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Creating Gaia Culture: Vision and Workbook
Creating Gaia Culture: Vision and Workbook
Creating Gaia Culture: Vision and Workbook
Ebook267 pages2 hours

Creating Gaia Culture: Vision and Workbook

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Humanity stands at the threshold of a new phase of Earth's planetary evolution. Breathtaking possibilities – in tune with the evolutionary path of the universe – are now available. Yet the question arises: Does humanity have the ideas, foresight and potential for action that could create a culture that corresponds to the planet's transformation?
In the midst of distressing ecological crises, Marko Pogačnik offers fresh hope. Having worked intensively in the fields of holistic ecology (geomancy) and Earth-healing for four decades, he now formulates a vision of a culture based on co-creation with Gaia (the Earth), her elemental worlds and beings from parallel evolutions. Creating Gaia Culture is also a workbook, featuring dozens of drawings and meditative exercises to help transcend mental obstacles by cultivating the quality of living imagina­tion.
Pogačnik – UNO Goodwill Ambassador and UNESCO Artist for Peace – presents numerous ways to collaborate with the process of creating Gaia culture. He allows us to look into the primeval source of the future by interpreting the ancient book of the biblical Apocalypse – a text that holds the secret of Earth changes in a coded vision of a new human civilization – and uses his experiences, visions, dream stories and communications with beings from parallel worlds to trigger pictures that can enable a new human culture become a tactile reality.
'The only path that makes sense is to reconnect with the essence of life and embrace a loving partnership with Gaia, Earth. This path involves a challenging transformation of our current cultures and may provoke changes in many aspects of the embodied world as we know it, as we continue to evolve into the future.'
Release dateOct 28, 2021
Creating Gaia Culture: Vision and Workbook

Marko Pogačnik

MARKO POGAČNIK was born in 1944 in Kranj, and lives in Šempas, Slovenia. He worked in Conceptual Art and Land Art as a member of the OHO group during the years 1965-71. He has had exhibitions in Aktionsraum, Munich, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Venice Biennale. After 1979 he worked in the field of art combined with integral ecology (geomancy). He has developed a method of Earth healing called ‘lithopuncture’, which utilizes stones complemented with carved ‘cosmograms’. His works stand in many countries around the world, including in Europe, South & North America, Africa and Asia. After 1998 he developed Gaia Touch body exercises to tune to the essence of the Earth and its transforming process. His books in English include: Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings, Touching the Breath of Gaia, Turned Upside Down, Gaia’s Quantum Leap, Sacred Geography and The Universe of the Human Body. In 2016 he was appointed by the UNESCO Secretary General as Artist for Peace. Marko’s website is

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    Book preview

    Creating Gaia Culture - Marko Pogačnik


    Why this book?

    Co-working during the last few decades intensely with the Earth and her beings, I dare to say that we are now at the threshold of a new phase of Earth’s planetary evolution. Gaia and her elemental beings create breathtaking new conditions for life upon the planet, in tune with the future-promising evolutionary path of the universe. This is wonderful to know, even in the midst of rather distressing ecological situations that almost daily become worse. Yet the question arises: Do there exist human visions, ideas, and actions that would create a human culture, corresponding to the mentioned planetary transformation, that would also satisfy humanity’s desire for a culture of peace and mutual understanding among people and nations?

    In the past millennia, human beings—in general—have inwardly matured to a point that can be considered their adult stage of evolution. Unfortunately, we have taken a destructive path in the development of weapons, technology, and dangerous political and economic systems with the potential to destroy life upon Earth and the future of human culture. Instead we should be taking at this point full responsibility for our ideas, emotions, and creations—the proper sign of adulthood.

    Together with the Earth and her beings, we find ourselves in the midst of a cosmic change that presents two conflicting realities. On the one hand, the present, material, three-dimensional world of nature and culture is deteriorating and disappearing. On the other hand, Gaia and her elemental helpers are creating new conditions for life. These new life-conditions cannot yet be seen or enjoyed as living reality, but by opening our perceptions to different levels of multidimensional reality we can experience them.

    We should not stay behind! Even if the majority of humankind is still entangled in the disappearing world structures, we should not submit ourselves to lethargy. Instead, let us gather our experiences from the past and visions of the future and create an open matrix of a culture tuned to the recent development within the Earth and her cosmos.

    This short introduction uncovers several reasons why the present book has a need to exist among billions of books written by the creative genius of the human family:

    1.The book formulates the vision of a possible future human culture based upon co-creation with Gaia, her elemental worlds, and beings from parallel evolutions. It presents a utopian image of Gaia Culture, but also presents possibilities for the reader on how to collaborate with the process of its creation.

    2.The book offers different exercises that can help the individual in developing needed sensibility, and the courage to practice a new level of perception that enables us to perceive beyond the rational borders that separate modern human beings from the wholeness of life.

