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Too pretty. Too smart. Too perfect.

In a crumbling, futuristic Las Vegas where the wealthy choose the characteristics of their children like ordering off a drive-thru menu, seventeen-year-old Sienna Preston doesn’t fit in. As a normal girl surrounded by genetically modified teenagers, all of her imperfections are on display. But after the death of her father, everything she’s ever known and loved changes in an instant.

With little skills to help provide for her family, Sienna clings to the two things that come easily—lying and stealing. But not all thief-for-hire assignments go as planned. When a covert exchange of a stolen computer chip is intercepted, she becomes entangled with a corrupt government official who uses her thieving past as leverage, her mother as collateral, and the genetically modified poster boy she’s falling for as bait.

In order to rescue her mother, there may only be one option—joining forces with the Fringe, an extremist group, and their young leader who’s too hot to be bad. Problem is, these revolutionaries aren’t what they seem, and the secrets they’re hiding could be more dangerous than Sienna is prepared for. In the end, she must be willing to risk everything to save the one thing that matters most.

332 pages, Paperback

First published November 21, 2016

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About the author

Kristin Smith

4 books155 followers
Kristin Smith is the best-selling and award-winning author of the DECEPTION GAME series. She's also the author of the sweet, contemporary romance novella, BLUEPRINT FOR LOVE. Her first book, CATALYST, is a 2018 IAN Book of the Year Award finalist in the Young Adult category.

A graduate of Brigham Young University, Kristin currently resides in North Carolina with her husband and five sons. To read more about Kristin or her books, please visit her website at kristinsmithbooks.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews
Profile Image for Maddie.
414 reviews118 followers
March 8, 2023
“When a butterfly goes through its transformation and emerges from its cocoon, it is free of its old life... I love the idea of being free from my old life. The idea of a rebirth or a transformation... I can be different.”

|4.5 Stars| CAWPILE 84%| Ages 13+|

**This text may contain spoilers, though I do my best to mark them.**

Thanks to @McKenna for encouraging me to read this book! I'm so glad that I did.

It's tragic y'all....there are no quotes available for this book. 😭😭😭 I had to search for forever to find 4 quotes. So, I've learned my lesson and will be writing quotes down WHEN I find them in the book.

As I said in my original review, I was pleasantly surprised by this book! I had different opinions from my 2 closest friends, one who hated it and the other who loved it, so I was scared to see where I ended up. And I'm on the same side as the one who loved it!

"Perfection is everything."

I think I loved this book so much because I haven't read something that was on the younger side of YA in a while. I've been slowly heading more toward the NA side of books, so this was a very welcome change. It also helped that her writing reminded me of my own writing style, soooo. Yeah.

The plot twists were a bit easy to call. I knew who would die and I called some of the "major" things. (Well, excluding that one in the hospital at the end, but I'm not shocked by it.) But, unlike with other books, I enjoyed the predictability, it was a nice change.

Character Breakdown:

Sienna- "Too pretty. Too smart. Too perfect."
She was a fun MC! She had spunk, but broke down and cried MULTIPLE times! I loved when she had those breakdowns because she mentions that it's humiliating for her to be having a breakdown, but how it felt so good. Which is the perfect description for breakdowns. Only hers were better than mine because she had a super attractive guy there to hold her, tell her it will be okay, and kiss her. (I have a stuffed animal. That just stares at me. I think we can both agree that the stuffed animal is better 🤣)
And I loved that she was driven by love for her mom and sister. And she didn't let anything stop her from getting to them. Even when it meant that she could die, she tried to get to her mom, and I really liked that!
And when she had to cut her hair, it physically pained me. I think I would've stabbed Nash before cutting my hair off. (Let's be honest, Nash would've deserved it too. Jerk.)

Zane- 🤭🤭🤭
I really liked LOVED him. I'm just on a streak of really fantastic book guys. Out of all of them, Zane is at the bottom of the list, but that doesn't mean I don't love him! His character was just so sweet to Sienna, and. The FOrEheAd kIsS. onmefridjngwrjtwiebtipwuteierie😆😆😆 I LIVE for forehead kisses in books. (I think I'll faint when I get one in real life.) I just wish we'd gotten to know him more though. We only got to know a little bit about him, and I really hope that we explore further into him in the next book! (Despite the fact that I don't know much about him, I'm still rooting for him in the love triangle.)

