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Immunology of Aging
Immunology of Aging
Immunology of Aging
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Immunology of Aging

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The rapidity of scientific progress over the last few years guarantees the utility of this new collection of state-of-the-art reviews on the immunology of aging, which is the result of extensive collaboration of more than sixty of the greatest thinkers and scholars in the field, in cooperation with a number of junior colleagues. The book summarizes current knowledge on the cellular and molecular aspects of the aging immune system and their clinical relevance, providing insights into the effects of the aging process on susceptibilities to those diseases most common among elders. The retrieval strategies used to slow down the decline in the immune system in the elderly are another subject detailed extensively. By providing a broad overview of immunosenescence and its consequences, as well as their potential modulation, this book will fill a gap in a timely manner. It will be of value to all immunologists, whether novice or experienced, as well as geriatricians and epidemiologists.

Release dateNov 29, 2013
Immunology of Aging

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    Immunology of Aging - Ahmad Massoud

    Ahmad Massoud and Nima Rezaei (eds.)Immunology of Aging201410.1007/978-3-642-39495-9_2

    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

    2. The Immune System, a Marker and Modulator of the Rate of Aging

    Monica De la Fuente¹  


    Department of Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, 28040, Spain

    Monica De la Fuente



    The ageing process shows heterogeneity in the changes suffered by each physiological system in the diverse members of a population of the same chronological age. This phenomenon led to the concept of biological ageing, which determines the rate of ageing experienced by each individual and therefore his/her life quality and expectancy. Since the biological age of a subject is difficult to measure, it is necessary to find markers, which will make it possible. The functional capacity of immune cells has been proposed as a marker of health, and using mice with premature senescence, long-lived mice, and human centenarians, it has been confirmed that several immune functions are good markers of biological age and predictors of longevity. Moreover, we have proposed the oxidation-inflammation theory of ageing, in which the immune system is involved in the rate of oxi-inflamm-ageing of the organism and in the biological age. This has been confirmed that applying several lifestyle strategies improves the immune cell functions, decreases oxidative stress, improves the general health, and consequently increases longevity in elderly.

    2.1 Introduction: The Process of Aging

    To understand the role of the immune system in the aging process, it is necessary to remember several key concepts about this process. Aging may be defined as a progressive and general deterioration of the organism’s functions that leads to a lower ability to adaptively react to changes and preserve homeostasis. Thus, elderly subjects show a lower capacity to endure extreme situations, infections, and stress in general. If the principal characteristic of a healthy organism is the maintenance of the functional balance at all levels, with aging this balance fails. This accumulation of adverse changes with the passing of time, although it should not be considered a disease, strongly increases the risk of disease and finally results in death. In fact, the difference between senescence and illness is not clearly defined (Carnes et al. 2008). As Strehler (1977) indicated, there are four rules that define aging: (a) It is universal (practically all animal species including the metazoans showing sexual reproduction suffer aging), (b) progressive (the rate of aging is similar at different ages after the adult state), (c) intrinsic (since even if animals are exposed to optimal environmental conditions throughout life, they still experience the aging process at the rate characteristic for their species), and (d) deleterious (aging is obviously detrimental to individuals since it leads to their death, although, at the species level, this detrimental character is arguable since aging is necessary for the replacement of the members of all populations).

    The process of aging, which starts when the subjects achieve the adult age that allows their reproduction, finishes with their death. This period represents the mean life span or means longevity, which can be defined as the mean of the time that the subjects of a group born on the same date live. In the case of human beings, this longevity is currently very high in developed countries, where it is 75–83 years. Since we start the aging process at about 18 years of age, we spend most of our lifetime aging. Moreover, we have to consider the maximum life span or maximum longevity (the maximum time that a subject belonging to a determined species can live) and which in humans is about 122 years, whereas in mice it is 3 and in rats 4 years. If the maximum longevity is fixed in each species, and currently impossible to increase, the mean life span of individual organisms shows marked variability and can be increased by environmental factors. This allows the maintenance of good health and permits us to approach the maximum life span in a good condition. A higher mean longevity is achieved by the preservation of good health, and this depends approximately 25 % on the genes and 75 % on lifestyle and environmental factors (Kirkwood 2008) (Fig. 2.1).


    Fig. 2.1

    The immune system is a good marker of the rate of aging, and it is involved in the biological age of each subjects and therefore in her/his longevity. The base of a functional longevity is the health maintenance, which depends on the genes in a proportion of 25 %, but in a proportion of 75 % it depends on the lifestyle and environmental factors. The biological age or rate of aging is the result of individual epigenetic mechanisms acting on genes since the fetal life throughout the life of the subject, and it is worth to note that they also depend on lifestyle factors. If these factors are appropriate, the rate of aging will be lower, and we will have a good and extended longevity. In addition, a poor lifestyle accelerates the pace of aging and makes it more difficult to maintain health

    2.2 The Concept and Markers of Biological Age

    The concept of biological age is justified by the fact that the aging process is very heterogeneous. Thus, it is well known that the molecular and cellular deterioration and the impairment of the physiological systems associated with aging do not occur at the same rate in all members of a population of the same chronological age. Biological age represents the rate of aging experienced by each individual and therefore his/her life expectancy, being a better predictor of longevity than chronological age (Borkan and Norris 1980). In fact, the chronological age only gives limited information on the decrease of functional capacity, longevity expectancy, and other aging characteristics (Park et al. 2009).

    The problem with biological age is how to determine it. If the chronological age of a subject is easily measurable, the same is not true of biological age. Thus, a number of biochemical, physiological, and psychological parameters that change with age and that show the tendency to a premature death must be determined. Since the first publications of Benjamin (1947), followed by several relevant studies such as those by Borkan and Norris (1980), one of the most complete investigation on biological age; and by Benfante et al. (1985); Ruiz-Torres (1991); or more recently that of Nakamura and Miyao (2007) and Bulpitt et al. (2009), much research has been carried out trying to obtain the most appropriate parameters for indicating the biological age. The retrospective analysis of these studies showed that the subjects presenting certain parameters, which were more aged than those found in the majority of the subjects of the same chronological age, had a shorter life expectancy. These biomarkers include those related to respiratory function, systolic arterial tension, hematocrit, biochemistry markers (e.g., albumin and blood urea nitrogen), as well as reaction times determined by psychometric tests. Moreover, they proposed the characteristic that a parameter of biological age should have and suggested that the aging rate is influenced by environmental factors. In addition, since oxidation and inflammation underlies the aging process, which will be mentioned later, several inflammatory and oxidative stress markers have also been proposed recently as predictors of frailty risk (Bandeen-Roche et al. 2009) and biomarkers of aging (Pandey and Rizvy 2010). Nevertheless, in spite of all these studies attempting to extend the parameters of biological age (Bae et al. 2008), the subject is still incomplete (Bulpitt et al. 2009), and more research should be carried out.