    3.The book offers the possibility to look into the primeval source of the future human culture by interpreting the ancient text of the Apocalypse in a completely new way. In the so-called ‘Revelation of Saint John’, the seed of—at that time—future Earth Changes, along with the vision of a new human culture are coded.

    4.The book uses my experiences, visions, dream stories, communications with beings from the parallel worlds, peppered with 45 drawings and 40 meditative exercises, to help transcend the inherent mental structures, by triggering the quality of imagination within the reader. Imaginations can help the reader envision future human culture as an almost tactile reality, and actually help move this reality closer to manifestation.

    Imagination is the basic tool of any creative process!

    Gaia Culture vision

    The idea to develop a Gaia-centred culture appeared unexpectedly during my flight from Venice to Lisbon in the year 2005. I travelled with my friend and collaborator Peter to Tamera, a human-ecological centre in the Evora region of Portugal, with an invitation to build a Geopuncture installation. We would work together with some members of the Tamera community, previously taught by Peter to carve stones and create ‘Cosmograms’. A Geopuncture installation is a group of monolithic stones. Into each stone is carved a symbol with a message (a Cosmogram), that expresses the contained message not only through physical forms but also as a source of specific etheric energy movements coded in their concave forms.

    The Geopuncture circle in Tamera is one of the first two installations of its kind, representing the start of a new collective art project. There are now 27 Geopuncture circles created in different land/cityscapes in Europe and in the American continent, comprising several hundred stones with carved cosmograms. Their purpose is to touch the body of the Earth at different points upon its surface with specific messages, thus developing a silent dialogue between the Earth—including its elemental worlds—and the human race.

    It is not by chance that the idea for the Gaia Culture was born during a flight that ended with the creation of a Geopuncture circle themed ‘Sociogram’—representing a complete presentation of the (ideal) human society. The Gaia Culture vision should, as a next step after the ‘Sociogram’, give an idea how human society could be transformed and become connected to the consciousness and to vital cycles of our home planet in a new way, comprising responsibility towards all aspects of life, visible and invisible.

    Gaia Culture (alternatively Geaculture or Geoculture), according to the inspiration I received during a flight from Venice to Lisbon, is composed of three sequences:

    1.The first of these sequences concerns the human being as an individual and the need to embody abilities that will enable us to co-create, along with the living and conscious Earth, a culture of peace and togetherness. (Part 2 of the book)

    2.The next sequence of the Gaia Culture plan is dedicated to relationships in human society—relationships built upon the above set of individual qualities. (Part 4)

    3.The third sequence is dedicated to co-existence and cooperation of human individuals and our society with the beings of parallel evolutions that are part of the larger Earth that I call ‘Earthly cosmos’. (Part 5)

    Travelling through our Gaia Culture book will provide the opportunity to meet all three sequences and their different aspects and—most importantly—get a feeling for their essence and reality with the help of exercises positioned between the separate parts of the book.

    The three sequences of the future Gaia Culture

    Why Gaia?

    Gaia or Gea is the ancient Greek name for the Earth Goddess. We use it in modern times to make clear that the Earth is not just a clump of matter, nor is she a biosphere holder or just our home planet. The Earth is an autonomous being with a personal name: Gaia or Gea.

    We are not interested in redefining the Greek system of Goddesses and Gods. If we give the Earth a Greek Goddess name, then it is to underline that she is a divine being with her own sphere of consciousness—the so-called ‘noosphere’—that embraces all living creatures and beings, be they visible or invisible—the human family included.

    Secondly, if we give the Earth a Goddess name, then it is to bring to awareness that Earth is actively and consciously taking part in the evolution of the whole cluster of worlds that she has created. She has created them with the intent to offer spaces to different sorts of beings and evolutions, spaces suitable for their development and for the unfoldment of their creative potentials.

    The ignorance that modern human beings show towards the consciously active and loving nature of our home planet must come to an end if we want to continue to enjoy the hospitality of the Earth. The Gaia Culture project is a sincere attempt to offer possibilities to fellow human beings who have not yet experienced the love of the Mother of the earthly creation to change their attitude towards Gaia. It needs to be understood that the Gaia Culture project is not based upon a certain ‘Gaia ideology’ but offers—as in the case of this book—immediate experience of Gaia’s sweet and inspiring presence with the help of various exercises.

    Yet be aware that nobody can do the proposed exercises for you, dear reader. Everybody among us, interested in revivifying our relationship with Gaia and her elemental worlds, is responsible for performing the steps leading towards our goal for him or herself. In effect, this is the most precious gift on one’s path of engagement to make our lives, and consequently, the lives of other beings, inwardly rich, peaceful, and happy.

    Geomancy update

    If we want to develop a more loving and cooperative relationship with Gaia, then it is not sufficient to just change our attitude towards her. We must also abandon the current narrow understanding of her planetary body that reduces her to material and biological aspects. It is a product of the rational approach to the Earth, fuelled by modern natural sciences, which persist in seeing the Earth as an object of scientific research. Such a superficial science-based approach intentionally avoids a heart-to-heart relationship with the Earth, maintaining a strict emotionless distance from Gaia, not recognizing her as a living being with her own history, presence, and purpose for existing.

