PracticePlanners Series
About this series
The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner, 2nd Edition is fully updated to meet the changing needs of the mental healthcare field. A time-saver for psychologists, counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, this new edition offers the tools you need to develop formal treatment plans that meet the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Organized around twenty-six presenting problems, the easy-to-use format and over 1,000 prewritten symptom descriptions, treatment goals, objectives, and interventions makes the task of developing an evidence-based treatment plan more efficient than ever. The treatment of mental health disorders is rapidly evolving, and new evidence-based protocols are being adopted by federal and state organizations. You are now required to closely monitor patient progress, and you may feel pressure to stick to standardized care and reporting procedures; however, you can only do so if you have access to the latest in evidence-based treatment plans.
- Updated with new and revised evidence-based Objectives and Interventions
- Integrated DSM-5 diagnostic labels and ICD-10 codes into the Diagnostic Suggestions section of each chapter
- Many more suggested homework assignments integrated into the Interventions
- An Appendix demonstrates the use of the personality disorders Proposed Dimensional System of DSM-5.
- Expanded and updated self-help book list in the Bibliotherapy Appendix
- Revised, expanded and updated Professional Reference Appendix
- New Recovery Model Appendix D listing Objectives and Interventions allowing the integration of a recovery model orientation into treatment plans
Titles in the series (21)
- The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner
The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner provides all theelements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatmentplans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies,third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. * Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers thefreedom to develop customized treatment plans for clients whosetherapy includes psychotropic drugs * Organized around 28 main presenting problems regularly treatedwith a combination of psychotropic and psychotherapeuticinterventions or treatment modalities, from ADHD, dementia, andsubstance abuse to antisocial behavior, bipolar disorders, andmore * Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe thebehavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-termgoals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatmentoptions * Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plancomponents by behavioral problem or DSM-IV-TR(TM) diagnosis * Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to therequirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies(including HCFA, JCAHO, and NCQA)
- The Special Education Treatment Planner
The Special Education Treatment Planner provides all theelements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal educationtreatment plans that take the educational professional a stepfurther past the writing of goals for Individualized EducationPlans (IEPs). The educational treatment plan process assists theprofessional in identifying interventions and communicating toothers the specific method, means, format, and/or creativeexperience by which the student will be assisted in attaining IEPgoals. * Offers the freedom to develop customized educational treatmentplans for children and adolescents who have special learningneeds * Organized around 29 main educational disabilities, fromlearning disabilities and emotional/mental impairment to ADHD,chronic health issues, autism, and others * Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe thebehavioral manifestations of each educational disability, long-termgoals, short-term objectives, and educational interventions * Easy-to-use reference format helps locate educational treatmentplan components by disability
- The Speech and Language Pathology Treatment Planner
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 26 speech-language disorders * Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, andinterventions--plus space to record your own treatment plan options * A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meetthe requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors PracticePlanners? The Bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals The Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Planner provides allthe elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plansthat satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, and third-partypayors. This book helps both the novice and expert speech-language pathologistto identify functional and meaningful strategies for improving a client'scommunication skills. * Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for adult, child, and adolescent clients * Organized around 26 main speech-language disabilities, from those associated with aphasia and dysarthria to dysphagia, language disorders, alternative and augmentative communication, voice disorders, and others * Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each communication disorder, long-term goals, short-term goals, and clinically tested treatment options * Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by disability * Handy workbook-style format affords plenty of space to record your own customized definitions, goals, objectives, and interventions Additional resources in the PracticePlanners? series: * Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. * Documentation Sourcebooks provide the forms and records that mental health professionals need to efficiently run their practice. For more information on our PracticePlanners? products,including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
- The Addiction Counselor's Documentation Sourcebook: The Complete Paperwork Resource for Treating Clients with Addictions
All of the requisite forms addiction treatment professionals need—a crucial time-saver in today's healthcare system Treating addiction in today's healthcare environment means that mental health professionals must manage an imposing amount of paperwork. Government and private grant funding, insurance and benefits programs, regulatory compliance, and the need for data on treatment effectiveness (evidence-based treatment) all require proper documentation. If these forms are missing, the results can range from bureaucratic headaches to problems serious enough to close a practice. Now fully updated and revised, The Addiction Counselor's Documentation Sourcebook: The Complete Paperwork Resource for Treating Clients with Addictions, Second Edition provides the most useful and current forms for accurate and comprehensive documentation and record keeping. These ready-to-use forms will save you and your practice hours that would otherwise be spent creating and collating them, freeing you to devote more energy to the important matters of treatment. A companion CD-ROM includes all documents in Word? format so you can customize them according to the unique needs of your practice. Covering every aspect of mental health practice for addiction treatment, this fully revised Second Edition also includes: Critical forms updated to help providers achieve HIPAA, JCAHO, and CARF compliance Unique handouts, exercises, and facilitator guides for use in individual and group therapy A comprehensive CD-ROM featuring all forms in Word format, as well as PowerPoint slideshows for every psychoeducational presentation in the book The Addiction Counselor's Documentation Sourcebook, Second Edition is an essential timesaving resource that allows any professional practicing or working in the field of addiction treatment the freedom to give more of their time and energy to the people they serve.