    2.3 The Immune System as a Marker of Biological Age and Predictor of Longevity

    Most research on biological age did not include immune parameters. However, we have to consider that the immune system is a homeostatic system, which contributes to an appropriate functional capacity of the organism, and thus it has been proposed as one of the best markers of health (Wayne et al. 1990; De la Fuente 2004). Although these characteristics of the immune system could lead us to think of the functional capacity of this system as a possible biomarker of aging, only in recent investigations have several immune parameters been suggested as representative of the true biological age of a subject. A positive relation has been shown between a good function of the T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and of phagocytic cells and longevity (Ferguson et al. 1995; Ogata et al. 1997; Guayerbas et al. 2002; Guayerbas and De la Fuente 2003). Also, the levels of immunological parameters such as excess of CD8+CD27−CD28− T cells, low T-cell proliferative responses in vitro, and low IL-2 secretion are predictors of mortality. These together with increased IL-6 levels and a CD4:CD8 ratio <1 can define the immune risk profile in humans (Pawelec 2006). A number of studies carried out in our laboratory have allowed us to propose several immune parameters as being fundamental in calculating the biological age of an individual (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2). Before describing how we obtained the immune profile of biological age, we are going to briefly mention the age-related changes in the immune system or immunosenescence (which are covered in other chapters) as well as in the psychoneuroimmunoendocrine system.


    Fig. 2.2

    Age-related changes in function, oxidative, and inflammatory stress parameters in immune cells. In the age-associated restructuring of the immune cells or immunosenescence, there is a decrease of several immune cell functions, but an increase in other functions. The immune cells produce in their defensive work important levels of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory (PI) compounds, which are involved with the immune response destroying the pathogens. These oxidants and PI compounds, which in certain amounts are essential for our survival, when they are in excess, lead to oxidative and inflammatory stress and the consequent damage of cells. Therefore, the functions of our organism are based on a perfect balance between the levels of ROS and PI and those of antioxidants (Ax) and anti-inflammatory (AI) defenses. However, with aging a loss of the balance appears, with excess in the production of ROS and PI or insufficient availability of Ax and AI, which leads to an oxi-inflamm-aging. The first oxygen free radical appearing in cells is the superoxide anion (O 2 − ), which produces hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and hydroxyl radical (OH •), the most reactive free radical, which carries out the oxidation of biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, and DNA. Cells, in order to protect themselves against oxygen toxicity, have developed a variety of antioxidant mechanisms that prevent the formation of ROS or neutralize them after they are produced. Thus, superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the inactivation of superoxide anion, and catalase (CAT) inactivates hydrogen peroxide. The reduced GSH is the most important antioxidant in the organism and neutralizes peroxides using the glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and in this action it is transformed to oxidized glutathione (GSSG). The antioxidant enzyme glutathione reductase (GR) is used to catalyze the reduction of glutathione. Since with age there is an oxi-inflamm-aging, which is the base of the loss of health, immune cells can be involved in the rate of the aging process

    2.3.1 Age-Related Changes in the Immune System: Immunosenescence

    It is known that with aging there is an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, autoimmune processes, and cancer, which indicates the presence of a less competent immune system, exerting a great influence on the age-related morbidity and mortality (Fulop et al. 2011; Dewan et al. 2012). There are contradictory results in the investigations on immunosenescence as a consequence of many factors, which have not been taken into account (we can mention, e.g., the age, species, strain, and gender of the subjects studied as well as the locations of the immune cells used) (De la Fuente et al. 2011). Nevertheless, it is presently accepted that almost every component of the immune system undergoes striking age-associated restructuring, leading to changes that may include enhanced as well as diminished functions (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009; Arranz et al. 2010a, b, d). There is evidence of the central role played by cell-mediated immunity in immunosenescence (Lang et al. 2013). Thus, some of the key and most marked changes are a pronounced age-related decrease in T-cell functions, with a lower proliferation of lymphocytes and a decrease of several cytokines involved in this process such as interleukin 2 (IL-2) and other functions such as chemotaxis (Haynes and Maue 2009; Pawelec et al. 2010; Arranz et al. 2010a, d). This age-related impairment, especially in the CD4+ T-helper (TH) cell, affects cell-mediated and humoral immunity and causes an impaired B-cell function (Frasca and Blomberg 2009). A cell type that has been relatively neglected in studies of age and immunity is the T-regulatory (Treg) subset, which seems to maintain its functional capacity and increase its number with the passing of time. This could explain the greater suppressive activity in the elderly associated with immunosenescence (Wang et al. 2010).

    In cells of innate immunity, which have been less frequently studied than lymphocytes with respect to their age-related changes, the NK cells show a decrease in their antitumoral activity, although each subset may be affected differently by aging (reviewed in Shaw et al. 2010; Arranz et al. 2010a; Gayoso et al. 2011). In the phagocytic cells there are contradictory results, but in general they are less affected by the dysfunction that occurs throughout aging than lymphocytes. Nevertheless, they show a decrease in chemotaxis, ingestion, and digestion of phagocytized material (Alonso-Fernandez et al. 2010). However, adherence capacity to tissues, expression of Toll-like receptors (TLR) such as TLR-2 or TLR-4, and the pro-inflammatory cytokine production seem to increase with aging (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009; Arranz et al. 2010b, d). Although phagocytes were thought to play a less critical role in the immune dysfunction that occurs throughout aging (De la Fuente 1985), recent studies show that these cells are responsible for the susceptibility and vulnerability to infections among the aged subjects.

    The network of cytokines produced in response to immune challenges has also shown changes with aging. It is important to mention the shift towards Th2 (effecting humoral antibody-mediated immunity) responses and the decrease in anti-inflammatory cytokine production (Arranz et al. 2010a, d).

