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How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
Ebook408 pages5 hours

How to Prevent the Next Pandemic

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Governments, businesses, and individuals around the world are thinking about what happens after the COVID-19 pandemic. Can we hope to not only ward off another COVID-like disaster but also eliminate all respiratory diseases, including the flu? Bill Gates, one of our greatest and most effective thinkers and activists, believes the answer is yes.
The author of the #1 New York Times best seller How to Avoid a Climate Disaster lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should have learned from COVID-19 and what all of us can do to ward off another catastrophe like it. Relying on the shared knowledge of the world’s foremost experts and on his own experience of combating fatal diseases through the Gates Foundation, Gates first helps us understand the science of infectious diseases. Then he shows us how the nations of the world, working in conjunction with one another and with the private sector, how we can prevent a new pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy.

Here is a clarion call—strong, comprehensive, and of the gravest importance.
Release dateMay 3, 2022

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pandemics were on global leaders’ agendas before 2020, but since no global catastrophe happened since 1918, most did not prioritize these concerns. I hope that will not happen as much going forward. Preventative work has gained a new life. Bill Gates, co-founder of both Microsoft and the philanthropic Gates Foundation, uses his privileged, bird’s-eye view to organize what work can be done to avoid the “next pandemic.” Though humanity has moved onto other challenges, doing preparatory work can save future effort, financial loss, and ultimately human lives.

    The source of this material should be noted. Gates is not a healthcare professional and holds no advanced degrees in the life sciences. However, as one of the world’s richest people, he has many smart friends who are at the top of their fields. Therefore, combined with his keen mind and willingness to share wealth, he is able to see the landscape better than almost anyone else. Though details might be quibbled with, curious readers can benefit from this book’s unique, broad outlay.

    A technologist at heart, Gates covers diverse topics like medicines, vaccines, vaccine hesitancy, building global healthcare systems, and innovations. His words on these subjects never represent a deep, definitive dive, but they illustrate the general approach necessary for success the next time around. For a high-level treatment, he definitely “geeks out” in scientific and technological details. His foundation, co-founded with his ex-wife Melinda, puts money where his mouth is, so to speak, but all of these aims are broader than any one organization, government, or other financier.

    Many parties can benefit from a read… especially before the COVID pandemic fades into distant memory. Economists, technologists (especially biotechnologists), social leaders, healthcare researchers, and public/global health advocates will benefit most from reading this work. Though relatively unpopular with Americans, preventative medicine can yield the most financial and health benefits, more than effective treatments and reactions to events. It would be smart to consider these things ahead of time – and incorporate them in how we live and vote.

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How to Prevent the Next Pandemic - Bill Gates

Cover for Bill Gates, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.


The Road Ahead (with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson)

Business @ the Speed of Thought (with Collins Hemingway)

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Book Title, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, Author, Bill Gates, Imprint, KnopfBorzoi Books logo.



Copyright © 2022 by Bill Gates

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, and in Canada by Alfred A. Knopf Canada, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited, Toronto.

Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC. Knopf Canada and colophon are trademarks of Penguin Random House Canada Limited.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Gates, Bill, 1955– author.

Title: How to prevent the next pandemic / Bill Gates.

Description: First edition. | New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2021062526 | ISBN 9780593534489 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780593534496 (ebook)

Subjects: MESH: Pandemics—prevention & control | COVID-19—prevention & control | Popular Work

Classification: LCC RA644.C67 | NLM WA 105 | DDC 614.5/92414—dc23/eng/20220119

LC record available at​2021062526

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Title: How to prevent the next pandemic / Bill Gates.

Names: Gates, Bill, 1955– author.

Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20220142092 | Canadiana (ebook) 2022014219X | ISBN 9781039005020 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781039005037 (EPUB)

Subjects: LCSH: Pandemics—Prevention—Popular works. | LCSH: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020– —Popular works.

Classification: LCC RA643 .G38 2022 | DDC 362.1028/9—dc23

Ebook ISBN 9780593534496

Cover design by Carl De Torres


To the frontline workers who risked their lives during COVID, and to the scientists and leaders who can make sure they never have to do it again

And in memory of Dr. Paul Farmer, who inspired the world with his commitment to saving lives. Author proceeds from this book will be donated to his organization, Partners in Health.



1 Learn from COVID

2 Create a pandemic prevention team

3 Get better at detecting outbreaks early

4 Help people protect themselves right away

5 Find new treatments fast

6 Get ready to make vaccines

7 Practice, practice, practice

8 Close the health gap between rich and poor countries

9 Make—and fund—a plan for preventing pandemics

Afterword: How COVID changed the course of our digital future








I was having dinner on a Friday night in mid-February 2020 when I realized that COVID-19 would become a global disaster.

