Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right
By Janet Smith
About this ebook
"Paul VI's genius proved prophetic: he had the courage to stand against the majority, to defend moral discipline, to exercise a 'brake' on the culture, to oppose present and future neo-Malthusianism."
— Pope Francis
"Of all the paradoxical fallout from the Pill, perhaps the least understood today is this: the most unfashionable, unwanted, and ubiquitously deplored moral teaching on earth is also the most thoroughly vindicated by the accumulation of secular, empirical, post-revolutionary fact. The document in question is of course, Humanae vitae."
— Mary Eberstadt, Author, Adam and Eve after the Pill
After half a century, how has the teaching of Pope Paul VI on marriage and birth control, presented in his encyclical Humanae vitae (On Human Life), held up? Very well, says philosopher Janet Smith and her colleagues in Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right. A sequel to Smith's classic Why Humanae Vitae Was Right, this new volume shows how the ethical, theological, spiritual, and sociological case for Paul VI's controversial document remains strong—indeed, how it's in some ways even stronger today, following Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and in light of the problems caused by the sexual revolution.
In addition to essays by Dr. Smith herself, the book features contributions by other renowned experts and scholars such as Mary Eberstadt (author of the best-selling Adam and Eve after the Pill), George Weigel, Therese Scarpelli Corey, Michael Waldstein, Christopher West, Obianuju Ekeocha (author of the best-selling Target Africa), Maria Fedoryka, Deborah Savage, Derek Doroski, Angela LaFranchi, William Newton, Joseph Atkinson, Michele M. Schumacher, and Peter Colosi.
Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right includes the Krakow Document composed under the supervision of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (later, Pope John Paul II), which provided research by moral theologians and other experts that helped to shape Humanae vitae to be a more personalistic document.
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Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right - Janet Smith
Since the Second Vatican Council, our Holy Fathers, the popes, have insistently called the People of God to live out the Council’s vision by making evangelization our first priority. As Blessed Paul VI put it: Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.
¹ Most recently, Pope Francis reaffirmed this conviction with his own straight-to-the-point style: We no longer say that we are ‘disciples’ and ‘missionaries,’ but rather that we are always ‘missionary disciples’.
² Accepting the Good News of Jesus Christ includes accepting the commission to share that Good News with our world.
The Good News we proclaim is that Jesus Christ has definitively rescued the human race from our fallen condition, and in that deliverance he has raised us up to a state even more marvelous than what our first parents enjoyed when they were molded by God at the dawn of creation.
Because being sexual is integral to being human, it comes as no surprise that the Lord Jesus’ saving work includes saving human sexuality. By rising in the flesh, the Lord has lifted up every dimension of our fleshly existence. He has fulfilled his mission of restoring our sexuality, and the marriage covenant that is its proper context, to what the Father had in mind from the beginning
(Mt 19:4).
As part of rescuing us from the father of lies
(Jn 8:44), our Savior has rescued marriage and sexuality from the falsehoods that have in every age obscured their nature. Jesus brought back into the light the truth, the Creator’s own truth, about marriage and sexuality. And not only has he done for us this incomparable service of disclosing for all time the nature of this essential dimension of being human; he has won for us the grace of being able to live out this truth. In Christ we know the abiding truth of marriage and sexuality, and we are empowered to live this truth.
Fifty years ago, in the face of the world’s objections to this saving truth, Blessed Paul VI stood as a courageous witness to it. He testified to the nature of marriage and sexuality as established by the Creator, by reaffirming what they exist for: both intimacy and procreation, neither one without the other. In giving this witness, Blessed Paul VI, at no little personal cost, was living out for himself his call to the Church to evangelize. He offered a powerful witness to the Good News that Christ has saved humanity, saved it in all of its dimensions.
As a pastor who is fully committed to leading my fellow disciples in moving forward to answering the call to take up the New Evangelization, I am deeply grateful to the authors of this collection of essays. By their careful scholarship and considered reflection they offer a rich range of insights into the truth about marriage and sexuality to which Blessed Paul VI offered his witness in Humanae vitae. These essays are a much-needed resource for all who work so devotedly to share with our age the Good News about human sexuality restored in Christ Jesus. This great effort is a work of love: love for our friends and neighbors, since living this truth is the path to flourishing in time and to blessedness in eternity; love for God, so that his glory will shine out ever more brightly in our world. It is the work of Jesus Christ, and so it cannot fail.
—Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Archdiocese of Detroit
Fifty years after Humanae vitae was promulgated, it is neither a forgotten nor an embraced document. There is still much rejection of the teaching of Humanae vitae among many theologians and lay Catholics, but there is also a strong current in the Church of theologians and laity who have developed solid defenses of this magisterial teaching and who are, with some considerable success, winning the hearts and minds of others. There are too many reasons for the upswing in support for Humanae vitae to list here, but among them were the 1992 publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Pope John Paul Il’s 1993 encyclical Veritatis splendor. Those magisterial documents did not succeed in quenching dissent, but they did bring orthodoxy more into the mainstream; today those who support Church teaching on both moral and doctrinal matters are an influential part of the Church’s structure in terms of teaching at Catholic colleges, universities, and seminaries, as well as at national, diocesan, and parish levels.
