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Like Us #1

A Boy Like You

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They say everyone’s a superhero to someone. I’m not sure who I’m supposed to save, but I know who saved me.

We were kids. His name was Christopher. And up until the day he pulled me from death’s grip, he was nothing more than a boy I felt sorry for. In a blink of an eye, he became the only person who made me feel safe.

And then he disappeared.

Now I’m seventeen. I’m not a kid anymore. I haven’t been for years. While death didn’t take me that day, the things that happened left me with scars—the kind that robbed me of everything I once loved and drove me into darkness. But more than anything else, that day—and every day since—has taken away my desire to dream.

I wasn’t going to have hope. I wouldn’t let myself wish. Those things—they weren’t for girls like me. That’s what I believed…until the new boy.

He’s nothing like the old boy. He’s taller and older. His hair is longer, and his body is lean—strong and ready for anything. I don’t feel sorry for him. And sometimes, I hate him. He challenges me. From the moment I first saw him standing there on the baseball field, he pushed me—his eyes constantly questioning, doubting…daring. Still, something about him—it feels…familiar.

He says his name is Wes. But I can’t help but feel like he’s someone else. Someone from my past. Someone who’s come back to save me.

This time, though, he’s too late. Josselyn Winters, the girl he once knew, is gone. I am the threat; I am my worst enemy. And he can’t save me from myself.

300 pages, Unknown Binding

First published March 3, 2017

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About the author

Ginger Scott

67 books3,505 followers
Ginger Scott is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Amazon-bestselling author from Peoria, Arizona. She was also nominated for both the Goodreads Choice and Rita Awards. She is the author of several young and new adult romances, including bestsellers The Moon and Back, The Varsity Series, The Hard Count, This Is Falling and Wild Reckless.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger's other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. She has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for a hella long time. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at http://www.littlemisswrite.com.

When she's not writing, the odds are high that she's somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork 'em, Devils).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 472 reviews
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,746 followers
March 8, 2017

➦I'll be honest, I haven't read a YA romance book in a while. Unless it's sci-fi I usually try to stay away. 'A Boy Like You' had everything I love in romance books without any unnecessary fabricated drama that so often follows teenage characters. And, in all honesty, there's just something about this book, it hypnotized me with it's mysterious vibe and kept me glued to it.

➦This novel will take you on a journey of a girl whose problems are bigger than picking her next dress outfit for a prom. You will meet Josselyn as a little girl first and have a brief glance into her childhood along with a description of one fateful day which changed her life.

➦The first time the two main characters meet is when they are just kids. Josselyn notices Chritopher, a weird boy who nobody wants to hang out with, and she shows him kindness. And then he ends up saving her life and vanishes. Josselyn never even got to thank him.

➦And then, my favorite part - the jump to years later, when thy meet again in high school. Except Christopher doesn't really admit to being Christopher. What's that all about? But he's the new baseball star at school and is being trained by Josselyn's dad, the school baseball coach.

➦I enjoyed reading about the heroine's internal struggles, and there were many. Starting with the strained relationship with her alcoholic father - that just broke my heart. With her mother leaving, she was basically without a supportive parent for the best part of her childhood.

➦The romantic relationship was well done and it was just that - entirely romantic. Their sweet friendship will melt your heart for sure. There were many times where I just about went "awwww" lol

➦I recommend this book to anyone who loves sweet romance stories with a bit of mystery woven in. And of course sports romances - the baseball aspect of the story is present and very enjoyable. One thing to keep in mind that there is a bit of a cliffy at the end and it appears that the author is making it into a duet. I'm one of those people who doesn't mind cliffhangers, but if you're one of them - just be aware.

P.S. Ginger Scott will forever be a queen of smirking characters in my book.

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Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,303 followers
February 25, 2017

Title: A Boy Like You
Series: #1 in the Duet
Author:Ginger Scott
Release date: March 3, 2017
Cliffhanger: Yes

I finished reading this days ago and the feelings that A Boy Like You evoked are still lingering. These characters are still at home in my mind and heart. Anyone who has known me for a while knows that I read anything Ginger Scott writes. I've been a fan of hers since the early days. But I can say with no hesitation, this particular story is now my favorite of hers by far. Sometimes you turn the last page of a book and you feel as if those few hours spent between the covers gave you something extraordinary. That's exactly what you get with the first piece to Joss and Wes' very unique and touching story.

When Joss was nine years old, a strange chain of events caused everything good in her life to deteriorate. Her parents' marriage imploding, a near-fatal accident, and an odd boy named Christopher all had a part in altering her life forever. Her safe world is no longer, and her savior has disappeared without a trace. Now seventeen, Joss is hurting, and covering it all up in anger and bad decisions.

Baseball is in her blood. She has a rare, natural talent that was once nurtured by her father. But since her mother left, he's lost himself inside a bottle. When he's actually present enough to know she's there, she only hears criticism. Daily life is a struggle-a never ending cycle of misery that she tries to numb herself to escape from.

I don’t hate my father. I hate that I love my father still.

The path she's hurtling herself down is leading to self-destruction. Being on the softball team is the one thing that gives her any pride in herself, but not even that is enough to motivate her. Even her friends are kept at a safe distance. I really empathized with poor Joss. Even though she was making dangerously stupid choices, I was always on her side rooting for her. She may have frustrated me a time or two, but in her situation I felt as if her behavior was a natural inability to cope.

I didn’t have hope or wishes or dreams or plans— none of it. I had the next day. And then the next. And I filled the in-between with whatever distraction I could find in the moment to get me through. And then Wes Stokes showed up and changed everything.

Wes, the new boy in town unsettles her from their very first encounter. He seems to look deep down inside of her where no one else has cared to look before. He sees more than the coach's tough, hostile daughter. Her harsh words roll right over his back, and takes everything in stride. Wes was just everything. The kind of character that has a beautiful soul that shines out of every word and action. Patient, loving, and so wise for his age. When her private hell is exposed, he immediately becomes her champion. Standing behind her, ready to catch her when she falls.

Finally having someone who supports her and pushes her to make the right choices is something she desperately needed. Let me tell you, this was one stubborn girl. She's afraid to trust, afraid to hope. But it was impossible to not want to try with Wes' encouragement. As they grow closer, she discovers things about him that don't quite add up. This mysterious element had me so curious through the book, trying to work out what he wasn't ready to reveal. I loved how Ginger was able to keep me guessing. I thought I kind of knew what was going on with him, I just wasn't quite sure why or how. But along the way, I was swept away by their beautiful romance and how their past and present connected.