Trey- 😑😑😑
I liked you... till you had that first kiss with Sienna and it went as far as it did AFTER she'd pushed you away. But then the second time she did you actually left, soooo. Anyway. Also not much about him was learned. I think I know more about how his lips feel and taste than I do about his personality. Oh, and I know more about his abs. I think they were mentioned 2-4 times. (I'm clearly not a team Trey)

Trina- 😃😃😃
I really liked her. It was a little suss when she straight agreed to go on a mission with Sienna after 30 seconds, but I could care less. I wanted to puke for her at that part with the truck, that's so uncomfortable. But it showed how much she cared for Sienna, and how far us girls are willing to go for each other. Her backstory was interesting, and not at ALL what I was expecting. I defiantly was shocked. Yeah, that's all I got to say about that.

Chaz- "I always told you white girls don't know how to cut hair."
Chaz was the humor aspect of this book. It would've been long and drrrrrryyyyyy without him. And I feel like he'll die in a future book for some reason, but I hope he doesn't, because I'll cry.

Content Breakdown:

Plot-In a crumbling, futuristic Las Vegas where the wealthy choose the characteristics of their children like ordering off a drive-thru menu, seventeen-year-old Sienna Preston doesn’t fit in. As a normal girl surrounded by genetically modified teenagers, all of her imperfections are on display. But after the death of her father, everything she’s ever known and loved changes in an instant.
With little skills to help provide for her family, Sienna clings to the two things that come easily—lying and stealing. But not all thief-for-hire assignments go as planned. When a covert exchange of a stolen computer chip is intercepted, she becomes entangled with a corrupt government official who uses her thieving past as leverage, her mother as collateral, and the genetically modified poster boy she’s falling for as bait.
In order to rescue her mother, there may only be one option—joining forces with the Fringe, an extremist group, and their young leader who’s too hot to be bad. Problem is, these revolutionaries aren’t what they seem, and the secrets they’re hiding could be more dangerous than Sienna is prepared for. In the end, she must be willing to risk everything to save the one thing that matters most.

Language- D, A, B

Violence- Shooting, stunning, water boarding, murder, kidnapping, strangling, fist fights, a heart attack, and mentions of suicide.

Sexual Content- Passionate kissing, groping, mentions of rape, sexual innuendos, the guy's hand goes up girls shirt and he traces the bra underwire with his fingers (🤷🏻‍♀️ That part was weird to me.) , and kissing on beds.




Now. The love triangle. I'll give this to Smith, she wrote one where I actually don't think I fully know who Sienna will end up with. And one where if something bad happened to the guy I don't want to be endgame, I may or may not have cheered.

I wanna say that Zane will be the endgame, but Trey is making it hard for me to say. (Though, after that ending, maybe not. ) I want to say that it'll be Zane because there is ACTUAL love there, but with Trey it's just lust. And Sienna thinks it's love, so we'll see if she wakes up to the truth.

Original Review:

4.5 Stars

Okay, I've been pleasantly surprised by this book! I really enjoyed it!

Also, Zane. 🤭 rtc
Profile Image for Maddie.
414 reviews118 followers
March 9, 2023
5 Stars

If you saw me read this in 3 hours no you didn't. 👀👀👀
Profile Image for Damali.
340 reviews117 followers
June 6, 2017
The extractions were just too easy.
Sienna gave her sister to a total stranger who could've been a child molester, when there were other options.
The love triangle was pointless.
What dropped it form 3 stars to 2 was when they carried a dead man to safety instead of a girl who was unconscious and the group just agreed. Dumb.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dawn West.
538 reviews42 followers
February 19, 2017
Actual Rating: 4.5

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book.**

Well, dang! This book left my head spinning and heart on the floor.

Sienna isn't thrilled with the life she's found herself in. Surrounded by fellow students who were designed to be impeccable specimens, her flaws are more noticeable than ever. But when her world is turned upside down in a single evening, she wishes she could go back to being an outcast instead of the criminal she has been forced to become.