More and more people are seeing the horrific consequences of the nearly universal use of contraception. Mary Eberstadt catalogues those consequences as well as commenting on the underlying stunted anthropology that has produced them. Dr. Angela Lanfranchi notes that the modern science on pheromones provides support for the teaching of Humanae vitae, unknown to Pope Paul VI at the time. Prof. Deborah Savage testifies to how the availability of the Pill during her college years in the seventies radically changed how men and women interrelated and illuminates the damage it has done to a woman’s fundamental identity and how it distorts the true meaning of masculinity. Obianuju Ekeocha reports on the devastating impact of imperialistic Western promotion of contraception in Africa, a very pro-life and pro-child continent.
As far as defenses of Humanae vitae go, none can match the influence of Pope Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, which has lead millions to understand the wisdom and beauty of the Church’s teaching on contraception. No single individual has done more to bring that teaching to the modern world than Christopher West, whose essay here makes fascinating connections between Fatima, Marx, and the Theology of the Body and also addresses the differences between contraception and natural family planning. Prof. Michael Waldstein performed an enormous service in providing a consistent translation on the Theology of the Body (along with a tremendously useful introduction). Here, in a surprisingly effective juxtaposition of the modern and the ancient, he combines a critique of the modern worldview based on Descartes’ rejection of the person as union of body and soul with a moving analysis of the ancient story of Odysseus, Penelope, and their marital bed.
This volume contains a special and original essay in which Prof. Joseph Atkinson situates the teaching of Humanae vitae within the context of Scripture, within the context of creation itself as a call to holiness. Certainly, the Theology of the Body is fundamentally rooted in Scripture as no defense of Humanae vitae has been before; but the Theology of the Body is a series of meditations on key texts, whereas Atkinson digs deeply into the concepts that are the most foundational to Scripture and shows how contraception is completely incompatible with the life-giving thrust of creation.
While there are now (much more than twenty-five years ago) many theological and scriptural defenses of Humanae vitae, philosophical defenses remain important. Prof. Maria Fedoryka’s essay is a beautiful and profound meditation on how fruitfulness is inextricably bound to the very meaning of love and that it is that meaning, rather than a strict focus on the biological purpose of sexuality, that justifies the Church’s condemnation of contraception. Prof. Janet Smith’s essay on natural sex takes another tack and uses the thought of Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther to show how the procreative power of the sexual act is central to the analysis of the morality of sexual acts. Prof. Michele Schumacher studies how contraception has reduced the act of sexual intercourse to largely a physical act and even a counterfeit act that no longer partakes in the transcendent nature of sexuality. Prof. William Newton writes on how contraception leads to abortion, both because it leads people to have sex without concern for pregnancy and also because contraception diminishes the value of human life and the receptivity to new life.
Saint John Paul II was a fervent advocate and defender of the Church’s teachings on sexual morality throughout his priesthood and pontificate. Unknown to many is the document here called the Krakow report (only recently translated in English), a document written by him—when he was a cardinal—and a group of Krakovian moral theologians in reply to the work of the special commission established to advise Pope Paul VI on the question of contraception. It clearly influenced Paul VI in his writing on Humanae vitae. Indeed, in the view of George Weigel, Humanae vitae would have been a better document had it followed the Krakow report more closely. Weigel provides some important background on the Krakow document.
Those who dissent from Humanae vitae often claim that the rights
of conscience permit couples to use contraception. Prof. Janet Smith tailors her discussion of conscience to the work of physicians who, when true to their profession and faith, would not be party to prescribing contraception. Prof. Derek Doroski’s essay demonstrates a marvelous truth: that when medicine honors the truths of creation, solutions to problems such as infertility will be more readily found—solutions that are moral and effective.
Many of those who reject the teaching of Humanae vitae claim that the nonreception
of the teaching by the laity indicates that the teaching is not required by the faith. Prof. Janet Smith’s essay on the sensus fidelium or sense of the faithful
explains precisely what the sensus fidelium is and how it is properly used to determine which teachings are compatible with the faith.
One of the most important initiatives of the U.S. bishops in decades was its opposition to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that required that all employers pay for insurance policies that provide contraception. Prof. Peter Colosi reports on what a challenge it was for the bishops to defend religious liberty when most Americans seem to value free contraception more than religious freedom. He notes that the widespread rejection by Catholics of the Church’s teaching on contraception, due in large part to a lack of catechesis on the matter, impeded the bishops’ efforts. He lauds the bishops for recent initiatives to promote the teachings of Humanae vitae and encourages further engagement.