    Thus, currently, despite the rapidly increasing amount of data on immunosenescence in the last decades, the totality of all the changes involved in the different aspects of the immune function with age has not yet been resolved. Moreover, the specific role played by the immune system in the aging process of organisms is not wholly understood.

    2.3.2 The Psychoneuroimmunoendocrine System and Its Changes with Aging

    As mentioned previously, the immune system is a regulatory system, but it does not work alone. It is in constant and complex communication with the other homeostatic systems, namely, the nervous and the endocrine systems (Besedovsky and del Rey 2007, 2011). Currently, there is abundant work that confirms the bidirectional communication between these regulatory systems, which is mediated by cytokines, hormones, and neurotransmitter through the presence of their receptors on the cells of the three systems. Therefore, any influence exerted on the immune system will have an effect on the nervous and endocrine systems and vice versa. Moreover, immune, nervous, and endocrine products coexist in lymphoid, neural, and endocrine tissues. All this shows the complexity of the regulation not only at general levels but also at local levels. Thus, presently a psychoneuroimmunoendocrine system is accepted, which allows the preservation of homeostasis and therefore of health. The scientific confirmation of the communication between these systems has permitted the understanding of why situations of depression, emotional stress, or anxiety are accompanied by a greater vulnerability to cancers, infectious, and autoimmune diseases. This agrees with the concept that the immune system is affected (Arranz et al. 2009; Salim et al. 2012). By contrast, pleasant emotions help to maintain a good immune function (Barak 2006).

    With aging it is evident that not only the immune system is affected also the other regulatory systems involved in homeostasis. In the nervous system a progressive loss of its function appears, with the hippocampus being especially affected (Couillard-Depres et al. 2011). Moreover, the regulation of stress-related disorders in which the hippocampus is involved is clearly impaired with aging (Garrido 2011). Several changes accompany healthy aging in the endocrine system. These include, for example, the increase of several hormones and the decrease of others such as growth hormone/insulin-like factor-1 axis, sexual hormones, dehydroepiandrosterone, and melatonin (Makrantonaki et al. 2010). Moreover, the age-related disturbances of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis seem to be relevant for decreasing stress adaptability in old subjects, this being, at least in part, the cause of their health impairment (Lupien et al. 2009).

    It is difficult to know if the deterioration with aging of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems occurs simultaneously or starts in one of them (possibly the neurons are a good candidate to be the first affected), which then influences the others. Nevertheless, many age-related changes happen in the communication between the homeostatic systems (Corona et al. 2012). Thus, there are changes in the innervations of immune organs (such as the decrease of the sympathetic innervation and concentration of noradrenaline (NA) in these organs) and in the expression of receptors of neurotransmitters (as the increase of beta-receptors on the immune cells as a compensatory mechanism). Moreover, the response of immune cells in vitro to neurotransmitters changes with age (Puerto et al. 2005). This defective response of immune cells to mediators of the nervous system could contribute to the process of immunosenescence. Concretely in the case of catecholamines and their catabolites, this could explain the inadequate response to stress that occurs with aging (Bauer 2008; Gouin et al. 2008). In relation to this, the inadequate response to stress is one of the conditions leading to an acceleration of aging accompanied by the impairment of the immune system and other physiological systems. In addition, chronic stressful conditions modify immune functions and their interaction with the nervous system, causing detrimental effects on memory, neural plasticity, and neurogenesis (Yirmiya and Goshen 2011). Thus, it has been shown that mice with chronic hyperreactivity to stress and anxiety show a premature immunosenescence and are prematurely aged (Viveros et al. 2007). Recently, it was also observed that mice exposed to the stressful condition of isolation have behavioral responses that reveal an impairment of cognition, a certain degree of depression, and a more evident immunosenescence than control animals of the same age housed in groups (work in the process of publication). Likewise, human subjects suffering chronic anxiety or depression show a significant premature immunosenescence (Arranz et al. 2007, 2009; Hernanz et al. 2008).

    2.3.3 Functions of the Immune System as Markers of Biological Age

    The identification of parameters that measure the biological age, which is a better measurement of the rate of aging than the chronological age, is very difficult as has been mentioned previously. Since it has been demonstrated that the competence of the immune system is an excellent marker of health and several age-related changes in immune functions have been linked to longevity, we decided to investigate if some immune functions could be useful as markers of biological age and therefore as predictors of longevity (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009). Since a longitudinal study is impossible to carry out on human subjects throughout the whole aging process, we analyzed several functional parameters in leukocytes of peripheral blood in the different decades of the life of human subjects, from their 20s until their 80s. As we needed a species with a shorter life span to carry out longitudinal studies, we chose mice, which show a mean longevity of about 2 years. Although most studies on immune cells in mice involve the sacrifice of the animals (to obtain the spleen, thymus, etc.), we designed a method to extract these cells without the necessity of killing them or even using anesthesia. This consists of taking leukocytes from the peritoneum, thus allowing us to study the same functional parameters from adult age until the death of the animals.

    Among all the possible functions of immune cells, we have focused on those listed in Fig. 2.2: thus, in lymphocytes, their ability to adhere to the vascular endothelia, migrate towards the site of antigen recognition (chemotaxis), proliferate in response to mitogens, and release cytokines such as IL-2 and in phagocytes, the process of adherence to tissues, chemotaxis, ingestion or phagocytosis of foreign particles, and destruction of pathogens by means of the intracellular production of free radicals such as the superoxide anion and other ROS located in the phagosome of these cells. Further, in the NK cells we have analyzed their capacity to destroy tumoral cells of the same animal species investigated.

    Surprisingly our results showed that in the members of both species, similar age-related changes occur in the immune parameters studied. With aging there is a decrease of functions such as the lymphoproliferative response, the IL-2 release, the chemotaxis as well as the NK activity against tumor cells, the latex phagocytosis, and adequate levels of ROS in the phagosomes. In addition, there is an increase of other functions such as adherence of immune cells to tissue, which may prevent their arrival to the site where they have to perform their organism-protecting task (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009). There is also an increase in the release of several cytokines, especially those pro-inflammatory, which is accompanied by a decrease in others such as the anti-inflammatory cytokines (Arranz et al. 2010d).