Unfortunately, Sienna's problems only get bigger when she is mysteriously hired for a job that puts her in the path of some very dangerous people. Sienna will do just about anything to discover the truth about her father and keep her family safe. Armed with a photograph and a motorcycle, she sets out to uncover a conspiracy and save lives, while hopefully keeping her sanity (and heart) intact.

This futuristic world with genetically modified humans and super technology isn't exactly groundbreaking territory for a dystopian-ish novel. Yet, this book continued to surprise me throughout the story and definitely delivered a few well-placed kicks to my gut. I kept turning the digital pages with no clue as to what would happen next or what to expect.

The backstory provided gave me a clear picture of the book's current setting without overwhelming me with information. The clues as to how the world became the way it is were scattered throughout the book and I foresee more being explained in future installments.

Sienna was a girl with layers of scars and resentment due to being a flawed person in a sea of perfection. Even in the face of dangerous situations with devastating consequences, I could see her struggle to maintain her sense of morality. She cared about people, not just her family, and that helped me to relate to and invest in her character.

The plot was complicated, I can't lie about that. I still have questions that I'm hoping will be answered in the next book. One of the big twists, I did actually foresee. I won't give anything away but I began to piece together the puzzle from the very beginning. This is one of those books where you really need to pay attention and are rewarded if you do.

As for the romance, this book does follow the traditional YA formula of a love triangle. This is something I wasn't surprised by. One thing I didn't expect was how I grew to really like both of the men in Sienna's life. Usually, I have a favorite. This time, I don't. The next book will probably change that for me, but as of right now, I am happy with either outcome. The ending did throw me for a loop, though. Definitely didn't see that coming.

In closing...
A solid start to the series and a fantastic addition to the YA science fiction genre. I just hope there isn't a long wait for the next installment. I need answers! 4.5 suns!

Full review on blog: http://uptildawnbookblog.blogspot.com/2017/02/review-author-interview-catalyst-by.html
Profile Image for Kristin Smith.
Author 4 books155 followers
February 22, 2017
Well, since I'm the author of this book, I do feel a little silly leaving a review, but I can tell you this, fans of CATALYST will not be disappointed! Questions will be answered, more questions will be raised, and there will be more action, more adventure, more romance, and more deception. Hope you love it! <3

Profile Image for elena ✧˖°.
269 reviews71 followers
February 24, 2023
cawpile 59%

update the day after i finished it: despite this drab review, i’m literally still thinking about this book and really want my hand on book two asap

swearing: D(4), A(3), B(2)

initial thoughts:
- the cover is stunning
- i finished this in pretty much one sitting
- characters were pretty cookie-cutter—i felt like they had no personality
- i don’t think the book was long enough to fully flesh out the characters and their relationships
- atmosphere was typical of dystopian, but i liked it
- the writing was pretty juvenile
- i liked the first half of the book better than the second half
- the whole plot kind of seemed underdeveloped
- the pacing was definitely off—some parts i had no idea how the heck they got from Point A to Point B and then some parts were way too slow
- i do wish the chapters were more even in length—most chapters were like 10 minutes long and then sometimes there’d be one that was 45 minutes long
- i loved the love triangle before Sienna kissed them both
- once she did, i kinda hated it
- i’m sorry but what she and trey have is not love—it’s straight up lust
- those kissing scenes were pretty hot tho
- but i hate insta love and thats what the entire love triangle is based on
- the first half of the book, i would’ve read to the end of the series to see who she ends up with but i stopped caring when she made out with both boys whenever she pleased
- but she is super close with her little sister and that’s pretty cute
- i hate NCMO 🤮
- unfortunately the plot was super predictable😭i predicted the villain and the cliffhanger ending and everything in between
- and oh my gosh i totally called the plot twist at the beginning of the book😭😭😭
- this whole book was like a MG book in characters, writing, and plot but with YA content
- it seems as if i’m not quite the target audience for this one
- i’m sorry but i’m definitely pulling for Zane—i like forbidden romance
- despite these negative thoughts, i actually really did enjoy this book and i will read the next one, although i’m not necessarily eagerly awaiting it
- i will read them tho bc they have wayy higher ratings so i have wayy higher hopes

