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Gravitomagnetism: Gravity's Secret
Gravitomagnetism: Gravity's Secret
Gravitomagnetism: Gravity's Secret
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Gravitomagnetism: Gravity's Secret

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Gravity is the weakest of the natural forces and yet it dominates our lives. We know how to make use of its properties and how to overcome it. But we can’t control it. To do that we must be able to generate and control gravity’s hidden companion force field, called gravitomagnetism.  
For those people not wanting to bother with mathematics they can skip over the equations and just enjoy the unfolding scientific adventure story. It begins with the history of gravity research, from the discovery that gravity holds the Solar System together, through special relativity, then a brief look at quantum mechanics and on to an outline of Einstein’s general relativity. Analogues with gravity, particularly electromagnetism, are examined in the search for a breakthrough in understanding how to control gravity, followed by a review of Faraday’s gravity experiments. Finally, a number of ground-based experiments to detect gravitomagnetism are proposed. 
Hopefully Gravitomagnetism will stimulate a few scientists and engineers to carry out some of the experiments in the first step towards the ultimate goal of gravity control.
Release dateJan 28, 2022
Gravitomagnetism: Gravity's Secret

Dr Ronald A Evans

Dr Ronald A Evans worked for BAE Systems on advanced military aircraft projects. He persuaded the company to fund Project Greenglow, a gravity research programme involving a number of UK universities. He is now retired and based in Lancashire.

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    Gravitomagnetism - Dr Ronald A Evans


    In 2015, I published my book, Greenglow & The Search for Gravity Control. Afterwards, I took part in a BBC Horizon documentary which was largely based on the contents of the book. The programme was transmitted in March 2016. That, I thought, was that. I had no intention of writing another book.

    In early 2017, a friend of my family, Dr Peter Roach, told us that he had given a chemistry presentation at the Savile Club in Mayfair, London, which had gone extremely well. Peter suggested that I might like to contact the club secretary, Ken Allen, to see whether they might be interested in a talk by me about gravity. I contacted the secretary, who told me that they ran a series of talks at the club under the theme, Science at the Savile Club. I learnt that the club had several distinguished scientists as members and that Professor Ernest Rutherford, of atomic physics fame, had been a member. However, most club members were not scientists, although they had a keen interest in the various fields of science. So, a presentation should not be too deep. Ken suggested that I might like to prepare a draft slide presentation and let him see it, so that he could assess whether it was suitable for their series of talks. And so, I set to work, little realising what my effort would lead to.

    After several months, I had created a lot of PowerPoint slides, some of which were far too busy for a presentation. I began writing notes for each slide. I was quite happy, bumbling along, getting my ideas in order. Gradually, it dawned on me that what I was preparing was not a presentation, but another book. It was different from my first book, in which I had described the work undertaken by university academics for BAE Systems’ Project Greenglow. The new book was my own view (although greatly influenced by others) on the search for gravity control, which I believed should be focussed on the newly discovered force field of gravitomagnetism. Gravitomagnetism arises when masses and their associated gravity fields move. Although the slides contain far too much detail to form the presentation for a talk, each chapter of the new book is based on a single slide. So, I acknowledge that Peter Roach and Ken Allen were responsible for me starting on my new book.

    The book is separated into two parts. The first part (Chapters 1–14) describes the history of gravity, from the ancient Greek view that bodies naturally fall down towards the centre of the Earth, that being the centre of the Universe; via the important developments during the Renaissance when gravity’s role in the Solar System was uncovered, up to Einstein’s explanation that gravity is due to the curvature of space-time. Einstein published his paper on general relativity more than one hundred years ago and we are still waiting for the breakthrough that will lead to gravity control. We are at an impasse. We are unable to control gravity and no one in the world can see a way forward. Well, no one in the white world, at least. There are rumours that in the black world progress has been made. The second part of the story (Chapters 15–40) investigates ways around the impasse using mathematical patterns, or analogues, as a guide. The watchword for this part of the book is Look for the vortex. This approach offers movement in the search for gravity control. Faraday’s gravity experiments are examined in detail, and the results of more recent gravity experiments are also explored. Finally, some new experimental ideas involving gravitomagnetism are proposed. If they are carried out and are successful, they should eventually open up the way leading to gravity control. Only then can the last part of the story of gravity be written.

