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Quiet Moments with God for Women
Quiet Moments with God for Women
Quiet Moments with God for Women
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Quiet Moments with God for Women

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Quiet Moments with God for Women has the potential of booming your day spa right in the privacy of your own home. A few moments spent in the Scripture selection, thought-provoking quotations, and insightful devotional will help cleanse away the dirt and grime of daily living. A little time considering the truths of the Bible will deeply massage

PublisherHonor Books
Release dateDec 20, 2022
Quiet Moments with God for Women

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    Quiet Moments with God for Women - Honor Books

    Quiet Moments

    with God

    for Women


    Quiet Moments with God for Women

    ISBN: 979-8-88898-018-7 - Paperback

    ISBN: 979-8-88898-019-4 - Hardcover

    ISBN: 979-8-88898-020-0 - Ebook

    Copyright © 2022 by Honor Books

    Cover design by Faille Schmitz.

    All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the Publisher.


    Quiet moments—for personal meditation, for fellowship with God—we women need both in order to live balanced lives while meeting the complex demands we face every day.

    As our world moves and swirls past us with great speed and intensity, it’s tempting to put those quiet times aside and regard them as luxuries rather than necessities. But the truth is—moments of quiet tranquility are critical. They help us define our relationships, our roles, our priorities, and ourselves. Without them, we become slaves to our lifestyles rather than the masters of them.

    We hope you will find that the devotionals in this book help you make your quiet moments productive and inspiring. We have selected those that relate specifically to issues women face. And we have made them short enough to fit easily into your special time apart yet long enough to provide a solid kick-off for your day. As you read, we hope that they will draw you closer to God.

    Starry, Starry Night

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.

    Psalm 19:1 KJV

    Remember when you were a child, lying on your back outdoors, staring up at the celestial stream of stars and moon? All was peaceful and still. How relaxing it was to quietly gaze at the shimmering lights and simply dream! Even as an adult, you are not too old for that. Everyone needs a quiet time to be alone with God, without television, radio, or teaching tapes. If you can’t find quiet time, it’s because you’ve given it away. But you can take it back now.

    God created you more special than all other things, even the stars in the heavens. The psalmist wrote in Psalms 8:3-5 KJV, When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.

    God has a special place in His heart just for you and wants you to know Him in a more intimate way. The Lord desires this relationship even more than you do. Having your friendship pleases Him.

    Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy, who tells you that God is angry because you haven’t read your Bible lately. As you spend time with God, you will be strengthened. This strength will keep you from throwing in the towel when times get tough. Make your quiet time top priority. Consider it an appointment with God. Mark on your calendar now the time you plan to spend with God each day and give it first place.

    So necessary is our friendship to God that he approaches us and asks us to be his friends.

    Meister Eckhart

    I Can See Clearly Now

    We know that, when he appears, we shall be like him, because we shall see him just as he is.

    1 John 3:2 nasb

    Between Macon and Valdosta, Georgia, lies a stretch of Interstate 75, known for heavy fog that causes massive pileups of cars, vans, trucks, and campers. Several times each year horrible accidents happen as drivers enter the thick fog. Many can’t even see the front of their own vehicles, much less beyond.

    The result is a disaster waiting to happen—and often it does. Many people are injured, vehicles are destroyed, and motorists are delayed for hours. The costs to personal property, the city, and the state, as well as the increase in insurance rates are astronomical. But the worst tragedy is the loss of human life.

    Drivers involved in these accidents will tell you the same story. They saw the fog but didn’t think it was as thick as it turned out to be. They hoped to pass through it safely by turning their blinkers on and driving slowly. These drivers had no idea that many vehicles in front of them had already been forced to stop—often victims of whatever tragedy had occurred to a car or truck ahead of them.

    In this life, we may see things through a fog of confusion or circumstances. But the day will come when we can stand before Christ, when we will see Him clearly just as He is, in all His glory. Nothing will be able to cloud the true and living Christ from our vision when we go to Heaven.

    The good news is that we don’t have to wait. Today, right now, we can see Him clearly through His Word and in the lives of our Godly brothers and sisters.