c 4
a 5
w 6
p 6.5
i 6.5
l 7
e 6.5
Profile Image for Ilima.
Author 8 books187 followers
August 18, 2016
An action-packed sci-fi thriller filled with romance, danger, and twists you won't see coming, CATALYST provides a glimpse into an eery future depicting what can go wrong when those in power attempt to make things right.
Profile Image for Meredith Ritchie.
108 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2020
Catalyst- what a fun dystopian-eseque book.
It carries a similar feeling to Hunger Games but with more action and mystery. Sienna is a ‘normal’ girl born in a society where the wealthy create Genetically Modified ‘perfect’ children. She struggles with the typical comparison-complex to these beautiful fellow teens in her school but that doesn’t last long; her world is turned upside down when she finds her father dead (accidentally? or murdered?) in their kitchen one afternoon. This, along with her mother getting sick, throws her family into the dark side of their society. She steals, lies and perhaps even murders to find out more information about her father’s death. All of this while becoming romantically torn between two beautiful men. This was a quick book to get pulled into. I plan on buying the series for my high library.

I’ll conclude with a quote “when a butterfly goes through its transformation and emerges from its cocoon, it is free of its old life... I love the idea of being free from my old life. The idea of a rebirth or a transformation... I can be different.”
Profile Image for Kester Nucum.
178 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2017
Disclaimer: I received a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This will not affect my thoughts or feelings in any way.

I had a ton of high expectations for this book, but unfortunately, it did not live up to them for me. I wasn’t very connected with the story, and I was more focused with trying to finish it than actually enjoying the story. It also followed the infamous “Dystopian Structure” (see my review of The Government by Peter Gulgowski) really well. If I compared the plot of this book with other dystopian novels I have read in the pst, they are super similar to each other. Catalyst does not have the originality and the masking of the tropes that I am looking for in a book.

The pacing also felt really fast, which made it a bit underdeveloped. I encountered a few speed bumps and plot holes that made me confused and had to stop and figure out what was going on. If the story was a tad slower, the relationships between the characters and the events in the story would have been more rounded out and felt more complete. Some of Sienna’s decisions were too out of the blue for me; I thought there should have been at least more evident motivation or a good reason to do that action.

*Warning there are some spoilers in this paragraph*

The love triangle also didn’t work for me. Love triangles for me is the big make it or break it trope for me, and sadly it wasn’t executed that great. I wasn’t rooting for either guy because the individual connections between each of them and Sienna felt too stretched. (If you know me, I prefer slow burn romances than insta-love.) The love triangle just did not feel right. She also kissed two guys in the same day… That’s a bit too much. What got me was how she didn’t have the “choice” between the two guys at the end. Something bad happened to one of them and he ended up losing his memory, so Sienna decided to be angry and give up on him (which I didn’t see a reason for).

I personally will not be continuing the series since it’s not one that I’ll be looking more forward to. This story was not for me. I think it was too underdeveloped and it did not execute the love triangle as well as it could have. But hopefully this book is for you! Remember, just because I do not like a book doesn’t mean you won’t like it. Maybe you might like this book better than me.
Profile Image for Beth Summer.
Author 2 books44 followers
May 21, 2017
Mind. Blown.


I honestly did not know how everything would play out after the cliffhanger ending of CATALYST, the first book in this series. At the start of FORGOTTEN I was drawn right back into Sienna Preston's world and felt just like I was meeting up with old friends. The heart pounding plot twists and turns rival that of any roller coaster and I DID NOT WANT IT TO STOP. This book is the best kind of adrenaline rush. Both Zane and Trey are deliciously swoonworthy, and it takes a special kind of author to get me to question which characters I'm shipping. I should also note that this is coming from a reader who reads 99% contemporary. It takes a lot to get me to pick up other genres. I can't wait for the next installment and more from Kristin Smith!
Profile Image for Kimberley Little.
Author 11 books512 followers
August 13, 2016
"A gripping thriller with a tough, but vulnerable heroine who must fight against a corrupt underworld while searching for her father’s killer. High stakes and non-stop action paired with terrific writing will have you turning the pages late into the night."