    Thus, the important end goal for the book was to devise some ground-based experiments which might reveal the role played by gravitomagnetism in gravity control. I contacted George Seyfang, my former work colleague and retired engineer from BAE Systems, and we talked about my idealised experiments, some involving fibre optics. George is a dab hand at simple experiments and he conducted some initial tests at home. But my ideas for gravity experiments required more technical expertise. So, through Tony Cuthbert (an inventor based in Wales), I contacted Dr Frank Kvasnik, a retired Senior Lecturer from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Frank has experience working with fibre optics. George, Frank and I had an interesting meeting in August 2017, where we sorted out some of the experimental ideas. The main difficulty was getting access to a laboratory and funding. Time passed.

    In October 2017, George and I attended a Moonclub meeting initiated by the late Professor John Allen. John was the technical consultant for Project Greenglow and was formerly the Chief of Future Projects at British Aerospace (BAE Systems) Kingston, the original home of the Harrier aircraft. John had a life-long interest in the possibility of controlling gravity. Other attendees were Dr Mike Provost (ex-Rolls-Royce and an early Greenglow supporter), Professor Alan Wickens (formerly Head of British Rail Research) and Mike Rockall (ex-Barclay’s Bank Director and entrepreneur). During the meeting, I used some of the PowerPoint slides that I had started to prepare for the Savile Club, which now formed the nucleus for my new book. It was an interesting discussion meeting but, in my view, the outcome of the meeting was inconclusive. Unfortunately, the subject of gravity control is tainted by anti-gravity, which makes it very difficult for academics to show any interest in the subject, and it puts off possible funding agencies. More time passed.

    I have remained in occasional correspondence with Dr H. Ron Harrison, who wrote the Foreword to my earlier book. Ron was involved in the arguments with Professor Eric Laithwaite about the inertial effects associated with gyroscopes. Ron has his own view of gravity, developed in his book entitled Gravity; Galileo to Einstein and Back. Ron is keen that I should mention his paper, Post Newtonian Gravity, a new simpler approach (Int. J. Space Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2016).

    I have also kept in occasional contact with Rob Chambers (ex-British Aerospace Plymouth, formerly Sperry Gyroscopes), a supporter of the Greenglow Programme from its inception, who keeps me updated on stories related to gravity.

    From time to time, I have sought advice on various matters involving gravity from Professor Robin Tucker of Lancaster University, who was the Project Greenglow Academic Adviser. Robin is always helpful, although he may not agree with some of the views expressed in my book.

    Only a handful of MoD scientists took an overt interest in BAE Systems’ Project Greenglow. Among these were Dr Gari Owen and Dr Andrew May. Both have expressed support for my latest book effort. Andrew read through the chapter giving an outline of general relativity and suggested changes, which I made.

    Darren Moss, a family friend with a technical background, read through an early draft of my book. He pointed out errors and some passages in the text which he found difficult to read and suggested that they needed improving. This was not the mathematical content, which he felt he could just skip over, without losing too much of the flow. I made use of his comments.

    On encountering a mathematical equation in this book, some people’s eyes will glaze over. Although I’m a mathematician, this happens to me, too, when I look in some technical books. My advice is the same as Darren’s; skip over the maths and keep reading, as you must be interested in the subject of gravity control. Others, who can interpret the mathematical hieroglyphs, will probably only give the equations a passing glance and carry on reading, too. They may come back to them later. In my view, the equations are part of the structure holding up our understanding of nature. They are there, if you want them.

    Trying to get permission to use copyrighted photos was time-consuming and I thank those people who helped me, including Andrea Kay (BAE Systems), Steve Crabtree (BBC), Noah McMahon (Zero G Corporation), Geoff Russell (Leonardo Helicopters) and Catalina George (Virgin Balloon Flights).

    The drawing on the front cover of this book and the illustrations of the famous scientists are by Dave Windett ( His work adds a bit of colour and lightness (dare I say levity) to my book, which can be heavy (an analogue suggesting that mathematics has gravity) in a few places. As the 19th century Oxford mathematician Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) wrote in his children’s book, Alice in Wonderland:

    and what is the use of a book, thought Alice, without pictures or conversations?

    Of course, my children (Nicholas, Claire, Richard and Emma) have got used to my obsession with gravity by now. However, they always show an interest in how I am doing and help me if they can, especially Nicholas with computing.