What I loved just as much as watching Joss and Wes fall in love was seeing Joss fight for the happiness she once believed she'd never have again. She faced incredible trials and tragedy at such a young age, but in the end you know this girl is a survivor. I love this author, because she writes from the heart and it shows. These characters were brought to life so completely. I got to see their despair, hopes, dreams, and everything in between. This book had everything! It was not just a simple story about young love, it was much more.

The last 15% of the book was gut wrenching and so INTENSE. Ginger Scott hit a line drive of emotions right into my gut, I was so overwhelmed. Though the end is left unresolved, part two of the duet releases in early summer. I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, but this one leaves us in a place of hope rather than anxious suspense. There are a lot of threads left hanging, and I'm so excited to see how they all tie together in the conclusion. Even if you don't typically read Young Adult, I would highly recommend reading this. It's fresh, beautifully written, and full of surprises. Read it!


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Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews902 followers
February 22, 2017

“There are dozens of things everyone would do differently if they could just go back.
How about instead, you move forward."

When one of your best bookie friends tells you that she loved everything she read by a certain author you better listen. Hold My Breath was an amazing read and when I saw that a new book by Ginger Scott would be out soon it went without saying that I was going to read it as soon as I got my hands on it.

Nothing prepares you for that one moment. The moment your childhood comes to an abrupt standstill. Yesterday you were a careless child, today you have to carry your drunk dad home from a bar, you have to learn to live without your mom and the boy who saved your life, literally, has disappeared.

But Christopher is still holding me. He won’t let go, even when they tell him to. He fights away people tugging against us— blood dripping over one of his eyes. I don’t want him to let go. I want them to leave. I want him to take me away.

Eight years later a new boy in town is the star pitcher of your high school and your dad, the well functioning alcoholic and coach of the baseball team jumps at every opportunity to show you that you matter less than his job and team.

Wes reminds Joss of the boy who saved her life all this time ago but the guy himself denies it. Yet there is something familiar about him. And when he holds her...that feels familiar too.
Wes and Joss share a special connection, despite the fact that this irresistible boy challenges her and is smart enough to look past the hurtful words she spews.

“Yeah, well, I give a shit about things I like. And I like taking pictures, so get the hell out of my way, because I don’t really give a shit about you,” I say.

Joss is on a dangerous and self destructive path. She is stubborn and volatile. The people who are supposed to love her unconditionally left her - her mum just abandoned her family. Her dad fell into a hole as a consequence and hasn't climbed out since. He drinks himself into oblivion when he isn't training with his team. And she is the one who has to take care of him when he is out like a light. She has to endure his abuse and his indifference.

“This is my problem, Wes. And I don’t want you here. I don’t… I don’t want you seeing this— any of it. Please.” My voice cracks by the end, and my cheeks are stained with tears. I count as I inhale; closing my eyes and begging silently for Wes to be gone by the time I finally turn around. I need him to be gone. I don’t know that I can ask him to leave again. And if he stays… if he helps— I will need him.

It is because of her past that I understand why Joss has walls up a couple miles high. She sometimes acts childish, yes, let's not forget she is a 17 year old girl who faced so much adversity in life. She is incredibly strong and tough and for the first time in her life somebody she cares about looks past the facade and sees the girl that is vulnerable.

Wes is SUCH a good guy. He doesn't swallow everything Joss dishes out, he has a quiet way to put his foot down. And when he does, Joss listens. Wes is her rock in life, a quiet presence if needed and a raging storm she craves.

I cannot keep you safe from you. You have to do that for me. And I’m so afraid you won’t.”

I fell in love with him because of his quiet strength, his loyalty and honesty and his unyielding and relentless love for this troubled girl.

Ginger Scott's compelling writing style had me glued to the pages. She has created a magical story which is so different from any YA book I've read in the past. I admired Joss' resilience and strength, her unbreakable will. I adored Wes, he is one of the sweetest heroes I've read about. The story has some twists you don't see coming and one in particular is devastating in its consequences. I loved every word in this book and I can't recommend it enough. I don't cry often when I read but this one had me sobbing and blubbering. It broke my heart and stitched me back together.
There are so many aspects to this story I didn't mention, so much depth and I really hope you will take a leap and find out for yourself.

I only found out by accident while reading that this book ends on a cliffy but Ginger Scott has a sweet little message for us:

Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,376 reviews439 followers
March 3, 2017
**A Boy Like You generously provided in exchange for an honest review.**


5 "It was a changeup." Stars

A new Ginger Scott favorite. This was a YA book unlike any other and I loved it, was glued to my kindle unwilling to do anything else until I finished. So, so good. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Ginger Scott without question stands as one of my favorite Young/New Adult story tellers.

I love sports romance books. I’m the daughter of a coach, the sister and mother of athletes. My favorite of which is baseball. There’s something so iconic and romantic in the game that’s America’s favorite pastime. Take that mystique and legendary status of the game and combine it with Ginger Scott’s captivating writing and you get a book as excellent as a A Boy Like You.

This author refuses to sugarcoat her YA/NA stories. They’re gritty and raw and her characters face unfortunate situations and tragedies. The building of her characters out of the ashes of their circumstances always hits home with me. As usual, I will not reveal anything on plot just feelings.

Josselyn Winters very well may be Scott’s best heroine to date. She bold and brash. Reckless and dangerously carefree. She grapples with demons she hides from the world. I LOVE her. She fights and she kicks and makes her own way by no less than exactly who she is. She makes no apologies and realizes her faults. I admire this girl. I don’t envy the dark spots in her life but I’m inspired in how she chooses to ultimately persevere. I’m thrilled that Ginger Scott showed Joss’s vulnerabilities by exploiting her faults. I love how she grows from the realizations and love she gets from others. This is one tough heroine. She’s young but she’s not naïve.

In a A Boy Like You Joss meets her time of reckoning. To do or not to do. To change and thrive or exist. Through the eyes of Wes Stokes she’s untouchable. Through his care she’s invincible. He sees in Joss what she can’t always see in herself because she believes it’s gone. He’s quiet and reserved but always willing to catch her when she falls. He’s an enigma. Someone she’s conjured as a superhero for better or worse. He’s sweet and everything she needs and idolizes.

The secondary characters in this book need to be spoke of with redeeming praise. Taryn, Kyle – especially Kyle, TK, Levi, Eric Winters, they all play vital roles to this intriguing story. And each of these characters bring something fresh and interesting to the story. A big part of this books allure to me was that it wasn’t anywhere near typical “teenage drama”. These friends actually liked each other, took each other’s backs, who are compassionate and caring. Imagine that. Teenagers like act like teenagers and make mistakes yet look out for one another and don’t want to tear each other down. It was refreshing and new and completely enthralling to read.

