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The Coconut: Botany, Production and Uses
The Coconut: Botany, Production and Uses
The Coconut: Botany, Production and Uses
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The Coconut: Botany, Production and Uses

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The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the world's most important palms, and contributes significantly to the income and livelihood of many people in tropical countries. Widely referred to as the 'tree of life', coconut has been used as a source of food, drink, oil, medicine, shelter and wood for around 500 years. Every part of the coconut palm can be utilized. The demand for coconut fruit and its products has increased recently as people have become aware of its nutritional and health benefits, especially those of coconut water and virgin coconut oil.

This book covers all aspects of coconut including origins and diversity; ecophysiology; production in a changing climate; pests and diseases; harvest and postharvest management; breeding and genetics; as well as the current and future status of coconut as an economic crop.

This book is a key resource for researchers and students in horticulture, plant science and agriculture, and those interested in the production of tropical crops, and practitioners in the coconut industry.
Release dateJan 25, 2024
The Coconut: Botany, Production and Uses

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    The Coconut - Stephen W Adkins

    1 An Introduction: Botany, Origin and Diversity

    Steve W. Adkins*, Robyn Cave and Fernanda Caro Beveridge

    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD, Australia


    Coconut is a monoecious perennial palm and the only species in the genus Cocos within the Arecaceae, a family that first appeared 100 million years ago on the Gondwana supercontinent. It is likely that the modern coconut evolved around 85 million years ago, when Gondwana fragmented and newly formed land masses drifted through the Tethys Sea. Two development stages probably followed, the first running through geological time and dependent upon natural events, and the second a response to human activities around 100,000 years ago, during colonization of the tropical coasts. In the tropics, the palm has become a principal source of nourishment and was the first vegetable oil to be traded. While food products are the main use, other products such as timber and coir ensure that all parts of the palm are utilized. New processing methods have led to coconut oil, sugar and water becoming more valuable, highlighting the need for conservation and utilization of germplasm.


    The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the world’s most important palms, currently cultivated on 12 million ha of tropical coastal lowlands, contributing significantly to the income and livelihood of millions of farmers and their families in tropical countries (FAOSTAT, 2013). Widely referred to as the ‘Tree of Life’, the fruit’s kernel is converted locally into food products with high nutritional and therapeutic value (Foale, 2003; Perera et al., 2009; Dayrit and Dayrit, 2013), being rich in lipids, edible fibre, proteins and inorganic nutrients (Lim, 2012). Commercially refined products, including virgin coconut oil, shell charcoal and husk fibre (coir), are manufactured regionally and exported. Virgin coconut oil, which has emerged recently as a high-quality edible product compared with traditional copra-derived oil, is extracted at low temperature. It possesses powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties (Chakraborty and Mitra, 2008; Marina et al., 2009), and possibly has anticancer (Koschek et al., 2007; Enos et al., 2016) and anti-Alzheimer’s potential (see Chapter 11, this volume). Components found in several coconut products have been used to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, ulcers and other gut ailments, as well as hormonal imbalance in postmenopausal women (Ross, 2005; Lim, 2012). As well as the products derived from the fruit, coconut sugar is produced from the sap of cut inflorescence buds. Moreover, coconut wood, cut from the older portions of the stem, is used as a robust timber component for building construction, furniture and handicrafts. This chapter summarizes the current knowledge on coconut taxonomy, its origins and distribution, and its botanical features, and provides a description of some of the most important coconut varieties.


    Coconut is a perennial monoecious palm from the monocotyledon group. It is the only species in the genus Cocos within the family Arecaceae and the subfamily Arecoideae, which is made up of 27 genera containing approximately 600 species (Dransfield et al., 2008). Previously, there were over 30 species included in the genus Cocos, distributed mainly in Central and South America (Niral and Jerard, 2018). However, later analysis placed Cocos as a single-species genus, despite its pantropical distribution, with Cocos nucifera as the sole member (Beccari, 1916). Based on detailed anatomical examination of all genera, Tomlinson (1961) justified this systematic classification of Cocos (Table 1.1). Subspecific descriptions of typica, nana, javanica, etc., have been proposed but have had limited use.

    Table 1.1. Systematic classification of the genus Cocos as justified by Tomlinson (1961), based on detailed anatomical examination of all genera.