The final chapter in this book is an essay that is a comprehensive defense of the Church’s teaching. It was written by a team of scholars with expertise in several areas in response to a challenge to Humanae vitae being launched by dissenters from Humanae vitae at the United Nations. It sketches out the wide range of justifications that can be made for Humanae vitae and should be a handy resource that should lead many to desire to read the more fulsome presentations of various defenses as presented in this book.
Readers of this volume may even be moved to read the precursor volume: Why Humanae Vitae Was Right: A Reader,¹ published upon the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Humanae vitae. There, more of the initial challenges to Humanae vitae spawned by proportionalism were considered, such as the principle of totality and the claim that Humanae vitae was not infallible. It includes some of the classic defenses of Humanae vitae, such as those by the distinguished analytic philosopher G. E. M. (Elizabeth) Anscombe and the notable personalist, phenomenologist Dietrich von Hildebrand. The first volume is not at all outdated—the essays there remain timely and complement the essays in this book. This new volume demonstrates that there are still many riches of Humanae vitae to be discovered, both in terms of helping us understand why the modern world is in such a state of revolt in respect to sexuality and also in terms of the tremendous honor and responsibility that God has bestowed on spouses by inviting and enabling them to be co-creators with him.
* * * * *
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the authors represented in this volume, for their dedication to explaining unpopular truths and their patience with the process of bringing such a collection to completion. A particular thanks to Maria Fedoryka, who provided assistance at a crucial moment. Those with whom I worked at Ignatius Press could not have been more professional and accommodating, particularly Mark Brumley and Diane Eriksen.
The Prophetic Power of Humanae vitae*
Mary Eberstadt
One recurring theme in Pope Francis’ teaching is that human realities trump scholarly abstractions: La realidad es superior a la idea
[Realities are greater than ideas].
¹ His signature phrase about pastors who have the smell of the sheep
² is the folk version of this maxim. Cautions about rigidity
, empty rhetoric
, and getting stuck in pure ideas
appear often in his work,³ and in that of his inner circle, too. What matters most are the realities people face in their daily lives
, as Blase Cardinal Cupich put it in a speech at Cambridge recently.⁴
Attention to reality
is especially fitting as we mark this fiftieth anniversary year of one of the most famous, and infamous, encyclicals in Church history. Ten years ago, on its fortieth anniversary, First Things published my "Vindication of Humanae vitae".⁵ Citing contemporary evidence from many sources, including sociology, psychology, history, and contemporary women’s literature, I argued:
Four decades later, not only have the document’s signature predictions been ratified in empirical force, but they have been ratified as few predictions ever are: in ways its authors could not possibly have foreseen, including by information that did not exist when the document was written, by scholars and others with no interest whatever in its teaching, and indeed even inadvertently, and in more ways than one, by many proud public adversaries of the Church.⁶
Of course, to say that proof abounds is not to say that a valid argument falls always and everywhere on happy ears—not fifty years ago, not ten years ago, and not today. The promise of sex on demand, unencumbered by constraint, may be the strongest collective temptation humanity has ever encountered. That’s why, since the invention of the Pill, resistance to the traditional Christian code has been unremittingly ferocious, and why so many among the laity and clergy wish that this rule—among others—were less taxing. As the disciples of Jesus Christ complained upon hearing his teaching about marriage, these lessons are hard
But to confuse hard
with wrong
is a fundamental error. If we are truly to lean into realidades (realities), there is only one conclusion to be drawn from the mass of empirical evidence now out there. It’s the same conclusion that was visible ten years ago, and that will remain visible ten, or one hundred, or two hundred years from now. It is simply this: The most globally reviled and widely misunderstood document of the last half century is also the most prophetic and explanatory of our time.
Let us set aside theology, philosophy, ideology, and other abstractions and count up the new realities vindicating Humanae vitae, one by one.
The first empirical reality is this: if we leave out individual intentions and assess nothing but uncontroversial facts, it is transparently clear that the increased use of contraception has also increased abortion. Fifty years ago when contraception became commonplace, many people of goodwill defended it precisely for the reason that they thought it would render abortion obsolete. Reliable birth control, they reasoned, would prevent abortion. But the concomitant rise in contraceptive use and abortion since the 1960s shows this commonly held logic to be wrong.⁸ Many studies have emanated from the social sciences during the past decades that try to explain what secular wisdom regards as a puzzling fact. Far from preventing abortion and unplanned pregnancies, contraception’s effects after the invention of the Pill run quite the other way: rates of contraception usage, abortion, and out-of-wedlock births have all exploded simultaneously.
