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Divine Appointments
Divine Appointments
Divine Appointments
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Divine Appointments

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At the age of seventy-six with my health failing, I wrote this autobiography to help others learn from my past experiences. It is my testimony about God's grace, mercy, faithfulness, patience, love, salvation, healing, deliverance, and particularly His sovereignty. Because of God's sovereignty, my life has been a series of divine appointments. Looking back, I can now see how God was watching over my life, even before I experienced His saving grace.

I made several serious mistakes in my walk with God, which I hope will help the reader learn from my errors. You will find my experiences with God to be encouraging, informative, enlightening, inspiring, and protective regarding the many spiritual landmines the kingdom of darkness lays to harm us.

God has worked in my life in such a way that He has combined what I did as a private detective before my conversion to Jesus Christ with the ministry He called me to after His saving grace delivered me from occult deception. The things I learned from each divine appointment will help the reader not only grow in your personal relationship with God but also to understand political and economic forces that are trying to enslave the world under the Antichrist.

Release dateAug 4, 2021
Divine Appointments

David Scott

DAVID T. SCOTT has served as a top-tier marketing executive for Fortune 500 companies and billion-dollar enterprises. He is currently the CEO and founder of Marketfish, a lead-generation marketing company with offices in Seattle and New York.

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    Divine Appointments - David Scott


    Divine Appointments

    David Scott

    Copyright © 2021 by David Scott

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    From Birth through High school

    Next Two Years of College

    Four Years in the USAF

    Between the USAF and Bible School

    Four Years in Bible School

    Missionary Work after Bible School

    Postgraduate Work at Bible School

    Retreat Center Ministry and Marriage

    First Three Years of Marriage

    Move to New Jersey and Call to Missions

    Transition as Missionary to New Zealand

    Three and a Half Years in Christchurch

    Three and a Half Years in Dunedin

    Four Months in Australia

    Return to the USA

    I owe everything good in my life to the saving grace of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. God deserves all the glory for the things He taught me as described in this book.


    The message of this book is a combination of topics due to three things:

    I have served God part-time since 1966 as a Bible teacher, Gospel singer, apologist, evangelist, missionary, intercessor, and eschatologist.

    I have also been a part-time private investigator since 1962 due to something the FBI director did for me early that year.

    I have worked full-time in various trades to pay my own way in the ministry because I don’t serve God for money. I serve Him out of gratitude for His saving grace. I also use what I earn as a tradesman to pay for my work as a private investigator so I can share what I discover with anyone I want to.

    God has given me wisdom to combine two of the things briefly mentioned above in such a way that even my work as a private investigator is part of my ministry. The contents of this book will explain how and why. I also attribute much of what I’ve learned as a private investigator to the sovereignty of God. That is why I’ve entitled this Divine Appointments. Much of what I’ve learned as a private investigator was brought to me by God’s sovereignty. I wasn’t looking for it.

    I am now seventy-six years old, and my health is failing. God has taught me so much over the years that is of great importance that I want to share it with as many people as possible. I would like the reader to learn from the things I learned the hard way. This autobiography is my way of preserving these valuable lessons so nothing will be lost.

    My book is being written in two volumes due to publishing restrictions. My first manuscript was too large. The first part describes important events in my life, which illustrate God’s sovereignty, love, grace, and mercy. The second part is a compilation of lessons learned that are of great importance.


    God has used a lot of people to bless my life. There isn’t space to mention all of them, but I want to give special thanks to the following people who helped me the most in ministry:

    Lieutenant Colonel John DeSanctis—a pastor God used to help me experience His saving grace in 1966.

    Emmet Chapman—my best friend during the first one and a half years of ministry.

    Irwin Tucker—a missionary I worked with in Canada for one and a half years after Bible school.

    Richard Minus—my best friend in the ministry between 1983–2003.

    George Cuff—pastor of Calvary Chapel in Denver, Colorado.

    Uaale Elisara—a Samoan pastor who was my best friend during our last nine months in New Zealand.

    Dr. Gustave Hoyer—researched Bible numerics for over fifty years.

    Mary Relfe—personal friend who authored three books on eschatology.

    My late wife, Joan—for the input she gave me in the writing of this book.