    Different names have been used for C. nucifera around the world. In the Federated States of Micronesia it is called nu, in the Mariana Islands niyog or nizok, in the Republic of Kiribati te ni, in the Republic of Palau iru, in the Marshall Islands ni, in the Society Islands ha’ari, and in Samoa, Tonga, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji niu. In other regions of the world, in English it is called the coconut or coconut palm, in Dutch coco, cocos, cocospalm or klapperboom, in French coco, cocoyer, coq au lait, cocotier or noix de coco, in German Kokospalme, in Malaysian/Indonesian kelapa or nyior, in Filipino niyog, in Portuguese coco da Bahia, coco da India or coqueiro de Bahia, and in Spanish coco, cocotero, palma de coco, coco de agua or palmera de coco.

    1.3Origins and Distribution

    The first members of the Arecaceae appeared around 100 million years ago on the Gondwana supercontinent, as shown by fossil records. Fragmentation of Gondwanaland approximately 85 million years ago, along with continental drift, promoted diversification through isolation and climate change (Harries, 1978). It has been hypothesized that the modern coconut species evolved during this time, when Gondwana’s land fragments, east of the forming African continent, drifted through the warm ocean region, known as Tethys Sea (Fig. 1.1).

    Drifting of the continents from the supercontinent Gondwanaland at the time which the coconut species may have evolved.

    Fig. 1.1. The modern coconut species probably evolved during the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwanaland to form the continents of Australia, South America, Africa and southern India, and were drifting through the warm ocean region, known as Tethys Sea. From Foale, 2003.

    The coconut fruit evolved adaptive traits enabling it to survive long-distance dissemination by ocean currents. It produced an extraordinarily resilient and buoyant fruit that allowed it to be dispersed by floating in sea water and to form populations on other landmasses (Harries and Clement, 2014). Therefore, ocean drift of fruit could be the most important contributor to natural dispersal in the present-day Indo-Pacific regions (Bourdeix et al., 2020). It has been estimated that coconut fruit can survive for up to 110 days floating in the ocean, which is assessed to represent a distance of around 4800 km (Edmondson, 1941). By floating, coconut colonized many scattered islands including coral atolls and recently forming volcanic islands (Harries and Clement, 2014), where it could establish without herbivorous attack and competition from other plant species (Foale and Harries, 2011).

    A two-stage developmental history has been described for coconut: the first stage was a progression through geological time and was dependent upon natural phenomena, while the second was as a response to human activities (Gunn et al., 2011). Most present-day coconut fruit have a thick fibrous mesocarp (husk) with a hard stony endocarp. Having a high proportion of husk provides a high degree of buoyancy, and being able to float is crucial for embryo protection and viability preservation during long-distance travel on ocean currents (Harries, 2012; Harries and Clement, 2014). Moreover, dormancy can be present within the coconut seed for several months, allowing the fruit to travel long distances within ocean currents to remote locations, such as islands or more substantial land masses. After arrival at a new tropical beach, establishment success could be achieved partly through the relatively large and nutritious endosperm, when compared with most other fruits. This substantial food reserve enabled roots to grow beyond the usual reach of saltwater brought by the tide to the freshwater table beneath every well-watered beach. Humid tropical environments, such as those found on the east coast of Africa, South-eastern Asia and the tropical islands of the Pacific and the west coast of Mexico, would have allowed the coconut to establish naturally (Sauer, 1971). The length of this wild coconut prosperity period must have continued over several million years.

    The beginning of the modern phase of the coconut population expansion, in response to human activities, is less certain. However, it probably dates to around 100,000 years ago, to a time when human colonization of the tropical and subtropical coasts is thought to have begun (Ingicco et al., 2018). As the coconut fruit’s kernel provides not only an important amount of high-energy food but also drinking water, the coconut fruit was probably carried on sea voyages as a secure food and water reserve. After arriving at a potentially suitable coastline to colonize, which might have already hosted a wild coconut population, the remaining seed from the provisions used by the early voyagers would have been propagated. Once the newly established coconut population grew, it would become the parent of subsequent introgressed populations due to cross-pollination with the wild palms, for which there are numerous examples around the tropical world (Harries, 1978). As a staple food for all coastal communities, the coconut was propagated inland as the human population increased in the tropics and way beyond its original coastline location. Coconut was cultivated successfully, up to altitudes of 1000 m in some cases, by human settlement that spread into the lowland interior of sizeable islands and the tropical regions of the Asian subcontinent (Child, 1974).