    In order to identify the above parameters as markers of biological age, it is necessary to confirm that the levels shown in particular subjects reveal their real health and senescent conditions and, consequently, their rate of aging. This has been achieved in the following two ways:


    Ascertaining that the individuals with those parameters showing values older than those of most subjects of the same population, sex, and chronological age die before their counterparts. This can be confirmed only in experimental animals, and we have used several murine models of premature aging, especially one of mice with poor response to stress and with anxiety, which will be covered later.


    Finding that the subjects reaching a very advanced age preserve these parameters at levels similar to those of adults. This can be tested on both humans (centenarians) and experimental animals, such as extremely long-lived mice. While biologically older animals showing the immune competence levels characteristic of chronologically older individuals have been found to die prematurely (Arranz et al. 2010a, d), centenarians and long-lived mice exhibit a high degree of preservation of several immune functions. This may be related to their ability to reach a very advanced age in a healthy condition (Alonso-Fernandez and De la Fuente 2011). All the above results confirm that the immune system is a good marker of biological age and a predictor of longevity. Moreover, since the evolution of these immune functions is similar in mice and humans, it can be assumed that those humans showing immune parameters at the levels of older subjects have a higher biological age and a shorter longevity.

    2.3.4 Murine Models of Premature Immunosenescence

    Prematurely aging mice (PAM) in contrast to non-prematurely aging mice (NPAM) of the same population, sex, and chronological age are identified by its poor response in a simple T-maze exploration test. This provides strong support for the concept that the nervous and the immune system are closely linked. In mice showing premature aging, we have observed that the abovementioned immune functions performed at the characteristic levels of older mice. In addition to a more significant immunosenescence, the PAM showed high levels of anxiety and a brain neurochemistry similar to older animals. Nevertheless, the most convincing evidence that the abovementioned parameters are useful markers of biological age is that the PAM showed a shorter life span than their counterpart NPAM of the same age, sex, and chronological age (Viveros et al. 2007; De la Fuente 2010).

    Other models of prematurely immunosenescence related with lower longevity are being carried out, such as obese animals (De la Fuente and De Castro 2012) and transgenic mice for Alzheimer’s disease (Gimenez-Llort et al. 2012).

    2.4 The Involvement of the Immune System in the Rate of Aging

    To understand how the immune system can be involved in the rate of aging (Fig. 2.1), it is convenient to remember several concepts on aging, especially those that explain how aging occurs. Thus, herein the most relevant theories of aging will be briefly commented.

    2.4.1 The How, Where, and Why of Aging: An Integrative Theory of Aging

    As a consequence of the great complexity of the changes associated with aging, more than 300 theories have been proposed to explain this process (Medvedev 1990). However, presently most of these theories have been abandoned since they do not have clear research support and even the most widely accepted theories of aging offer partial explanations of the causes and effects of this process. Moreover, many of them only are based on the consequences of the aging process but do not deal with the causes of this process. For a theory to be accepted, it should be applicable to the different levels of biological organization (molecular, cellular, and physiological) in all the multicellular animals with sexual reproduction. Thus, the determinist group of theories, in which it is proposed that aging is the result of a deliberate program driven by genes, do not have this universal application. For example, Hayflick’s mitotic clock theory, which was widely accepted during the last few decades of the last century, has been discarded by the author himself, mentioning in 2007 (Hayflick 2007) that The weight of evidence indicates that genes do not drive the aging process… and Aging is an increase in molecular disorders. It is a stochastic process that occurs systemically after reproductive maturity in animals that reach a fixed size in adulthood. In addition, the theory of shortening telomeres (Goyns 2002), which considers aging as the cause of the shortening of telomeres (this fact occurs when the cells dividing), is also without application to those physiological systems with fundamentally only fixed postmitotic cells such as the heart and the brain and to those animals basically constitute with these postmitotic cells as is the case of Drosophila melanogaster. Thus, these determinist theories should be considered possible explanations of cell differentiation processes and replicative cellular senescence that are consequences of the aging process, but not the base of organism aging. Moreover, although a link between telomere length and longevity has been described, this seems to be explained by the levels of oxidative stress (Atzmon et al. 2010), a fact that will be commented. Another big group of theories, the epigenetic theories, indicates that aging is the result of events that are not guided by a program but are stochastic or random events and it is not genetically programmed. In this group several theories on relevant physiological systems such as the immune theory and the neuroendocrine theory can be included. It is true that the immune system is very important for the life of animals, but it is accepted that lymphocytes, especially T cells, are the most clearly impaired with aging. However, there are many animal species without lymphocytes, and they suffer the aging process. Similar comments can be done of other theories of aging, which shows that most of these theories indicate events that are consequence of the aging process but not its cause, since they are not universal application.

    Among the epigenetic theories, that of the free radical proposed by Harman (1956) probably is now the most widely accepted. This theory, which has been further developed by Haman (2006); Miquel et al. (1980) and others (Barja 2004), proposes that aging is the consequence of accumulation of damage by deleterious oxidation in biomolecules caused by the high reactivity of the free radicals produced in our cells as a result of the necessary use of oxygen (O2). Since O2 is mainly used in respiration to support the life-maintaining metabolic processes, the mitochondria, and more concretely their DNA (mtDNA), they are probably the first targets of this oxidation, especially in the fixed postmitotic cells that cannot fully regenerate these organelles (Miquel 1998). Moreover, it is known that the rate of mitochondrial oxygen radical generation, as well as the degree of membrane fatty acid unsaturation, and the oxidative damage to mtDNA are lower in the long-lived than in the short-lived species. Thus, the mitochondrial damage caused by free radicals results in a loss of bioenergetic competence that leads to aging and death of cells and therefore of the organism.

    There is another group of theories of aging, the concepts having been published a long time ago, that attempt to explain why the aging process occurs. In this group, we can mention theories such as that proposed by Williams (1957), which suggests that aging is a consequence of characteristics selected by evolution to be of advantage to the young subjects of the species, allowing them to reach the reproductive age in the best condition (with maximal vigor) and thus preserve these species, but are a disadvantage for old subjects, not needed for species preservation. Thus, natural selection acts before the adult age (period of reproduction), and the maintenance of the species is more relevant biologically than the longevity of the individual.

    Since the aging process is very complex, a theory based on only one mechanism is not able to give a satisfactory explanation for all its aspects. This justifies the proposal of a theory that integrates early concepts that offer partial explanation of the mechanism of aging with others proposed more recently. Thus, an integrated theory forms which attempts to answer the three important questions of biogerontology: the how the aging process occurs (oxidation), the where this process starts (the mitochondria from fixed differentiated cells), and the why the aging process is necessary (for the maintenance of an adequate number of individuals in each species) (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009).

