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The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success
The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success
The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success
Ebook234 pages3 hours

The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success

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The ability to save money is critical as it is the behavior that funds your investments and investments are what fund your biggest goals and dreams.

Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when it comes to saving money. This book will teach you best practices in order to save a large sum of money over time without living like a pauper.

Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices starting with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. All of it started by using the techniques and best practices shared in this book to become an expert saver of money.

No get rich quick scheme or a book that is designed to sell you consulting services. This book has one mission and that is all about sharing experience and wisdom so you can personalize your learning and hit your own goals!.

Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Book is for education purposes only and will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.

Let's get started! Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the book!

Release dateNov 7, 2023
The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success

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    Book preview

    The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success - SHAKRUDDIN KHAN

    What You'll Discover

    Be aware of the appropriate income % for saving.

    Select the budgeting tool that best suits their needs.

    Examine several online and manual budgeting resources.

    Recognize the significance of automating their spending and saving.

    Recognize and avoid the main behaviors that could derail their goal.

    Develop self-assurance and learn the temporal value of money and how to use it to your benefit.

    Observe the ideas of his day-to-day activities.

    Make the initial move to transform their savings into investments that will eventually finance their aspirations and goals!


    The ability to save money is critical as it is the behavior that funds your investments and investments are what fund your biggest goals and dreams.

    Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when it comes to saving money. This book will teach you best practices in order to save a large sum of money over time without living like a pauper.

    Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices starting with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. All of it started by using the techniques and best practices shared in this book to become an expert saver of money.

    No get rich quick scheme or a book that is designed to sell you consulting services. This book has one mission and that is all about sharing experience and wisdom so you can personalize your learning and hit your own goals!.

    Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Book is for education purposes only and will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.

    Let's get started! Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the book!

    Section 1: Personal Success

    Hi, this is Shakruddin, you're my master guide on the inside, and welcome to our Book. Personal Success. Dr. Jain has been calming and bettering brains through hypnosis and help for over 30 years. And he has poured his knowledge and passion into this Book. And here he is to tell you a little bit more about his work and goals for you in the Mind Mastery series. Hello, I'm Dr. Jain, and I'm glad you found your way to my mastery. If you're one of the millions of people that old deep patterns that are holding you back, you've come to the right place.

    You see, my personal mission is to better one billion brains, including yours. I have over twenty five years experience in developing proven programs and technologies that have helped me stress, lose weight, stop smoking, accelerate learning and much more. I'm famous for saying you are far greater than you've been led to believe and far more capable than others have allowed you to become. That's why I created my mastery to help you do just that. When you think about other programs, most programs that teach you about mindset and how you're going to improve the quality of your life, they're tied to only five percent of your potential. Bruce Lipton in his book Biology of Elite, shows that ninety five percent of your behaviors, your biological system is controlled by your subconscious.

    Next, let's talk about the mind mastery learning process. Each Book begins with an intro like this and an action guide that will serve as a living document for your learning journey. It is important to print and complete the document in your own handwriting. Doing so sends a strong signal to your mind that you're serious about.making positive change in your life. So as soon as this chapter ends, please print the action guide and put it next to you while you're completing the Book. Next, you'll see a series of chapters from Dr. Jain that explain the psychology behind what you're experiencing and give you a step by step guide for breaking those bad habits and forming new, better habits.

    Dr. Jain also encourages that you revisit the content at any time and do it as an audible you can listen and learn any time and any place you have to audible that you can listen to in your car while you're driving, sitting at the beach or just going for a walk. This is going to feed your conscious mind and let you know what you're going to learn at the subconscious level. And once you complete the chapters, you'll find hypnotic celebration sessions that you'll have lifetime access to and you can listen to again and again, as the name implies there, self hypnosis audios designed to work fast when reading. Find yourself a comfortable place, close your eyes and let the positive change begin.

    And here's Dr. Jain to explain why there are two versions. We have a single voice version. I'm going to recommend you listen to that first. That's going to give you the main topic and allow you to learn it at the subconscious level. It will feed back into your life as new behaviors, attitudes and beliefs, not take it up another level and to get more neuroplasticity, which means we're going to get more of your brain working on the solution to any given problem in your life. I'm going to have you listen to our dual voice process, how that works, because you're going to hear.that single voice process right down the middle of your brain.