    I also want to thank the following people for what they did to help me as a part-time private investigator:

    J. Edgar Hoover—for giving me an autographed copy of Masters of Deceit.

    Rear Admiral Chester Ward—Navy intelligence officer.

    Lieutenant General Daniel Graham—USAF intelligence officer.

    Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin—Army intelligence officer.

    Lieutenant Colonel Speed Wilson—USMC intelligence officer.

    Lieutenant Colonel Curtis Dahl—Army intelligence and FDR’s son-in-law.

    Lieutenant Colonel James Gritz—too many things to enumerate.

    Lieutenant Colonel Texe Marrs—Army intelligence related to Bible prophecy.

    Donald McAlvaney—Christian, former FBI agent.

    Stan Deyo—Christian, former FBI agent.

    Daniel Smoot—Christian, former FBI agent.

    Senator Jeremiah Denton—too many things to enumerate.

    Senator Steve Symms—Christian convention speaker.

    Senator Rand Paul—too many things to enumerate.

    Congressman Ron Paul—too many things to enumerate.

    Congressman Ed Forsythe—too many things to enumerate.

    Congressman Larry McDonald—tried to expose 259 members of the House and Senate with ties to the Communist Party (95 percent were Democrats).

    Congressman George Hansen—too much to enumerate.

    Congressman Bob Dornan—for efforts to investigate Russian concentration camps in Alaska that were built at invitation of Jimmy Carter.


    Not knowing how much longer my health will sustain me, I desire this autobiography to inform the reader of many important things. The most important info of all is understanding God’s plan for salvation. Without experiencing His saving grace, nothing else in the book will be of any value to the reader. God’s plan of salvation is not only explained in my personal testimony but also in Part 2. There is also much from my experience to teach you about growing in God’s grace.

    What I learned as a private investigator relates to end-time Bible prophecy. What the Bible calls the mystery of iniquity is no longer a mystery to me. Having a good understanding of what I’ve learned about this will help you prepare for the coming persecution that will coincide with a holiness revival that God will use to prepare us for Jesus’s return.

    God sent my wife and me to New Zealand for seven years to promote biblical revival. We lived in Christchurch for a little over three and a half years and in Dunedin for a little less than the same time. Many of the essays in Part 2 were written during that time. Some of those essays explain exactly how I define biblical revival. They also provide insights into understanding the book of Revelation. They explain things that have infiltrated the church to lead it into apostasy. Some essays reveal how Kundalini Yoga has infiltrated the church and how I learned about it the hard way. Certain forms of worldliness have also infiltrated the church in such clever ways that my insights should help you discern it for what it really is so you can avoid it.

    We learned that the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004, the double tsunami that hit Samoa in 2009, and the 7,500 earthquakes and aftershocks that hit Christchurch for twelve months starting in 2010 were judgments from God. In each case, God told someone before He did it. A pastor in Chennai, India, sent us an email informing us of the prophet who predicted the Boxing Day tsunami.

    Because the Boxing Day tsunami brought judgment to four nations, God arranged for us to also learn why He judged Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka from people He had us meet through divine appointments. We learned why God judged Thailand from Thai missionaries. We learned why He judged Indonesia from a man who used to be a Muslim in the secret police. There was a big media cover-up about that. We learned why He judged Sri Lanka from a former missionary who worked there.

    God spoke to a pastor in Samoa about the double tsunami that was going to hit them in three days. He sent an email to someone from his church who was visiting Australia to let her know how God spared them. She informed a pastor in Australia about it, and God told that pastor to forward that email to us.

    God also spoke to a personal Chinese Christian friend that He was about to destroy the city of Christchurch. The first magnitude 8.2 quake hit the city a month after they moved to a new house on solid ground. Their old house was liquified because it was built upon reclaimed swampland. Many more details about this are revealed in a chapter in this book.

    The Lord used my machinist trade to not only open the doors for missionary work in New Zealand but also to meet the prime minister. He did something on that occasion that can’t be described in this brief introduction. Many more details are in a chapter in this book. The details about this are also in another book I wrote entitled Ambassador Undercover.