For several weeks, I had been talking with experts at the Gates Foundation about a new respiratory disease that was circulating in China and had just begun to spread elsewhere. We’re lucky to have a team of world-class people with decades of experience in tracking, treating, and preventing infectious diseases, and they were following COVID-19 closely. The virus had begun to emerge in Africa, and based on the foundation’s early assessment and requests from African governments, we had made some grants to help keep it from spreading further and to help countries prepare in case it took off. Our thinking was: We hope this virus won’t go global, but we have to assume it will until we know otherwise.

At that point, there was still reason to hope that the virus could be contained and wouldn’t become a pandemic. The Chinese government had taken unprecedented safety measures to lock down Wuhan, the city where the virus emerged—schools and public places were closed, and citizens were issued permission cards that allowed them to leave their homes every other day for thirty minutes at a time. And the virus was still limited enough that countries were letting people travel freely. I had flown to South Africa earlier in February for a charity tennis match.

When I got back from South Africa, I wanted to have an in-depth conversation about COVID-19 at the foundation. There was one central question I could not stop thinking about and wanted to explore at length: Could it be contained, or would it go global?

I turned to a favorite tactic that I’ve been relying on for years: the working dinner. You don’t bother with an agenda; you simply invite a dozen or so smart people, provide the food and drinks, tee up a few questions, and let them start thinking out loud. I’ve had some of the best conversations of my working life with a fork in my hand and a napkin in my lap.

So a couple of days after returning from South Africa, I sent an email about scheduling something for the coming Friday night: We could try and do a dinner with the people involved with coronavirus work to touch base. Almost everyone was nice enough to say yes—despite the timing and their busy schedules—and that Friday, a dozen experts from the foundation and other organizations came to my office outside Seattle for dinner. Over short ribs and salads, we turned to that key question: Would COVID-19 turn into a pandemic?

As I learned that night, the numbers were not in humanity’s favor. Especially because COVID-19 spread through the air—making it more transmissible than, say, a virus that is spread through contact, like HIV or Ebola—there was little chance of containing it to a few countries. Within months, millions of people all over the world were going to contract this disease, and millions would die from it.

I was struck that governments weren’t more concerned about this looming disaster. I asked, Why aren’t governments acting more urgently?

One scientist on the team, a South African researcher named Keith Klugman, who came to our foundation from Emory University, simply said: They should be.

Infectious diseases—both the kind that turn into pandemics and the kind that don’t—are something of an obsession for me. Unlike the subjects of my previous books, software and climate change, deadly infectious diseases are not generally something that people want to think about. (COVID-19 is the exception that proves the rule.) I’ve had to learn to temper my enthusiasm for talking about AIDS treatments and a malaria vaccine at parties.

My passion for the subject goes back twenty-five years, to January 1997, when Melinda and I read an article in The New York Times by Nicholas Kristof. Nick reported that diarrhea was killing 3.1 million people every year, almost all of them children. We were shocked. Three million kids a year! How could that many children be dying from something that was, as far as we knew, little more than an uncomfortable inconvenience?

Clipping of Nicholas D. Kristof article titled “For Third World, Water Is Still a Deadly Drink.”

From The New York Times. © 1997 The New York Times Company. All rights reserved. Used under license.

We learned that the simple lifesaving treatment for diarrhea—an inexpensive liquid that replaces the nutrients lost during an episode—wasn’t reaching millions of children. That seemed like a problem we could help with, and we started making grants to get the treatment out more broadly and to support work on a vaccine that would prevent diarrheal diseases in the first place.[*1]

I wanted to know more. I reached out to Dr. Bill Foege, one of the epidemiologists responsible for the eradication of smallpox and a former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bill gave me a stack of eighty-one textbooks and journal articles on smallpox, malaria, and public health in poor countries; I read them as fast as I could and asked for more. One of the most influential for me had a mundane title: World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health, Volume 1. My obsession with infectious diseases—and particularly with infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries—had begun.

When you start reading up on infectious diseases, it isn’t long before you come to the subject of outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. The definitions for these terms are less strict than you may think. A good rule of thumb is that an outbreak is when a disease spikes in a local area, an epidemic is when an outbreak spreads more broadly within a country or region, and a pandemic is when an epidemic goes global, affecting more than one continent. And some diseases don’t come and go, but stay consistently in a specific location—those are known as endemic diseases. Malaria, for instance, is endemic to many equatorial regions. If COVID-19 never goes away completely, it’ll be classified as an endemic disease.

