Sometimes things are difficult and sometimes things are just plain hard. That's the case for this detective as he deals with a few customers in his office during 1940s Los Angeles. This egg might just be boiled enough to crack. Grab a magnifying glass to find out.
Hi there! Allow to me roll out the cyber red carpet for you! I used to be an ecstatic reader of books and fell out of the hobby for a long while. Four years ago, I found myself immersed in books again and had to ask myself why I was missing out. It bothers me how little reading is done by the average person daily/monthly/yearly so I hope to craft my writing in such a way that people, some of whom you know, who don't even enjoy reading, will discover the passion you and I share. In regards to the books that I love, they fall under the genres of literary fiction, poetry, plays, mystery, fantasy, romance, humor, adventure, thriller, horror, and a little sci-fi thrown in, but I'll read anything if it sounds interesting to me! Any and all questions I'll gladly answer! Have a great rest of your day or evening and I hope you imbue it with gratitude and joy. Every day is a gift and no matter what you're going through, if you will yourself through it, you'll make it out a better individual. I feel so inspired by people every day and am amazed at the remarkable things anyone is capable of, such as yourself! Joyously solve and stay pure with resolve! - J.S.