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Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die
Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die
Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die
Ebook292 pages4 hours

Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die

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You are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary physical experience. Your purpose for being here is to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life. When you graduate, you will go on to new, exciting experiences, but you will never see endings again as you see them on earth now. People you love will be with you on your new ad

Release dateOct 31, 2021
Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die

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    Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die - R. Craig Hogan

    Copyright © 2021 by Greater Reality Publications

    You may make copies of the text for any purpose that helps you or humankind develop spiritually. Don’t charge money for anything in the book. Give it away freely. Please put the name of the book, copyright Greater Reality Publications, and the website ( on the first page of any copies you make.


    Greater Reality Publications

    23 Payne Place, Normal, IL 61761

    800 690-4232


    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-7374106-8-3

    ISBN ePub: 978-1-7374106-9-0

    Other Books by Dr. R. Craig Hogan

    Your Eternal Self: Science Discovers the Afterlife

    There Is Nothing but Mind and Experiences

    Reasons for What Happens to You in Your Life & Your Afterlife

    Answers to Life’s Enduring Questions from Science Discoveries and Afterlife Revelations

    Induced Afterlife Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss

    Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy: Guided Afterlife Connections

    Afterlife Communication: 16 Proven Methods, 85 True Accounts

    New Developments in Afterlife Communication

    Aspects of Consciousness: Proceedings of the 40th Annual ASCS Conference

    Afterlife Resources from AREI

    The books are all available on Amazon.



    Content of This Book

    First Area of Evidence You Will Never Die: Communication with People Whose Bodies Have Died

    Chapter 1: Direct-Voice or Independent-Voice Communication Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Dr. Dinshaw Nanji Communicates with His Wife, Annie, Living in the Next Life

    2. Alice Fearon Communicates with Her Son in Spirit

    3. Eira Conacher Communicates with Her Husband, Douglas, Living in the Life after This Life

    4. David Cattanach Communicates with His Mother in Sessions with Leslie Flint

    Evidence from Direct-Voice Mediumship Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 2: Communication through Materialization Mediumship Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. A Man Whose Body Is Dead Speaks to His Love

    2. Konstantin Raudive Materializes and Speaks to Sonia Rinaldi

    3. Carlos Mirabelli Produces Two Materializations of Individuals before Witnesses

    4. Helen Duncan’s Trial Witnesses Confirm the Materializations of People They Know Intimately

    5. Montague Keen Materializes and Speaks to People Who Knew Him in This Life

    Evidence from Materialization Mediumship Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 3: Communication through Instrumental Transcommunication Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Sonia Rinaldi’s Instrumental Transcommunication

    2. Sheri Perl’s Instrumental Transcommunication

    3. Konstantin Raudive’s Recorded Phone Calls from the Life after This Life to Well-Known Individuals

    4. George Meek and Bill O’Neil’s Recorded Conversations with a Scientist in the Next Life

    Evidence from Instrumental Transcommunication Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 4: Appearances by People after Their Bodily Deaths Are Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Experiences a Materialization

    2. Raymond A. Moody Experiences and Speaks with His Deceased Grandmother

    3. Rev. John Bertram Phillips Experiences a Materialization of C. S. Lewis

    4. People Appear to Loved Ones a Distance Away at the Moment of Their Transition

    Evidence from Appearances by People Whose Bodies Have Died Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 5: Psychotherapist Afterlife Communication Experiences Are Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Induced After-Death Communication Demonstrates That Consciousness Survives Bodily Death

    2. Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy Helps People Have Afterlife Communication

    3. Loving Heart Connections Have Been Shown to Help People Communicate with Loved Ones

    Evidence from Psychotherapist Connections Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 6: Self-Guided Afterlife Connections Are Evidence You Will Never Die

    Evidence from Self-Guided Connections Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 7: Communication through Trance Mediumship Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas Communicates with His Father through Medium Gladys Osborne Leonard

    2. George Pelham Communicates with Richard Hodgson through Medium Leonora Piper

    3. Richard Hodgson Communicates with a Good Friend after His Friend’s Bodily Death

    4. Family Members Verified Communication with Their Daughter Whose Body Had Died

    5. Flight Lieutenant H. C. Irwin Communicates to the British Air Ministry through Medium Eileen Garrett

    6. Raymond Lodge Communicates through Two Trance Mediums

    Evidence from Trance Mediumship Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 8: Communication through Automatic Writing Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    Cross Correspondence

    1. The Mary Catherine Lyttelton Case

    2. The Myers Cross Correspondence Case

    Evidence of Communication through Automatic Writing Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 9: Communication through Mental Mediumship Is Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Canyon Ranch Experiment