This is the blurb I did for this futuristic YA novel set in Las Vegas where families try to create the perfect children. It's exciting and I couldn't stop reading. Plus the romance is wonderful, too, sexy and swoony, but clean. The ending is a killer! Gah, I couldn't believe the great twist! Must read Book 2 to find out what happens!
Profile Image for Tasha.
6 reviews
November 3, 2016
This book is one nail biting, adventure gripping, page turner that kept my heart pulsing until the very end! Despite the danger at every turn, our main girl Sienna is determined to stay strong and save the ones she loves, but at what cost? With a lot of blushing romance, heavy blackmail, and hidden secrets, Cataylyst threw me into a society that will stop at nothing to create perfection. The best part is the twisted ending that will leave you counting down the days to read the second! A must read in my book!
Profile Image for Mark Noce.
Author 3 books308 followers
August 18, 2016
Compelling. Intriguing. Fantastic! Catalyst gives us a view into a different world, but with relatable characters that everyone can understand. The novel’s exhilarating pace only gets better as the story reaches its heart-pounding climax. A must read for anyone who loves a good book that you just can’t put down.

A YA read reminiscent of the best that the genre has to offer. Hunger Games and Divergent, eat your heart out.
Profile Image for Melanie's.
566 reviews29 followers
August 31, 2016
It takes a lot to literally make my jaw drop open but Catalyst did it! Packed with adventure and emotion this book will have you turning the pages at a frantic pace. A brilliant start to a new series. Add this to your TBR list immediately! V""V
Profile Image for Jacy Sellers.
Author 7 books24 followers
October 25, 2017
Intriguing from beginning to end. Kristin's writing is visual and filled with fast-paced action. If you like dystopia mixed with government secrets and romance, you should read Catalyst. Hard to put down and now I can't wait until the next book. (I'm bias because Kristin is a friend of mine!).
Profile Image for Teenreadsdotcom.
696 reviews39 followers
February 6, 2017
When Sienna Preston comes home from school and discovers her father dead on the floor, her whole world changes. Her family is now struggling to make ends meet in the slum-ridden town of Las Vegas. Forced to take on the role of provider, Sienna resorts to thieving to support her ailing mother and younger sister. But things go from bad to worse when the government intercepts a routine exchange and holds her mother hostage. In desperation she turns to not only the genetically-modified son of a renowned scientist, but also to the young leader of The Fringe, a local extremist group.

I'm not a big reader of science fiction or thrillers. To date I think I've only read one or two books in that category. Despite that, I thoroughly enjoyed Kristen Smith's CATALYST. It was unexpectedly fast-paced and action-packed. Kristin Smith's writing style was good, although I found her story building to be lacking. She doesn't go into detail about most of the technology and never really explained the geography or history of her world, thus leaving the reader with unanswered questions. However, this problem became less prevalent as the novel progressed. The plot itself used many common themes and copied a lot of elements from popular dystopian novels such as The Selection series by Kiera Cass and Divergent by Veronica Roth. In spite of the unoriginal elements in Mrs. Smith’s story, I still found the book to very engaging and enjoyable.

I liked Sienna as a protagonist. Her bravery, resourcefulness and internal strength were admirable. Although I didn't agree with all her decisions, I enjoyed Zane and am definitely rooting for him in the love triangle. I thought Trey was okay until he and Sienna were together. I really didn't like their relationship. I also was not a fan of Trina, Nash or Jeb (aka Curly). Garret was sweet and the rest of the supporting cast (villains included) also fit and had a place in the story.

While reading this book, I felt an array of emotions. At one point I was filled with indignation on the main characters behalf! Which just goes to show how invested in the story I was. As someone who enjoys a GOOD love triangle, I was pleased with its presence in the novel.

Bottom line, I really liked CATALYST and am looking forward to reading the sequel. I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for a fast-paced, action-packed story or a really good romantic science fiction thriller. CATALYST would also be a good choice for reluctant male readers and people new to the genre.

Although I consider CATALYST a clean read, I would not recommend it to younger teens due to the frequency of violence, injury descriptions, attempted sexual assault and “under the shirt” action. Though the aforementioned content was tastefully done, it definitely lends itself to an older audience.