- The College Student Counseling Treatment Planner
The College Student Counseling Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for young adult clients Organized around 28 main presenting problems, from academic performance anxiety and financial stress to depression, suicidal ideation, and chemical dependence Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-IV-TR(TM) diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies (including HCFA, JCAHO, and NCQA)
- The Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Progress Notes Planner
The flexible format of The Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Progress Notes Planner, 2nd Edition enables you to choose between evidence based and traditional “best practice” treatment approaches for your patients. Fully revised to meet your needs as a mental health professional working in today’s long-term care facilities, this time-saving resource will save you hours of time-consuming paperwork without sacrificing your ability to develop customized progress notes. This guide is organized around 31 behaviorally based issues, from employment problems and family conflicts, to financial needs and homelessness, to intimate relationship conflicts and social anxiety.
- Couples Therapy Homework Planner
Features new and updated assignments and exercises to meet thechanging needs of mental health professionals The Couples Therapy Homework Planner, Second Editionprovides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-sessionassignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. Thiseasy-to-use sourcebook features: 71 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issuesencountered by couples in therapy, such as financial conflict,infidelity, work/home role strain, and separation and divorce A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments aregrouped by behavioral problems including improving communications,handling parenting problems, and resolving sexual issues Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient useof the exercises Assignments are cross-referenced to The Couples PsychotherapyTreatment Planner, Second Edition—so you can quicklyidentify the right exercise for a given situation or problem A CD-ROM that contains all the exercises in a word-processingformat—allowing you to customize them to suit you and yourclients’ unique styles and needs Additional resources in thePracticePlanners® series: Treatment Planners cover all the necessary elements fordeveloping formal treatment plans, including detailed problemdefinitions, long-term goals, short-term objectives, therapeuticinterventions, andDSMTM diagnoses. Progress Notes Planners contain complete, prewrittenprogress notes for each presenting problem in the companionTreatment Planners. For more information on ourPracticePlanners® products,including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us onthe Web at:
- Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner
Features assignments and exercises to meet the changing needsof mental health professionals The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 78 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by veterans and active duty soldiers in therapy, such as anger management, substance abuse and dependence, bereavement, pre-deployment stress, and chronic pain after injury A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including combat and operational stress reactions, postdeployment reintegration, survivor's guilt, anxiety, parenting problems related to deployment, and posttraumatic stress disorder Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments are cross-referenced to The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner—so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or problem A CD-ROM that contains all the exercises in a word-processing format—allowing you to customize them to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs
- Family Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition
Features new and updated assignments and exercises to meet thechanging needs of mental health professionals The Family Therapy Homework Planner, Second Editionprovides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-sessionassignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. Thiseasy-to-use sourcebook features: New and updated homework assignments consistent withevidence-based therapies and grouped by presenting problemsincluding adoption, communication issues, interracial familyproblems, sexual abuse, and school concerns 78 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issuesencountered by families in therapy, such as family-of-origininterference, depression in family members, divorce, financialconflict, adolescent and parent conflicts, traumatic life events,and dependency issues Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient useof the exercises Assignments that are cross-referenced to The Family TherapyTreatment Planner, Second Edition—so you can quicklyidentify the right exercise for a given situation or problem A CD-ROM that contains all the exercises in a word-processingformat—allowing you to customize them to suit you and yourclients’ unique styles and needs Additional resources in thePracticePlanners® series: Treatment Planners cover all the necessary elements fordeveloping formal treatment plans, including detailed problemdefinitions, long-term goals, short-term objectives, therapeuticinterventions, and DSMTM diagnoses. For more information on ourPracticePlanners® products,including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us onthe Web at:
- The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates
A time-saving resource, fully revised to meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions including anxiety, attachment disorder, gender identity disorder, and more Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems including academic problems, blended family problems, children of divorce, ADHD, and more Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA
- The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates
A time-saving resource, fully revised to meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions including anger control problems, low self-esteem, phobias, and social anxiety Organized around 43 behaviorally based presenting problems, including depression, intimate relationship conflicts, chronic pain, anxiety, substance use, borderline personality, and more Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-5 diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA
- The Child Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner
Save hours of time-consuming paperwork The Child Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Fifth Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in the Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 35 main presenting problems, from academic underachievement and obesity to ADHD, anger control problems, and autism spectrum disorders Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered) Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-5 diagnostic categories in The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, TJC, and NCQA Presents new and updated information on the role of evidence-based practice in progress notes writing and the special status of progress notes under HIPAA
- The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems, including loss of love and affection, depression due to relationship problems, jealousy, job stress, financial conflict, sexual dysfunction, blame, and intimate partner violence Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered) Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-IV-TR™ diagnostic categories in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Presents new and updated information on the role of evidence-based practice in progress notes writing and the special status of progress notes under HIPAA