    Besides the strong connection between coconuts and human settlement, during the last two centuries the coconut has gained a far greater role, as a response to areas outside the tropics demanding its oil, which has been used since the 1830s for manufacturing soap. Coconut demand expanded to edible coconut oil within a few decades. It was used to supplement animal lipid supply, which could not meet the requirements of the increasing population of industrializing countries. Coconut oil had such a high market value at that time that investment by industrialists in plantations thrived throughout the tropics, particularly in South-east Asia, in nearby islands and throughout the South Pacific, together with East Africa, Central America and the Caribbean. Plantation development began around 1880, peaked between 1900 and 1925, but then declined due to the Great Depression of the 1930s, with a further decline during the Second World War. The expansion of other plant oil plantations caused the final collapse of large coconut oil plantations.

    None the less, despite the coconut oil decline in the late 20th century, the widely expanded distribution of the coconut palm during the plantation era remained in place. As the palm continued to be important for the life and culture of the regions where it is grown, the traditional landowners took over former plantation lands, while other palms were made available to tenants who integrated them into a semi-subsistence lifestyle. Currently, the coconut palm seems to exclusively dominate most suitable beaches throughout the tropics, together with significant plantings where the original vegetation had been cleared. At present, Brazil has the most significant expansion of coconut on a plantation scale, in response to a strong coconut water demand from the USA (FAO, 2018).

    1.4Botanical Features

    The coconut palm belongs to the monocotyledons, a group of flowering plants having an embryo with a single large cotyledon, flower parts in groups of three and usually leaves with parallel veins. A single, erect stem is produced that can reach 24–30 m for tall varieties (Paull and Duarte, 2012; Naresh Kumar et al., 2018). As with most monocotyledonous species, the stem lacks a vascular cambium and secondary thickening is absent. A single-shoot apical meristem produces a crown that consists of 30–35 green pinnate leaves at various stages of development (Ranasinghe et al., 2015). Depending on the growing conditions, one leaf is produced each month over the life of the plant. Floral buds are produced in the axil of each leaf after 3–7 years of growth (Niral and Jerard, 2018). The inflorescence bears separate male and female flowers (Fig. 1.2), with many more male flowers produced than female. The adventitious roots are produced continuously throughout the life of the palm from the base or bole of the stem. The long-lived roots have a structure that is typical of most plants, but they lack root hairs for water and nutrient absorption.

    Male and female coconut flowers.

    Fig. 1.2. The coconut inflorescence bears separate male and female flowers, with many more male flowers produced than female. A fully opened inflorescence of the coconut showing (A) shedding male flowers at the midpoint on the rachilla and (B) a female flower with stigma. Photos courtesy of Dr Sisunandar, Indonesia.

    1.4.1Vegetative features


    The single stem produced by the coconut palm lacks true bark and vascular cambium, and does not undergo secondary growth as seen in dicotyledonous species. Hence, once formed, the stem neither increases nor decreases in diameter. However, diurnal expansion and contraction have been reported and also general shrinkage as the palm ages (Carr and Lockwood, 2011). In common with all palms, the stem is formed at its full diameter beneath the apical meristem. The stem becomes visible after 3–4 years as the outer leaves senesce and detach. The stem diameter of a tall variety can be up to 50 cm at the base (Fig. 1.3). The dwarf variety has a trunk diameter of up to 30 cm and reaches its full diameter after 4 years. The rate of vertical growth is rapid in young palms, up to 1.5 m year–1 (Niral and Jerard, 2018). This slows once the reproductive phase has been reached and continues to decline as the palm ages to only 10–20 cm year–1 around the age of 40 years. However, planting palms close together, and/or in shade, will cause the stem to elongate rapidly. The developing portion of the stem is protected and strengthened by the overlapping leaf bases that wrap around the stem. When the leaves senesce and detach, a scar remains that can be used to determine the age of the palm (Naresh Kumar et al., 2018). The stem of the coconut palm consists of many vascular bundles, each enclosed in a fibrous sheath, which strengthens the stem and enables it to withstand very strong winds (Paull and Duarte, 2012). The vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem with a higher concentration towards the periphery (Tomlinson and Huggett, 2012). This pattern is maintained along the length of the stem, although at the base of the stem, the vascular bundles are wider. The vascular tissues are alive at maturity and remain functional for the life of the palm. The size and strength of the trunk has been observed to be greater when soil chloride is readily available (Ochs et al., 1991). The density of the trunk increases with age so that the lower region is always denser than the upper region. The density of the newly formed stem tissue is approximately 400 kg m–3 and increases to around 800 kg m–3 during the next 30 years. With the absence of bark, the stem is protected with a type of cork cell layer (Niral and Jerard, 2018).