    2. Study for an HBO Documentary

    3. The Miraval Silent-Sitter Experiment

    4. More Stringent Studies at the University of Arizona

    Evidence from Mental Mediumship Communication Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 10: Communication Experiences in Dreams Are Evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Edgar Cayce and Dream Visitations

    2. Dream Visitations When the Dreamer Learns Things He or She Could Not Have Known

    3. The Nature of Dreams and the Afterlife Communication Experience

    Evidence from Dream Communications Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 11: People’s Common Afterlife Communication Experiences Are evidence You Will Never Die

    1. Studies of the Prevalence of Afterlife Communications Show They Are Common

    2. People Communicating with Those in the Next Life Learn Things They Couldn’t Know Otherwise

    3. Pre-death and Deathbed Visions of Loved Ones Living in the Life after This Life Are Common

    Evidence from Common Afterlife Communication Proves You Will Never Die

    Second Area of Evidence: The Nature of Reality and Consciousness Described by Science

    Chapter 12: Evidence You Are a Manifestation of Our Universal Intelligence that Will Never Die

    1. Quantum Mechanics

    2. Experiences as the Content of Reality

    3. Near-Death Experiences of Blind People

    Evidence That You Are Our Universal Intelligence That Will Never Die

    Chapter 13: Evidence Your Mind Is Not in Your Brain Means You Will Never Die

    1. Researchers Cannot Find a Mind in the Brain and Cannot Explain How a Brain Creates a Mind

    2. Researchers and Scientists Have Begun to Suggest the Mind Is Not in the Brain

    3. The Brain Doesn’t Have the Capacity to Hold a Lifetime of Memories

    4. Psychics Know Information Not Available to Their Brains

    5. The Mind Knows Information before the Brain Has Access to It

    6. Consciousness Functions without Brain Involvement

    7. People Commonly Describe Separating the Mind from the Body in Out-of-Body Experiences

    8. Biophysicists Can Detect No Electrical Activity in Sensory Neurons That Have Been Assumed to Carry Sensory Information

    Evidence Demonstrating That Your Mind Is Not in Your Brain Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 14: Evidence from Near-Death Experiences Demonstrates You Will Live After Your Body Dies

    1. More Acute Senses When They Should Be Failing

    2. Knowledge about Distant People and Events When Bodies and Brains Have No Access

    3. Knowledge That Is Not Understood but Later Validated

    4. Feelings of Peace and Love Rather than Fear and Trauma

    Evidence from Near-Death Experiences Proves You Will Never Die

    Chapter 15: Highly Regarded Professionals Studying the Survival of Consciousness Have Concluded You Will Never Die

    1. Physicians Acknowledge Life after This Life

    2. Physical Scientists Who Have Studied Mediums Conclude Afterlife Communication Is Valid

    3. Psychologists and Psychotherapists Have Concluded Afterlife Communication Is Valid

    4. Professors of the Humanities Studying Afterlife Communication Have Concluded It Is Valid

    5. Attorneys Who Have Studied Afterlife Communication

    6. Clergy Who Have Studied Afterlife Communication Have Concluded It Is Possible and Valid

    7. Church Bodies Who Have Studied Mediums Have Concluded the Communications Are Valid

    8. Debunkers Who Have Studied Afterlife Communication Openly Conclude It Is Valid


    The Message for Humankind




    You are a spiritual being who will never die. You are having a brief experience in Earth School to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life. When you graduate, you will go on to new, exciting experiences, but you will never see endings again as you see them on earth now. People you love will be with you on your new adventures. You will never die.

    Your loved ones who have graduated before you are enjoying their new lives in peace and joy. You are not separated from them during this brief time when you and they are focusing your attention on different realms. They come to visit you often when they want to be part of what you are doing or when you ask them to come to you to talk or help you. Your loved ones are always only a thought away.

    This book contains the evidence that you will live on after your body dies!

    It will give you a new perspective. The archaic concepts that the universe is made of matter and energy independent of us, that our minds are in our brains, and that when the brain dies we die are primitive, naïve misconceptions. In this book you will learn that your mind will never cease to exist and that the Universal Intelligence our minds are part of together is continually creating what we experience as matter and energy, including our bodies and brains.