Writing in the Quarterly Journal of Economics twenty-two years ago, economists George A. Akerlof, Janet L. Yellen, and Michael L. Katz summarized these unexpected connections:
Before the sexual revolution, women had less freedom, but men were expected to assume responsibility for their welfare. Today women are more free to choose, but men have afforded themselves the comparable option. If she is not willing to have an abortion or use contraception,
the man can reason, why should I sacrifice myself to get married?
By making the birth of the child the physical choice of the mother, the sexual revolution has made marriage and child support a social choice of the father.⁹
In other words, contraception has led to more pregnancy and more abortion because it eroded the idea that men had equal responsibility in case of an unplanned pregnancy. Contraception, as these economists explain, sharply reduced the incentive for men to marry—including to marry their pregnant girlfriends. In the new, post-Pill order, pregnancy became the woman’s responsibility—and if birth control failed
, that was not the man’s problem.
Then there is the fact that contraception and abortion are bound together juridically. As Michael Pakaluk, among other scholars, has recently pointed out:
As regards jurisprudence, the fruit of contraception is abortion. Until the 1960s, Comstock Act laws were on the books in many states, making the sale of contraceptives illegal even to married couples. These laws were overturned in 1965 by the Supreme Court’s muddled Griswold decision. But by 1973—only eight years later—the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade had inferred from the right to contraception a right to abortion.¹⁰
Putting that point differently: legal reasoning justifying freedom to contracept has been used to justify freedom to abort—a linkage that undermines the claim that a hard-and-fast line can be drawn between the two. Or, we might say, freedom to contracept was not enough. People needed the added freedom to terminate a product of failed contraception
History connects the same causal dots. The push to liberalize abortion laws in countries around the world did not begin until the first third of the twentieth century, as birth-control devices came into wider circulation, and American states did not start liberalizing abortion laws until after the federal approval of the Pill in 1960.¹¹ Roe v. Wade comes after the Pill, not before. As a matter of historical fact, the mass use of contraception called forth the demand for more abortion.
Writing in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly in 2015, researcher Scott Lloyd likewise concluded that contraception leads to abortion—not inevitably in individual cases, of course, but repeatedly and reliably as twinned social phenomena: Because the lower risk perceived with contraceptives enables sexual encounters and relationships that would not occur otherwise, it invites pregnancies that occur in situations where women do not feel ready to become pregnant.
As we review the record, mercy and forgiveness are patently in order—toward the postwar generation that championed contraception, that is. Who, back then, could have anticipated that contraception would lead to abortion on a scale never before seen? Would the uproar over Humanae vitae have been much diminished had all critics known then what the ledger shows now? Might not some of those dissenting Catholics—and others—who publicly rebuked the Church have acted differently if they had realized that embracing contraception would open the way to vastly more abortion? It is plain in hindsight that the lowering of moral standards
foreseen by Humanae vitae¹³ would come to include disrespect not only for women, but for the human fetus, too.
Reality since 1968 has made it impossible to pretend that contraception has not played a decisive role in the scourge of abortion. Pope Francis has called abortion a very grave sin
and a horrendous crime
.¹⁴ The old defense of birth control as the alternative to abortion has been overruled by facts. The reality that it is an accelerant to abortion has been confirmed by time.
In part because fifty years of experience have established reality number one, a second reality has become evident. People outside the Catholic Church—most notably, though not only, some leading Protestants—have come to see Humanae vitae in a new and more favorable light. One of the least reported religious stories of our time, this potent trend may reconfigure Christianity, replacing disunity over birth control with a new unity. Observing what the sexual revolution has wrought, more and more Protestant voices now question yesterday’s nonchalance about contraception. This reconsideration is far from a majority view—yet. But it manifests what any minority view must have in order to win over others: evidence and moral energy. Consider the following examples from the last ten years.
Protestants have done themselves a disservice by ignoring Humanae Vitae’s substantial statement on human anthropology and sexuality. . . Protestants would be well-served to study Paul VI’s encyclical and take heed of its warnings. (Evan Lenow, professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)¹⁵
Many evangelicals are joining the discussion about birth control and its meaning. Evangelicals arrived late to the issue of abortion, and we have arrived late to the issue of birth control, but we are here now. (R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)¹⁶
For evangelicals, an anticontraception position is not seen as exclusively Roman Catholic, as it would have been in the past. (Jenell Paris, anthropologist, Messiah College, Pennsylvania)¹⁷
Whenever current events touch on life issues, evangelicals like me become increasingly uncomfortable with the contraception culture. We realize we have much more in common with Catholics, who revere life, than the radical feminists who revere the rights of women above all else. (Julie Roys, evangelical author and blogger)¹⁸
There has been a shift in evangelical thinking about contraception
. (New York Times, 2012)¹⁹
These second thoughts among Protestants and other non-Catholics are less a radical break from Christian tradition than a return to it. Church teaching on contraception, including Protestant teaching, has followed an unbroken line through the centuries. Not until the Anglican Communion made the first exception to the prohibition at the Lambeth Conference of 1930 did Catholics and Protestants divide on this moral teaching. The famous Resolution 15 was intended for married couples only, and in carefully delineated circumstances, but it ushered in contraception for convenience. Its language matches the terminology deployed by would-be Catholic reformers
In those cases where there is such a clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood, and where there is a morally sound reason for avoiding complete abstinence, the Conference agrees that other methods may be used, provided that this is done in the light of the same Christian principles.²⁰
Then, as now, Protestants who were not at ease with abandoning traditional teaching turned to Rome for authority. Charles Gore, the bishop of Oxford, objected to Resolution 15. He had manifold reason to believe that in the case of Birth Prevention the ‘very strong tradition in the Catholic Church’ has been in the right, and has divine sanction
.²¹ The move by some Protestants toward Humanae vitae today is in part a tacit declaration that, in retrospect, the bishop of Oxford’s side might have been the right one.
