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From Chemistry to Life on Earth
From Chemistry to Life on Earth
From Chemistry to Life on Earth
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From Chemistry to Life on Earth

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From Chemistry to Life on Earth presents a compelling, evidence-rich narrative that demystifies the complex chemistry and physics underpinning the genesis and evolution of life. This book offers a cogent explanation for the intricate development of the genetic code and the ribosome, central to our understanding of life’s molecular machinery. Rich in illustrative examples, the text delves deep, supported by an extensive array of scholarly literature, transcending mere conjecture to provide a robust, well-founded account of one of science’s greatest enigmas. Join us on a journey from the elemental to the existential, exploring how life as we know it is anchored in the bedrock of scientific phenomena.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
From Chemistry to Life on Earth

Barask Paraskevopoulos

Barask Paraskevopoulos was born in Athens, Greece, and migrated with his parents from one year of age to Melbourne, Australia. Six years of studying medicine at Monash University, a science degree in cell biology and pharmacology at Monash as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Criminology at Melbourne University together with a lifelong interest in biology and biochemistry put him in good stead to tackle the difficult scenario of life’s origin.

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    From Chemistry to Life on Earth - Barask Paraskevopoulos

    About the Author

    Barask Paraskevopoulos was born in Athens, Greece, and migrated with his parents from one year of age to Melbourne, Australia. Six years of studying medicine at Monash University, a science degree in cell biology and pharmacology at Monash as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Criminology at Melbourne University together with a lifelong interest in biology and biochemistry put him in good stead to tackle the difficult scenario of life’s origin.


    This book is dedicated to the memory of the great Charles Darwin and Carl Woese who discovered the Archaean domain of life.

    Copyright Information ©

    Barask Paraskevopoulos 2024

    The right of Barask Paraskevopoulos to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    The story, the experiences, and the words are the author’s alone.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035821389 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035821396 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781035821419 (ePub e-book)

    ISBN 9781035821402 (Audiobook)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

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    Every scientist who worked on the 290 references employed in substantiating this work.

    What Is Life on Earth?

    A coding polymer, catalysed in its synthesis, with or without accompanying chemical system (group of chemicals or chemical pathways) which uses substrates in its environment to grow and reproduce relatively accurately by a templating mechanism, actively or passively, subject to aqueous physicochemical conditions and molecular evolution.

    This definition may seem far-fetched to some but in polymer chemistry, a polymer is termed as living if it has repeating monomers with no terminating or chain transfer mechanism and whose initiation rate is faster than its propagation.

    Additionally, the polymer has limited dispersity, that is, the monomers in the chain are roughly similar in size and chemical structure. In a 2018 article (Nature Communications), Zhang C.J. concludes ‘the use of thioureas and benzyl-alkoxide led to living/controlled carbonyl sulfide (COS)/epoxied co-polymerisation…’ Faster initiation than propagation simply means enough catalyst and monomers need to be present so that the reaction is initiated faster than the growth of each polymer.

    In their infancy, catalysed polynucleotide polymers propagated as slowly as 1 substrate per minute thereby making the initiation rate potentially faster. A self-perpetuating chemical systems-based concept of life based on metabolism and a plentiful environment is viable for short periods of time but not on a geological time scale. It could grow and divide by evolving systems that break into two compartments upon reaching a certain size as demonstrated by Krishna Bahadur.

    They could even evolve into alternative systems by natural selection pressures in their environment terminating certain variants of cells. They could increase in complexity by adding metabolic cycles to the existing ones but they would not be recognisable as life on Earth by lacking the selfish archive that codes for catalysts: the archive that RNA or DNA and in the Eoarchean, proteinoids represent.

    This deficit would make it too slow and lacking in direction to be viable during environmental perturbations: it lacks an archive of alternative catalytic products to maintain cellular homeostasis and is destined for extinction. A budding metabolic cell may have ample oligopeptides to begin a polymer archive chemistry but could not survive long enough to synthesise ribonucleotides in adequate quantity. There is no selective driver for this synthesis. The tendency is for concentration to decrease and thus when the energy wanes it will extinguish.