    2.4.2 The Oxidation-Inflammation Theory of Aging: Role of the Immune System in Oxi-Inflamm-Aging

    Recently, a new theory of aging, the oxidation-inflammation theory, has been proposed (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009), which integrates the previously mentioned oxidation theory of aging and the idea of inflamm-aging suggested several years ago by Franceschi et al. (2000). The concepts that have led us to this new theory will be discussed below. As already stated, the aging process is linked to the oxidation carried out by the oxidant and reactive oxygen species (ROS), normally produced by organisms. Nevertheless, we should consider that oxygen is essential for life and that ROS, in certain amounts, are needed for many physiological processes that are essential for our survival (Dröge 2002). In order to obtain protection against oxygen toxicity, a variety of antioxidant mechanisms that prevent the formation of ROS or neutralize them after they are produced have been developed. Thus, the functions of our organism are based on a perfect balance between the levels of ROS and those of antioxidants. It is the loss of this balance, because of an excess in the production of ROS or an insufficient availability of antioxidants, which leads to the oxidative stress than underlies ROS-related diseases and aging (Fig. 2.2).

    As mentioned above, aging is accompanied by a decline of the physiological systems including the immune system, and immunosenescence occurs. Moreover, a relation between the functionality of immune cells, the health of subjects, and their longevity was observed. Given this, we asked why immunosenescence occurs. If, as it is generally accepted, the mechanisms that underlie aging must be of general application, it seems logical to accept that the cause of immunosenescence is the same as that responsible for the senescence of the other cells of the organism, namely, the oxidative disorganization linked to the unavoidable use of oxygen to support cellular functions. Further, we should remember that the immune cells need to produce free radicals and other oxidant and inflammatory compounds in order to perform their defensive functions consisting of the destruction or incapacitation of pathogens and malignant cells (Yoon et al. 2002). Nevertheless, this fact and the membrane characteristics of the immune cells make them very vulnerable to oxidative damage. Therefore, if any cell needs to maintain a balance between the production of oxidants and the antioxidant defenses in order to prevent an excess of the first and the resulting oxidative stress, this balance is even more essential to preserve the functional capacity of immune cells and, therefore, the health of the organism.

    In addition, there is a close link between oxidative stress and inflammation, since uncontrolled free radical release can induce an inflammatory response, and free radicals are inflammation effectors. In fact, ROS can activate nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFκB) inducing the production of inflammatory cytokines, and the levels of pro-inflammatory compounds (enzymes, cytokines, prostaglandins, etc.) seem to be increased with age in consistent with the proposed concept of inflamm-aging. Based on the abovementioned points, the age-related changes in the redox and the inflammatory state of immune cells were investigated. Thus, a variety of oxidant and inflammatory compounds, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protectors, as well as oxidative damage to biomolecules, in immune cells (peritoneal leucocytes of mice and neutrophils and lymphocytes from human peripheral blood) were analyzed (Fig. 2.2). Our results indicate that with aging leucocytes suffer oxidative and inflammatory stress (De la Fuente et al. 2005; De la Fuente and Miquel 2009). Moreover, this also occurs in the immune cells of PAM with respect to those of NPAM (Viveros et al. 2007) as well as in the leucocytes of transgenic mice for AD with respect to the corresponding wild animals (Gimenez-Llort et al. 2012).

    Therefore, with aging (chronologic or premature) the oxidant and pro-inflammatory compounds increase reaching levels higher than those of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, leading to an oxidative and inflammatory stress. Thus, oxi-inflamm-aging has been proposed as the cause of the loss of function that appears with senescence (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009).

    In this context, a relationship has been found between the redox and inflammatory state of the immune cells, their functional capacity, and the life span of a subject. Thus, when an animal shows a high oxidative stress in its immune cells, these cells have an impaired function and that animal shows a decreased longevity in relation to other members of the group of the same chronological age. As examples supporting that idea and, consequently, the role of the immune system in aging, we can mention again what happens in the mouse model of premature aging, the PAM, with a shorter life span than the NPAM; they showed worse functions and a greater oxidative-inflammatory stress in their immune cells. Moreover, PAM also showed oxidative stress in the brain, liver, heart, and kidney. The other models of premature aging previously mentioned also show this relation. Thus, in obese animals and in triple transgenic mice for Alzheimer’s disease, immune cells have higher oxidative and inflammatory stress situations, worse functions than the respective controls, and the animals with these cells have a lower life span (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009; De la Fuente and De Castro 2012; Gimenez-Llort et al. 2012).

    In addition, very-long-living mice and human centenarians show a redox condition in their immune cells and a functional capacity of these cells similar to that of healthy adult subjects (Arranz et al. 2010a, 2013; Alonso-Fernandez and De la Fuente 2011).

    Since one of the most relevant mechanisms involved in the cellular redox state is the NFκB, which plays a key role in regulating the expression of a wide range of oxidants and inflammatory compounds, especially in the immune cells, this factor has been involved in the immunosenescence and in oxi-inflamm-aging (Salminen et al. 2008a, b). In fact, it has been observed that the NFκB activation, in resting conditions, is very high in peritoneal leucocytes from old mice but lower in extremely long-lived mice and adult animals. Moreover, only old subjects with controlled basal NFκB activation in the immune cells achieved longevity, but adults with a high basal expression of this factor died early (Arranz et al. 2010a). Thus, the level of activation of that factor in leucocytes is significantly related to the life expectancy of the subjects from which the cells were obtained. All these suggest that the immune system, if it is not well regulated and shows a high activation of factors such as the NFκB, will not be able to develop its function properly with a greater contribution to the oxi-inflamm-aging situation of the organism and consequently to the rate of aging. In conclusion, only aged individuals that maintain a good regulation of the leukocyte redox state and consequently a good function of their immune cells, with levels similar to those of healthy adults, reach very high longevity.