This book. Seriously. As fans of this author you’re in for such a ride. For those of you who aren’t already acquainted with Ginger’s work I think you’ll find this a great representation of the kind of stories she tells and the brilliant gift of her story telling. Sports Romance is her forte. Cultivating and building characters at such a vulnerable time in our lives is something she excels at writing. You forget time and commitments when you get sucked into the pages of a Ginger Scott. A Boy Like You even more so. This is part one of a two part duet. It ends at a place where you feel buzzed with excitement about what’s about to unravel rather than crazed with need to have part two right now. It’s a great reading experience and I encourage you to try it.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,340 reviews35.4k followers
October 15, 2023
4 stars

I enjoyed this one. It had lots of feels. A lost girl, and the guy that helps her find her ways. Joss and Wes's story left me on such a cliffhanger... I guess I'll have to get to the next book soon because I have to know what happens next!
Audio book source: Audible
Story Rating: 4 stars
Narrators: Kai Kennicott
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: YA Romance
Length: 12h 9m

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,101 followers
March 4, 2017
5 AMAZING stars ❤❤❤❤❤

"And I don't think I can stay away from Wes Stokes even if I tried."

What an incredible, beautiful, unique and emotional story. I loved every part of this story, I was hooked from the beginning, it's the first book by Ginger that made me cry so much! There hasn't been a single book from Ginger that I haven't enjoyed. Her stories always touch me in some way.


Joss is such a strong heroine and I liked her for that even though some of her actions were stupid I could understand why she did them. I don't where to start with Wes, believe me now that I'm writing my review I want to cry, seriously this boy stole my heart.He is everything that Joss needed!He is sweet,protective,caring and there is a mystery around him.

"I love how you look at me.I love how you see me,Joss."

Guys please read this book you won't regret it! And if you haven't read this author's books yet start with this one! Ginger is an amazing author and her stories are so original!

"I'm not invisible Joss.I'm just not..
I will always fight for you.I can't say no when it comes to you."


Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,970 reviews1,522 followers
February 7, 2017
4.5 Emotional Stars

A Boy Like You is the newest Ginger Scott book and it’s a sports standalone. If you know anything, you know Ginger loves her sport books. I’m not a mega fan of sports theme books, but I do like it when it’s kind of in the background (where it’s not the main focus of the book, to me it can overshadow the story, or maybe I’m just not that into it).

Joss and Wes are baseball players, but there’s a lot more than that they have in common.

The book starts out very emotional and from the start I was curious to see where it would go. This book is very angst driven, which I liked. Joss has a lot of issues and stuff going against her. She has an alcoholic father and a non-existent mother.

A lot of the time I wanted to hug Joss and tell her that I understood her and sometimes I wanted to slap her in the face and tell her to just grow up. But in the end, I really enjoyed her character. I found her really self-destructive, complex and just a tad whiny, but she’s a teenager, so very typical.

Joss’ character is balanced with Wes. Wes is the kid with a good head on his shoulders. He’s the kid that parents love, he’s the kid with a future and he’s the kid that shouldn’t be hanging out with Joss, but he can’t find himself anywhere but near Joss.

And every time he’s near Joss, it happens to be at the right time and place.

“I will always fight for you. I can’t say no when it comes to you. I can’t not fight for you”

I love Wes and you will too. He’s the sweet boy that is needed to tame Joss. He’s the boy that will be there for you in the dead of night and he’s the boy that you can easily fall in love with. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the two and it was not easy for them, but easy to read.

This book was written differently from Ginger’s previous books (referencing The Hard Count, Hold my Breath and In Your Dreams), in the sense this one isn’t super sports / theme driven. Yes, baseball is there, but I’m not “taught” baseball. Sometimes authors can go into the nit and grit of the sport / theme specific and I kind of just skim over that stuff.

This one has more angst, there’s always something going on and I was engaged and couldn’t put the book down.

I also like that this book was YA and the steam wasn’t the focal point of the story, if you read the book, you know it’s not needed. But don’t you fret, the tension was there and it was good.

Also, there’s just a different tone and element to the book that made it mysterious. I really liked that.

Overall, A Boy Like You was a little different, but still a Ginger Scott book. Her writing style is still there, so previous fans will be happy.

AN ARC was provided

A Boy Like You (Like Us, #1) by Ginger Scott AMAZON
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,420 reviews482 followers
May 16, 2017
“As much as this is my nightmare, it’s also my dream. I just don’t want to jump into it, to live it, because I’m afraid it could change from one to the other at the blink of an eye. I’m not sure what I’m in right now—a fantasy or tragedy. Perhaps it’s both. Maybe it’s always been both. Maybe that’s what life is—a beautiful mess.”

Days later, I’m still trying to recover from reading this amazing book. Wow, just wow. Ever since I discovered Ginger Scott, she has delivered time and time again, and “A Boy Like You” is no exception. I used to be a huge YA reader, especially when I was younger. These days, I don’t read as much YA as I used to, but when I do, it reminds me of how much I love this genre. And I have to say, Ginger Scott writes some of the most fantastic YA (and NA) there is. If she writes it, chances are I will read it, that’s a fact. She’s definitely a favorite of mine.

A Boy Like You sucked me in from beginning to end. I was intrigued, I was engaged, and the feels, OMG the feels. I felt so much for these characters, for Joss, for Wes, for their friends, for their family. I was 100% invested in these characters. This book was unlike any other story I’ve read. We’re used to broken heroes and the heroines that “saved them”. Here it’s the opposite. In this story, our heroine is someone broken, and our hero is the one that saves her. Ahh, I loved this, it reminded me a like of Crazy/Beautiful, which is one of my favorite movies, ever.

The story starts when Josselyn is really young. She’s a happy, vibrant little girl that loves her family and baseball. Something happens that changes the course of her life. When we see her again, she’s a broken girl, the happy girl from the past is gone. She feels so hopeless until someone new enters her life. A new kid in school, a star baseball player, someone that reminds her of someone from her past. She is convinced the seventeen-year-old teenager now in front of her, is a boy she once knew, but is he? Regardless, this boy has a huge impact in her life. He makes her want to be better, he makes her want to change, for her, for him. He gives her the hope she needs.

The story also has an air of mystery in it. There’s a few secrets, and a few truths to be uncovered throughout the story. There’s also some unexpected twists and turns that will keep you guessing all the way to the very end. Oh, and this is Book 1 of 2, Book 2 is coming in the summer. This ends in a cliffhanger, so you are warned.

The romance aspect is so beautiful. Ginger can do first love like no other. This was so amazing. It’s slow burning perfection. I loved every single second of it. It felt so real, so natural, definitely not forced. High School romance at its best.