    Polypeptides were a plausible alternative coding molecule for life on Earth but were marred by not always having the side chains facing in the same direction away from the backbone of the polymer thereby being less competitive than RNA for this role whilst threose nucleic acids, peptide nucleic acids and other plausible polymers were marred by 1. unreliable availability (concentration), 2. unreliable variety of monomers with stereochemical affinity for each other or amino acids or 3. Low survival value.

    IN: Viruses and viroids.

    OUT: Cells without polynucleotides, e.g., mature human erythrocytes.


    Similar in morphology to this viroid shown, the Cadang Cadang coconut viroid is the smallest living thing on Earth at minimum 246-7 ribonucleotides long, codes for no genes, is devoid of lipid or protein, uses the coconut cells’ RNA polymerase11 to replicate itself and is spread by the wind in pollen, moisture or by direct contact including via workers’ tools.


    This analysis represents an integration of research by thousands of scientists over many decades in order to provide a plausible scenario up to the stage of a biotic cell with over 50 protein-coding genes plus tRNA and ribosomal RNA coding genes as well as ribozymes.

    The final chapter begins the journey beyond the eukaryotes by touching on issues of nutrition, predation and endosymbiosis. A lead up to binary fission follows with an acceptance that meiosis and sexual reproduction, mitosis, apoptosis and multicellularity are still in the future of our biotic cell when control and feedback circuits can become more sophisticated with DNA in the loop and involving reaction cascades. These complex processes are still dependent on a sound background of sustaining metabolic and genetic biochemical pathways.

    It is based on many scholarly articles but fills in gaps in the research with some hypotheses of what probably occurred based on sound first principles, that is, knowledge of how molecules can react based on the literature, the force of electromagnetism, the laws of chemistry and the prevailing conditions. This is integrated with a study of extant biochemistry and genetics across the three domains of life.

    All possible starting locations, the where as well as the compositions, the what, are accepted as possible origins of the protocell, as they are irrefutable, to focus on the more important question of how Earth’s brand of life came about. There are many clues about the when but this is a lot more uncertain due to the fossil record of the Archaean being marred by weathering and subduction of tectonic plates as well as the common presence of convincing artifacts. The how is often suggested by the extant compositions and range of reactions integrated with some estimates of Eoarchean conditions.

    This strategy also admits that the where and the nature of the very first protocells will never be known due to the great passage of time and the lack of fossil evidence.

    Many origins: coacervates, aerosols, liposomes, micelles, rock pore contents and proteasomes, all from different locations have merged and reacted by simple physicochemical means at first towards liposome-proteasome hybrid protocells, then biotic cells of some variety on towards a range of modern cells with our recognisable nucleotide code before continuing to diverge into the enormous variety we see today.

    This analysis mimics life by always looking for plausible alternative chemical pathways. These alternatives, together with abundance, are what made a seemingly impossible pathway towards life inevitable.

    From Hess’s Law, we know that the total enthalpy change of a particular reaction involving specific reactants to specific products is independent of the sequence of steps taken, which means they are no dearer from a thermodynamics viewpoint. There is enough research and archival factual knowledge to assemble a plausible scenario of how inorganic and organic chemistry could have become Earth’s varied biochemistry and to propose an elegant, simple solution to the evolution of the genetic code and the ribosome.

    Carbonaceous Chondrites rich in organic chemicals for lifes’. Origin supplemented those created by reactions on Earth. A Chixculub sized meteorite would deliver billions of Kg of organic chemicals with the impact itself inestimably evolving them further.

    Evolving Stardust

    Approximately, 4.6Gya the Earth was formed from accretions of condensing cosmic dust clouds that were themselves formed by the products of supernovae and neutron star mergers. Subsequently, towards the end of the Hadean period that followed, carbonaceous chondrite meteorites delivered billions of kilograms of organic and inorganic chemicals to the Earth 4.1–3.8 billion years ago, that is during the late heavy bombardment.

    Strong evidence for this assertion is the analysis of the 100kg Murchison meteorite and others (Orgueil, Lake Tagish, Allende), which have been shown to contain amino acids, alkanes, alkenes, carboxylic acids, phosphonic acids, purines and pyrimidines, kerogens and a host of other organic chemicals (Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin PNAS 2010).