    Thus, in the theory of oxidation-inflammation of aging, it is suggested that the immune system could play a key role not as the fundamental cause of aging but as a mechanism that modifies the rate of senescence. In this theory, it is proposed that the aging process is a chronic oxidative and inflammatory stress, which leads to damage of cell components, including proteins, lipids, and DNA, contributing to the age-related decline of all cells of organisms, but especially in those of the regulatory systems, including the immune system. Moreover, the immune system, due to its capacity of producing oxidant and inflammatory compounds in order to eliminate foreign agents, could increase the oxidative and inflammatory stress of the organism, through factors such as NFκB, if it is not well controlled. Thus, this system could be involved in the rate of aging and justifies the loss of homeostatic capacity and the consequent increase of morbidity and mortality that appears with aging (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009).

    2.4.3 Can the Role of the Immune System in Aging Have a Universal Application?

    The immune system is relatively well known in vertebrate animals, in which the innate and adaptive immunity collaborate to produce a very efficient immune response. However, in invertebrates this system has been less studied. Although currently it is accepted that all animals, even the plants, have some sort of immunity, the presence of lymphocytes and their specific defensive function appears only in vertebrates. For this reason the immune theory of aging such as originally proposed (Walford 1969) cannot be accepted since this theory suggested the impairment of the immune system as the cause of organism senescence, and this concept does not follow the principle of universality of the aging process proposed by Strehler (1977). It should be kept in mind that not all animal species have immune systems as complex as those of the mammals. Nevertheless, it seems evident, based on all the above information, that immune cells can play a fundamental role in aging. Confirmation of this concept could be found in the fact that the immune cells produce oxidant and inflammatory compounds in high amounts with aging. However, this happens especially in the phagocytic cells, which are found, with different denominations, in all animals, including invertebrates. If during aging adaptive immunity declines, innate immunity, in several aspects, seems to be activated, inducing a prooxidative and pro-inflammatory profile. In agreement with the above, it has been observed that in the peritoneal immune cell populations of mice as in blood immune cells of human subjects, the macrophages and neutrophils, respectively, are the immune cells responsible for the generation of higher levels of oxidant compounds than those caused by lymphocytes, and these levels significantly increase with age in those phagocytic cells (De la Fuente and Miquel 2009). Thus, it is probable that these phagocytes, which already pointed out are found in all animals, can be involved in the modulation of chronic oxidative stress of senescence and, thus, in the rate of aging of the subjects of the different animal species.

    2.5 Environment and Lifestyle Strategies that May Improve the Function and Redox State of the Immune System in Aging

    Many strategies have been proposed to enable the maintenance of an excellent immune function with aging, resulting in a better quality of life, and consequently, greater longevity of individuals. If we agree with the oxidation-inflammation theory of aging, we should accept that the rate of aging is dependent, in part, on the degree of control of oxidation and inflammation of the immune system of each subject, which is related to its functional capacity. This theory can also be supported by research showing that this control of the immune system by lifestyle strategies results in an increased longevity (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Jenny 2012). Several of those strategies will be discussed below.

    2.5.1 Nutrition

    Nutrition, adequate in quality and quantity, is essential to maintain good health. Thus, a Mediterranean diet is associated with lower levels of inflammation and a decreased risk of disease compared to a Western-type diet (Pauwels 2011). Moreover, nutritional status has a relevant role in the immune system function of each subject, especially in elderly individuals (Pae et al. 2012). The results obtained from several studies in experimental animals and humans show that the impaired regulation of immune response found even in healthy elderly subjects can be attributed to deficiencies of both macronutrients and micronutrients. This fact, which is often found in older individuals because of physiological, social, and economic factors, indicates that appropriate nutrition could play a preventive role in the aging process by modulating immunosenescence. Thus, the use of functional foods seems to influence many cellular parameters, which can help to decrease the deleterious effect of the aging process. In this context, nutrients such as dietary fiber, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), probiotics, and specially antioxidant compounds are of particular interest (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Pae et al. 2012). Antioxidants

    As mentioned above, the endogenous antioxidants decrease in oxidative stress situations, such as aging, because they are spent neutralizing the excess of ROS, and this fact is very relevant in the immune cells. Since biological age and mean longevity seem to be associated with an optimal antioxidant protection, having a diet enriched with antioxidants appears adequate for maintaining an optimum redox balance and therefore protecting the organism from the impairment associated with physiological and pathological aging. Although some studies question the positive role of the ingestion of antioxidant vitamins, especially in high doses, as a consequence of a possible decrease that they may cause in the endogen antioxidant defenses, other studies show the positive role of supplementation with moderate levels of antioxidants, especially in the immune system (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Pae et al. 2012).

    There is an extensive list of antioxidant compounds with health-supporting properties. However, the effects of these antioxidants, administered by diet, on the immune functions are scarcely known for many of them. One of the most thoroughly studied antioxidants in this context is zinc (Zn). Zn is very important for optimal functioning of the immune system, especially in elderly subjects, in which a deficiency of Zn is very common (due to inadequate diet and/or intestinal malabsorption). However, higher than recommended upper limits of zinc may adversely affect immune function (Pae et al. 2012). Other antioxidants show important favorable effects on health, acting on the immune system in both laboratory animals and human subjects. This is the case of beta-carotene, coenzyme Q, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), polyphenols, as well as thiolic antioxidants such as thioproline (TP) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which are precursors of reduced glutathione (GSH), among others, either in isolation or in nutritional formulations containing more than one of these compounds (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Pae et al. 2012). These compounds, which have not only antioxidant but also anti-inflammatory actions, have shown immunomodulator properties since they produce an increase of the functions and antioxidant defenses that are depressed and a decrease of functions and oxidant parameters that are excessively active. Thus, they may bring each immune function and redox parameter to its optimum level. This modulating ability appears to be carried out, at least in part, through the ubiquitous intracellular factors implicated in oxidation and inflammation, such as the NFκB.

    In addition, this regulatory role of the antioxidants is performed not only in the immune system but also in the other regulatory systems, including the nervous system, in which the oxidative stress also underlies its senescent impairment. Thus, the oxidative and inflammatory stress that appears to play a fundamental role in the aging of both the immune system and the nervous system could be counteracted to a certain degree by antioxidant administration. Therefore, antioxidant diet supplementation may be a useful procedure to neutralize or postpone the age-related homeostatic impairment and consequently increase life span, as has been observed in mice (De la Fuente et al. 2011). Since the effects of antioxidants on the immune system are similar in mice and humans and because these changes in mice are accompanied by an increase in longevity, it is probable that similar effects could be obtained in humans.