    Heaven is the place where questions and answers become one.

    Elie Wiesel

    Downhill from Here

    Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into marvelous light.

    1 Peter 2:9 KJV

    Jean-Claude Killy, the French ski champion, did more than just work hard at his sport.

    When he made his nation’s ski team in the early 1960s, he was determined to be the best. He decided vigorous training was the key. Up at dawn each day, he ran up mountains with his skis on—a very painful activity. He endured intense weight training and sprinting because he was determined to do whatever it took to reach peak physical condition.

    However, other team members were working just as hard, and in the end it was a change in style, not conditioning, that set Killy apart.

    The goal in ski racing is to ski down a prescribed mountain course faster than anyone else. Killy began experimenting to see if he could pare any seconds off his time. He found that if he skied with his legs apart, he had better balance. He also found that if he sat back on his skis when executing a turn, instead of leaning forward as was customary, he had better control, which also resulted in faster times. Rather than regarding his ski poles as an accessory for balance, Killy tried using them to propel himself forward.

    Killy’s style was unorthodox. But when he won most of the major ski events in 1966 and 1967, including three gold medals at the Winter Olympics, skiers around the world took notice. Today, the Killy style is the norm among downhill and slalom racers. Any other style would be considered odd.¹

    As Christians we are not called to conform to the world’s standards, but to God’s standards. Our lifestyle should challenge people to come to Jesus Christ and live according to His higher ways and purposes. The Christian style may seem odd to the unbeliever, but in the end, it is the style that will prevail!

    Don’t be afraid to be a little unusual today in the eyes of those who observe you. Your example may help win them over to a championship lifestyle.

    If you want to be original, just try being yourself, because God has never made two people exactly alike.

    Bernard Meltzer

    Prepare to Dare

    Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly.

    Proverbs 13:16

    Trying something new can be frightening, and may even be dangerous. That’s why it’s much smarter to take a calculated risk than a reckless plunge.

    A calculated risk is what Charles Lindbergh took when he decided to fly across the Atlantic, alone, in a single-engine plane. Was Lindbergh fearful? He certainly might have been if he had never flown before, or if he had known nothing about planes. If he hadn’t trusted the builder of his plane or his mechanics, he also would have had a good reason to be anxious. And if he had decided to make the trip on a whim, without advance planning, he certainly would have been labeled foolish.

    But none of those factors were true in Lindbergh’s case. He was an experienced pilot and mechanic who personally spent months overseeing the construction of his plane. He participated in the planning of every detail of his historic flight. The end result was a safe trip, finished ahead of schedule with fuel to spare.²

    To a great extent, Lucky Lindy made his own luck.

    Likewise, heroic spiritual moments are nearly always grounded in advance preparation. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s court, unknowingly being prepared for the day he would demand that Pharaoh let his people leave Egypt. Daniel was a man of prayer years before the king issued a decree banning prayer. The violation landed Daniel in a lion’s den, where his prayers of protection were answered.

    David was part of Saul’s royal court and married to Saul’s daughter. This was part of his preparation for assuming the throne one day. The years he spent in the wilderness prepared him spiritually to trust God, and God alone, to preserve him, protect him, and help him rule an empire. Esther prepared herself for a year before she won the contest to be queen. She prepared herself again before boldly coming to the king to expose the enemy of her people.

    You may not see clearly what God’s purpose is for your life, but you can trust in the fact that He is preparing you for it. He will not waste a moment of your life. So make every relationship and experience count today because He is grooming you for future greatness!

    I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light.

    Mary Gardiner Brainard

    At Last . . .

    I will praise you, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation.

    Psalm 118:21 nkjv

    The story is told of a diamond prospector in Venezuela named Rafael Solano. He was one of many impoverished natives and fortune seekers who came to sift through the rocks of a dried-up riverbed reputed to have diamonds. No one, however, had had any luck for some time in finding any diamonds in the sand and pebbles. One by one, those who came left the site—their dreams shattered, and their bodies drained.

    Discouraged and exhausted, Solano had just about decided it was time for him to give up too. He had nothing to show for months of hard work.