    Thousands of different organic molecules have been identified by sensitive spectroscopy but 70% of the organics were kerogens, that is large, unreactive, polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons. Bandurski, E.L. et al. (1976) achieved a graded pyrolysis (150C–600C) of the kerogens from the Orgueil meteorite to produce alkanes and alkenes up to C8 as well as alkylbenzenes, thiophene, Benzothiophene, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, benzonitrile, acetone and phenol. The alkylbenzenes are ideal protocell membrane constituents.

    The following year, 1977, Hayatsu, R. et al. produced these compounds as well as phenanthrene, naphthalene and their methylated derivatives with oxidising agents such as HNO3 or O2/UV. Naphthalene is an ideal chemical to penetrate protocell membranes and act as a stabiliser, thereby mimicking the effects of sterols. Nitric acid and nitrous oxide are powerful oxidisers and were plausibly synthesised near volcanoes from ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate and ammonium sulfates.

    As a backup mechanism, the Diels Alder reaction and variants of it activated by heat, organocatalysis (i.e., Evans oxazolidinones, imidazoline, oxazaborolidines) or Copper chelates of bis-oxazoline allowed dienes and dienophiles to bond thereby forming cyclic products in such a rate, variety and stereochemical bias that some purines, pyrimidines, lactones, terpenoids and aromatic amino acids would inevitably be synthesised from the evolved products.

    As a backup mechanism, the Friedel Crafts alkylation or acylation reactions can add alkane or acylium side chains to benzene or other aromatic molecules with only aluminium chloride (AlCl3) as a catalyst.

    Table 1.

    Murchison Meteorite 100kg

    Pavel Machalek Review, 2007, Johns Hopkins University.

    These organic chemicals were formed by the high pressures and temperatures generated by collisions amongst asteroids (R Hazen et al. CSHPB 2010) and by cosmic and UV rays acting on ices containing H2O, N2, CH4, HCN, Phosphorus and Sulfur (Allamandola, L. et al. (2008) ACS Symposium Series 981) over millions of years as well as by complex synthesis in dust clouds formed by supernovae. Comet impacts with the Earth and dust from the vapour trail of comets was another likely source of the raw materials.

    Even today, approximately 30,000 tons of cosmic dust fall to Earth annually and the heat-pressure of entry into the Earth’s atmosphere needs to be taken into account as a driver of chemical reactions.

    Z Martins in 2018 reported by review a number of N heterocycles found in carbonaceous chondrites including pyridines, pyrimidines, piperazinediones, quinolines, lactams, lactims and proline. Proline has been found to be a weak organic catalyst for the Aldol reaction that favours certain isomers over others.

    Additionally, the mode of synthesis was judged to be low-temperature synthesis in meteorites from the action of UV light on ices containing simpler chemicals. One could hypothesise that on Earth they are the breakdown products of kerogens as they mixed with zeolite (AlSiO4) clays resulting in long chain cracking to produce shorter alkenes, alkanes, olefins and possibly fatty acids and terpenes.

    Other heteropolymers called Tholins which are thought to coat Titan, Triton and many comets are formed by UV and cosmic rays acting on simple interstellar gases such as methane, H2S, N2, hydrogen cyanide and frozen CO2. These are ready sources of phenols and amino acids upon lysis. Their infall as cometary dust trails is hypothesised by accomplished scientists such as Carl Sagan and Bishun Khare, after years of experiments, to have provided organic molecules for the origin of life.

    Together with the chain cracking effects of zeolite (Aluminium Silicate) and UV light (<340 nm wavelength UV photons have enough energy to break C-C bonds of 347 kcal/mol) on kerogens a heteropolymer world of great variety could plausibly be envisioned before molecular evolution guided the process down the pathway to life as we understand it guided by concentration x stereochemical affinity x functional advantage to a cell. The chain cracking effect of zeolite (AlSiO4) together with the ready bonding of Al with silicate may be major reasons for the exclusion of Aluminium from the metabolism of life on Earth.