“You have always made me feel like I belong,”


 “You have always made me feel like I matter,”


“This is how we are. This is how Wes and I need to be. We’re races and tickets and dares. And maybe some kissing too.”

These characters were so raw and so real. They were also extremely well developed. I enjoyed their evolution and their development throughout the story. This heroine, she’s so amazingly strong, she’s also super sassy and funny. And Wes, oh how I loved Wes, he was so caring and beautiful. And together they were so perfect, I can’t even. But not only Joss and Wes were great, but also there’s all these other amazing secondary characters. Eric, Taryn, Kyle, the Stoke boys, etc. I was so invested in all of them.

This book is also super heavy. Some of the things that will happen will gut you. I went through so many emotions reading this. And the last 15%, OMG, I figured something might happen but I definitely didn’t see that coming. I seriously can’t wait to get my hands in Book 2 because I know it will be as good, if not better.

Overall, this was such a great read. I’m a super emotional person, and often I rate my books based on how they made me feel. This one completely moved me and deserves all the stars. Like I said, it has stayed with me, I can’t stop thinking about it. Plus, the writing is just gorgeous. And this characters, they’re just great. Is it summer yet? I need Book 2. I absolutely recommend this one!

“His hand reaches for mine and the entire thing feels like habit. I notice it—the way our fingers fold together, naturally, as if this is how they were meant to exist. I’ve never been comfortable with someone like this. I’ve never trusted, or cared how someone felt. But when I’m not with Wes, my hand is cold. It’s always looking for its other half.”


**An ARC was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

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March 26, 2017
4 ★'s
"You have always made me feel like I belong."

"You have always made me feel like I matter."

Christopher and Joss are classmates when they are younger but after a big dramatic event that affects both their lives, they don't see each other for eight years.

Wes is the new boy in town along with his two brothers and Joss is drawn to him in a way she's never felt with anyone else. Slowly, things he does makes her remember a boy from her childhood and she tries every which way to get Wes to open up to her.

Wes is a good guy and things are going well for him. He's in a happy and loving family, school is good and baseball is even better. And then there's Joss...he needs her like he needs to breath and he wants to be there for her but she has to be there for herself as well.


That dramatic event that I mentioned? Well, it's screwed Joss up big time. She's a take no prisoners kind of girl and she only does things her way and screw the consequences, that is, until Wes comes into her life. And then she wants more for herself.

I really loved Joss' journey...her relationship with Wes, with her best friend, Kyle (although that was a bit sad) and especially her relationship with her Dad! It was an intense whirlwind!

Of course, just when things get going good...all hell breaks loose. The author explains her reasoning's later in the book but I really hated what happened. Enough is enough sometimes you know? However, I am willing to see this through.

There's a bit of a paranormal aspect to the story...or so it seems and I'm not really sure what to make of it...yet. It affects everything in Joss and Wes' relationship especially what happens at the end. And I have no clue where she's going with it.

It does leave us hanging, but in a good way. I really can't wait for A Girl Like Me, coming out sometime in 2017.
Profile Image for Jessica Hull.
936 reviews652 followers
February 17, 2017
5 "I'm so mad at you, Ginger Scott" STARS

Josselyn Winters was saved by a quiet boy in the third grade, a boy who vanished from her life without a trace. Years later, at seventeen, a quiet young man appears in her life, protecting Josselyn from herself despite how determined she is to live wild and recklessly. Joss is convinced this brooding baseball player is the boy she once knew as a child, but Wes adamantly denies it. More, he insists he has no idea what Joss is even talking about. And so begins a story of connecting the dots, uncovering the truth, falling in love, and falling apart. This is a story I never saw coming, one that completely gutted me from beginning to end in every way imaginable. And despite the fact that, at this very moment, I want to throw my kindle right at Ginger Scott for what she did here, in A Boy Like You, this is a book I want to scream from the rooftops about because it's. that. amazing.

I read this story completely perplexed. From page to page, Ginger Scott ensured I would question everything. I was, at first, convinced Wes and Christopher were one in the same. I believed this was a story that would come full circle, connecting the past with the present, illustrating a story about a boy who spent his life looking out for a girl too stubborn to accept it. But with each turn of the page, I came to believe Wes, certain he was telling the truth. I came to feel lots of things for Wes, this amazing guy who refuses to let Joss fall, a guy always there to protect her and put her back together. He's AMAZING. He's delicious and kind and swoony. (I don't even like the word "swoony" but there's really no better word to describe Wesley Stokes, so there you have it.) Joss, however, is a mess. She's a character that isn't easy to root for at first, even though she's completely justified in her brokenness. Together, they are magic and madness, and I couldn't get enough.

I expected this story to be heavy with emotion, because that's what this author has delivered with every book I've ever read from her. But I have to say, Ginger Scott really kicked me in the gut with this one. This slow burning romance had my stomach in knots. The undeniable attraction between Wes and Joss was this palpable thing that seemed to move deliciously slow, taking one step forward and two steps back. The mystery of Wes, of whether he is who Joss thinks he might be or not, is equally frustrating and enough to make my heart consistently beat a few beats faster than normal. But Joss' personal struggles, her way of coping with the abandonment she feels, the way she's repeatedly overlooked and cast off by the one person she had always counted on, well, that in itself was enough to bring me to my knees... repeatedly. This story is tortuous at times. I was desperate to see how this would play out, consumed with the need to see good things come to this girl. I needed to see her find the truth. I needed to see her find love and be loved in return. And I so desperately needed to see her liberated from the neglect and the emotional turmoil she lived with for so long. How it would all play out, I had no idea. But I knew what I needed. That need was a living, breathing thing that clawed its way into my gut and twisted the entire way through this book. And I both loved and hated that feeling in equal measure.