    I hope this will whet your appetite to read the rest of my book. Much of it is rather controversial. I haven’t written this to offend anyone but to warn them. I’ve learned too much the hard way to keep quiet and have anyone’s blood on my hands.


    From Birth through High school

    Divine appointments are events in one’s life, which are orchestrated by the sovereign power of God. The Bible says that God knows us from our mother’s womb. This means that whatever family we are born into is the result of God’s sovereign choice for our lives. In my case, my first divine appointment was being born into the family of Roland and Wanda Scott.

    Because God chose them to be my parents, I was exposed to the Christian faith at an early age. Although my parents were not born again, they at least had enough respect for God to raise me in a church. This was because my mother had an aunt and uncle who were born again.

    Uncle Frank and Aunt Gladys attended a Grace Brethren Church. Everyone on my dad’s side of the family was born again. His parents attended the West Side Gospel Hall in Cleveland, Ohio. Grandpa David and Grandma Molly were nondenominational fundamentalists. My dad’s sister, Maureen, and her husband also attended the West Side Gospel Hall. Uncle Jim was an evangelist for that church. My dad’s brother, Jack, and his wife, Jean, attended a Plymouth Brethren church. My dad’s brother, James, and his wife, Thelma, attended Westmont Chapel, a nondenominational evangelical church. The wonderful thing about those ten relatives is that they all told me the same things about God’s way of salvation. All of their churches agreed upon the basic truths of God’s Word.

    Because God often works by His sovereignty anonymously, it is usually quite difficult to perceive what He is doing unless He gives us a supernatural ability to recognize it. In my case, I didn’t see God’s hand at work in my life until I was born again at the age of twenty-two. This is because Jesus Christ said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3 KJV).

    The Bible also says we become spiritual babes at the time we are born again. As a result, we often fail to see God’s hand at work in our lives until we spiritually mature. In my case, I did not recognize my second divine appointment until I had been walking with the Lord for several years.

    My second divine appointment occurred when I was eight. I was stricken by rheumatic fever and hospitalized for about six weeks. Then I was sent home for bed rest for another six weeks. During that time, the pastor of our church gave me a children’s Bible to read. God used it to speak to my heart about the importance of living our lives to please Him. The story about God using Samuel when he was only a child particularly impressed me when I read it. Although I’m now seventy-six, I can still recall how Samuel’s story touched my heart.

    Because I believed everything I read in that children’s Bible, it is likely that I was born again at that time. However, I was so ignorant of spiritual things that I failed to grow afterward. I continued living like I did before, which resulted in being quite carnal if not backslidden. Yet a seed was planted in my heart by God’s sovereignty, which finally started producing spiritual fruit in my life when I was twenty-two.

    Another reason I’m inclined to believe I was born again while reading that children’s Bible is because of what God did during my third divine appointment. When I was twelve, I had a dream one night in which I was taken to heaven and shown what life is like there. Because of all the years that have elapsed since then, I no longer remember every detail of what I saw in heaven. However, I do recall how everyone in heaven got along with each other without envy, pride, anger, or any other type of character flaw. Life in heaven was in complete harmony. Everyone had a job to do. I no longer recall all the different jobs I saw performed there, but I do remember seeing gardeners, carpenters, and stonemasons. The trees, flowers, and grass were so much more beautiful than those on earth that I’m unable to describe them.

    There was a point in that dream when God also let me experience what it is like to go to hell. It was pitch-black there. It gave me a feeling of being in solitary confinement in complete darkness for eternity. There was no one to talk to. I couldn’t see anything because of the darkness. It gave me such a horrible feeling that I cried out to God to help me. An instant later, I woke up.

    An experience like that is difficult to explain fully. It left me with a sense that I could experience something wonderful if I would live my life to please God. If I didn’t repent and lived only to please myself, I would spend eternity in darkness. The thought of that was so dreadful that I was unable to face the reality of it right away. I did my best to put it out of my mind and ignore it. Because I was so ignorant about spiritual things, I did not know how to give the response to God that He wanted from me. While the church in which my parents raised me taught a lot of good things about God, it did not teach about the new birth, repentance, or the first principles someone needs to grow as a babe in Christ.