    You're going to hear a voice in the right ear communicating a message to your left brain, and you're going to hear a message in your left ear communicating to your right brain. These two are going to engage more and more of your brain's potential to handle and manage information.and then place that information into the subconscious. Where, again, it feeds back is new behaviors, attitudes and beliefs, even under the most stressful conditions. So kick back, relax and know that you have in your hands in your possession right now the most powerful mind mastery Book ever created.

    Thank you, Dr. Jain, for creating the Mind Mastery series. Benjamin Franklin once said, Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I may remember to involve myself and I will learn. And now is the time for you to involve yourself by completing the action guide, the chapters and reading to the Hebner acceleration sessions as many times as you like. And with Dr. Jain's help, you can start breaking through those obstacles that are holding you back and begin Personal Success.

    Activating Your Success Blueprint

    Hello, this is Dr. Jain, and welcome to Personal Success. You may listen to this mine mastery motivational message at any time or place, including your automobile. However, all hypnosis processes should only be listened to in the comfort of your home or a place where you can relax safely without interruptions. The Mind Mastery series will teach you how to cultivate the inner resources that are at the core of who you are. If positive changes, we believe that you are far greater than you've been led to believe in, far more capable than you have yet allowed yourself to become. Today, as we talk about Personal Success, we are referring to the internal blueprint, a blueprint that was there the moment you were born.

    This blueprint represents your true potential. As I outlined in my book Awaken the Genius. Each one of us has skills, abilities and resources that are inherent. What do I mean by skills, abilities and resources? Well, a skill is something you do well and usually better than other people around you. And ability could be physical or mental in nature as an example, some people have the natural do math. Others have the natural ability to do art, while others have natural athletic ability. A resource is part of your internal management system and allows you to handle situations, for example, you would require the resource of patients whenever outside factors are difficult, slow or out of your control.

    Another resource might be the ability to transform anger into flexibility. Achieving personal success is about activating your success blueprint. So how is your success blueprint developed? Psychologists have determined that only 15 percent of your knowledge is based on what would be considered technical training. The remaining 85 percent is represented in personal qualities, such as how you set goals, how you use your memory, and recall how creativity is used in your life. If you respond calmly to situations, how enthusiastic you are about your personal life or the lives of others, whether or not you are diplomatic under stress, how relaxed you are when you are put to the test through stress, anger or negative emotions, whether or not you have personal confidence, how decisive you are, how aggressive you are, how well you get along with others, whether or not you are a procrastinator.

    All of these personal qualities are learned in the school of life. They are not learned through books or classroom education. Today, we're going to teach you how to cultivate these inner skills. This inner knowledge will help you to master your mind and therefore master your life. After reviewing this motivational message, you will listen to the hypnosis acceleration, Personal Success to get the most out of this process. You will need to bring a personal goal into your mind when choosing whatever it is you want to accomplish. There are a few things you need to consider.

    Is the result totally up to you? If it is dependent upon your winning the lottery or some other external forces outside of your control, I suggest you choose something else. It is best to use your mind to accomplish goals that you have control over. What we are talking about here is mind mastery, the mastery of your own mind in your own personal life. Hopefully you have thought of something you want to accomplish. Next, I will ask you to imagine all of the unseen forces of your mind going to work for you, helping you to accomplish that goal with hypnosis. You don't have to worry about all the details, the how, the why or the what.

    The key is to think of the end result and keep it focused in your mind. Before you can activate your personal success, it's important to consider the factors and consequences involved in your goal, consider the following questions. Would the attainment of this goal take anything away from who you are, what the achievement of this goal does harm to anyone? Is there any excuse you can make right now that would likely stop you from accomplishing your goal if you answered yes to any of these questions? I urge you to choose a different goal, because today, through the mind mastery process, you will learn to eliminate all doubt in accomplishing your goal.

    Once all doubt is removed, all that can remain a success. We will also be using what self-help experts call the law of requisite variety. This law states that the more options you have available to you, the higher the likelihood that you'll accomplish your goal. We need to give your other than conscious mind a variety of ways by which you can accomplish your goal, because if there was only one way, you're likely to get frustrated and give up. Think of it this way. If you only have one way of getting yourself somewhere, should you run into roadblocks along the way, you end up stuck with nowhere to turn through mind mastery. Our goal is to open your mind to the potential of an infinite number of possible ways to achieve your goal. This is also the reason we want to eliminate doubt and failure as an option.