It’s not at all unusual to discover a new pathogen. In the past fifty years, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), scientists have identified more than 1,500 of them; most began in animals and then spread to humans.

Some never caused much harm; others, such as HIV, have been catastrophes. HIV/AIDS has killed more than 36 million people, and more than 37 million people are living with HIV today. There were 1.5 million new cases in 2020, though there are fewer new cases each year because people who are being properly treated with antiviral drugs don’t spread the disease.

Graphic showing that outbreaks are local, epidemics are regional, and pandemics are global.

And with the exception of smallpox—the only human disease ever eradicated—old infectious diseases are still hanging around. Even plague, a disease most of us associate with medieval times, is still with us. It struck Madagascar in 2017, infecting more than 2,400 people and killing more than 200. The WHO receives reports of at least 40 cholera outbreaks every year. Between 1976 and 2018, there were 24 localized outbreaks and one epidemic of Ebola. If you include small ones, there are probably more than 200 outbreaks of infectious diseases every year.

Deaths from TB, HIV/AIDS, and malaria (1990–2019)

107.7 million

Bar chart showing that during the period 1990–2019 there were 45.9 million tuberculosis deaths, 36.4 million HIV/AIDS deaths, and 25.4 million malaria deaths.

Endemic killers. HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis have killed more than 100 million people worldwide since 1990. (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation)

AIDS and other silent epidemics, as they came to be known—tuberculosis, malaria, and others—are the focus of the foundation’s global health work, along with diarrheal diseases and maternal mortality. In 2000, these diseases killed more than 15 million people in all, many of them children, and yet shockingly little money was being spent on them. Melinda and I saw this as the area in which our resources and our knowledge of how to build teams to create new innovations could make the biggest difference.

Billboard has art with two people sitting in an open palm and says, “Their Lives are in your hands . . . help prevent AIDS. Ensure their future.”

A billboard promoting AIDS awareness and prevention in Lusaka, Zambia.

This is the subject of a common misconception about our foundation’s health work. It’s not concentrated on protecting people in rich countries from diseases. It’s concentrated on the gap in health between high-income countries and low-income ones. Now, in the course of that work, we learn a lot about diseases that can affect the rich world, and some of our funding will help with these diseases, but they are not a focus of our grantmaking. The private sector, rich-country governments, and other philanthropists put a lot of resources into that work.

Pandemics, of course, affect all countries, and I have worried a lot about them since I began studying infectious diseases. Respiratory viruses, including the influenza family and the coronavirus family, are particularly dangerous because they can spread so quickly.

The headline on the Treasury Department notice reads, “Influenza: Spread by Droplets sprayed from Nose and Throat.” Following is a list: Cover each COUGH and SNEEZE with handkerchief. Spread by contact. AVOID CROWDS. If possible, WALK TO WORK. Do not spit on floor or sidewalk. Do not use common drinking cups and common towels. There are three more tips on the list.

A notice from the U.S. government encouraging proper hygiene and social distancing during the 1918 influenza pandemic.

And the odds that a pandemic will strike are only going up. That’s partly because, with urbanization, humans are invading natural habitats at a growing rate, interacting with animals more often, and creating more opportunities for a disease to jump from them to us. It’s also because international travel is skyrocketing (or at least it was before COVID slowed its growth): In 2019, before COVID, tourists around the world made 1.4 billion international arrivals every year—up from just 25 million in 1950. The fact that the world had gone a century since a catastrophic pandemic—the most recent one, the flu of 1918, killed something like 50 million people—is largely a matter of luck.

Before COVID, the possibility of a flu pandemic was, relatively speaking, well known; many people had at least heard of the 1918 flu, and they might have remembered the swine flu pandemic of 2009–10. But a century is a long time, so almost no one alive had lived through the flu pandemic, and the swine flu pandemic didn’t turn out to be a huge problem because it wasn’t much more fatal than the normal flu. At the time I was learning all this, in the early 2000s, coronaviruses—which are one of three virus types that cause most common colds—weren’t discussed nearly as often as the flu.

The more I learned, the more I realized just how unprepared the world was for a serious respiratory virus epidemic. I read a report on the WHO’s response to the 2009 swine flu pandemic that concluded, prophetically: The world is ill-prepared to respond to a severe influenza pandemic or to any similarly global, sustained and threatening public-health emergency. The report laid out a step-by-step plan for getting prepared. Few of the steps were taken.

The next year, my friend Nathan Myhrvold started telling me about some research he was doing into the greatest threats faced by humanity. Although his biggest worry was an engineered bioweapon—a disease made in a lab—naturally occurring viruses were high on the list.