In Africa, both Protestants and Catholics lean toward traditionalism in Christian moral teaching. Here as elsewhere in history, the maxim delivered by sociologist Laurence R. Iannaccone holds: Strict churches are strong
—and concomitantly, lax churches are weak.²² It is in tradition-minded Africa that Christianity has grown explosively in the years since Humanae vitae—as opposed to those nations whose Christian leaders have struggled, and struggle still, to change the rulebook.
As the Pew Research Center put it in a report a few years ago, Africans [are] among the most morally opposed to contraception.
²³ Substantial numbers of people in Kenya, Uganda, and other sub-Saharan countries—Catholic and otherwise—agree with the proposition that contraception use is morally unacceptable
; in Ghana and Nigeria, it is more than half the population. Despite decades of secular proselytizing, many in Africa have resisted the attempts of reformers to bring them into line with the Western sexual program—which includes, of course, diminishing the number of Africans.
Nigerian-born Obianuju Ekeocha, author of the new book Target Africa: Ideological Neo-Colonialism of the Twenty-First Century, wrote an open letter to Melinda Gates, whose foundation dedicates impressive resources to spreading birth control among Africans: I see this $4.6 billion buying us misery. I see it buying us unfaithful husbands. I see it buying us streets devoid of the innocent chatter of children. . . . I see it buying us a retirement without the tender loving care of our children.
Africans are not the only intended beneficiaries of campaigns to expand the contraceptive Weltanschauung. Nor are they alone in abjuring the idea that the world would be better off with fewer of them in it. As one notable Indian targeted with the same message some years back put it, It is futile to hope that the use of contraceptives will be restricted to the mere regulation of progeny. There is hope for a decent life only so long as the sexual act is definitely related to the conception of precious life.
²⁵ The author of these sentences is not moral philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, whose famous 1972 essay Contraception and Chastity
defended Humanae vitae with this same logic.²⁶ It is instead Mahatma Gandhi—one more non-Catholic to affirm the reasoning behind Christian moral teaching. I urge the advocates of artificial methods to consider the consequences,
he explained elsewhere. Any large use of the methods is likely to result in the dissolution of the marriage bond and in free love.
There is also sound reason for the enduring fear that public authorities
might impose
these technologies on the citizenry—as Humanae vitae also warned.²⁸ This has happened, of course, in China, via its longstanding, barbaric one child
policy, replete with forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations. A softer kind of coercion has appeared in the United States and other Western nations where efforts have been made to link desired outcomes with mandatory birth control. In the 1990s and beyond, for example, some U.S. judges backed state-imposed implantation of long-term contraceptives on women convicted of crimes. Such implied force has provoked criticism by (among others) the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The recent attempts to coerce women to use Norplant represent a reversion to an era of overt racism and eugenics,
the ACLU explained.²⁹
Another reality concerns the state of modern women. Contraception, it was and is perennially asserted, will make women happier and freer than ever before. Has it? Evidence points to the contrary—from social science suggesting that female happiness across the United States and Europe has been declining over time, to the dolorous notes so often struck in academic and popular feminism, to the growing worry among secular women that marriage has become impossible and it is time to go it alone.³⁰ A decade after I documented those trends, there is much more that could be added to the ledger suggesting that Humanae vitae was right to spy an impending increase in divisiveness between the sexes. Consider in passing just two evocative snapshots.