I was consumed by this storyline, by Joss' heartbreaking circumstances, by her reckless behavior and her renewed sense of hope. I eagerly turned the pages, completely obsessed with uncovering what might evolve between Wes and Joss, with what would become of Joss as she struggled with the blows that continued to pummel her world. This is an addictive story full of heart and heartbreak, full of mystery and self discovery, full of romance and angst. It's a sports romance, where bonds and friendships are forged and breeches are healed against the backdrop of high school athletics. It's an angsty, slow burning love story that delivers all the feels of first love and heartache. It's a life affirming story that'll make you question the existence of miracles, of fate, of coincidence. And it's a mysterious story that keeps you guessing, literally, right through the very last page.
Profile Image for AC Book Blog .
1,001 reviews133 followers
March 3, 2017
A Boy like You by Ginger Scott
5 Stars!!
Oh boy, this is a special book! Ginger Scott knows how to portray the difficult teenage years that we've all gone through. I was expecting a teenage love story, but what I got was so much more. While there is a soul deep love story in this book, I can’t help but feel there is more. It’s a bit of women’s fiction as I feel the focal point is Jocelyn’s story, her growth. It’s her coming of age story. There is also this feeling of a super natural element that isn’t completely apparent, but there are hints of it and I absolutely love it.
“Maybe that’s what life is—a beautiful mess.”
I love this quote because isn’t life just that ... a beautiful mess. No one knows that more than Jocelyn. For her mere 17 years of life, Jocelyn knows pain. She's struggling as she doesn't know how to cope with the hurt in life. Her pain is so palpable and I feel so sad inside as I see the two people who should love her more than life fail her. Her drunk father is a mess and what kind of mother abandons her child? I feel anger and frustration for her. I want to save Jocelyn because her potential is so apparent. There is a silver lining though...and that lining is Wes.
“ You don’t belong in a box. That’s what makes you so amazing. You…you’re a little bit of everything. And you’re not ashamed to show any of it.”
Wes is amazing. He is beyond mature for his age and his character is a bit of a mystery. He is Jocelyn's strength when she has none. He builds her back up and helps her stand on her own two feet. His character is so well developed. He has this unwavering strength that feels safe and even as the reader, I feel myself depending on him to come through for everybody. At first, I thought Jocelyn was too dependent on Wes, but she takes his strength and she learns to lean on herself and find her own strength. Wes is her rock and it's a beautiful relationship. It's a gift to see how love can change and support us.
I'm a sucker for love stories that deal with soul mates and I actually love childhood love stories. They are my favorite. I love how Jocelyn and Wes connected as children. Their stories are intertwined and they are fated for one another. Their love is soul deep.
“When I’m not with Wes, my hand is cold. It’s always looking for its other half.”
So, I have nothing else to say besides this is a must read!!! There's only one down side and I was unprepared for this...it ends with a cliffhanger! Now comes the wait for the rest of Wes and Jocelyn's story.
June 14, 2018
***4.5/5 Stars***

A Boy Like You was an extremely emotional story. It was filled with heartache, struggles, alcoholism and strained relationships. But there was also friendship, hope, courage, happiness and the possibility of love. This was my first Ginger Scott book and I came to realize that her writing touches my heart. I couldn't help but be moved by this story. So I'll definitely be picking up more books by Ginger Scott!
He holds me until all of the other kids go home.
He holds me until the police arrive.
He holds me until I tell him it’s okay to let go.
And then he disappears.
For good.

The prologue pulled me in right from the beginning. We got to watch who Josselyn Winters, aka Joss, use to be as a child. It was the moments before her whole world exploded. We met her best friend Taryn, the Marley twins and the kid Christopher who ended up saving her life and then never came back to school. We also watched the demise of her parents marriage. I found myself completely addicted and it was a fabulous way to start this book. Then chapter one jumps eight years later and my heart broke with how Joss' life had turned out.
I step closer, until my front touches his back, and Wes pauses when our bodies meet. He sighs, and I lean my head against him, feeling both mortified and turned on from this touch.
“I’m so sorry,” I squeak out, feeling his body rise and fall with his long breath.
“You’re a beautiful girl. Don’t be sorry,” he says, his head tilted to the side enough that I am given the gift of looking at the line of his jaw and chin. His eyes glance over his shoulder and meet mine briefly before he inhales once more and leads me through the door while I replay what he said over and over.
Beautiful girl.

If the prologue pulled me in, then that first chapter sealed the deal. There was a baseball scene that showed me in a way how this story would be written. You see, the author's way of writing tension in such a normal setting was beyond addicting. I completely devoured it. Yeah it made some of the scenes, and even the story, longer. But it worked for me and I was completely mesmerized.
The familiar feeling is gone quickly, but it leaves a trace of something behind. A memory. Wes Stokes has been here before. My chest constricts as I glance to the place in my front lawn a few yards behind me, the place where a boy once saved my life, and I live in that memory for a few long seconds before shelving it again—burying it back under everything I’ve promised myself to forget.

So Joss and her best friend Taryn met the Stokes brothers. Wes, TK and Levi. And I loved how the five of them formed a friendship so easily. But there was something about Wes that felt familiar to Joss. She swore that he was or at least reminded her of the boy who saved her life all of those years ago. Christopher. We got little clues here and there, along with another type of an element, and I was glued to the pages trying to figure out how it was all going to unfold.
He’s caught between being my savior and being my seducer, and right now, I don’t need saving—I need his touch.

Just like the story, Wes captured my heart from the beginning. He was mysterious and quiet at times but his actions and even eyes spoke volumes. And then when he did talk, oh my, he had my emotions in a mess. I loved him entirely. Not only was he a gentleman, thoughtful and caring, but he could be seductive without even trying. Wes made my heart race easily and often. Especially when he was being protective of Joss.
“I can’t save you from you, Joss. Please…give up.” - Wes

Joss on the other hand could be difficult to love. She was her own worst enemy and she didn't make the best decisions in life. And even though Wes was patient with Joss, you could feel that he didn't agree with what she was doing at times. But underneath it all, I saw a girl worth loving. And I kept hoping that she would try to make the right choices for herself. That she would turn it all around. Joss definitely owed it to herself after the life she had been dealt.
I give in, and I step into him, letting my forehead press deep into the center of his chest as I bring my limp arms around him, my fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt on the back. His chin slowly falls to the top of my head and his own arms circle me tentatively at first, until finally they lock around me, his palms sliding in slow tender circles along my skin. I’m overcome with his strength and the feel of his embrace, and I do something that I regret the moment it starts.
I cry.

You see, after Joss' mom left them, her dad became a shadow of himself and turned into an alcoholic. There were many scenes between Joss and her dad that either had me with tears in my eyes or sobbing. He could be so horrific and mean to her. Even while she was trying to take care of her dad who was drunk. And those drunken moments took me back to my teen years. To one of my best friends whose situation was very different, but they still dealt with a parent who was drunk every night. Those moments gutted me and reminded me of so many countless scenes I saw with my own eyes. But it was not all darkness, because Joss started to realize that she now had Wes in her life. And maybe, just maybe she could have the life she always wanted. But heaven help Joss because she had to go through hell. I never thought the book would go where it went, so hold on because it's an extremely emotional ride.
I’m so very lost to this boy, it isn’t even funny. I’ve given over my control, and as much as it scares the shit out of me, I’m more afraid of missing out on him— anything with him.