    At one time, all people believed without doubt that the earth is the center of the universe. It seemed obvious to anyone who gazed at the starry canopy drifting across the sky at night and witnessed the sun rising in the east and setting in the west every day. The learned scientists of the day assured people that the earth is the center of the universe, ignoring Copernicus and Galileo when they proved the earth is simply a planet in a solar system with a sun at its center. Galileo was forced to recant his heretical views. In 1600 Giordano Bruno was burned alive for impudently asserting that stars were suns with planets around them.

    Today all people know with confidence that the earth revolves around a sun that is itself revolving in the Milky Way galaxy, that is itself hurtling through a universe, that is itself expanding at 1.8 times the speed of light. Today everyone knows those facts. We feel they are self-evident, without a doubt. But it took hundreds of years of glacially slow mind changes for all people to believe them.

    You and I are experiencing a similar revolution in thought today. Most people still aren’t confident they will be alive after their bodies die and don’t know what has happened to their loved ones whose bodies have died. They sob at funerals as though people have been deleted from all existence and will never be seen again. They solemnly walk across cemetery lawns to gaze at the ground where they believe their fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters are. Their children go with them, learning from their parents that when the body dies, it’s a horror to be feared, and that they themselves will one day be buried in the ground or encased in a mausoleum. It’s a terrible belief system that has no basis in truth, yet it holds humanity in its icy grip.

    In another century or two after humankind has evolved to realize the truth about who we are, everyone will be certain, without question, that

    • When the body dies, our minds, which were never integrated with the body, have just graduated from one school into the next school, which is filled with more love, peace, and joy than we can imagine.

    • Those who have graduated before us are waiting for us there, alive, happy, and available to communicate with us if we just learn to listen.

    • We are all of the same spiritual essence, of one substance in the body of Our Universal Intelligence.

    The Garden of Eden is here, now. We are living in it. We were never driven from it. We drove ourselves into the illusion that we live in an unfeeling world of senseless matter and energy in which we are helpless victims unable to find happiness because the world is saturated with misery. We can dispel the illusion and waken in the Garden of Eden that has always been here. We can then reside in a world of love, peace, and happiness for the rest of our lives. All we must do is realize that what we are taught about life and reality are misconceptions perpetuated by a society that is intellectually in the Technological Age but spiritually in the Stone Age. The truth will be evident. Nothing else is required. It’s all in our mind.

    When you examine the evidence in this book, you will know with certainty that there is only Our Universal Intelligence at the basis of reality, that you are a living part of Our Universal Intelligence so you don’t die when the body dies, that we are all one with each other, that you have unique purposes for being in Earth School, and that you will graduate to go on to a glorious life in the life after this life with all your loved ones.

    The truth will set you free.

    Content of This Book

    The evidence in this book proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you will continue to live after your body dies. It confirms that our loved ones, whose bodies have died, are alive, well, and happy in the wonderful realm we too will enter. This evidence is organized into two areas:

    First Area of Evidence You Will Never Die

    Verified communication with people whose bodies have been dead for years or decades demonstrates that consciousness survives bodily death.

    Second Area of Evidence You Will Never Die

    The nature of reality and consciousness described by science demonstrates that

    • The universe is made of consciousness, and since you are a manifestation of that consciousness, you will never die.

    • Your mind is not in your brain so you will continue to live after your body and brain die.

    • As near-death experiences show, when your body and brain die, instead of becoming comatose you become more alert and joyous because you are entering the next realm of your eternal life.

    • Researchers, scientists, and other highly regarded professionals who have studied the life after this life and mediumship have concluded we do not die.

    First Area of Evidence You Will Never Die

    Communication with People Whose Bodies Have Died

    We have many examples of individuals whose bodies have died communicating with people on earth who know them, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that we continue to live after our bodies die.

    All of us live on after our bodies and brains die. So we should expect to have audio, photographic, video, and witness records of such communication. We should expect such encounters to be experienced by people on earth who can attest to the fact that the person they knew well in body is communicating. In fact, we have such records. We have recordings of individuals whose bodies died years or decades ago communicating with people who know them on earth. The recordings have the following characteristics that show these individuals are currently very much alive, even though their bodies have died:

    • The individual whose body has died demonstrates fully functioning senses, mental capabilities, recognizable personality, fluent speech, memories of past experiences on earth, and recall from one session to the next of events with the person on this side of life. Their communication shows no degradation of any mental capacity that might conceivably occur when the body and brain die. The person communicating from this side of life knows the individual in spirit and can attest without a doubt that the personality communicating is that individual.

    • The individual in spirit is aware of current occurrences in the lives of people alive on the earth plane. By entering the earth environment and observing events without being seen or otherwise detected, the individual in spirit correctly reports events that

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