying full attention then you would realize I didn’t disclose my first nor last name in the hope of protecting my family and my marriage. But I am compelled to tell you about my first year in university and as you read my life story make me a promise not to tell my husband what happen and please am begging you don’t judge me.


    Room mate

    I t was late August 2007, and it have been three days now since Elaine’s sister, mother and father have taken her to Eastern Caribbean University located in Paisley Garden Portland. There are myths and legends in every parish, something the locals adhere to forming a culture and customs which they live by and pass down to their children and grandchildren. In Portland and other eastern parishes, it is said that rain falls almost every day. If rain doesn’t fall on the day you enrolled in the university you aren’t going to enjoy your school life. It was raining so hard on the Friday that Elaine though they wouldn’t make it in time to catch registration schedule to begin at 10am and ends at 2pm. Little did she know she was in for a wonderful time.

    The next day been a Saturday her day of worship, Elaine spends the entire day in bed sleeping. She was yet to receive a roommate, not that she mined but it was inevitable, something the administrator mention would happen before the start of the school term on Monday.

    Wanting to know her surrounds Elaine rose early Sunday morning with the idea safely embedded in the back of her head she would explore the campus when most people are having breakfast. You are housed according to the year that you are enrolling in, for example the final year students live on the very top floor of the four-story dormitory, and in that order the first years live on the ground floor or the second floor if and only if there is a shortage of room.

    Elaine lives on the second floor, because the first floor it seems was full to capacity. So, on Sunday as planned Elaine having watch most of the students going for breakfast decided it was time to tour the campus. Elaine went for the first time on to the fourth floor. It was miles it seems in the air when looking down from the pinnacle. The fourth floor was not like the first or second floor, the rooms were bigger, and they have a sitting room furnish with television, a table with chairs and settee.

    As it turns out, the fourth floor had its own set of rules something the administrator wasn’t aware of. The note was written in bright bold letters, posted at eye level on the left wall of the common room. The fourth floor is out of bounds for first years any first-year student caught without proper authority will be severely punished. The note came as a surprise to Elaine, she couldn’t understand why women on a whole would want to live like men. She wouldn’t pay it a second mine if that sign was posted on the male dormitory. As Elaine stood reading the notice it disgusts her down to the sole of her feet.

    The stairs that lead to the upper floor have iron railing on them to protect the inhabitant of that area. Elaine was not aware that she was watching the TV on the fourth floor until a voice brought her back to reality. Excuse me what are you doing up here the voice was harsh; when Elaine turns around, she was looking up in the face of a giant of a woman. Her feet dance but there was no music, sweat break out on her face running down all the way to her chin. Elaine tries to speak but no words come out of her mouth.

    Elaine have seen big body women before but she hasn’t seen anyone as big as this girl. The she-giant must be around seven to eight feet tall; Goliath height is nothing to this woman. Along with her height, she has a bulky frame well built like a soma wrestler, with arms as long as a bamboo plant. Elaine tries to push her way across the sitting room toward the door. The she-giant just take one step and block the door.

    I ask you said the giantess what are you doing up here? Suddenly Elaine found her voice and become brave, maybe it was the flash of her sister’s face in her mind make her become brave. When she opens her mouth, her voice sound strong.

    I just want to see how the top floor looks reply Elaine.

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