    In trying to get my earlier semi-technical book published, I spent ages writing to UK agents and publishers, nearly fifty in all, before I gave up and self-published with Troubador Publishing Ltd. This time, I only half-heartedly tried a few agents and publishers. As expected, I got no interest, so I turned once again to my trusted self-publishing company, Troubador.

    There is a noticeable dearth of scientists studying the possibility of gravity control. It may be that following on from Einstein’s theory of general relativity is too daunting a prospect. Or the fact that the force of gravity is so weak that only astronomical experiments, at great expense, seem worth pursuing. Or it may be that fundamental gravity research is blighted by its association with the notion of anti-gravity. For whatever reason, few scientists are willing to risk their careers in the search for a means of gravity control. Conjuring up new ground-based experiments to try in the search for a breakthrough in understanding is very difficult. It needs imagination and risks absurdity. Those few who have dared to carry out investigations linked with fundamental gravity control research have not been successful, and they have received little encouragement from the rest of the scientific community for their efforts. That is not to say that most scientists are not interested; they are.

    So, lastly, I acknowledge the work carried out by those scientists who dared to take part in BAE Systems’ Project Greenglow and the support from the BAE engineers who made it happen.

    As soon as there is a breakthrough in understanding, there will be a great rush by many scientists and engineers eager to enter the new field of study. If history is anything to go by, once the breakthrough occurs there will be rapid advances made, carried out by bright-minded academics, inventors and entrepreneurs. I’m convinced that gravity control is on the way. For the moment, I’m lucky to be in at the beginning of the study to control gravity, before being left behind in the rush.

    Ron Evans

    St Anne’s-on-the-sea


    March 2020



    Most of us have played with a magnet. It has two ends, or poles, often labelled north and south. The north pole of one magnet will repel the north pole of another across empty space. We have felt that curious repulsive effect as the two north poles avoid coming together. Magnetism is a mysterious invisible force. Similarly, two south poles repel each other, but a north pole will attract a south pole. Either end, or pole, of a magnet will attract certain metal objects, especially those made of iron, across empty space. If the objects are free to move, they will stick to the magnet. The magnetic influence in space around a magnet can be made visible if we place the magnet on a sheet of paper, sprinkle iron filings around the magnet and give the paper a jerk. We say that the pattern exhibited by the iron filings shows the existence of a magnetic field.

    Likewise, or analogously, a mass has a gravity field, although it only has one pole. Gravity is another mysterious invisible force which extends across empty space, attracting all objects with mass. Mass size is important. Large astronomical bodies have large gravity fields and attract masses of any size. Small bodies, say, people-sized, have small gravity fields and do not noticeably attract other small bodies. Young babies placed on a blanket on the floor lie stuck to the Earth’s surface, like an iron object stuck to a magnet. At a very early age, we are all aware of something pulling us down to the ground and we spend our first years struggling to overcome its pull and stand upright. Gravity has an effect on us from birth until death. It affects the way we grow, particularly our muscle development. The absence of gravity, as astronauts are aware, causes medical problems.

    Young children quickly learn to respect gravity. Falling over can hurt and the further the fall, the more dangerous the consequences. Children also learn that they can defeat gravity by jumping, but it’s only a very brief victory. At present, we are slaves to gravity, although we know ways to overcome it. Sometime in the future, we might become gravity’s master and make it do our bidding. Instead of unchangeable gravity, we may learn how to change gravity. But we must be careful, as it is gravity that holds the Solar System together and it would be very dangerous if our meddling on a large scale disturbed the natural balance of the planetary motions.

    There are benefits to living in an environment dominated by gravity. Lifting a mass up requires us to do some work against gravity, but the mass then has some potential energy. Although we might not realise it, the energy is stored in the Earth’s gravity field. Knocking an object off its perch and causing it to fall causes gravity to do some work. We can exploit this result by channelling water to fall over the blades of a water wheel, causing it to turn and using the rotational motion to work machines for us. Fortunately, the Sun’s radiant energy levitates the water up for us in the first place, via ocean evaporation. Even here, gravity plays a part, through buoyancy and water vapour being less dense than air at ground level. Rainfall completes the circuit, filling lakes and rivers and allowing water to be channelled. Nowadays, water wheels have largely been replaced by hydroelectric schemes, where the energy stored in the Earth’s gravity field can be extracted from the falling water and converted into electrical power. So, at the moment, we know how to make use of gravity, even though we can’t control it.