    Coconut trees in a plantation.

    Fig. 1.3. The coconut palm can have a stem base up to 50 cm in diameter. This swollen base, termed the ‘bole’, is present in all tall varieties and in some hybrids. Photo courtesy of Dr S.W. Adkins, Australia.

    Root system

    The adventitious roots produced by coconut palms arise from the stem base and are produced throughout the life of the palm (Niral and Jerard, 2018). They consist of uniformly sized primary and secondary roots that also produce pneumatophores. The main adventitious roots are around 8 mm in diameter and capable of extending approximately 8 m horizontally and 2 m or more vertically downwards, although most roots occur within 1 m of the stem and to a depth of 0.5–1.0 m (Paull and Duarte, 2012). Avilan et al. (1984) reported that root systems of tall and dwarf varieties that were 4–12 years old reached similar depths, and that root distribution was influenced by certain features of the soil, and by the fertilizer and irrigation regimes used. Extending from the upper surface of the main and secondary roots are small, whitish pneumatophores that are entry points for oxygen. The main roots are long lived, whereas the secondary roots, which produce multiple branches and are responsible for most of the water and nutrient uptake, are relatively short lived (Niral and Jerard, 2018). The absorbing region of the root is immediately behind the protective root cap and is hairless. Young, actively growing roots are yellow to white in colour and turn red to brown as they age. Mature palms can have between 1500 and 7000 roots (Paull and Duarte, 2012; Niral and Jerard, 2018).

    Heart, crown and leaves

    The apical meristem of the palm comprises a broad, cone-shaped mass of soft, undifferentiated tissue, referred to as the heart, on the ‘pedestal’ of the extending stem. Around the periphery of the meristem, leaf and inflorescence primordia form and expand, while growth in the central part extends and forms the stem.

    The assemblage of fronds on a mature palm is known as the crown. It consists of three main sets of pinnate leaves, each with about 10–12 or 14 leaves. The oldest set of leaves is those from which fruit has been produced, the middle set comprises those that are providing photosynthates for the palm and fruit, and the youngest set is those that are not fully expanded and have rudimentary inflorescences in their axils (Niral and Jerard, 2018). The coconut palm produces leaves year-round, with dwarf varieties producing about 17 leaves year–1 and tall varieties about 12 leaves year–1 (Paull and Duarte, 2012). After about 30 years, leaf production starts to decline and the size and lifespan of the leaf decreases. The entire life cycle of a typical leaf is about 5 years from the time the leaf primordia are produced by the shoot apical meristem to the time the leaf senesces and falls from the palm (Niral and Jerard, 2018). Leaf opening tends to occur more consistently in regions where there is little seasonality and particularly when rainfall is consistent. The leaves are produced in five-merous spirals with the bunch of fruit either hanging on the left-hand side of the petiole or on the right. In mature palms, leaves can reach 4 m in length for dwarf varieties and 7 m for tall varieties, and consist of a short petiole and around 200–250 leaflets. Each leaflet has 20–25 parallel veins and caries 170–220 stomata mm–2, mostly on the lower leaflet surface, although dwarf varieties tend to have more stomata than tall varieties.


    Tall varieties sustain peak productivity from 15 to about 35 years of age, although it is quite common that there will be alternate years of high and low productivity. Older palms exhibit a gradual reduction in the length of the frond and the diameter of the crown. The accompanying reduction in light interception brings about a steady downward trend in biomass production, causing stem extension to become very small (6 cm year–1) beyond 60 years of age. This low rate of productivity still leaves sufficient biomass to support the production of a small number of fruit, even in 90-year-old palms, although such longevity is rare due to the increased likelihood of breakage of the now-fragile upper stem by cyclonic winds (Foale and Ashburner, 2004).