    In summary, it seems reasonable to propose that the administration of adequate amounts of antioxidant compounds may be effective in neutralizing or slowing down the loss of homeostasis that occurs with age and consequently to slow down the aging process. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the antioxidants depends on the administered amount of these compounds; therefore, the age-related appropriate dose, especially to improve the immune response, should be investigated further (for more details, see Chaps.​ 20 and 22). Caloric Restriction (CR)

    There are many studies showing that CR can slow down multiple aspects of the aging process and thus delays senescence and increases life span in a variety of animals, when these are compared to the respective controls fed ad libitum (Anderson and Weindruch 2012). Moreover, CR seems to delay the onset of numerous age-associated diseases including vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and autoimmune diseases and therefore decreases the death rate. Nevertheless, the universal applicability of CR as a strategy to slow down the rate of aging and extend life span is currently a highly controversial subject (Masoro 2009).

    With respect to the effects of CR on immunity, several studies have reported this is a good strategy to improve immune function, protecting against infections and delaying or preventing development of cancer and metastasis. In this action, among other factors, the NFκB is involved. In aged animals CR can maintain several functional parameters of immune cells at a level typically seen in healthy adults (Messaoudi et al. 2008; Ahmed et al. 2009; Masoro 2009). However, the delay of immunosenescence that CR produces in experimental animals needs to be verified in humans. Recent studies have even suggested that CR might compromise the host’s defense against infections (Pae et al. 2012). Although it is evident that most of the effects of CR are due to the decrease in the oxidative stress produced through its action on the metabolism, the exact mechanism of the antiaging action of CR remains poorly understood (Cavallini et al. 2008) (for more details, see Chap.​ 20).

    2.5.2 Physical Activity

    Physical exercise, since its association with health is well known (Kokkinos 2012), is another of the lifestyle factors proposed to improve health and quality of life in elderly. Physical exercise modulates physiological systems such as the muscle and cardiovascular systems but also the regulatory systems such as the immune system. In fact, performance of physical exercise has been associated with lower susceptibility to infections and other pathologies related with the immune system, compared to sedentary subjects. There is a wealth of information on the effects of physical exercise on the immune function of adult experimental animals and humans. Although conflicting results have been obtained, depending on the type, intensity, and frequency of exercise, as well as the immune function studied and state of the subject, it is generally accepted that acute or strenuous physical exercise induces an impairment of immune functions, increasing the risk of infections. Moreover, moderate training exercise leads to adaptations of the immune cells with improvement of their functions (Radak et al. 2008). Nevertheless, this is not true for all cell types and in all cases. Thus, intensity training has been associated with symptoms of transient depression of many immune functions, especially those of lymphocytes, leading to increased susceptibility to infection. However, this exercise also seems to induce an overstimulation of the response of phagocytic cells. It has been suggested that this stimulation of phagocytes, which involves the activation of factors such as NFκB, might counterbalance the decreased lymphoid activity and thus help the organism to prevent infectious diseases in situations where the specific adaptive immune response seems to be depressed. In addition, moderate training exercise leads to clear benefits of the immune system with improvement of its functions, both of adaptive and innate response, and therefore, it is associated with decreased susceptibility to infection processes. Moreover, in response to repetitive or graded exercise training, a decrease in oxidative stress and a resistance to oxidative damage also appears. This seems to be due to a downregulation of the release of ROS as consequence of an adaptation of antioxidant defenses, which increases their levels and activities (Walsh et al. 2011; De la Fuente et al. 2011).

    Although in old animals or elderly humans the effects of physical exercise on the immune functions have been scarcely studied, the available data show that the practice of regular and moderate exercise is an important candidate for improving the immune function throughout the aging process and in elderly subjects, delaying the onset of immunosenescence (Simpson et al. 2012). However, the conflictive results on the effect of exercise on the immune system, abovementioned, are more common in aged subjects. In this context the question is if exercise produces oxidation, how could it decrease the increased levels of ROS of immune cells from old subjects? But, it is evident that physical exercise improves immune cell functions through the recovery of the oxidant/antioxidant and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory balance of these cells and consequently decreases oxi-inflamma-aging. Since the immune system is a homeostatic system if it is well controlled and its functions take place in the physiological context, they are efficient in infections and inflammatory situations. However, a badly regulated immune response can be detrimental and cause oxidative and inflammatory diseases. Currently, the optimal level of exercise that improves, but does not impair or overstimulate, a healthy immune function is still not really known.

    For the optimal use of exercise as a therapeutic strategy against aging, many aspects have to be resolved, as it was previously proposed (De la Fuente et al. 2011). For example, it should be answered when an increase in the production of ROS by immune cells, especially phagocytic cells, is positive and can enhance the microbicidal capacity and when it is negative, causing oxidative stress damage, or when an increase in inflammatory cytokine production is positive for improving the defenses of the body, or when does it become negative, causing inflammatory damage? It is possible that the levels of ROS and inflammatory compounds produced, as well as the capacity of these levels in each organism in promoting and maintaining the expression of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defenses, could give us an answer to these questions.

    In summary, before recommending physical exercise as a good therapeutic intervention in oxidative-/inflammatory-associated diseases in general and aging in particular, it is necessary to know the intensity, regularity, and duration of this exercise as well as the physiological state of each subject. Perhaps, it would be more interesting (from a physiological point of view) to think in terms of avoiding modern lifestyle-induced inactivity (sedentary), because this itself can deregulate the oxidative and inflammatory responses accelerating the aging processes. Thus, having an active life is another strategy to slow down aging (De la Fuente et al. 2011).

    2.5.3 Environmental Enrichment

    Environmental enrichment (EE) could be defined as an experimental approach in animal models that mimics the maintenance of an active social, mental, and physical life in humans. Thus, EE is a continuous enhancement in cognitive, sensorimotor, and physical activity, which overcomes emotional stress. In general, the positive effects of EE are manifested by many molecular, cellular, and functional modifications, which lead to an overall improvement in the physiological and physical well-being of the subjects (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Arranz et al. 2010c; De la Fuente and Arranz 2012).