    As a retired engineer from the Aerospace business, let me quote from Arthur C. Clarke’s book, Profiles of the Future, to partly set the scene for this book. From Chapter 5 of his book, entitled Beyond Gravity, he considers the term Space Drive:

    It is an act of faith among science-fiction writers, and an increasing number of people in the astronautics business, that there must be some safer, quieter, cheaper and generally less messy way of getting to the planets than the rocket.

    It may seem a little premature to speculate about the uses of a device which may not even be possible, and is certainly beyond the present horizon of science. But it is a general rule that, whenever there is a technical need, something always comes along to satisfy it – or by-pass it. For this reason, I feel sure that eventually we will have some means of either neutralizing gravity or overpowering it by brute force. In any event, it will give us both levitation and propulsion, in amounts determined only by the available power.

    The Space Drive is only one aspect of the technology that will be opened up to us once we learn how to control gravity. There will be many other developments, some of which haven’t occurred to us yet.

    It may seem strange, but gravity is actually an extremely weak force, especially when compared to the electromagnetic force. It needs a massive object, such as a star or planet, to create a noticeable gravity field. The Earth’s gravity field itself has minor surface variations, due to changes in surface geology, which can be measured using very sensitive gravimeters and gradiometers. One important effect is the variation of surface gravity with latitude, due to the Earth’s rotation and radius, which has nothing to do with mass. This is a dynamic effect and this book is about gravity dynamics. A recent NASA satellite experiment has shown that moving mass is linked with the little-known force field called gravitomagnetism. It is gravity’s secret dynamic companion. It is speculated that control of gravity lies with the control of gravitomagnetism.

    I am very aware that weak electromagnetic radiation can be greatly amplified using quantum mechanical means. It seems likely, to me, that weak gravity radiation may be amplified in a similar way, once we have a quantum gravity theory in place. This may lead to gravity beams like lasers. But, to start, we need to get to grips with gravity field dynamics.

    All research has to start somewhere, so we will begin our investigation of gravitomagnetism by collecting together our knowledge about gravity. Then we will investigate a speculative theory for gravitomagnetism and we will propose and consider ideas for various experiments, based on the idea of gravitomagnetic fields, to test the theory. This book goes no further than that.

    So, the major purpose of this book is, firstly, to stimulate interest in the idea of gravity control, secondly, to inspire others to set in motion a campaign to secure funding for those experiments deemed worthy of pursuing and, thirdly, to encourage scientists to carry out those experiments. All this will have to be done by younger people interested in this exciting, not yet ripe, futuristic area of science. Successful experiments will lead to further experimentation, which will eventually lead to the technology needed to create gravity beams and to build Space Drives. But these and other developments are for the future and are far outside the remit of this book.



    We now have vehicles that employ means to overcome gravity. Most of them rely on the presence of an atmosphere. For example, a balloon can levitate in the air, defeating gravity. The reasoning behind this effect was first explained by Archimedes, an ancient Greek scientist, in the 3rd century BC. However, Archimedes was more concerned with fluids, and his buoyancy principle explained why some bodies float on the surface of water and are not pulled under by gravity. At the time, no thought was given to floating a body in the air and, yet, people must have been aware that hot air rises. It took another 2,000 years before the idea of floating a balloon of hot air in the colder atmospheric air was realised. The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Jacques, first flew their hot air balloon in 1782. Since then, ballooning has undergone various developments, leading to airships, filled with lighter than air gas, for military and commercial applications. Hot air balloon rides have become a popular form of entertainment for those seeking anti-gravity thrills. These are offered by a number of concerns in the UK, including Virgin Balloon Flights.

    Another means of defying gravity is with a kite. The Chinese suspended look-outs from man-carrying kites deployed from ships at sea in the 13th century; the purpose being to spot the enemy first and take advantage of the knowledge. The simple one-piece kite is really a fixed wing which develops lift in a strong wind. Kites led on to gliders with a main wing and other smaller wings for stability and control. To get a glider to lift in stationary air requires some forward motion to create a wind over the main wing; hence the catapult launch. But this does not provide a continuous means of propulsion. A powered rotating wing, or airscrew, develops a thrust roughly at right angles to its plane of rotation. In effect, the airscrew sucks air in from the front and pushes it out at the back, the reaction being to thrust the airscrew forward. It’s only a variation of the Archimedean screw, which has been around for several thousand years, which is used to lift water up from rivers. The airscrew was first tried out for balloon propulsion, using hand-cranking. Later, a steam-powered airscrew was fitted to a glider, propelling it forward and causing it to lift. It wasn’t a great success; the engine being too heavy and the airscrew thrust too weak, but it gave a hint of the future. The development of the internal combustion engine in 1885, by the German engineers Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, provided the rotary power needed for the airscrew. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, built a lightweight combustion engine to turn a pair of airscrews (now called propellers), which they fitted to their Flyer I glider, and the history of manned powered flight began in the United States in December 1903.

