Foreign Approved Lists
Information provided in each country's webpage relates to certification requirements for fish and fishery products destined for human consumption. Certificates for these countries may include food safety/public health attestations, animal health attestations, or both.
U.S. Department of Commerce Guidance
- Export Certification
- Export Information by Jurisdiction (A-F)
- Export Information by Jurisdiction (G-M)
- Export Information by Jurisdiction (N-Z)
Shipments Bound for the European Union
Shipments Bound for People's Republic of China
Note: If you access these sites using Google Chrome, you can use Chrome’s translate feature. These lists are product-specific.
- US Approved Shippers List (If this link is inaccessible, please refer to the FDA Food Export List)
- US List of Establishments for Exporting Live Edible Aquatic Animals to China (pdf) (as of 9.10.2024)
- Registered Products List
- Approved LIVE Product Shippers List
- Fishmeal Facilities List
Shipments Bound for Vietnam
Go to this site and select “United States” for access to the most recent list.
Shipments Bound for South Korea
- Korean by-product Approval List (as of 12.23.2024)
Please contact NOAA Seafood Inspection Program Headquarters for assistance.
Shelley Davis: (202) 816-1709;
Shipments Bound for Brazil
Note: If you access this site using Google Chrome, you can use Chrome’s translate feature.
**If the website is down, please contact at Seafood Inspection Program HQ for current info.
Shipments Bound for Saudi Arabia
Shipments Bound for Great Britain, Jersey, Guernsey, or, Isle of Man
Note: Towards the bottom of this page, click on the link titled "List of establishments in non-EU countries approved to export animal products to GB"