I’ve known Nathan for decades: He created Microsoft’s cutting-edge research division and is a polymath who has done research on cooking (!), dinosaurs, and astrophysics, among other things. He’s not prone to exaggerating risks. So when he argued that governments around the world were doing essentially nothing to prepare for pandemics of any kind, either natural or intentionally created, we talked about how to change that.[*2]

Nathan uses an analogy that I like. Right now, the building you are sitting in (assuming you’re not reading this book at the beach) is probably fitted with smoke detectors. Now, the odds that the building you’re in will burn down today are very low—in fact, it might go 100 years without burning down. But that building isn’t the only one around, of course, and somewhere in the world, at this very moment, a building is burning down. That constant reminder is why people install smoke detectors: to protect against something that’s rare but potentially very destructive.

When it comes to pandemics, the world is one big building fitted with smoke detectors that aren’t especially sensitive and have trouble communicating with one another. If there’s a fire in the kitchen, it might spread to the dining room before enough people hear about it to go put it out. Plus, the alarm only goes off about every 100 years, so it is easy to forget that the risk is there.

It’s hard to get your head around just how quickly a disease can spread, because exponential growth isn’t something that most of us encounter in our day-to-day lives. But consider the math. If 100 people have an infectious disease on Day 1, and if the number of cases doubles every day, the entire population of the earth will be infected by Day 27.

In the spring of 2014, I started getting emails from the health team at the foundation about an outbreak that sounded ominous: A few cases of Ebola virus had been identified in southeastern Guinea. By that July, Ebola cases had been diagnosed in Conakry, the capital of Guinea, and in the capital cities of Guinea’s neighbors, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Eventually the virus would spread to seven other countries, including the United States, and more than 11,000 people would die.

Ebola is a scary disease—it frequently causes patients to bleed from their orifices—but its rapid onset and immobilizing symptoms mean that it can’t infect tens of millions of people. Ebola spreads only through physical contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, and by the time you’re really infectious, you’re too sick to move around. The biggest risks were to people who were taking care of Ebola patients, either at home or in the hospital, and during funeral rites, when someone would wash the body of a person who had died of the disease.

Even though Ebola wasn’t going to kill many Americans, it did remind them that an infectious disease can travel long distances. In the Ebola outbreak, a frightening pathogen had come to the United States as well as the United Kingdom and Italy—places that American tourists liked to visit. The fact that there had been a total of six cases and one death in those three countries, versus more than 11,000 in West Africa, didn’t matter. Americans were paying attention to epidemics, at least for the moment.

People grouped around an open grave as a body is being carried toward it for burial.

During the Ebola epidemic in West Africa of 2014–16, many people contracted the virus during funeral gatherings because they came into close contact with a recent victim of the disease.

I thought it might be an opportunity to highlight the fact that the world wasn’t ready to handle an infectious disease that really could cause a pandemic. If you think Ebola is bad, let me tell you what the flu could do. Over the Christmas holidays of 2014, I started writing a memo about the gaps in the world’s readiness that had been highlighted by Ebola.

They were enormous. There was no systematic way to monitor the progress of disease through communities. Diagnostic tests, when they were available, took days to return results—an eternity when you need to isolate people if they’re infected. There was a volunteer network of brave infectious-disease experts who went to help authorities in the affected countries, but there wasn’t a large full-time team of paid experts. And even if there had been such a team, there was no plan in place to move them to where they needed to be.

Drawing of clipboard with a checklist headed Responding to Ebola. Items on the checklist are: Rapid, Accessible Testing, Global Experts on Hand, and Transport Where Needed.

In other words, the problem was not that there was some system in place that didn’t work well enough. The problem was that there was hardly any system at all.

I still didn’t think it made sense for the Gates Foundation to make this one of its top priorities. After all, we focus on areas where the markets fail to solve big problems, and I thought that the governments of rich countries would get in gear after the Ebola scare, if they understood what was at stake. In 2015, I published a paper in The New England Journal of Medicine, pointing out how unprepared the world was and laying out what it would take to get ready. I adapted the warning for a TED talk called The Next Epidemic? We’re Not Ready, complete with an animation showing 30 million people dying from a flu as infectious as the 1918 one. I wanted to be alarming to make sure the world got ready—I pointed out that there would be trillions of dollars of economic losses and massive disruption. This TED talk has been viewed 43 million times, but 95 percent of those views have come since the COVID pandemic started.

The Gates Foundation, in partnership with the governments of Germany, Japan, and Norway, and the Wellcome Trust, created an organization called CEPI—the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations—to accelerate work on vaccines against new infectious diseases and help those vaccines reach people in the poorest countries. I also funded a local study in Seattle to learn more about how the flu and other respiratory diseases move through a community.