    How to Think, Act, and Respond, with the Goal in Mind

    I'm going to ask you to open your mind right now, think of what you want to accomplish today with hypnosis through the hypnotic acceleration process, you're going to open your mind to all the ways you can accomplish.that goal and more. One key in accomplishing any goal and activating your blueprint is to keep it in your mind's eye. The easiest way to do this is to listen to your hypnosis process daily and then act as if you're guaranteed the result that you're seeking. Additionally, should you demonstrate a behavior that is counter to accomplishing your goal, you will make the necessary changes the next time you listen to your hypnosis process. In this way, you will continue to think, act and respond with the goal in mind.

    Each time you practice using your hypnosis process, you will quickly discover how your inner ability to see, hear and experience in your mind's eye improves are either a visual learner, an auditory learner, or you're more of a kinesthetic or feeling type learner. Throughout the Mind Mastery series, you will learn to easily become a full sensory learner with the ability to use all of your senses. You will learn to magnetize to yourself everything you need from the world around you, and then you will gain motivation to go after and achieve it. The next step is to think about what will need to change in your life so that you can have the goal you set for yourself.

    In other words, what are you going to have to give up that you're holding on to dearly now? Because if you weren't holding on to something dearly, something that's stopping you from accomplishing this goal, you wouldn't even be reading this message right now. You'd be out there accomplishing your goal. Let's use bowling as an example. Let's say you decide to take lessons because your goal is to bowl a 600 series. If a professional bowler taught you a different way to release the ball in a different method of marking out the lane and then demonstrated how the new release and marking would hook the ball right into the.pocket, you would have the knowledge for consistently throwing a strike ball, right? So your chances of achieving your goal are better, right? Not necessarily, because if you are locked into your old way of rolling the ball and are not able to make the change.

    In other words, if you can't get out of your own way, you can't make the strikes you need to accomplish.your goal. So I ask you, what changes need to take place so you can get out of your own way and activate your personal success. Next, I need you to find out what resources you have internally to accomplish your goal during the hypnosis process. I'm going to ask you to make a mental inventory of your skills, abilities and resources that you have at your disposal.

    Remember, a skill is something you do well, such as cooking, spelling, driving a car, hitting a golf ball or knitting. When I talk about an ability, I'm referring to attributes you have, such as the ability to learn, follow instructions or be supportive just to name a few by a resource. I mean, do you have the patience? Do you have the aptitude? For instance, if you're not creative and you need a creative solution, maybe you need to bring someone else into the equation who has the resources you need during the hip. No acceleration.

    You will be given time to do a mental inventory of your skills, abilities and resources. This inventory is based on your past experiences. There are probably hundreds of accomplishments from your past that are actually skills and resources. For instance, when you learned how to ride a bike, you gained resources far beyond the simple ability to balance and pedal. It certainly took patience and perseverance to learn how to ride a bike. Additionally, you learn how to set a goal and accomplish it, because in order to learn to balance, you had to keep pedaling and you had to think of a destination.

    It all happened through a series of learned behaviors. So your subconscious mind has gained the ability to learn new things, whether it was through riding a bike, driving a car, learning to read or to solve math problems, you gained resources such as patience, flexibility, empathy, perseverance, kindness, troubleshooting and so much more. What we're asking your subconscious mind to do through Personal Success is to go inside and find what triggers these resources through the hypnosis process.

    We will uncover them and create active success triggers in hypnosis. We call this posthypnotic suggestion. These are suggestions that use past memories or events to trigger the skills, abilities and resources you will need on your timeline. What do I mean by timeline? We all operate on a line of time. We all believe we have a past and sometimes we allow that past to dictate our present or future. One of the things you're going to learn through the mind mastery technique is that past mistakes don't make you wrong.

    It doesn't mean you're broken. It simply means you've had past experiences. Some of those past experiences will need to be modified or even deleted, which is possible through your imagination. What's most important is that you will use your mind to categorize and organize your past into a series of skills, abilities and resources that will help you to accomplish whatever you wish. Motivational speaker Anthony Robbins said it very well. The path to success is to take massive, determined action. In other words, the amount of success you achieve is in direct proportion to the amount of change or action you are willing to make.

    Massive, determined action will rocket you in the direction of your goal. I'm going to ask you to release any preconceived ideas about how you might accomplish your goal and open your mind to the possibility that there is an even greater possibility out there for you.

    How to Integrate the Four Pillars of Success

    Let's discuss personal success. There are four pillars of success, which I want you to think about, because during the hip, no acceleration process, you're going to be asked to integrate these four different areas. Number one, physical success. Do you want to be physically strong and healthy? Think about your physical

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