In 2012, Amazon U.K. announced that E. L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey had replaced J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books as the bestselling volume in its history.³¹ This signals an extraordinary commercial demand by women for the tale of a rich and powerful man who humiliates, bullies, and commits violence against a woman, over and over. Sadomasochism is a prominent theme elsewhere in popular culture—including, again, popular women’s culture. Concerning the fashion industry, John Leo observed, "I first noticed the porn-fashion connection in 1975, when Vogue magazine ran a seven-photo fashion spread featuring a man in a bathrobe battering a screaming model in a lovely pink jumpsuit ($140 from Saks, picture by Avedon)."³² Harper’s Bazaar has seconded the point: "Long before [the] 50 Shades fever hit, designers had been mining BDSM for sartorial inspiration. From literal crops to all forms of waist, wrist and ankle ties—not to mention the sheer volume of leather—it’s clear Christian Grey would be proud."³³
Implied and even overt violence against women saturates video games and, of course, pornography. The sadomasochistic look has become widespread in popular music, too; the number of globally recognized female singers who have not paid homage to pornography and degradation is vanishingly small.³⁴ Why are so many women subsidizing a self-image of subjugation and dejection at a time when their freedom is greater than ever before? Does the success of Fifty Shades tell us that men have become so hard to get that any means of finding one will do, no matter how degrading?
Joy does not abound in another post-Pill reality: the continuing secular sex scandals of 2017 and 2018, and the #MeToo movement. It appears that the sexual revolution licensed predation. That is not a theological judgment, but an empirical one—foreseen in part by social scientist Francis Fukuyama. His 1999 book The Great Disruption made a point that echoes in Humanae vitae, though based on a thoroughly secular analysis:
One of the greatest frauds perpetrated during the Great Disruption was the notion that the sexual revolution was gender-neutral, benefiting women and men equally. . . In fact the sexual revolution served the interests of men, and in the end put sharp limits on the gains that women might otherwise have expected from their liberation from traditional roles.³⁵
Almost twenty years later, that point is irrefutable. The abuse scandals show that the revolution democratized sexual harassment. No longer does a man have to be a king or a master of the universe to abuse or prey upon women in unrelenting, serial fashion, and for a long time, with no punishment. One needs only a world in which women are assumed to use contraception—the world we’ve had since the 1960s, the world that Humanae vitae foresaw.
This brings us to still another reality: fifty years into the sexual revolution, one of the most pressing, and growing, issues for researchers is not overpopulation, but its opposite: underpopulation. Ten years ago, I reviewed evidence for the claim that the overpopulation scares of the late 1960s were just that: scares. They happened not so coincidentally to be ideologically useful to partisans who wanted the Church to change her moral teaching. As I noted in 2008:
So discredited has the overpopulation science become that this year Columbia University historian Matthew Connelly could publish Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population and garner a starred review in Publishers Weekly—all in service of what is probably the single best demolition of the population arguments that some hoped would undermine church teaching. This is all the more satisfying a ratification because Connelly is so conscientious in establishing his own personal antagonism toward the Catholic Church. . . Fatal Misconception is decisive [secular] proof that the spectacle of overpopulation, which was used to browbeat the Vatican in the name of science, was a grotesque error all along.³⁶
The past decade has made reality plain. Not only is overpopulation
a shifting ideological chimera, but the reverse obtains. A great many people, especially in the increasingly barren and graying West, are suffering instead from what experts in those stricken societies call an epidemic
of loneliness. This finding would not surprise Pope Francis, who in an interview with La Repubblica in 2013 called the loneliness of the old
one of the worst evils
in today’s world.³⁷ Fifty years after the embrace of the Pill—undeniably, because of the embrace of the Pill—loneliness is spreading across the materially better-off countries of the planet. Toward the end of last year, the New York Times published a harrowing story about what the birth dearth looks like from the other end of time’s telescope.
4,000 lonely deaths a week,
estimated the cover of a popular weekly magazine. . . Each year, some of [Japan’s elderly] died without anyone knowing, only to be discovered after their neighbors caught the smell.
The first time it happened, or at least the first time it drew national attention, the corpse of a 69-year-old man living near Mrs. Ito had been lying on the floor for three years, without anyone noticing his absence. His monthly rent and utilities had been withdrawn automatically from his bank account. Finally, after his savings were depleted in 2000, the authorities came to the apartment and found his skeleton near the kitchen, its flesh picked clean by maggots and beetles, just a few feet away from his next-door neighbors.³⁸
The story goes on to note, The extreme isolation of elderly Japanese is so common that an entire industry has emerged around it, specializing in cleaning out apartments where decomposing remains are found.
According to another recent report in the Independent, cleanup firms are burgeoning and insurance companies offer policies to protect landlords in case a lonely
happens on their property.³⁹
Japan is just one country facing post-Pill demographic change. Loneliness is becoming a common phenomena [sic] in France,
Le Figaro reported several years ago.⁴⁰ Citing a study on the New Solitudes
by the Fondation de France (French Foundation), the article names the prime driver of this loneliness: family rupture
, especially divorce. In a similar vein, a 2014 study on Socio-Demographic Predictors of Loneliness across the Adult Life Span in Portugal
agreed that divorce increases the likelihood of loneliness—though it did not ask whether having children in the picture might ameliorate the problem.⁴¹ Oddly, one can read through many loneliness studies
without seeing reference to children, a striking omission that says a good deal about our era.