    The helicopter is a body with no fixed wings for lift, that relies on a large powered rotating wing, or rotor, in the horizontal plane for vertical lift to overcome gravity. A small rotary wing, with its plane perpendicular to the main rotor, counters any rotation of the body of the vehicle. In the UK, helicopters were built by Westland, which is now part of the global company Leonardo Helicopters. A Second World War variation of the 13th century Chinese kite-borne observer was the observer sat in an auto-gyro, or unpowered helicopter, towed behind some German submarines. As the wind passed through the auto-gyro rotor, it rotated and developed lift, raising the observer aloft.

    The development of the jet engine led to an increase in thrust. In one form of engine, a number of small turbine blades, are mounted on a common axle within a duct. As the blades rotate, air is sucked in at the front of the duct which is combined with other chemical vapours and the mixture ignited, creating a powerful gas flow which is ejected from the rear of the duct. The reaction is a powerful forward thrust on the engine. The BAE Systems Harrier aircraft has a single jet engine with a pair of intake ducts. It also has a pair of swivelling exhaust ducts which enables the jets to be aimed downwards. The upward reaction is enough to lift the aircraft vertically against the force of gravity, allowing it to hover.

    Finally, we have the rocket. This is a self-contained reaction engine which can operate outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. In July 1969, NASA’s Apollo 11 took men to the Moon. Since then, rockets have been used to send probes to explore the planets and their moons in the Solar System.

    None of today’s devices used to overcome gravity are able to control gravity and make use of the phenomenon. During the 18th century, the famous American scientist Benjamin Franklin commented that he was sorry that he had been born so soon when so much rapid progress was being made in the sciences, because he wouldn’t live to see the results. He mused: Imagine the power that man will have over matter a few hundred years from now. We may learn how to remove gravity from large masses and float them over great distances. We are not there, yet. The means of gravity control is still a mystery.



    Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher, lived in the 4th century BC. He was a student of Plato and later the tutor of Alexander the Great. Aristotle was held in such high regard for his vast encyclopaedic knowledge about natural phenomena that his recorded views went unchallenged in Europe and the Middle East for nearly 2,000 years after his death. It was Aristotle’s view that the Universe was a perfect sphere, with the Earth at its centre. Matter was thought to be composed of four elements; namely earth, air, fire and water. The Universe itself was filled with a fifth element called the ether. Aristotle argued that it was a natural property of earth and water to fall in straight lines towards their proper place at the centre of the Universe. They possessed gravity, or heaviness, whereas air and fire were displaced straight upwards as they possessed levity, or lightness. Aristotle was also of the opinion that heavier bodies fell faster than lighter ones.

    With the Renaissance in Europe, scientists began to question some of Aristotle’s assertions. In Italy, the mathematical physicist Galileo Galilei was dubious about the idea that heavier objects fell more quickly than lighter ones. He imagined sawing a cannonball in half and dropping a half of it. According to Aristotle, the half cannonball would not fall as fast as the whole cannonball. And yet, if the two cannonball halves were joined together with a thin thread and dropped, they would not fall more slowly than the whole cannonball, which contradicted Aristotle’s view.

    Galileo learnt of the work by the Dutch-Belgian scientist Simon Stevin, who had dropped balls from a tower to check on Aristotle’s view that heavier balls fell more quickly than lighter ones. Legend has it that in 1590, Galileo repeated Stevin’s experiment by dropping a musket ball and a cannonball from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and confirming that they fell together. Aristotle was wrong!