Although CEPI and the Seattle Flu Study were good investments that helped when COVID came, not much else was accomplished. More than 110 countries analyzed their preparedness and the WHO outlined steps to close the gaps, but nobody acted on these assessments and plans. Improvements were called for but never made.

Six years after I gave my TED talk and published that NEJM paper, as COVID-19 was spreading around the world, reporters and friends would ask me if I wished I had done more back in 2015. I don’t know how I could have gotten more attention on the need for better tools and practice scaling them up rapidly. Maybe I should have written this book in 2015, but I doubt many people would have read it.

In early January 2020, the Gates Foundation team we had set up to monitor outbreaks after the Ebola scare was tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus we now know as the one that causes COVID-19.[*3]

On January 23, Trevor Mundel, who leads our global health work, sent Melinda and me an email outlining his team’s thinking and requesting the first round of funding for COVID work. Unfortunately, he wrote, the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread with the potential to become a serious pandemic (too early to be sure but essential to act now).[*4]

Melinda and I have long had a system for making decisions about urgent requests that can’t wait for our annual strategy reviews. Whoever sees it first sends it to the other and says, basically, This looks good, do you want to go ahead and approve it? Then the other one sends an email approving the spending. As co-chairs, we still use this system for making big decisions related to the foundation, even though we’re no longer married and are now working with a board of trustees.

Ten minutes after Trevor’s mail came through, I suggested to Melinda that we approve it; she agreed and replied to Trevor: We are approving $5M [i.e., $5 million] today and realize there may be an additional amount needed in the future. Glad the team has jumped on top of this so quickly. It is very concerning.

As both of us suspected, there were definitely additional amounts needed, as became clear at the mid-February dinner and many other meetings. The foundation has committed more than $2 billion to various aspects of fighting COVID, including slowing its spread, developing vaccines and treatments, and helping make sure that these lifesaving tools reach people in poor countries.

Since the pandemic began, I’ve had the chance to work with and learn from countless health experts at the foundation and outside it. One deserves special mention.

In March 2020, I had my first call with Anthony Fauci, the head of the infectious diseases institute of the National Institutes of Health. I’m lucky to have known Tony for years (long before he was on the cover of pop-culture magazines), and I wanted to hear what he was thinking about all this—especially the potential for various vaccines and treatments that were being developed. Our foundation was backing many of them, and I wanted to make sure our agenda for developing and deploying innovations was aligned with his. Also, I wanted to understand what he was saying publicly about things like social distancing and wearing masks so I could help by echoing the same points when I did interviews.

We had a productive first call, and Tony and I would check in monthly for the rest of the year, discussing the progress on different treatments and vaccines and strategizing about how work done in the United States could benefit the rest of the world. We even did a few interviews together. It was an honor to sit next to him (virtually, of course).

One side effect of speaking out, though, is that it has provoked more of the criticisms of the Gates Foundation’s work that I’ve been hearing for years. The most thoughtful version goes like this: Bill Gates is an unelected billionaire—who is he to set the agenda on health or anything else? Three corollaries of this criticism are that the Gates Foundation has too much influence, that I have too much faith in the private sector as an engine of change, and that I’m a technophile who thinks new inventions will solve all our problems.

It’s certainly true that I’ve never been elected to any public position, and I don’t plan to seek one. And I agree that it’s not good for society when rich people have undue influence.

But the Gates Foundation does not use its resources or its influence in secret. We’re open about what we fund and what the results have been—the failures as well as the successes. And we know that some of our critics don’t speak up because they don’t want to risk losing grants from us, which is one of the reasons we make extra efforts to consult outside experts and seek out different viewpoints. (We expanded our board of trustees in 2022 for similar reasons.) We aim to improve the quality of the ideas that go into public policies and to steer funding toward those ideas that are likely to have the greatest impact.

Critics are also correct that the foundation has become a very large funder of some big initiatives and institutions that are predominantly the preserve of governments, such as the fight against polio and support for organizations like the WHO. But this is largely because these are areas of great need that do not get nearly enough funding and support from governments even though, as this pandemic has shown, they clearly benefit society as a whole. Nobody would be happier than I would if the Gates Foundation’s funding became a much smaller proportion of global spending in the coming years—because, as this book will argue, these are investments in a healthier, more productive world.

On a related point, critics argue that it’s not fair that a few people like me got wealthier during the pandemic, while so many other people suffered. They’re absolutely right. My wealth has largely insulated me from the impact of COVID—I do not know what it is like to have your life devastated by this pandemic. The best I can do is to uphold the

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