Reviewed by Rachel A., Teen Board Member
Profile Image for Deborah.
Author 1 book27 followers
January 31, 2018
Catalyst is set in a world where genetically altered teenagers are the norm and being naturally born is abnormal. When her father dies suddenly, Sienna has to leave school to find a way to make money to support her mother (who has lupus) and her little sister. Uneducated and “normal” Sienna turns to a life of crime. Taking a job to steal from the man who created the technique to genetically alter human life, she is caught by a military group and blackmailed into killing that scientist. Sienna turns to the Fringe, a semi- terrorist group that is helping extract teens from science labs where they are being tested on against their will not wanting to be a killer. Yikes, there’s a lot going on in this world and really very little explanation, which did make my head spin a bit.

Sienna was a hard headed girl who had good intentions. She’s trying to take care of her family but really just wants someone else to take care of her and make this all go away. I mean, what 17 year old wouldn’t want that? She was torn between two men, Zane, the first genetically altered boy/man, and Trey, the leader of the Fringe. Zane, protected since he was a child, seemed very naive. He was friendly, handsome, charming, but somehow innocent. Trey was also friendly, handsome and charming but a little more dangerous. I am a bit tired of the torn between two guys trope and was looking for an angle that hadn’t been taken in previous novels. Unfortunately, other than they were both nice guys instead of one being evil, Sienna’s situation wasn’t unique.

I really wanted to feel more for this book more than I did. The concept was interesting and I love a strong good versus evil theme, but I thought the world building needed more explanation and I didn’t connect with Sienna. That lack of connection hurt the impact of the final moments of the novel. What happened rocked Sienna’s world, but it just didn’t rock mine. Was it horrible? No. I saw a lot of promise in this novel that just wasn’t fulfilled. Can the author deliver on that promise in the next novel? If she gives Sienna more heart, yes. Will I pick up the next novel, Forgotten? Undecided. ❤❤❤
Kudos to the beautiful covert art which grabbed my attention and made me pick up the book. (Although it didn’t scream apocalyptic genetically altered teen novel.)
Profile Image for A. Powers.
Author 10 books25 followers
February 12, 2017
I was given a copy of this book with strong recommendations to read it, and I am so glad that I listened. The cover alone is beautiful and the insides didn't disappoint either. It kind of reminded me to a combination between Scott Westerfield's Uglies series and the Matched series. Of course, it wasn't JUST like either of those, and was it's own story through-and-through. I especially like how Sienna has already turned to a life of crime before the start of the story, and we get kind of thrown into the middle of it, instead of the standard "start-at-the-beginning and tell everything in consecutive order from the moment she first experienced emotional trauma" layout that we usually see in books of this genre. The romance incorporated was cute, and even the love triangle was done well and uniquely. To be honest, the ending was a little "meh" and to me but I can only hope that it means something more dramatic in the next book to look forward too. Overall, I'd say this was a well deserved 5 stars!
110 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2017
This is a pretty strong book, I enjoyed it.

- Very decent world setup, familiar but different enough to be interesting.
- A strong female protagonist who manages to avoid being too aggressive, emotional or just annoying. I actually like Sienna, she's a good character. It's a hard line to walk - make a female character strong without overdoing it and this book nails it.
- The romance(s) are pretty good, I didn't think they worked as well as the main story, they actually feel unnecessary, the story would actually be far stronger with this minimized or removed completely.

- The initial trauma in the beginning of the book just didn't work. It's too abrupt and goes from a strong start through a brief, rushed and barely fleshed out section and you get the impression it's only there to give Sienna a tragic backstory.
- As I said above, the romances are a bit of a problem. They are overall good, that's not the problem - it's the flimsy pretext that surrounds them. The Fringe setup is the better of the two and works fine, the Zane one is very thin though - it just doesn't stand up to any scrutiny: the danger level and need for secrecy to protect both Sienna and Fringe is just too high for Sienna to be strolling in and out of Zane's house whenever she likes. Also, is there no way to track Sienna's completely unsecured phone calls to Zane?? The idea that the security forces or military are so bad at their jobs that they can't track Sienna or her sister, trace calls or that even reporters wouldn't accidentally photograph her coming in and out of Zane's house is ridiculous.