    1.4.2Reproductive features


    Coconut palms produce separate male and female flowers. Typically, there are thousands of male flowers in contrast to about 50 female flowers (Paull and Duarte, 2012). Following pollination, either by wind or insects (Niral and Jerard, 2018), a period of shedding occurs where about 55–95% of female flowers are lost (Paull and Duarte, 2012; Solangi, 2014). Further shedding occurs before the endosperm tissues have fully developed and usually coincides with periods of drought (Paull and Duarte, 2012). Most bunches of fruit produced on an average palm growing in an ideal environment comprise about ten fruit of equal size, shape and colour. After fertilization, the developing fruit turn from a yellowish colour to green, yellow or red-bronze, depending on the variety (Fig. 1.4), after exposure to light. Bronze or green of varying intensities is the most common colour of the immature fruit of tall varieties, while yellow or orange immature fruit are generally found in the self-pollinating dwarf varieties. The coconut fruit is a drupe that reaches its full volume 6–8 months after fertilization and then turns brown at maturity after 10–12 months (Niral and Jerard, 2018). Dwarf varieties take a slightly shorter time, maturing at 10–11 months. After turning brown, the fruit of some varieties will naturally fall. Those that do not readily fall, which is more common in dwarf varieties, need to be harvested.

    Coconuts on two trees that look slightly different.

    Fig. 1.4. After fertilization, the developing fruit turn from a yellowish colour to green, yellow or red-bronze, depending on the variety. (A) A yellow dwarf and (B) an orange dwarf. Photos courtesy of Mr Shyam, ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala, India.

    At 6 months of age, the fruit comprises a soft husk, an inner hard shell and a large cavity filled with liquid endosperm or coconut water. The husk consists of many vascular fibres that have the role of conducting biomass to the developing seed. The endosperm or kernel layer on the inside of the shell is very soft and gelatinous at first, but by month 10 it firms, and by the month 12 it is solid. This kernel at maturity contains 33% oil, 50% water and 5% protein with the remainder comprising carbohydrates, including a significant fibre content. It is this kernel that has become the highly profitable commodity, traded in its dry form as copra to industrialized countries from about 1880 until the late 20th century, with some exportation continuing in many regions to the present day.

    At maturity, a medium-sized coconut fruit from a tall variety (18 cm long × 15 cm wide) consists of a low-density resilient covering that contains a spherical nut 12 cm in diameter. The shell of the nut is 3 mm thick, and its inner surface is occupied by the kernel, which can be up to 14 mm thick. The inner cavity (approx. 9 cm in diameter with a volume of around 450 mL) is filled with liquid endosperm. At maturity, and following fruit abscission from the palm, the water begins to vaporize, allowing air to enter the cavity. The embryo is embedded in the kernel directly beneath the ‘soft eye’, the region in the shell through which the embryo will protrude during germination (Naresh Kumar et al., 2018).

    Germination and growth

    The fruit are usually sown horizontally to maximize contact of the embryo with the soil (Naresh Kumar et al., 2018). Germination usually commences when sufficient moisture is provided for a sustained period. After 10–20 days, enlargement of the embryo occurs, and growth commences in two directions. As the shoot extends through the husk, a spongy haustorium expands from the opposite end of the embryo into the vacuole, absorbing the liquid endosperm and secreting enzymes that hydrolyse the kernel to supply energy-rich sugars and nutrients to the developing seedling. The haustorium continues to draw sugars and nutrients from the kernel for up to 13–16 weeks, which are transferred directly to the growing palm (Foale, 1968; Naresh Kumar et al., 2018). The first leaves start to unfold about 2 months after germination, with the leaf blades of the first few leaves being fused (Niral and Jerard, 2018). For the first 4 months of seedling growth, the leaves are very small, and the plant remains dependent on the endosperm reserves for growth. From 6 to 12 months after germination, the leaves gradually increase in size. This coincides with the gradual transition of the palm to be fully autotropic 4–15 months after germination (Foale, 1968).