    Then Solano stooped down one last time and scooped up a handful of pebbles, if only so he could say he had personally inspected every pebble in his claim. From the pebbles in his hand, he pulled out one that seemed a little different. He weighed it in his other hand. It seemed heavy. He measured it and weighed it on a scale. Could it be?

    Sure enough, Solano had found a diamond in the rough! New York jewelry dealer Harry Winston paid Solano $200,000 for that stone. When it was cut and polished, it became known as the Liberator, and it is considered the largest and purest unmined diamond in the world.

    You may have been plugging away at a project for weeks, even months or years, without seeing much progress. Today may be the day. Don’t give up!

    The Scriptures are filled with examples of men and women who, on the verge of disaster or failure, experienced God’s creative work in their lives. Remind yourself . . .

    God’s Word is true.

    God can part the sea.

    God can heal the incurable.

    God can provide water from a rock and manna from the heavens.

    God can conquer your enemies.

    God can still deliver from the fiery furnace and the lion’s den.

    Persevere in what He has asked you to do today because your rewards will be greater than you can think or imagine!

    Perseverance is the rope that ties the soul to the doorpost of heaven.

    Frances J. Roberts

    Serendipity Moments

    We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.

    Ephesians 2:10 kjv

    Serendipity, according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, is the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for. We sometimes call it an accident, dumb luck, or fate, but serendipity has given us new products and better ways of doing things.

    We all know examples of serendipity, such as Columbus’s discovery of America while searching for a route to India. Maple syrup was discovered by Native Americans when, needing water, they tapped a maple tree and made the first maple syrup as they boiled off the sap. Westward-traveling pioneers looking for water stopped at a stream for a drink and found gold nuggets in it.

    While George Balias was driving his car through a car wash, he had a moment of serendipity that made him a millionaire. As he watched the strings of the brushes cleaning his car, he turned his mind to his list of things to do, among them edging his lawn.

    Suddenly an idea popped into his head. He took another long look at the strings on the rotating brush. The strings straightened out when turning at high speed but were still flexible enough to reach into every nook and cranny of his car to get it clean. He asked himself, Why not use a nylon cord, whirling at high speed, to trim the grass and weeds around the trees and the house? His idea—his serendipity—led to the invention of the Weedeater.

    Where do we get new ideas? God is the Master behind serendipity! He may not always give you a million-dollar idea, but He will make you more creative. One expert gives this advice: Capture the ideas, jot them down quickly before they are gone, and evaluate them later. Take time to daydream with the Lord. Seek new challenges. Expand your perspective. Learn and do new things.³

    Remember today that God is your Creator—and the Creator of everything in the universe. Ask Him to inspire you with new ideas that can glorify Him and benefit others. We are co-creators with Him!

    Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

    Lord Chesterfield

    Take a Breather

    The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

    Genesis 2:7 NKJV

    The fast-paced, relentless duties of life often cause us to declare with a sigh, I need a breather. We may be voicing more truth than we realize! Medical researchers have discovered that for virtually every person who works—whether at physically demanding manual labor or intellectually demanding white-collar labor—performance level improves when a person breathes properly.

    Good breathing is defined as regular, deep, and slow. The opposite—uneven, shallow, and rapid—is a sure sign to most physicians that something is seriously wrong. Good breathing is essential for good health. It supplies oxygen to the bloodstream, which is vital for the functioning of all bodily organs, especially the heart and brain.

    The Scriptures tell us God breathes His life into us both physically and spiritually. Jesus breathed upon His disciples to impart the Holy Spirit to them. (See John 20:22.) The early church experienced the Holy Spirit as a rushing mighty wind—a manifestation of the breath of God. (See Acts 2:1-2.)

    Today in our personal lives, an awareness of the Spirit of God working in us is often experienced as a fresh breeze, one that cleanses and revives us in every part of our being. The word inspiration literally means to have the things of the Spirit put into us.

    We do well to take a periodic breather in the Lord’s presence. When we do, we find the rhythm of our life evens out. We find our spirits are refreshed and renewed at a level deeper than the superficiality of our daily routine.


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