    Galileo reasoned that since a body started with zero velocity when it was released, it must accelerate as it started to fall; but how could he measure the acceleration? Timing methods in those days were very crude, so timing the fall of a speeding body as it fell over fixed distances was difficult. Then Galileo learnt of another of Simon Stevin’s experiments; that of rolling a ball down an inclined plane where, since the ball did not move so swiftly, its progress could be timed. In 1603, using a water clock, Galileo carried out a careful experiment, timing the distance a bronze ball moved as it rolled down a grooved inclined plane. The results showed that the ball accelerated. Moreover, balls of different weight had the same acceleration. By extension, Galileo concluded that a freely falling body must accelerate and, moreover, the value of the acceleration was independent of the body’s weight. All falling bodies fell with the same acceleration, whatever their weight. The cannonball and the musket ball fell together in his Pisa Tower experiment.

    Nowadays, we recognise that the Earth attracts all objects towards its centre with a gravitational attraction we label as g. We are all stuck on the Earth’s surface, like an iron nail stuck to the surface of a magnet. If a raised object is released, it will accelerate downwards. Near to the Earth’s surface, at roughly zero height, the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravitational attraction is labelled as g0.

    Scales for weighing objects, especially valuable items such as gold, existed at least 5,000 years ago, and they appear on wall paintings in ancient Egyptian tombs. If the weight of an object is known and it is divided by g0 we obtain a property of the object called its mass. When we hold an object we can feel its weight trying to force our hand downwards. So, weight is a force equal to the object’s mass times the gravitational acceleration g0. In the International System (SI) of units, force is measured in Newtons (N), mass is measured in kilograms (kg), and acceleration is measured in metres per second per second (m/s²). At the Earth’s surface, the downward acceleration g0 experienced by all free falling objects is about 9.8 m/s².

    For historical reasons, we usually measure weight in terms of mass units. So, a person weighing 70 kg (11 stone) on the Earth’s surface actually has a weight of 70 × 9.81 = 686 Newtons. On the International Space Station (ISS), the same person would still have a mass of 70 kg but would have zero weight.

    Galileo maintained an extensive list of contacts with scientists interested in making progress in physics, both in Italy and abroad. He made use of other scientists’ experiments, always checking on the veracity of the claimed results and absorbing any helpful theories. This applied to the telescope. He didn’t invent it, but he quickly understood the principle of its working, improved on its design and used it to great purpose in his astronomical studies. Galileo was a good teacher and had a talented group of students to help him. Most importantly, he wrote a number of books on physics (some published abroad), in which he challenged some of the accepted ideas and discussed new ideas, showing that the way forward to a better understanding was through experimentation.

    Thus, Galileo’s special contribution to scientific progress is that he stressed the need for experiments to test all ideas about the workings of natural physical phenomena and the need for the results to be made available for others to scrutinise and check for themselves.



    Galileo challenged Aristotle’s view of an Earth-centred universe. In 1597, Galileo received a book, entitled Mysterium Cosmographicum, written in Latin by Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician, which promoted the Copernican view of a Sun-centred system with the planets moving round in circular orbits. Moreover, Kepler showed that the planetary spheres, whose circumferences contained the planetary orbits, could be nested within the five regular solids discovered by the ancient Greeks. Space, apparently, had a geometrical structure. Galileo wrote back to Kepler to say that he was also a supporter of the heliocentric Solar System. After that, there followed a fairly lengthy correspondence between the two. However, Galileo’s outspoken views on the subject got him into trouble with the religious and academic authorities at home, in Italy, who adhered to the Aristotelian view.

    Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer, spent many years collecting naked eye data on the position of the planets in the night sky. For two short years, Kepler was Brahe’s mathematical assistant. After Brahe’s death in 1601, Kepler carried out a long, painstaking study converting Brahe’s planetary data from Earth-based measurements to Sun-based measurements, in the search for clues to explain some of the strange planetary motions.

    Eventually, in 1609, Kepler discovered two empirical laws of planetary motion. The first law stated that the planetary orbits were elliptical with the Sun as one focus. If a circle is squashed to form an ellipse, the centre point splits into two focuses. Thus, Copernicus’ idea of a Sun-centred Solar System was right, but his idea that the planetary orbits were circular was wrong. The second law stated that a planet’s radius from the Sun swept out equal areas in equal times. It is speculated that Kepler hit on this law because of his knowledge of the ancient Greek form of infinitesimal calculus. Archimedes derived the area of a circle of radius r by filling the circle with many triangles with equal areas, all with their vertices at the centre of the circle and each base on the circumference. The area of a triangle is half base length times the height. The measured length of the circumference is 2πr and this must be equal to the sum of the base lengths of the triangles. When very many triangles are used, the height of each triangle is equal to the radius. So, summing the area of all the triangles gives the area of a circle as πr².