    Once the Earth’s crust had formed to a depth of 50 metres or more, together with some oceans, it could undergo the same transformations that occurred in asteroids upon impact with smaller bolides, namely to produce organic chemicals CH4, amino acids, formaldehyde, formamide, etc., from prebiotically deposited carbonate minerals (CO3, of which there were 75 different types at this time according to Robert Hazen), Hydrogen and Nitrogen.

    Inorganic carboxylations can routinely occur by CO2 and Sodium Hydroxide carbonylating a phenol with subsequent carboxylation catalysed by acid such as H2SO4. Carboxylations using CO2 catalysed by silver salts such as AgCl2 are also common.

    These reactions point more towards a Calvin-like cycle driven by hyperbaric CO2 (but devoid of the complex RuBisCo enzyme) and hence, high bicarbonate levels that was capable of synthesising great varieties of both fatty acids and ketoacids leading to a domination of life by bacterial ancestors. Hundreds of inorganic catalysts available in chemical company compendia today were present and available to catalyse organic chemistry in the Eoarchean. Palladium is an example of an inorganic metal hydrogenase of alkenes to help form alkanes.

    The lack of significant free gaseous oxygen on the Eoarchean Earth meant there was no ozone layer to impede the ultraviolet light from the Sun. The resulting photochemistry with organic chemicals and mineral catalysts would have been significant. Even though the intensity of the Hadean Sun is estimated to be 75% of the present day intensity, the ultraviolet component was considerably higher.

    Magnetite (Fe2+ [Fe3+]2 O4) is known to promote NH3 formation from H2 and N2 under high temperatures and pressure. Nitrates, nitrites and ammonia have been regularly detected in meteorites in reasonable quantities with J.D. Buddhue in 1942, finding an average of about 0.002% in eight different meteorite samples. This may seem insignificant until the enormous mass of some meteorites is considered. Ammonia is important in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines as it reacts with hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to produce important organic chemicals such as Adenine.

    Primordially, NH3 could be produced by the Haber process (N2+ 3H2—> 2NH3) involving 450 degrees C, 200 Bar and Fe as a catalyst in blocked volcanic fumaroles and lava basins pre-eruption. It could also be produced in great quantity by the pyrolysis (>185 degrees C) of amino acids near volcanoes which also produces hydrogen sulfide, water and a range of poorly characterised amines.

    Hydrogen cyanide itself can form from Sodium Cyanide (itself formed by lava heat acting on kerogens near seawater), in acids. With the transition metal catalyst Rhenium found in molybdite minerals and as rhenium sulfide (ReS2 rheniite) mineral in a volcanic fumarole in Russia, it is possible that Adenine was expelled in significant quantity from volcanic fumaroles. Furthermore the industrial bulk synthesis of Adenine involves heating formamide, a simple molecule, at 120 degrees C for 5 hours in a sealed beaker. Nature could mimic the conditions of this process in blocked volcanic fumaroles. Interconversion into the other nucleobases is thence plausible.

    Ruthenium ions can catalyse the oxidative deamination of amines to produce carboxylic acids using H2O as oxidiser and releasing H2. This excess of amines and amino acids can thus add to the pool of fatty acids and carboxylates.

    A second great significance of nitrate availability in the environment is their existence as metal nitrate solids which upon heating typically produce metal oxides, nitrous oxide (NO2) and oxygen thereby providing a source of oxygenated micro-environments for protocells to develop certain aerobic metabolic alternatives parallel to anaerobic metabolism. This likelihood brings into question the severity of the oxygen catastrophe, once oxygen levels rose sustainably following the Great Oxidation Event ~2.4Gya since cells of that era probably had alternative metabolic pathways and were probably less specialised and delicate.

    Iron, Cobalt, Ruthenium and Nickel can catalyse the formation of alkanes (Methane, Ethane, Butane etc) from CO, H2 and H2O with Nickel favouring Methane production. This is the Fischer-Tropsch reaction which requires temperatures of 700 degrees Celsius (volcanic proximity) and can also produce lesser quantities of alcohols and alkenes. Nickel itself at temperatures of about 200 C is a competent dehydrogenase. Mg2+ ion has been demonstrated to facilitate phosphorylation reactions by chelating terminal phosphate molecules (Gull, M. (2014) Challenges).