    Hope in changing our attitudes toward Gaia can be found in the rise of ecological awareness within the past century. The realization that the natural-science approach to the study of the Earth as an inanimate object has allowed it to be ruthlessly exploited, coupled with the disaster of so-called ‘climate change’, has led to rediscovery and up-to-date developments in the ancient science of geomancy.

    Geomancy can be considered as old as human culture. It represents the knowledge of how human communities can position themselves in the diverse landscapes of the Earth, to become a part of their vital, elemental and spiritual dimensions. Geomantic knowledge has helped humankind harmoniously settle within the flow of Earth’s vital powers without disturbing ‘power places’. These places are necessary for sustaining life upon the Earth at its best conditions and permeating the planetary atmosphere with Gaia’s primordial consciousness. The knowledge to identify the sacred places in the landscape was available to many different cultures. The places were honoured and strengthened through ritual and temple construction.

    Geomancy still existed in the Middle Ages as a traditional science, along with alchemy, astrology, arithmetic etc. It disappeared with the rise of rational sciences. To be honest, it was suppressed during the time of the so-called ‘witch hunts’, between the fifteenth and eighteenth century. It reappeared, transformed as ‘geology’, examining Gaia/Gea through a logical eye, closing off all but the visible world, suppressing any consideration of the sacred dimensions of the planet.

    Since there were no written documents on the practice of medieval geomancy—touching upon the Earth in a spiritual manner was considered blasphemy by the Christian churches—we have had to raise modern geomancy from the ground up. Dowsing methods survived, and were used, as well as different methods of holistic perception of aspects of the Earth body hidden to the rational eye.

    Basic to the understanding of up-to-date geomancy, is knowledge of the multidimensionality of Earth. The manifested worlds of plants, animals, minerals, and human beings are complemented by the ‘causal’ or ‘archetypal’ dimensions. It is in these dimensions that each manifested world phenomenon finds the matrix that forms and supports its life and purpose within the greater whole. The causal extensions of the Earth are partly focused in the core of the planet and partly rooted in the cosmic dimension of Gaia.

    Considering the planetary level first, geomancy identifies the vital organism of the landscape with its network of vital-energy lines and centres. Of equal importance is the world of elemental beings, operating as fractals of Gaia’s elemental consciousness, mediating between the causal and manifested halves of reality. Basic to the life of the Earth is the sub-elemental world, called by shamanic knowledge the ‘underworld’. Dragons, the primeval creative powers of Gaia, work from this deep dimension of existence to sustain and nourish the vital conditions for the Earth, so that its cluster of worlds and beings can exist.

    Related to the cosmic dimensions of Gaia, ‘parallel worlds’ should be mentioned. They can be considered as synchronic worlds existing parallel to each other. They enable development of different communities of beings that have chosen the Earth as the place of their learning and evolution. Among others, the ancestors and descendants from the human race find their autonomous space in Gaia’s cluster of parallel worlds. The cosmic Gaia is also the origin of the so-called ‘landscape temples’ that represent the sacred dimension of the Earth and its different landscapes and biotopes.

    Relationship between the manifested Earth and the causal dimensions of Gaia

    Holistic perception

    The work of the essential deepening of human perception cannot be avoided if we want to develop a heart-to-heart relationship with Gaia and her elemental worlds. The five senses that humans usually use as their only window into their environment are not sufficient to perceive the reality of life in its entirety. Eyes, ears, skin, and other organs of perception were developed throughout millions of years so that we could have orientation in the world of matter and to be able to admire its beauties. Many thousands of animal species, be they birds, mammals, dinosaurs, fish etc., contributed their part in developing the so-called ‘five senses’ that we inherit when we are incarnated into the human body.

    Unfortunately our modern culture has lost touch with the other types of perception known by the animal world. I speak of their sensitivity and instincts, used to orientate themselves within the subtle emotional and vital-energy fields in the landscape. I believe that they use these perceptions to remain in contact with other individuals of their species, with their group soul, and especially with Gaia and her elemental world.

    If indeed the human race inherited our perfect organic senses from the animal kingdom, then we must also have inherited their subtle capacities to perceive the invisible features of the causal worlds. In effect we have inherited them! But in the last two millennia they have been heavily overlaid with the mental patterns produced by the human mind. Instead of opening itself to the subtle extensions of reality, the rational mind translates reality into its own logical language that is not transparent to reality existing beyond the boundaries set by physical world perception.

    It is easily understood how our culture lost its loving and cooperative relationship with Gaia and her elemental worlds. The moment a subtle impulse reaches us—the touch of Gaia’s presence for example— the rational mind recognizes it as impossible to be translated into the logical language and instantly closes the door to our awareness. One does not recognize that the Mother of life has

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