That said, overall I enjoyed this book a lot. It's not perfect but works well, especially the core story. I will definitely be checking out the second book too.

FYI - it's free on Amazon's Kindle ebooks so is a great find.
Profile Image for Jane Balke Andersen .
461 reviews15 followers
November 11, 2017
Quite decent, but a few things annoyed me. One of which is the pacing, it’s super fast. Something always happening. A slower pace might allow some character development, some explanation of why Sienna takes certain decisions and actions. It would be nice to have more about why and how things happen as at times it is an unexplained whirl of activity. Her family, Trey and Zane could really do with more development.

*Warning spoilers *
*There are quite a few unbelievable things which stretched my ability to suspend disbelief too far. This is a 17 year old girl who apparently has James Bond style abilities and she and the others break in or extract people from high security facilities all the time?

*She gives her sister to some guy she doesn’t really know? What about the neighbour instead?
They take Trey’s dead body and leave a living girl behind to die? And everyone is ok with that?
She kisses both boys on one day, then falls in insta love with one? But the love triangle is still pushed. I hate love triangles!

*The ending annoyed me too. She loves Trey sooo much, but drops him like a hot potato when he finally comes out of his coma. She storms out like a spoiled brat.

I won’t be reading further in the series. Definitely a book for young adult with the huge part teenage romance and action play in this novel.
127 reviews3 followers
January 19, 2018
I skimmed through the first book and the ending had me wanting to read the second book. I kinda regret it now.

Well, although I enjoyed the action and storyline the love triangle was stupid. Sienna was a great character but she was definitely not a one women man nor smart in the romance department which had me wanting to slap the girl senseless. One moment she loved this guy another moment she loved that guy just dumb. And to be mad at one guy when his actions weren’t his and then flip the switch and love the other guy? I don’t get it so ridiculous. The romance in this book made me so annoyed I couldn’t fully enjoy the book which was well written and had a good plot. Too bad it got spoiled by an unnecessary ridiculous love triangle.

And so I can’t read the next book cause I may break my iPad from throwing it if Sienna keeps up this juggling act. Choose already. Ugh. Okay rant over.
Profile Image for Stephanie Faris.
Author 21 books94 followers
December 6, 2016
Catalyst depicts a very realistic future in which genetic modification has taken over. The main character, Sienna, is forced to engage in criminal behavior after her father dies suddenly. When she learns her father's death wasn't an accident, her motives change. Kristin's version of the future is all too real...eventually people likely will choose their children's characteristics thanks to science. But she also packs plenty of action scenes into the book that keep you turning the pages until the very end.
Profile Image for Sarai Henderson.
Author 4 books60 followers
March 22, 2017
I really enjoyed this read. Kristin Smith has really come up with something unique and alluring. A world where being genetically modified makes you special and those who are not are treated differently. The story was intense and I just wanted to punch the bad guy in the face. That's the way I like my villains, asses to no end. I also loved the writing style and the love triangle intertwined with in the action. The only thing I wan't to know is, Who does Sienna end up with? Is it Zane or Trey? You can't leave me hanging like that.

I really hope that Ms. Smith comes out with the sequel soon. I will definitely be reading it. Four stars for Catalyst.
Profile Image for Sarai Henderson.
Author 4 books60 followers
September 16, 2017
I was excited to dive back into the world of Sienna and the game of lies she's been thrown into. In this second installment from Kristin Smith, we learn that no one is safe from the reach of the Capitol. People are having their memories altered. I was kept guessing through the whole book and nearly bit all my finger nails off wondering who was going to regain their memories.


I loved this book and am excited to read what happens next.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
Profile Image for Camryn McGarry.
41 reviews1 follower
June 15, 2018
Awesome book!!!

I loved this book alot!!! I hadn't read a sci-fi book in a while and this book reminded me about all the things I love about book series like this one and Divergent and Hunger Games. I would highly recommend this book to all those who love a good romance..... THAT ENDING THOUGH😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Profile Image for Treena.
1,343 reviews81 followers
February 10, 2017
Nothing really wrong with the book. Just not to my liking and I'm not a fan of love-triangles.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews

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