The secular culture is taking note. In Sweden, a 2015 documentary The Swedish Theory of Love questioned the dominance of independence
in that country as an ideal. It seems more a curse than a blessing when one half of Swedes now live in households of one. As a report put it,
A man is alone in his flat. He has been lying there dead for three weeks—people only noticing his demise when an awful smell appeared in the communal hallways. As the Swedish authorities scrutinise the case, they discover that the man has no close relatives or friends. It is highly likely that he lived lonely and alone for years, sitting solitary in front of his TV or computer. After a while, they discover that he has a daughter, but she proves impossible to locate. . . . It becomes apparent that he actually had quite a lot of money tucked away in the bank. But what does that help when he had no one to share with.⁴²
And then there’s Germany. In an article in Der Spiegel titled Alone by the Millions: Isolation Crisis Threatens German Seniors
, the German Centre of Gerontology reports:
Over 20 percent of Germans over the age of 70 are in regular contact with only one person—or nobody. One in four receives a visit less than once a month from friends and acquaintances, and nearly one in 10 is not visited by anyone anymore. Many old people have no one who still addresses them by their first name or asks them how they are doing.⁴³
Such human poverty abounds in societies awash in material wealth. This ironic juxtaposition, too, was not foreseen by those who argued for and against Humanae vitae in 1968. Yet without doubt, what unites these tragic portraits is the sexual revolution, which by the 1970s was operating at full throttle in Western nations, driving up divorce rates, driving down marriage rates, and emptying cradles.
In addition to its destructive force at the beginning and end of the human lifespan, the sexual revolution also continues to generate permutations of sexuality unheard-of in the history that preceded our own. There are the scores of gender identities
that have achieved sacrosanct status in much the way that medieval seals and shields once signified a different kind of elemental belonging—and the ongoing accommodations of law and custom to such radical ideas. So unexpected and pervasive are these new transformations that several books outlining the new sexual cartography have appeared within the last year alone, including Ashley McGuire’s Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female,⁴⁴ about the social and political enforcement of androgyny; Mark Regnerus’ Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy,⁴⁵ an economic analysis of how the revolution and especially pornography have radically changed incentives for marriage; and Ryan T. Anderson’s groundbreaking examination in When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.⁴⁶
The shifting boundaries mapped by these and other new analyses of the revolution’s fallout are no mere abstractions, but poignant facts for many millions of manifestly confused and suffering human beings. At the outermost reaches of the revolution’s changes, phenomena never before seen continue to percolate up from the social atomization. Elderly people without grandchildren buy talking robotic toys whom they treat as babies.⁴⁷ Japan is also home to the phenomenon of herbivores
, meaning men who live gently, including by avoiding sex, which has lately been the subject of much worried commentary in a country already over a demographic precipice; how much this phenomenon is driven by chronic pornography use is another open question that did not exist in the prerevolutionary era.⁴⁸
A further reality to ponder is historical, and worth reiterating at a time when hope burns eternal in some precincts that the Catholic Church will cease its intransigent insistence on supposedly retrograde points of doctrine. The churches that have accommodated themselves to the sexual revolution have imploded from within. As a headline in the Guardian put it simply in 2016, on the eve of a contentious conference at Lambeth where African representatives of the Anglican Communion dissented once more from changing moral teaching, The Anglican Schism over Sexuality Marks the End of a Global Church
In 1930, people would have been shocked if told that the doctrinal war over sex would shatter the Anglican Communion; that parts of the Communion would go to legal war over churches and jurisdictions as well as doctrine; that the separation of North and South, Episcopal and Anglican, Africa and Europe, would yield divisions and subdivisions, sorrow and acrimony, on a global scale.
In 1998, Bishop John Shelby Spong of Newark, New Jersey, a leader of the Episcopalian church who urged an embrace of the sexual revolution, published a book called Why Christianity Must Change or Die, agitating for still more dismantling of the tradition.⁵⁰ The Christianity of which he spoke did change, exactly as he and others hoped. And now the retooled version they fought for is dying. According to David Goodhew, editor of the 2016 volume Growth and Decline in the Anglican Communion: 1980 to the Present, research by Jeremy Bonner on the Episcopal Church shows that
around [the year] 2000 serious decline set in. . . . Average Sunday attendance dropped by nearly one third between 2000 and 2015. . . . The rate of baptism has been cut almost in half over a thirty-year-period. . . . The most dramatic data is for marriages. . . . In 2015 the Episcopal Church married less than a quarter of the number it married in 1980.⁵¹
The sad facts of religious history in favor of Paul VI’s prophetic stance make their own case. Disaster descended on the Anglican Communion for doing exactly what dissenters from Humanae vitae want the Catholic Church to do: make exceptions to rules that people find difficult. Surely anyone urging Rome to follow Lambeth’s lead today must first explain how Catholicism’s fate will be different. As David Goodhew also noted in his online piece Facing Episcopal Church Decline
, If we believe Christian faith is good news, we should be seeking its proliferation, and be worried when it shrinks.