    1.5Important Types and Unique Varieties

    1.5.1Dwarf and tall

    Early coconut farmers described two basic forms of coconut, tall and dwarf (Fig. 1.5), and called them Cocos typica and C. nana (Niral and Jerard, 2018). More recently, however, coconut agronomists have acknowledged that within each of these two forms there are several botanical varieties that, in turn, can be subdivided into more named forms based on their geographical origin, growth characteristics, and fruit size and number (Niral and Jerard, 2018). Today, these names often combine an origin locator with the palm’s stature, such as Rennell Island Tall or Malayan Dwarf, or may indicate a hybrid ancestry, such as Maypan (Malayan Yellow Dwarf × Panama Tall) or the fruit colour (e.g. Malayan Orange Dwarf), or another fruit attribute such as a unique endosperm (e.g. Makapuno, Kopyor or Aromatic). It is believed that tall varieties are principally cross-pollinated and outbred, while the dwarf varieties are dedicated self-pollinators and are therefore inbred. Self-pollination in dwarf varieties results from features of their floral architecture, although dwarf varieties can cross-pollinate, especially when surrounded by tall palms. Historically, the tall varieties have been more extensively cultivated than dwarfs. Tall varieties are typified by having long, stout stems with a swollen base or bole, grow up to a height of 30 m and can live for 90 years. They form their first fruit at the age of about 7 years and yield high-quality copra, oil and fibre. Dwarf varieties have shorter, more slender stems without a swollen base, grow up to a height of around 15 m and live for up to 60 years. The palms come to bearing at the age of about 3 years but yield only poor-quality copra. However, at an immature stage, they produce around 170–225 g of sweet drinking water rich in potassium and other nutrients. Due to their shorter stature, dwarf palms are often cultivated for sugar production, which is made from the sap regularly collected from the cut flower bud stem. As dwarf plants under favourable conditions come into fruit production 2 years earlier than tall varieties, and because the demand for fresh drinking fruit, coconut water and sugar production is rapidly increasing, the planting of the dwarf varieties in many regions is becoming common.

    The two basic forms of coconut trees.

    Fig. 1.5. Early coconut farmers described two basic forms of coconut, tall and dwarf, and called them Cocos typica and C. nana. Mature tall coconut palms are to be seen on the left-hand side next to a plantation of dwarf coconut palms. Photo courtesy of Dr Sisunandar, Indonesia.

    1.5.2Soft endosperm types

    The kernel of a mature coconut is normally hard, but in some types of coconut, the fruit have a thicker but creamier kernel with a buttery texture, with little or no liquid endosperm. Such coconut types with this kind of endosperm are generally referred to as Makapuno and Kopyor types, based on the names given in the Philippines and Indonesia, respectively, where such fruit were first identified (Fig. 1.6). These types of fruit attract a premium price at market and are consumed fresh or used in the preparation of specific coconut delicacies. Forms such as Makapuno and Kopyor have also been described from most other coconut-growing countries, and are known as ‘Garuk’ in Papua New Guinea, ‘Mapharao Khati’ in Thailand, ‘Thairu Thengai’ in India, ‘Dikiri Pol’ in Sri Lanka and ‘Dua Sap’ in Vietnam (Niral and Jerard, 2018). Studies on these soft endosperm types have shown that the endosperm has less fibre, a lower oil content and a greater sweetness (Niral and Jerard, 2018). The embryos from all of these types have a normal morphology but will not germinate from within the fruit. Instead, they must be germinated in vitro when cultured on an appropriate tissue-culture medium. Based on biochemical studies (Mujer et al., 1983, 1984a,b), these soft endosperm types arise due to the low activity of the enzyme α- d-galactosidase, which results in an inadequately formed but tasty endosperm. Soft endosperm types have been found among tall, dwarf and hybrid coconut types.

    Coconuts split into halves with a view of the endosperm inside them.

    Fig. 1.6. In some types of coconut, the fruit have a thicker but creamier kernel with a buttery texture, with little or no liquid endosperm (A–C), compared with the normally hard kernel of a mature coconut (D). Coconut types with this kind of endosperm are generally referred to as Kopyor (A, B) or Makapuno (C) types based on the names given in Indonesia and the Philippines, respectively, where such fruit were first identified. Photos courtesy of Dr Sisunandar, Indonesia, and Dr Adkins, Australia.