    What I saw was very much the same as the experience of Ian McCormick after he was stung by box jellyfish in Mauritius during the 1990s. Ian died from the stings, and God raised him from the dead. He, too, saw both hell and heaven before God raised him. His testimony has been reproduced by actors in a movie called A Glimpse of Eternity. Like me, Ian also saw pitch blackness for a while before the Lord caught him up to heaven. The movie about him is also included in another movie called The Lazarus Phenomenon.

    My fourth divine appointment was not directly related to anything spiritual. However, God used it to make me aware how much I needed Him. A few months before I graduated from high school in 1962, the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover sent me a book he wrote called Masters of Deceit. It was about all of the lies communists tell to recruit ignorant, gullible college students to join their conspiracy. In his letter to me, Mr. Hoover said that he sent the book to protect me from what he knew I would encounter when I went to college after I graduated. Because of my concern about communist subversion, I did not hesitate to read his book. What I learned became very important a couple months after I went to Syracuse University in the fall.

    My next divine appointment came a couple of weeks before I graduated from high school. It was not directly related to anything spiritual either. However, God used it to make me aware of things pertaining to eschatology after His Word finally took root in my life at the age of twenty-two. That divine appointment occurred one morning after I completed my paper route. That was the first time I finished delivering papers twenty minutes faster than usual. I usually finished my delivery route at 7:00 a.m. Sometimes I was five minutes quicker. That day, however, I was twenty minutes quicker. It was also the first time I had an extra paper in two years. I had twenty extra minutes available while my mother was preparing breakfast. I decided to sit on the back porch and read the extra paper to see if there was anything important worth knowing about.

    I did not notice anything of great importance to me until I got to the back page. There was a very brief article one column wide and only an inch long that grabbed my attention. It said that the Russians destroyed a whole mountain with a weapon that wasn’t a bomb. No one knew what type of weapon could do that. I found out what it was three years later through another divine appointment. I’ll describe that when I get to it later in this anecdote.


    Next Two Years of College

    My sixth divine appointment occurred a few weeks into my first semester at Syracuse University. There was an evening when I had no homework. It was the first time I had no homework since I began that semester. Because my best friend did have homework, I realized I needed to find something else to do instead of hanging out with him. As I pondered what I could do with my spare time, someone informed me that an official from the ACLU was giving a lecture in our dorm lounge. There was an open invitation for anyone to attend. The idea seemed like a good one, so I went to hear the ACLU official speak.

    Everything the ACLU official said was right out of J. Edgar Hoover’s book, Masters of Deceit. He justified everything he said against the United States by quoting Karl Marx, Mao, Trotsky, Lenin, and other communist leaders. I was able to recognize who he was quoting because all of his quotes were in the FBI Director’s book. As a result, I realized he had ulterior motives to what he was telling us. He had a hidden agenda.

    When he finished his talk, he was approached by a student in my dorm who had a reputation of being an outspoken communist. They walked off together toward the snack bar at the west side of the lounge. I decided to follow them to eavesdrop in on their conversation. I went through the line to buy snacks right behind them. They said nothing but small talk during that time. After they paid for their snacks, I got some of my own and sat at a table across from them.

    The student began their conversation by saying, I perceived from what you said tonight that you are a fellow comrade.

    The ACLU official from their New York City office nodded his head, Yes.

    The student went on to tell him how he infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement in Syracuse. He then described how he was being quite successful in promoting party goals more than civil rights. When he finished, the ACLU official complimented him on a job well done.

    When it was his turn to speak, the ACLU official told the student he didn’t need to infiltrate the ACLU because the whole organization is a front for the Communist Party. He said their main objective is to subvert the Constitution and its Bill of Rights by perverting their intended meaning. The way they got prayer removed from our public schools that same year was an example. They were able to get rid of prayer in the schools, not only by the way their court arguments perverted the true meaning of the Bill of Rights but also because they had judges on the Supreme Court who supported their position.

    When I realized that the US Supreme Court was infiltrated by communist traitors, I became so angry that I realized they might suspect I was overhearing their conversation. Because I had finished eating my snacks at that same time, it seemed wise to leave the area and dispose of my garbage on the way out. As a result, I do not know what they said after I left.