Manuscripts don’t burn.
⁵³ In Mikhail Bulgakov’s twentieth-century masterpiece The Master and Margarita, a despairing author trapped under oppressive Soviet rule tries to destroy his own unpublished book in a fire—only to learn, in the redemptive denouement, that it’s impossible. Bulgakov could see with his soul what he would never witness with his eyes. Too dangerous to publish under Communism, The Master and Margarita itself would not appear until 1967, almost thirty years after the novelist’s death in 1940—whereupon it became, and remains, a literary sensation around the world.
Manuscripts don’t burn
, one of the most famous lines in The Master and Margarita, became an immortal rallying cry on behalf of the indomitable nature of truth. Truth, artistic or otherwise, may be unwanted, inconvenient, resented, mocked in all the best places—even harassed, suppressed, and forced underground. But that does not make it anything other than truth.
In this moment of watchfulness inside and outside the Church, a global fellowship knows the truths of Humanae vitae and related teachings as truths, however unwanted or hard. They are among the latest pilgrims in a line stretching two thousand years back. They have sacrificed to stand where they do, and they sacrifice still—including by relinquishing the good opinion of a mocking world.
These cradle Catholics and converts and reverts, fellow-traveling non-Catholics, clergy and laity alike, have the consolation of one final realidad, which may be the most important reality of all. Whatever the anxieties of the moment, however prominent or widespread the disgruntlement, the ever-growing empirical record continues to vindicate Paul VI’s encyclical. Humanae vitae does not burn.
Hormones and Humanae vitae
The Impact of Oral Contraceptives on Pheromones
and Sexual Behavior and Preferences,
and on Women’s Mortality*
Angela Lanfranchi, M.D.
Humanae vitae instructed that sexual activity should be observant of natural law. Natural law asserts that by virtue of our human nature (endowed by our Creator) there are universal human values and rights knowable through reason. The arguments against contraception in Humanae vitae are largely philosophical in nature: they are based on the nature or meaning of marital intercourse. But there are also scientific studies unknown prior to the publication of Humanae vitae that support the conclusions of Pope Paul VI. Two scientific developments that have made the words of Pope Paul VI so prescient are the growing understanding of the role of pheromones in human sexual behavior and of the effect on a woman’s body of synthetic hormones found in hormonal contraception such as the Pill, Depo Provera, Norplant, and the patch
, among others. These new findings particularly support the prediction made in Humanae vitae that widespread use of contraception would be damaging to a woman’s physical and psychological health. Moreover, as we shall see, what is harmful to her psychological and physical health is also harmful to her relationships.
Our fallible and willful human nature often rebels when a restriction meant for our well-being is placed upon what is considered our freedom for our cherished choices. Understandably, we want to have a reason for the restriction. We say, Prove why it is better for me to change my behavior,
or, Prove to me why contraception is wrong and will hurt me.
The evidence that existed long before 1973 that an embryo is a living human being should have been sufficient to have kept abortion illegal. But had the justices who decided Roe v. Wade been able to see a moving and audible ultrasound image of a three-week-old embryo’s beating heart, they may have been swayed to protect the life, once they could see and hear it with their own senses. Similarly, had clergy and laity known how tampering with a woman’s natural hormones impacts her physiologically and psychologically, and consequently her relationships as well, they may have more easily come to accept the teaching of Humanae vitae. That information was not available in 1968. Indeed, the science illustrating the reason hormonal contraceptives affect sexual behavior and mate
preference could only be obtained after a large number of women used the Pill and the sociological changes in the male-female relationship became painfully apparent.
Had Pope Paul VI known the physiological changes caused by the Pill that result in behavioral changes, he would have come to the same conclusions on the Pill’s effect on human behavior that he arrived at, by moral doctrine on marriage taught by natural law and the Magisterium of the Church. In fact, he would likely have been surprised at the range of evidence that supports the Church’s teaching.
How Hormonal Contraceptives Work
A woman using hormonal contraceptives is in a very unnatural state. It is natural for women from puberty to postmenopause to be cycling through fertile and infertile phases or to be pregnant. Hormonal contraceptives prevent a woman from getting pregnant by preventing ovulation, changing the viscosity of the mucus that carries a sperm to meet an ovum, and changing the quality of the endometrium. We know from in vitro fertilization studies that for good implantation rates for the embryo, the endometrium should be 8.5 millimeters thick.
Women on the Pill fail to develop a thickness over 6 millimeters.¹ Moreover, hormonal contraceptives change the very biochemistry of the women at the