    SO2 and CO2 dissolved in H2O produce acids that can exergonically corrode iron sulfides and native Fe by adding hydroxyl groups which then dissolve readily, thereby creating free Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions and energy for further chemistry.

    Ammonium cyanide chemistry is known to produce amino acids (Strecker synthesis) and upon heating up to 200 degrees Celsius for several hours can result in yields of Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine and Uracil (Hammer, P. G. et al. 2017). Even though the yields are very low, one must ask what the concentrating effect of drying would achieve. The de novo synthesis of nucleobases is known to occur by ammonia reacting with hydrogen cyanide (in laboratory and possibly in meteorites) but nucleotide synthesis de novo is far more problematic, especially the pyrimidines which are unreactive with ribose in prebiotic conditions.

    J. Sutherland and M. Powner (Nature 459, 239–242) demonstrated pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis to be prebiotically plausible, in a multi-step process from concentrations of Cyanoacetylene, Glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde and cyanamide with phosphate as pH buffer and substrate. Some scholars say these high concentrations are prebiotically implausible but they are possible in coacervates (Bahadur, K. et al. 1954).

    Juan Oro in 1960 demonstrated the synthesis of Adenine from hydrogen cyanide and ammonia and later produced amino acids from HCN and ammonia. The HCN could plausibly form by volcanic heat acting on methane and ammonia to produce HCN + H2.

    C Ponnamperuma et al. 1963 SAO Special report #128 reported Adenosine, AMP, ADP and ATP synthesis by the action of UV light on a solution of Adenine, ribose and ethyl metaphosphate. Possible fault with this experiment was the addition of some ATP into the original mixture thereby making the origin of the energy, (UV or ATP hydrolysis) debatable. The authors may well have proved their point with the stoichiometric and thermodynamic analysis of the reactions.

    In 2017, Ferus M et al. (PNAS USA) produced all four RNA nucleobases as well as urea and glycine by passing an electric current through a mixture of NH3, CO and H2O to simulate lightning and meteorite impact. These experiments were inspired by the famous Miller-Urey experiments of 1959 which produced amino acids and kerogens (Miller S L and Urey H C Science, 1959).

    Becker S et al. in 2016 and 2019 reported extensive work employing wet-dry cycling and a one pot synthesis of purines and pyrimidines as well as a dynamic variation in temperature and pH to simulate dynamic environmental variations. Purines were synthesised by mixing formate, amidopyrimidine and ribose whilst pyrimidines were formed by mixtures of cyanoacetylene, hydroxylamine, hydroxylurea, ribose and borates in the presence of ferrous ions and thiols. These chemicals were all assessed to be plausibly available in a prebiotic environment with amidopyrimidine being synthesised from the simpler chemicals.

    A spectroscopic analysis of products of a 1958 spark discharge experiment by S Miller that was rich in H2S found 23 amino acids, four amines, six Sulfur containing amino acids and one Sulfur containing amine (Parker, E. T. et al. 2011). This suggests that terrestrial reactions were also important in providing the raw substrates for life to take hold.

    Several methods including the Biginelli reaction can produce pyrimidine bases from combinations of urea, benzaldehyde, thiourea, ethyl acetoacetate and other chemicals.

    The seemingly impossible problem of prebiotic pyrimidine nucleoside (nucleobase + ribose) synthesis, a thermodynamically uphill reaction, remained until an article in 2018 by Inho Nam et al. in PNAS USA demonstrated the abiotic synthesis of purine and pyrimidine ribonucleosides in microdroplets in reasonable yields (1.7–2.5%) by spraying a mixture of aqueously dissolved nucleobases, ribose, phosphoric acid and Mg2+ and allowing the electrochemical characteristics of the aqueous microdroplets to overcome the uphill thermodynamics of the reaction (Nam, I. et al. PNAS 2018 Jan 2). The mechanical spraying action was also an input of energy into the solutions. Pertinent to this process the Graham Cooks laboratory at Purdue University in 2022 reported the synthesis of oligopeptides up to hexapeptides by an identical microspray process involving an amino acid mixture of glycine and alanine.