    1.5.3Aromatic types

    The fragrance given off when a young coconut is opened can vary among types. The aromatic coconut types not only give off a pleasant smell but produce a flavoursome liquid endosperm (Niral and Jerard, 2018). Such coconuts are found in several coconut-producing countries, including Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. The liquid and solid endosperm from these kinds of coconuts is characterized by an agreeable pandan-like aroma, presumably caused by the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, the major constituent of the aroma in the fragrant leaves of the palm-like Pandanus species or from aromatic rice. The flavour of the coconut endosperm seems to be a qualitative trait controlled by a single recessive gene (Saensuk et al., 2016). Such flavours add tastiness to the consumption of fresh coconut water, and this results in the fruit attracting a higher market price than other varieties.

    1.5.4Sweet and soft husk types

    Certain coconut palms produce young fruit with a mesocarp containing a low tannin content, soft fibres and a higher sugar content. Normally, due to the high tannin content and sturdy fibres, the sweetness of the young pericarp is concealed, resulting in an indigestible and unremarkable taste. In the sweet husk forms of coconut, the husk of the young fruit can be chewed like sugarcane or eaten like any tropical fruit. These types of fruit have been found in several coconut-growing countries including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and more recently in French Polynesia. Soft-husked varieties with lower levels of fibre, which are not sweet, have been recorded from several countries. Such forms have a weakly attached husk, especially when the fruit is dry, and the husk tends to be easily removed (Niral and Jerard, 2018). The economic value of such coconut varieties has yet to be determined.


    Humans have long recognized the value of the coconut palm and have cultivated it for thousands of years. The genus Cocos contains only one species, with a few wild types among its closest relatives. Fossil records demonstrate how variable the palm was with fruit ranging from 3 to 25 cm in size depending on the region in which it was growing. The coconut palm has become established all around the tropical world, most likely due to ocean currents transporting its fruit and the movement of fruit by people during the practice of trading goods. Consequently, the exact origin of the palm remains uncertain.

    Coconut remains an important crop for many countries in the tropics, as many communities rely on its products for their livelihood. While food products are the main reason for growing this crop, other products such as timber and coir ensure that all parts of the palm are utilized. The coconut palm is distinctive, with a single, slender stem that can reach up to 10–30 m in height, depending on whether they are a dwarf or tall variety, and a crown of 30–35 leaves. Both types have their advantages, such as self-pollination and ease of harvest for dwarf palms, and excellent longevity and yield for tall varieties. Breeders have been developing hybrids that combine the desirable traits from both types. The use of genetic resources from wild types would be ideal to provide additional traits and hybrid vigour, but given there are few wild populations left, preserving the current genetic diversity that is present within the tall and dwarf varieties should be a high priority.

    The vegetative and reproductive organs of coconut are relatively slow to mature. For example, the life cycle of a leaf is about 5 years and the fruit take just under 12 months to fully mature. Likewise, seedlings rely on the seed endosperm for nutrients for at least 15 months, although their reliance is reduced after 4 months. Typically, plants that grow slowly require a stable environment to prevent the onset of decline. With more extreme climatic events, perennial plants are experiencing an increased frequency of environmental stress. To prevent pathogen attack, slow-growing plants typically allocate substantial resources to defence. However, being a monocotyledonous species, the coconut does not have secondary growth and cannot adequately protect itself from pathogen attack. Combined, these botanical characteristics suggest that coconut palms could be highly vulnerable to changes in the environment and to further pest and disease outbreaks.

    1.7 References

    Avilan, L.A., Rivas, N. and Sucre, R. (1984) Estudio del sistema radical del cocotero (Cocos nucifera L.). Oléagineux 39, 13–23.

    Beccari, O. (1916) Cocos nucifera Linn forma palmyrensis Becc. In: Rock, J.F (ed.) Palmyra Island with a Description of its Flora. College of Hawaii, Honolulu, pp. 1–58.

    Bourdeix, R., Adkins, S., Johnson, V., Perera, L. and Sisunandar. (2020) In situ and ex situ conservation of coconut genetic resources. In: Adkins, S., Foale, M., Bourdeix, R., Nguyen, Q. and Biddle, J. (eds) Coconut Biotechnology: Towards the Sustainability of the ‘Tree of Life’. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 51–75.

    Carr, M.K.V. and Lockwood, G. (2011) The water relations and irrigation requirements of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.): a review. Experimental Agriculture 47, 653–676.

    Chakraborty, M. and Mitra, A. (2008) The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the methanolic extract from Cocos nucifera mesocarp. Food Chemistry 107, 994–999.

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