    Because my father often said things against communism when I was growing up, I decided to tell him what I overheard. Dad replied by telling me of three patriotic groups who could help me become better informed about communist traitors. I got in contact with all three groups, and they sent me literature that informed me about things that J. Edgar Hoover did not mention in his book. The group I liked the best was the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade (CACC). As a result, I was in contact with them much more than the other two.

    One of the first things the CACC told me when they responded to my first inquiry was that I would not be able to handle what they were about to teach me unless I was born again. They let me know that communist subversion in the USA had reached such large proportions that it would produce depression if I did not have God’s presence and peace in my heart. What they told me about God’s way of salvation was the same as my ten Christian relatives.

    My seventh divine appointment occurred at the beginning of my sophomore year at Syracuse University in 1963. My roommate was a USAF intelligence officer. Captain Dungan was there to complete his degree using a military grant. Because he was obviously patriotic, it was easy for me to tell him about what happened my previous year regarding the ACLU and the Civil Rights Movement. He had no difficulty believing me because he already knew more than I did. While he agreed that communism posed a serious threat to our future, he said that he considered the Black Muslims to be an even greater threat. This was because he knew they began plotting a violent racial revolution in 1953. However, I discovered in 1967 that the Black Muslims are really communists pretending to be Muslims hiding behind the First Amendment to disguise their true intentions. Thus, the communists have two plans to establish a dictatorship over the USA. One is to accomplish their evil plan by peaceful means if possible. If not, they plan to do it with violence. How I came to discover this occurred in 1967 and is the result of another divine appointment. I’ll elaborate on this when I reach that year in this chronology.

    Another divine appointment during my sophomore year at Syracuse University was becoming close friends with a senior named Len Tashman. Len was conservative like me. He had the IQ of a genius and had a photographic mind in that he could remember everything he read the first time he read it. As a result, he got straight As in all of his courses in Political Science. All of his professors were communists, which resulted in frequent disagreements with them. However, Len had the intelligence to disagree with them in a respectful way and expressed his views with such wisdom that they gave him good grades in spite of their disagreements. Thus, his professors could be described as also having some integrity, which is no longer true of leftist professors in our universities today.

    As my sophomore year progressed, I discovered that every curriculum taught at Syracuse University had the communist philosophy woven into them. The only exception was the Forestry College in which I was enrolled. Toward the end of my sophomore year, Len informed me that 60 percent of the students at Syracuse University were Jewish like himself. He was greatly concerned that 90 percent of them were pro-communist like their professors. The more we observed the activities of these and other leftist students, the more I realized the university faculty and staff were heavily infiltrated by communists.


    Four Years in the USAF

    By the end of my sophomore year, I was more interested in fighting Communism than forestry. Captain Dungan’s positive influence in my life motivated me to enlist in the USAF in 1964. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was working in my life sovereignly through that decision. After completing my basic training in San Antonio, Texas, I was sent to a school for personnel training at Amarillo AFB, Texas.

    How I was chosen for personnel training was another act of God’s sovereignty. When I first enlisted in the USAF, I was most interested in personnel work because I cared about people more than machines. After everyone in my squadron had taken certain aptitude tests, we were interviewed about what our career goals were. The sergeant who interviewed me began by asking what I wanted to do for the USAF. I told him I was hoping to do personnel work. He then pointed out that I did exceptionally well on my Morse Code aptitude test. Because of this, he said that my first choice for a USAF career should be working as a Non-Morse Intercept Operator.

    I then pointed out that the test really didn’t evaluate my aptitude for Morse Code because I already knew it from my Boy Scout training. The sergeant quickly changed his mind about making me a Non-Morse Intercept Operator because the USAF wanted its airmen to learn Morse Code their way and not the Boy Scout way. What I already knew would make it difficult for me to learn Morse Code the USAF way.

    The sergeant then pointed out that I also did exceptionally well in the language aptitude test. Because of this, he thought I could best serve Uncle Sam by getting training to work as an attaché at the US embassy in Moscow. I then pointed out all of my anti-communist activities during my two years at Syracuse University. This was troubling to the sergeant because that prevented me from getting a top-secret security clearance. My anti-communist activities left me qualified for only a secret security clearance. For some reason, the government

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