There were so many others that I adored. I loved Wes' brothers, TK and Levi. I adored Joss' friends Taryn and even Kyle. But Kyle ripped out my heart again and again. He had some struggles too, like Joss, and I could read a whole book just about him! This book was the first in a duology and while it stopped at a great spot, I was definitely filled with the urge that I have to know what happens next! So if you find yourself pulled in by YA stories that are on the more emotional side, but are also filled with hope, then definitely give A Boy Like You a try!

For more of my reviews, please visit:
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Profile Image for S.D. Hendrickson.
Author 6 books857 followers
March 21, 2017
A Boy Like You by Ginger Scott
Aahhh!!! I adored this book - from its feisty yet broken heroine Joss to the mystifying, sweet, and swoony Wes.
This story has a Prologue that hit me with a punch and never let go. It goes from elementary kids to high school seniors. They both don't have the ideal childhood. Wes went through the foster care system. Joss had family issues and learned to deal with them in some pretty bad ways.
But they both had a love of baseball/softball.
Joss was not sure of a lot in her life. But she knew two things. She was a damn good ball player and Wes had saved her life.
This is a mature YA sports romance. And Ginger does not do sports lightly. She knows her stuff and makes the reader feel like they are sitting in the stands watching the game. I said the same thing with The Hard Count. I'm said it even more as I was cheering for Joss every time she was at bat - especially when she would face Wes as pitcher when they practiced. They were competitive toward each other as much as they were supportive. The chemistry between them was both sweet and sexy. And the side characters had a whole story going of their own.
As I wait in anticipation for my sequel, I think a Sandlot quote is appropriate. "You're killin' me smalls."
5 Stars ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,650 reviews2,257 followers
September 8, 2017
That. was. so. fucking. mean.

A BOY LIKE YOU is not your typical contemporary YAish sports romance. This is angsty. Kinda heavy. Compelling. Frustrating. Wonderful. Hopeful. Painful.

The fact that my OD is refusing to release book two into my hands, right now, no matter how hard I glare, is not helping matters.

Seriously, that ending? Arg.

Josselyn as a lead character takes a bit of warming upto. Her journey is very up and down. Her cycle of behaviour is very much one learned as a result of her circumstances and a measure of coping. It's hard. So hard. You want to hug her and shake her at the same time. But oh the progression, her desire to change, to push herself, is just so great to see. And then it all.. and the thing.. and then.. sorry, I need to just rock back and forth in a corner for a bit.

As for Wes.. oh Wes. Beautiful, confounding, caring, perplexing, Wes. You'll love him. I promise.

I have no quotes for this one, because I'm the worst, but Scott's writing sucked me in, these characters had me along for a wild bumpy ride, and the story is not over, folks. We got so many answers to so many things in the first part of this duet but there's a whole set of questions we've now only realized we need to ask. And thankfully only one sequel to suffer through in order to get those answers.

I'm ready for it. I think.

God, OD, hurry up.
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,614 followers
August 5, 2017
Review for LIKE US series, Book 1 & 2

A Boy Like You: 3,5 stars
A Girl Like Me: 2 stars

- I like strawberries and bananas.
- I am in love with bitter chocolate.
- And white wine is my happy place.
- I like sausages, chips, beer, mayonnaise, olives, eggs and cheese, too.
- I like beans and mushrooms, as well.

And there is a lot more stuff that I can count.

But the fact that I love all these things doesn’t mean that I will eat and like it if you mix them all in one bowl and service it to me. I will neither feel the taste of anything in it nor enjoy their combination.

- I’ll welcome strawberries with white wine.
- Crepes with chocolate and banana will be yummy, as well.
- I’ll get my chips with mayonnaise and beer, a good combination for me.
- Sausages, chips and beer will make it better, even!

But if you bring me beans, sausages, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, strawberries and bananas all mixed together, cooked in wine and served with chocolate sauce on top, I will most surely hate it.

This book is like that. It has so many things in it that it loses focus all the time, failing to satisfy the reader. It is very DISTRACTING. It is kind of a mess, actually!

Here they are:
- The book has romance in it. Sweet, innocent, tender and heart-warming romance.
- It has heavy doses of sports element in it. Too many terms of baseball such as slider or change-up etc. are used that I had no idea what they were doing when they were playing.
- The book also tells the journeys of personal development the main characters take.
- It deals with family issues, abandonment issues, foster care issues and all.
- It deals with addiction issues (alcohol, smoking, drugs etc)
- It also deals with disability - people, coping with their new disabled life
- Then, there are friendship stories that start from the ages of 2 and 3, continue at the age of 9 and then take twists and turns at the ages of 17 and 18.

Wait wait, that’s not all! There are more ingredients of this soup…whoops, book, I mean book…

- There is this mystery element in it, which was the element I liked most at the beginning.
- Then, the author adds a supernatural/paranormal element to it, making me more and more curious.
- However, she then disappoints by being unable to explain it all. Actually, she turns the story into a comic book. But in an unsuccessful way.

Think of it like this:

We know why Clark Kent had his super power, because he came from a different planet and all.

Imagine that Clark Kent has super powers and we never learn how he got them in the first place. Imagine we are not given any explanation at all.
Frustrating, right?

Here in this book, we have a hero with super powers and no explanations are provided as to how he got them. I have lots of questions, still unanswered at the end of the series.

My main questions that are unanswered are:
How did he get all his super powers?
Why isn’t everyone in the book as shocked as I am? Why aren’t they questioning him enough?

I mean it was really weird how everyone around him accepted it so easily as if it happens to some people regularly in our daily life.

Involving mystery and supernatural elements in romance book is not my favorite combination but this was really interesting at the beginning when I had hopes about getting answers somehow. Then, it became frustrating when I didn’t.

The writing:
One other huge flaw of these books is the way they are written. There is OVER-DESCRIBING of EVERYTHING, which slows down the pace of the story. And it is REPETITIVE at times.

In my opinion these two books of 300 or more pages could have totally been one stand-alone book of 300 pages. If I were the editor, I would definitely cut the half of the content, make it less wordy and I certainly would recommend that it focused on two or maximum three main issues, not 10 of them all at one. And I would definitely advice the writer to explain the paranormal aspect of the book somewhere towards the end and not leave any questions unanswered.

It may very well attract readers’ attention when writers add mystery and supernatural element to their books but with all my respect, I need to emphasize that it is disrespectful to the readers if they do not explain “how” and/or “why” of it somewhere in their books.

Some final tips:

1. The series deal with teenagers mostly so do not expect hot stuff here as there is none.
2. It is safe as far as cheating is concerned.
3. The book doesn’t have a classical happy end, though. It has a HFN ending with a hopeful glimpse to their future.

