"Oneness" a Touch of Truth
About this ebook
This book originated from what I considered the indistinguishability, of what is known as truth. The fact that we communicate with one another and contemplating the ways, as well as the various languages spoken lead to this manuscript. There are over 7,000 languages spoken today and one may wonder, where do we go from here? Are there languages being created today? Do languages died? And more specifically will we all speak the same language one day? These are questions, just a few questions, I am sure we all have ask ourselves at soon time or another. With the increasing demand to have quick access and to be able to use various forms of to communicate, it is interesting to realize that humanity has always had one language in many variations. The commonality between languages of one race and another is so similar, that if one listen carefully they hear the likeness between languages. An example of this is American English and the German language. The ultimate language that each of us will finally speak and comprehend to communicate, may be considered “pure Language”.
Dr. Wayne E. Whaley
Dr. Whaley has written many articles and a book, before this one. He Has traveled throughout the United States and to foreign countries. Also, Dr.Whaley spent many tears working in various phases of the American Education System. He has developed, organized, and taught at various levels of the educational system, including graduate and post-graduate Universities.
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"Oneness" a Touch of Truth - Dr. Wayne E. Whaley
Copyright © 2023 Dr. Wayne E. Whaley.
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ISBN: 978-1-9736-9915-6 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2023910079
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Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, NEW
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Chapter 1 Humanity
Chapter 2 What Makes Us Human?
Chapter 3 Humans: A Catalyst from the Beginning
Chapter 4 What Is Communication?
Chapter 5 Language – Non/ Language
Chapter 6 Generations
Chapter 7 Universal Language
Chapter 8 World Communication
Chapter 9 Cultural Sharing
Chapter 10 Is God Judging America Today
Chapter 11 Life’s Truths
Chapter 12 A Common Vision
Chapter 13 Escaping Tribulation
Chapter 14 Our Status with God
Chapter 15 The Holy Spirit as Our Guide
Chapter 16 Judgement
Chapter 17 The Doctrines of Rewards
Chapter 18 The Negative Aspects of Bema
Chapter 19 Esperanto
Chapter 20 Language
Chapter 21 Musing
Chapter 22 Future Speak – Talking with God
About the Author
This book is the result of years of contemplation and years of education, both formal and formal. As such, it has become apparent that people come in all types, regardless of race or color. Their humanness is measured by their humanity, governed by the actions of the world’s seven to eight billion people. This book was not part of the Pandemic or pandemic thought but conceived before the pandemic of 2020 and envisions the conceptualization of What If?
Throughout the pandemic, many people died, and I, like others, wondered if my family members or I would be next. I never envisioned the many individuals who would sacrum worldwide. Yet, as a race of people worldwide, we were vulnerable. It was exciting and disappointing to see how a virus could have the world speaking the same language and find a cure for a deadly disease. As a human population, we, through Godly perseverance, conquered covid and are yet to agree with our fundamental understanding of who we are and where we go from here.
Many of our questions concerning everything can be answered by giving thought to our creator. Some of the questions I have always thought about are: Who are we as a race of humans? How did we get here? And most of all, if there is a Supreme Being whom we call God,
it makes sense that we speak the same language worldwide.
GettyImages-164459851.jpgRising Sun
39166.jpgCHAPTER 1
PSALM 119:105 NIV
G od’s promises are all that matter in our lives and what we should remember to keep in prayer. We often ask ourselves about life and how we fit into this world and life, as stated in Psalms 133.1 (NKJV). Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.
The ultimate goal of humanity can be interpreted to mean a term that brings about together or togetherness, and much of its origins are through things that are held together by science, as well as what we communicate to each other. If we look more closely at the word together, we will see it as an inclusive word encompassing everyone. As such, scientists believe that molecules hold all things together. So, the question that one might ask is, what is a molecule? Since all items are made up of matter, we might consider an atom the smallest part of matter and a molecule consisting of two atoms bonded together, representing one complete bond. Thus, Matthew 18:20 (NKJV) states, Where two or more are gathered, in My name, there I am with them.
For in all things, we are not alone, no matter how small or large life may be. We are an infinite part of a whole in this universe, even with our words to each other.
If I said that we are electrical, most individuals would think there is no way that is true. Yet, we are electrical because we are made up of atoms, which are made up of positive and negative particles. These are identical particles with a plus charge and a negative charge that scientifically hold all things together, including humans. As such, we are entitled to human rights by the very fact of being human. These rights are inalienable and ever-present. Humanity is the right to experience your reality, live out your destiny, or the character and quality of being humane, behavior or disposition towards others such as benefits of a human being. Most people would acknowledge that the word humanity carries these two meanings and would also recognize a link between the definitions. The nature of the link is not apparent, given that collective human existence is not necessarily associated with the humane behavior of individuals. The doctrine of humanity, also called anthropology, is an area of Christian theology that studies various topics related to humanity based on the teaching of Scripture. For example, biblical anthropology maintains a basis: Man was created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27) NIV. Also, in Genesis 4:1- 16 NIV, being human is stated, Now Adam knew Eve, his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying,
I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord. And again, she bore his brother Abel. Now Abe was a keeper of sheep, and Cain was a ground worker. Over time, Cain brought the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard.