- Adolescent Psychotherapy Homework Planner
New and updated assignments and exercises to meet thechanging needs of mental health professionals The Adolescent Psychotherapy Homework Planner, FifthEdition provides you with an array of ready-to-use,between-session assignments designed to fit virtually everytherapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 146 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issuesencountered by adolescent clients including such problems asblended families, substance use, and eating disorders A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments aregrouped by behavioral problems including academic underachievement,anger control problems, depression, social anxiety, and sexualabuse Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient useof the exercises Assignments cross-referenced to The AdolescentPsychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition—so you canquickly identify the right exercises for a given situation orproblem A CD-ROM contains all the exercises in a word-processingformat—allowing you to customize them to suit your and yourclients’ unique styles and needs
- The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner
Save hours of time-consuming paperwork with the bestselling treatment planning system The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Fifth Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 43 behaviorally based presenting problems, including depression, intimate relationship conflicts, chronic pain, anxiety, substance abuse, borderline personality, and more Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered) Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-5 diagnostic categories in The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Identifies the latest evidence-based care treatments with treatment language following specific guidelines set by managed care and accrediting agencies
- The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates
The bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions including conduct disorder, substance use, low self-esteem, suicidal ideation, ADHD, and eating disorders Organized around 36 behaviorally based presenting problems, including peer/sibling conflict, school violence, sexual abuse, and others Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA
- The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates
Approaching personality disorders with evidence-based treatment plans The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner, 2nd Edition is fully updated to meet the changing needs of the mental healthcare field. A time-saver for psychologists, counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, this new edition offers the tools you need to develop formal treatment plans that meet the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Organized around twenty-six presenting problems, the easy-to-use format and over 1,000 prewritten symptom descriptions, treatment goals, objectives, and interventions makes the task of developing an evidence-based treatment plan more efficient than ever. The treatment of mental health disorders is rapidly evolving, and new evidence-based protocols are being adopted by federal and state organizations. You are now required to closely monitor patient progress, and you may feel pressure to stick to standardized care and reporting procedures; however, you can only do so if you have access to the latest in evidence-based treatment plans. Updated with new and revised evidence-based Objectives and Interventions Integrated DSM-5 diagnostic labels and ICD-10 codes into the Diagnostic Suggestions section of each chapter Many more suggested homework assignments integrated into the Interventions An Appendix demonstrates the use of the personality disorders Proposed Dimensional System of DSM-5. Expanded and updated self-help book list in the Bibliotherapy Appendix Revised, expanded and updated Professional Reference Appendix New Recovery Model Appendix D listing Objectives and Interventions allowing the integration of a recovery model orientation into treatment plans
- The Addiction Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates
The bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals The Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 43 behaviorally based presenting problems, including substance use, eating disorders, schizoid traits, and others Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA
- Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner
New and updated assignments and exercises to meet thechanging needs of mental health professionals The Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, Fifth Editionprovides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-sessionassignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. Thiseasy-to-use sourcebook features: 92 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issuesencountered by adult clients including such problems as chronicpain, family conflict, and anxiety A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments aregrouped by behavioral problems including depression, lowself-esteem, panic, dependency, eating disorders, and phase-of-lifeproblems Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient useof the exercise Assignments cross-referenced to The Complete AdultPsychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition—so you canquickly identify the right exercises for a given situation orproblem A CD-ROM contains all the exercises in a word-processingformat—allowing you to customize them to suit your and yourclients’ unique styles and needs
- The Social Work and Human Services Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 32 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors The Social Work and Human Services Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal review agencies. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans to address clients' psychological and environmental problems and issues Organized around 32 main presenting problems, from family violence and juvenile delinquency to homelessness, chemical dependence, physical/cognitive disability, sexual abuse, and more Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-5™ diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payers and accrediting agencies (including TJC and NCQA)
- The Adolescent Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner
Save hours of time-consuming paperwork with the bestselling therapist's resource The Adolescent Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Fifth Edition, contains more than 1,000 complete prewritten session and patient descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition. The prewritten notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. The Fifth Edition: Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and new DSM-5 diagnostic categories in the corresponding companion Treatment Planner. Organizes treatment for over 30 main presenting problems, including conduct disorder, chemical dependence, low self-esteem, suicidal ideation, ADHD, sexual acting out, and eating disorders. Provides over 1,000 prewritten progress notes summarizing patient presentation and treatment delivered. Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including The Joint Commission, COA, CARF, and NCQA. Saves clinicians hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes. Presents new and update information on the role of evidence-based practice in progress notes writing and the special status of progress notes under HIPAA.
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