I want to add some quotes that helped me continue to read the series...

Our bodies have grown. Our hearts are still the same. And they knew… Mine knew all along, and his remembered... He’s home. He’s come back to me.


Before I get out another word, Wes’s lips are on mine, his mouth fitting against mine so perfectly, it’s as if he’s the exhale to my inhale, the end of my every breath.


One look and I knew you would need to be saved. But I was weak—my body would not hold up to time. You would need a hero.”
“Wesley,” I croak, looking back down at the art on the cover.
“Yes,” Shawn says.


I’ve seen things. We’ve talked about his abilities, if that’s what they are. I’ve watched him save me from things that should have killed both of us. But he’s never openly shown me what he can do.


"Everything…it’s for you. I came back for you, I was born for you.”


As much as I’m Wes’s reason, I’m also his biggest weakness.
Profile Image for Ari .
933 reviews300 followers
March 20, 2017
Original review: The Daydreaming Bookworm

Just when I thought Ginger Scott couldn’t slay my feels anymore, she releases a new book and I fall even more in love with her words. I didn’t think that it could get any better than The Hard Count, but Ginger Scott knocks it out of the ball park with her newest sports romance, A Boy Like You, and delivers a story that will leave you emotionally wrecked. Get your tissues ready for this one because you’re going to need them!

The day Josselyn Winters’ life fell apart was the day she almost died. Narrowly escaping death, she is saved by a young boy named Christopher, only for him to vanish the next day. Left with a broken family and unanswered questions, Joss tries to move forward but finds herself stumbling through life instead. Her relationship with her father has become strained and she feels lost. But when a new guy moves to town, things start to change. She can’t help but feel connected to Wes Stokes, like she’s met him before. Could Wes possibly be the young boy from her past and if so, can he save her from the one person she needs saving from the most: herself?

Leave it to Ginger Scott to write a story that rips my heart out and leaves me begging for more because this woman seriously slays when it comes to writing romance novels. I already knew I was going to love this book even before I started it, but Scott somehow managed to still catch me off-guard because I was not expecting a story like this. I went into A Boy Like You thinking that this was just going to be another small town romance about second chances and finding oneself, but it was so much more than that. I think my favorite part about this book was the mystery: whether or not Wes is someone from Joss’ past and if so, why has he chosen now to return? There is also another mystery in this book as certain things don’t add up when it comes to Wes and I don’t want to give it away, but it is what makes this book different and I AM DYING TO KNOW IF MY THEORIES ARE RIGHT BECAUSE IF THEY ARE THEN THIS WOULD TRULY BE AN EXTRAORDINARY ROMANCE. I also loved how family played such a big part of this story as a father and daughter worked on rebuilding their relationship. It was a struggle watching these two go back and forth and it broke my heart to see these two in so much pain but they managed to pick up the pieces and were on the road bettering their relationship by the end of this book.

Josselyn Winters is a girl that readers are either going to love or hate. She is unlikable, in more ways than one. She’s reckless, self-destructive and she frustrated me at times. But here’s the thing: despite all her flaws I still loved her because she’s strong, she’s a fighter and she’s got a heart that can love without bounds if she allows herself to. Wes is an all-around great guy with a few surprises up his sleeve. I loved his relationship with his adoptive brothers and parents. The romance is a slow-burning one and I liked the fact that Wes wasn’t just the guy who was meant to “fix” all of Joss’ problems. I can’t wait to see how things work out for these two in the sequel and it better work out or else…

The ending of A Boy Like You left me for dead and I just want to curl up in a corner until A Girl Like You is released.


A Boy Like You is a truly special romance that will have you crying for the sequel. Ginger Scott has ruined me once again and I’m counting down the days until A Girl Like You hits my eReader. If you haven’t read a Ginger Scott book yet, A Boy Like You would be the perfect place to start!
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,193 reviews129 followers
March 4, 2017

I won't sugar coat this for you...A Boy Like you is heartbreaking but also beautiful and intriguing.
I have finished to read this book a couple days ago and when I think about it I'm still a mess.

Joss and Wes' journey was unique and surprising,it kept me on edge from beginning to end.
Joss doesn't have an easy life,she is on the road of self destruction until she met Wes that gives her some hope becoming her invincible Superhero.
Wes is a good but mysterious guy that conquered the heroine (and me) at first sight.

Ginger Scott has once again outdone herself,this YA novel is amazing and one of my favorite.I always appreciate her writing and her way to interwine the main charaters lives with those of the supporting characters making every little interaction count.
*Rocking in a corner waiting for the second book*

Copy kindly provided by the Publisher/Author

Profile Image for Paula .
704 reviews231 followers
March 7, 2017
4 stars


Stupid cliffhangers.

I went into this book knowing there was a cliffie. I can handle them...but the "incident" that happened in the last 15% really took me by surprise. I think I'm mad at you, Ginger Scott! Whyyyyyyy????

A Boy Like You was a slow burning, sweet and emotional young adult romance. I really enjoyed the anticipation of that first kiss. I really loved seeing Wes and Joss figure things out...or more like Joss figure things out. Wes was a very patient person and so darn fabulous. Oh how I adored Wes.

While Joss was frustrating, I *got* her. Being a teenager with all the crap she was dealing with was sad and would be overwhelming for any 17 year old; high school, hormones, abandonment issues, and an alcoholic father can be too much for any teenager. Joss was hurt, confused, and needed direction. Wes was good for her. The way Ginger Scott wrote her character was very realistic and engaging. I liked that Joss was a tom boy. I can relate.

What I didn't care for were all the detailed facial expressions (so many smirks!) and this book is LONG. Not to mention, who is Wes? He's still a complete mystery - which I'm sure will come to light in the next book, but still. *sigh* I'm very impatient.