    The most frequently used EE protocol in rodents is housing the animals in large groups and cages with several types of objects (running wheels, tunnels, ladders, etc.) and spatial configurations, which are changed frequently. This more complex housing, with the continual introduction of new objects, induces sensory, cognitive, motor, and social stimulation. Moreover, the availability of running wheels, ropes, ladders, tunnels, or bridges allows the animal to exercise, and since EE animals are housed in relatively large cages, typically in groups of 6–12 animals, they have the opportunity for more social interaction. The beneficial effects of EE on the nervous and endocrine systems have been largely studied. Thus, EE produces improvements in learning and memory, preventing age-related cognitive impairments and reversing some of the negative consequences of neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, it increases brain plasticity and neurogenesis, particularly at the level of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. These effects can also be mediated, at least in part, by the effect of EE modulating the levels of hormones, such as the sexual hormones. In addition, EE can be positive in the regulation of stress-related disorders, conferring stress resistance, since it is able to protect the animal from the consequences of uncontrollable stress exposure (Schloesser et al. 2010). Nevertheless, there are few studies on the effects of EE on the immune system. We have carried out a study on mice using the type of EE mentioned above, and the results have shown an improvement in many functions of immune cells as well as a decrease in the oxidative-inflammatory stress of these cells. These positive effects were especially remarkable in old animals after a short period of EE. Moreover, when the EE starts at an adult age, a great increase in longevity occurs (Arranz et al. 2010c). A recent study showed that in triple transgenic mice for Alzheimer’s disease, EE improved several immune functions in males. The results obtained also suggested that active life (by means of EE) should be maintained until the natural death of the animal in order to preserve all the positive effects that this strategy exerts on the immune system (Arranz et al. 2011).

    Hydrotherapy is another strategy, which can be considered as a type of EE, for improving the neuroimmunoendocrine communication in old animals. In mice this therapy has consisted of simple baths (of 15 min/day) in normal hot tap water. After 2 and 4 weeks mice submitted to this EE showed an improvement of many behavioral parameters, which are clearly impaired with age. Moreover, this EE not only rejuvenated the nervous system of mice but also the immune system, improving all the functions of the immune cells studied, as well as their redox state (De la Fuente et al. 2011).

    These results show that EE may reverse the age-related dysfunction in immunity, as well as confirm the importance of maintaining active mental and/or physical activity to improve the quality of life and even to obtain a healthy longevity.

    2.5.4 Hormesis

    A phenomenon called hormesis has been proposed as a good strategy to achieve a healthy aging (Calabrese et al. 2012). It can be defined as a process in which exposure to a low amount of a chemical agent or environmental factors that are damaging in higher doses induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cell or organism (Mattson 2008). Hormesis is based on the fact that all living systems have the intrinsic ability to respond, to counteract, and to adapt to external and internal stress (Rattan 2008). In these adaptive responses to single or multiple mild stresses, after initial disruption of homeostasis, the organism responds with molecular and cellular protection and compensatory mechanisms, which provide beneficial effects activating the pathways of maintenance and repair of the biological systems. Thus, whereas excessive stress accelerates the aging process, the exposure to low doses of otherwise harmful agents, such as irradiation, food limitation, heat stress, exercise, hypoxia, and oxidant compounds, produces a variety of beneficial effects including improved health and an extended life span of organisms. These stressors which are called hormetins can be defined as any condition that may be potentially hormetic in physiological terms by involving one or more pathways of stress response within a cell (Rattan and Demirovic 2009).

    Many of the effects of the strategies mentioned above seem to be due to their hormetic properties. Several groups of hormetins have been proposed: (1) physical hormetins, such as heat, radiation and exercise; (2) biological and nutritional hormetins, such as nutrients and infections; and (3) physiological hormetins, such as mental challenge and focused attention or mediation (Rattan and Demirovic 2009). The mentioned above strategies, such as nutrition, exercise, as well as mental and social challenges of EE, which slow down aging belong to one of these groups. Thus, the positive effects of those strategies on the immune system and on a healthy aging could be based on the capacity of these strategies to carry out hormesis mechanisms through stimulating repair systems (Gaman et al. 2011).

    In spite of the recent increase in studies on hormesis, the basic nature of this phenomenon remains largely unknown (Vaiserman 2010). Nevertheless, hormetic interventions seem to be relevant strategies to improve immune function, and the functionality of the other regulatory systems, and therefore to slow down the aging process (De la Fuente et al. 2011; Calabrese et al. 2012). Hormetic Effects of Nutrition

    The mechanism of action of many antioxidant compounds in oxidative stress may not be related only to their antioxidant properties but to their hormetic activities. For example, antioxidants can activate, at a determined level, hormetic transcription factors such as NFκB and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), which result in the induction of genes encoding growth factors, antiapoptotic proteins, and antioxidant defenses (Mattson 2008). Moreover, several antioxidants such as polyphenols induce mitochondrial biogenesis, which is related to a more efficient energy production that contributes to a decrease in the levels of free radicals in the mitochondria and therefore to less oxidative tissue damage. Thus, many of the positive results obtained with a diet enriched with appropriated amounts of antioxidants in the functions of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems during aging could be attributed to the hormetic effects of these compounds. In fact, a hormetic role of dietary antioxidants with a U-shaped dose response in the redox situation of the organism has been proposed (Calabrese et al. 2010). Thus, many of the conflictive results obtained with the administration of antioxidant compounds could be due to the hormetic balance between the amount of antioxidant and the physiological state of the subject, especially at redox levels.

    With respect to dietary caloric restriction (CR), this strategy represents a mild dietary stress that produces hormetic responses in the organism. For this reason, when the CR is carried out without malnutrition, it delays most age-related physiological changes and extends life span in experimental animals (Kouda and Iki 2010). CR can show its hormetic properties increasing the silent mating-type information regulation 2 homolog 1 (SIRT1) mRNA expression, SIRT1 being a key regulator of many cellular defenses that allows survival in response to stress (Kouda and Iki 2010). CR also increases the levels and functions of heat shock proteins (HSP), these chaperones enhancing the stress resistance and consequently protecting cells against otherwise lethal levels of oxidative and metabolic stress. Other cytoprotective molecules upregulated by dietary energy restriction are the antioxidant defenses, which modulate the age-related oxidative stress situation.

    Many cell responses to CR are the result of the upregulation of expression of proteins involved in the regulation of mitochondrial oxidative state, which is denominated mitohormesis (Ristow and Zarse 2010; Ristow and Schmeisser 2011). The Hormetic Effects of Physical Exercise and EE

    Physical exercise is another strategy, which acts using hormetic mechanisms. Exercise

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