    Finally, in 1619, Kepler discovered a third law connecting the square of the time (T) taken for a planet to complete its orbit with the cube of the half-length (a) of the major axis of its elliptical orbit. However, Kepler only had a relative distance (a/AU) of each planet from the Sun, based on a poor estimate of Earth’s distance AU (one Astronomical Unit) from the Sun.

    When we whirl a mass around on the end of a string, we are all familiar with that outward radial tug. (Certainly, boys with conkers are!) This is called the centrifugal force. It has been known about for thousands of years. As a weapon, the whirling mass is the crux of the slingshot. David killed the giant Goliath with a stone from his slingshot. When the stone is released, it shoots off in a straight line tangentially, not outwards in a radial direction. What is the invisible sling that holds the orbiting planets to the Sun? This invisible force must exactly balance the planets’ centrifugal force.

    Kepler speculated that the planets might be attracted to the Sun by a magnetic-like force. From his work on optics, he knew that the intensity of light at a point some distance from a light source depended on the inverse square of that distance from the source. The light spreads out from the source forming a light sphere, so that at a distance r from the source, the surface area of the sphere is 4πr². Thus, at any point on this sphere, the intensity is the source power divided by 4πr². Based on that knowledge, he suggested that if the Sun did attract the planets across space then the attractive force might depend on an inverse square law, but he did not pursue his speculations. Kepler also developed a mathematical model showing that the Moon was responsible for the two Earth tides per day.

    Galileo didn’t believe in elliptical planetary orbits and thought that Kepler was mistaken. He remained a supporter of the Copernican idea that the planets moved in everlasting circular orbits around the Sun. Also, Galileo dismissed Kepler’s speculation that the Sun might possess an attractive force which pulled on the planets across space as mystical nonsense. Given that Galileo knew that masses accelerated towards the Earth, this was a rather strange attitude to take. Clearly, he couldn’t see the parallel. Furthermore, Galileo rejected Kepler’s mathematical model showing that the Moon caused the Earth tides. In all cases, Galileo was wrong and Kepler was right.

    During the decade of the 1630s, we know that a young Cambridge student, Jeremiah Horrocks, interested himself in Kepler’s work and that he was very proficient in using Kepler’s tables to predict the positions of the planets in the sky. He determined the date of the next transit of Venus across the face of the Sun and was the first to observe it in 1639. He also showed that Kepler’s laws applied to the Moon’s orbit around the Earth and pointed out that the motion of a disturbed pendulum bob performed an elliptical orbit analogous to those performed by the planets. Horrocks died in 1641, but some of his papers were posthumously published by the Royal Society in 1672.

    Galileo was the first scientist to explore the motion of pendulums and to determine their periods for small oscillations. In 1673, the Dutch mathematical physicist Christiaan Huygens described his mathematical model for a conical pendulum, where the bob rotated in a circle. His mathematical expression for the centrifugal force experienced by the bob was mrΩ², where m was the mass of the bob, r the radius of the circle and Ω the angular velocity, or rate of change of angle during the circular motion. He sent a copy of his work to Newton. Like others, Huygens also saw the conical pendulum analogy with the rotating planets and could see that the component of the tension in the string was analogous to the Sun’s attractive centripetal force, but he could not imagine what form such a force could take.

    With hindsight, we know that the secret of Kepler’s second law is that the angular momentum of each planet remains constant. The angular momentum H of a body is the product of its mass m times the radial distance r of the mass from the centre of rotation times the velocity v of the mass perpendicular to the radius. Mathematically, this is written as H = m(r × v).

    If you sit in a nearly frictionless swivel chair, holding a 1kg bag of sugar, and get someone to rotate you and then leave you alone, you will have nearly constant angular momentum H. As you spin, you can feel the centrifugal force on the bag of sugar pulling it radially away from you. If you think of the bag of sugar as a planet and yourself as the Sun, then the force provided by your arms holding on to the bag of sugar is akin to the mysterious force of gravity holding on to the planet. When you hold the bag of sugar way out in front of you, you and the bag of sugar slow down. When you clutch the bag of sugar tightly to your chest, you and the bag of sugar speed up. The planets do the same thing. As they move further from the Sun, they slow down; as they move nearer, they speed up.



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