This was the first human-to-human beginning of humanity as we know it to be. Since this was the first human being borne by another human; (Eve), the society of man and woman has increased humans. The origin of man has always been interesting because many historians differ about when humanity first appeared on earth. From the first humans born to Adam and Eve, the process of human reproduction continued over millennials to form societies.
As such, the dating of man and humankind has always varied from historian to historian, regardless of evidence left by fossils. It also should be remembered that the specific study of the origin and life of humans is called anthropology. Finding out what makes humans human is the job of an anthropologist, who researches and studies various races or groups of humans. One of the many responsibilities of human researchers is to determine the existence of humanity as it pertains to human development and origin—the emergence of two creationist designs that are opposite in their theory of society. Intelligent Design is the theistic answer to mainstream science, while Darwinian evolution is the creation story of atheism. Intelligent Design allows for meaning and purpose, while evolution (Darwinism) is the tale of nothing becoming everything through an incremental, unguided process of random difference and adaptation. This controversy cannot be answered or dealt with in this manuscript, and from the writer’s point of view that BC captures Intelligent Design and Darwinism to a period that is still a mystery today.
The scheme of historical periodization of humanity (Antiquity, Post-classical, Early Modern, and Late Modern) was developed for and applied best to the history of the old world, mainly Europe and the Mediterranean, where most Anthropologists believe civilization began. Outside this region, including ancient China and ancient India, historical timelines unfolded differently and sometimes differed. However, by the 18th century, due to extensive world trade and colonization, the histories of most civilizations had become intertwined in a process known as globalization; if one can imagine that in the last quarter millennium, the explosion of the rates of population, knowledge, technology, communications, weapons of mass destruction, and environmental degradation have greatly accelerated, creating opportunities and perils that now confront the planet’s human population.
Many see humanity as a characteristic some humans have. Yet, for others, it means to have compassion and empathy for your fellow human beings. The one constant that each human should gather is that humanity, for most humans, is linked to godliness and a supreme being. As such, one must understand that it is an integral part of our daily lives because it is about helping others and trying to understand them. Showing humanity does not mean that individuals must be rich; even the poor can show humanity by assisting others with whatever they can offer. Other scholars define humanity as the experience of your reality and living one’s destiny, which in most cases is to strive to live as harmoniously and peacefully as possible. Humanity is not about an individual trying to maintain peace; it involves performing good deeds like feeding the homeless, treating your enemy with respect and love, and having respect for God who created humans, with human/humanity qualities that command our humanness and respect. Humanitarian efforts are the most outstanding examples of what makes a human a human. Serving people in need is one of the most exceptional examples of humanity. In addition, it is the only thing one can offer in their lifetime to fulfill our purpose on this earth. Humanity involves all human beings collectively.
As a virtue, basic ethics is derived from the human condition, symbolizing human love and compassion towards each other. Likewise, humanity can be considered the right to experience your reality, live out your destiny, and do it in the most harmonious and peaceful environment possible. For all humans, the word humanity
also carries notions of philanthropy and altruism. Many people are altruistic and view altruism as the moral practice of concern for the happiness of other human beings and animals, resulting in both material and spiritual quality of life, is a vital part of being human. One must remember that altruism is responding to another person out of concern for their well-being. This response is automatic when one sees others in desperate situations and senses a feeling of empathy. Also, there is a reciprocal aspect of behaving altruistically that characterizes a decision to help someone with an expectation that one will receive some benefit or payoff for doing so. Individuals sometimes don’t expect recognition or reward for a good deed; they often feel energized and happy that some experts call the helpers high.
Everyday life is filled with small acts of altruism, from holding the door for strangers to giving money to the homeless. Do various cultures have altruistic tendencies, as most psychologists and researchers view? We should be aware of a few considerations since everyone would consider biological directions such as the closeness of kin.
It is an evolutionary theory that opposes that people are more likely to help those who are blood relatives than someone who is not because it will increase gene transmission for future generations and somewhat ensure survivability. Likewise, also of interest that altruism activates the reward system in the brain, in which the pleasure of the brain castrates’ altruistic tendencies is performed. Environmentally, studies suggest that the genetics of individuals or a particular culture may control altruism. This is of great concern since finding that the possibility of socialization at a young age may be witness blindsiding kindergarten children as reciprocating l altruism toward each other. As such, kindergarten students can also follow the opposite, which may have lasting effective through-through. It should be remembered that researchers have found that children tend to become more altruistic as their sense of empathy develops.
Historically, as far as anyone knows, humans are the only creatures on earth with a brain developed to such an extent that they can ask themselves this question: What exactly am I, or What is a human being? We can hardly imagine a dog reflecting on its dogless.
But we, as people, are compelled to ask and answer the significant question of humanness for how we live our lives, primarily for the answer to give. Over centuries, many responses have been given to the What is a human being?
If we examine cultures over time, we find that several narratives make sense of what humans are and why we consider ourselves humans. Yet, many individuals still believe that we are animals with sentient awareness. This awareness precludes