    It is plausible that in hot volcanic pools containing sugars, cyanide and amino acids that the Maillard reaction would cause a direct reaction between the carbonyl of the sugar and the amine of the amino acid followed by cyclisation into the nucleoside by the Amadori rearrangement of the unstable glycosylamine.

    This reaction sequence is well known today to produce hydroimidazolone plus many other poorly characterised aromatic compounds from reactants as simple as glyoxylate (C2H2O3). The imidazolones and pyridines are organocatalysts that doubtless worked alongside inorganic catalysts to enhance the progress of life.

    The phosphorylation of nucleosides by cyclic Sodium Trimetaphosphate to produce nucleotides has been demonstrated with a 15% yield (Gull, M. Challenges 2014). This slowness made the way forward precarious due to a battle with degradation but also made it open to various alternatives.

    The meteorites were also composed of a large variety of extra-terrestrial minerals whose effects are unknown, as well as minerals found on Earth. Often some photocatalysis or inorganic catalysis such as by hydroxide base, phosphates, heat or metal ions can occur. Sulfuric acid can catalyse both hydrogenation and hydratase (water addition) reactions on phenols and alkenes. In addition organocatalysis, Lewis acid catalysis and self-catalysis added to the rate of prebiotic chemical evolution.

    Importantly the meteorite organic chemicals included over 70 types of amino acids and 1.3 ppm of purines and pyrimidines. This latter figure translates to billions of kilograms of nucleobases in a carbonaceous chondrite such as the Chicxulub bolide (1x 10 to the power of 15–16 kg). Even with a 90% destruction rate by heat, the quantities are enormous.

    On Earth, those nucleobases that were not destroyed could have been chemically modified in solution with the remaining organic chemicals to possibly produce over 300 different types of nucleobase. An extant molecular clue to this possibility is the post-transcriptional modification of RNA molecules that results in over 300 different nucleotide molecules in RNA, both mRNA and tRNA (Cantara, A. N. et al. N Acids Res. 2011).

    Most interesting is the observation that many of the extant modifications have no known enzymes which catalyse them which is consistent with this hypothesis over the hypothesis that all modifications have a specific coded enzyme. This phenomenon could be explained by the presence of non-specific methylating or formylating catalysts such as pterins or pyridines in the Eoarchean.

    In extant biology, it is almost certain that non-specific or promiscuous methylating or formylating enzymes catalyse many post-transcriptional modifications since the slow uncatalysed rates would be catastrophically inadequate.

    In one yeast phenylalanine tRNA (Sussman, J. L. et al. 1978), found 15 different nucleobases out of 76 nucleotides in total whilst the average number of modifications per tRNA molecule is 13. The Eoarchean Earth could have had this tremendous availability of nucleobases from the vast natural organic chemistry that occurred during and shortly after the Late Heavy Bombardment 4.1-3.8 Gya.

    Sussmans’ results showed a ribosylthymine, that is, an unreduced thymine at position 54 which has subsequently been found to promote polysome (multiple ribosomes translating a single mRNA strand) efficiency in several eukaryote species compared to Uracil at position 54 of tRNA which slowed the process down (Dingermann, T. et al. Eur. J. Biochem. 104, 1980).

    This finding is a significant exception to the dogmatic rule that Thymine is only found in DNA (albeit unreduced in this case) and also a significant example of a post-transcription modification of tRNA that clearly influences its function. Candidates that don’t appear in the MODOMICS post-transcriptional modification database add to this list and include appropriate chemicals such as the lactones, the methylxanthines caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and the xanthine uric acid to push the grand total to over 300 nucleobases in 2022.

    The Nicholas Hud lab has published work supportive of this hypothesis with melamine and barbituric acid as base candidates.

    More than 70 amino acid varieties were found in the 100 kg Murchison meteorite (17–60 ppm) so one can imagine the possible variety and quantities in the Chicxulub carbonaceous chondrite that was up to 10 km wide and ten trillion times as massive. Whatever this number and variety was, subsequent reactions could potentially push the number closer to the extant biological number across the three domains of life, over 400. This does not mean they were all available to each protocell, maybe across a large number of protocell colonies at the edges of shallow pools and rock pores in a volcanic region.

    The inference from this scenario is that different protocells absorbed and used different

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