Overall, this was a special book - it was was written well, mysterious, sweet, romantic... and oh, so emotional. You bet your ass I'll be reading the next book. I have a feeling I know what's going to be revealed, but we shall see if I'm right.
Profile Image for Stormie.
1,004 reviews46 followers
March 5, 2017
So I think I'm alone on this one...I was not that crazy about this. I'm not entirely sure why. I don't think I liked Joss really. I just didn't enjoy reading about her. She was self-destructive, insanely prideful, mean, selfish, stubborn, etc. I know she was dealing with shit and all but I just wasn't crazy about her as a character. I did like that she was competitive and she was more of a tomboy and that when she realized she needed to fix the path she was on she began to make changes to do that. I liked Wes. I had a hard time understanding him though. He was a big mystery for me in this whole book. I felt like I really only understood a very small part of him. I didn't realize there was a second book to this and wanted to scream when I realized that at the end because that last 10%....holy shit. That just kicked me in the chest. But I just didn't enjoy this one like the other Ginger Scott books. It is a little different than her others though. It has a little bit of....other to it. Wes is a mystery. So I guess we'll wait and see.
So normally I also like the great family aspect of Ginger Scott's books. This one though was hard to read about. It was heavy and depressing. I wish there had been other family interactions to balance the heaviness of Joss' and her Dad. Because it was just hard to read about them spiraling in their own ways for over half of the book.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,797 reviews39 followers
March 3, 2017

I’ve been enamored with Ginger Scott for a few years and have learned she is nothing like a box of chocolates; you always know what you’re going to get. She delivers profound reads that never fail to leave me emotionally spent and A Boy Like You is no exception. I was transfixed from the prologue and wanted to sob after finishing the last page. With baseball as the backdrop, Scott delivers a heartbreaking journey of friendship, loss, and self-discovery.

“I can’t save you from you, Joss.”

On the surface, Josselyn appears to be self destructive and somewhat unlikable. However, my heart broke for everything she endures throughout this book and along the way, I fell completely in love with this broken girl. Her actions are often a coping mechanism for her loss and hurt. As hard as Josselyn is, Wes is her complete opposite. He’s charming and feels deeply. Watching their relationship slowly blossom was the best sort of torture.

“You have always made me feel like I belong.”

Scott continues to amaze me with her supporting cast, especially the parental aspect. Some of my favorite parent/child relationships are from her books, so I was a little shocked with Josselyn’s father. He is far from what I expected, but I admire how raw his struggles with himself and Josselyn are. Some of the most powerful moments in the book are between Josselyn and her father.

I don’t hate my father. I hate that I love my father still.

This book slowly reveals itself small pieces at a time, only to pull you back and have you question everything. I changed my mind at least ten times as to what was transpiring and how were past events linked to present day. My advice is to read little, if any reviews, and simply immerse yourself in the experience. The follow up book, A Girl Like Me will be released summer 2017. I cannot wait to see what lies in store for Josselyn and Wes. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to any reader who enjoys thought provoking, and highly emotional stories.

**Thank you to WordSmith Publicity and Ginger Scott for my advanced copy of this book.**
Profile Image for EscapeNBooks.
809 reviews
March 6, 2017
A Boy Like You by Author Ginger Scott is a young adult romance novel. It is part one of the two part series, Like You.

"Wes…he’s the kind of guy you deserve. And maybe I just love you enough to want you to have it all."

Every story has a hook moment that either works for a reader, making them crave more, or may be the reason for them to close the book and trying something different. Author Ginger Scott gave a from-the-start hook that caught me like an unsuspecting fish and WOULD NOT LET ME GO! The account of two young kids, the impact they each had on one another, and the difference that it made in their lives.

"We’re two kids who found each other when each needed someone to believe in them the most. Our bodies have grown. Our hearts are still the same."

Wes and Joss's story was one of second chances, rebuilding and repairing, and heroes that came in all ages and sizes. I loved how this author made the characters exposed and vulnerable, but allowed them to stay somewhat hidden to create an air of emotional conflict There were so many times that my heart ached for Joss. Her pain was tangible and pushed her into situations and circumstances that compounded her grief. Wes was an absolute dreamboat. Kindess, love, and tenderness were trademark qualities that emanated from him and made him a special young man in Joss's life. These characters forced me to feel and there was no escaping it. I laughed with them and cried with them. I felt their pain, sorrow, and hope.

"I will always fight for you. I can’t say no when it comes to you. I can’t not fight for you. I can’t not do everything in my power to keep you safe."

The storyline itself was unique and added a totally unexpected element of mystery. I was caught in the constant flow of incidences and situations that were predictors of love and life. The added component of baseball, which I have seen happens to be one of this author's favorite sports, was authentically represented and was not used as a side to the main theme, but greatly contributed to it.

“You don’t belong in a box. That’s what makes you so amazing. You…you’re a little bit of everything. And you’re not ashamed to show any of it."

I give this book a universe of stars. It was a compelling young love story, beautifully written with easy to attach to characters, an intriguing plot, and an ending that made me come unhinged. I LOVED this book and am DYING to get to the next part. A Boy Like You is a definite favorite of this year.

“I’m here because of you."
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,907 reviews320 followers
March 3, 2017
A Boy Like You (Like You #1) by Ginger Scott
4 stars!!!

“We’re two kids who found each other when each needed someone to believe in them the most. Our bodies have grown. Our hearts are still the same. And they knew…Mine knew all along, and his remembered.”

I don’t know where to start with this one. This was one of those books I went into blind so I went in with no preconceived ideas or conceptions and to be honest, I think that is the best way. Ginger Scott dips her toes into a different genre as this book was definitely a little suspense driven which is not her norm. It is this suspense element that really drives this story and despite reading this book in its entirety I’m still not totally sure what the hell is going on. That is definitely a good thing though, because it means I am itching for the next one.

Josselyn (Joss) Winters is a girl I couldn’t help but feel sorry for. Joss had the perfect life, the perfect parents, until one day she didn’t. That day left its scars in more ways than one. Joss was left without a mother, she nearly died in the process and her dad became an alcoholic unable to deal with the abandonment. But that day left its mark on Joss and in particular the young boy that saved her life. He was a boy that everyone picked on in school, but he was a boy that Joss saw under his shyness and ticks. Christopher became her superhero that day, Christopher made her feel safe, but he never came back, he just disappeared.

Now seventeen, Joss is losing herself and is on a downward spiral. Joss is spirited and care free, has little to no regard for her own safety and thrives on the adrenaline rush, anything to escape and forget what is waiting for her at home. A drunken father who resents her, who is probably pissed and wanting to be picked up from the bar or picked up off the floor. To everyone, her dad is the baseball coach, a star, to her he is just a man she resents more and more every single day.

“…and the man who’s supposed to believe in me couldn’t give a damn about that. Somewhere along the way…he forgot.”

Joss is a baseball player too and she is super talented, having her father as a baseball coach did have its perks. Joss is as ballsy as they come and can take on even the fastest of bowlers, she can play with the big guns and hold her own. Baseball is her life and when her path crosses with a newcomer, a boy called Wes, who is an exceptional baseball player too, the gloves are well and truly off.

“You have always made me feel like I belong.”
“You have always made me feel like I matter.”

Wes is one of these characters that you cannot help but fall in love with, he was perfect and he was definitely Joss’s modern day superhero. He was always there at the right time and saved Joss from herself many times. It is their banter and their connection that also drives this book along with that suspense element. These two are so connected, Wes is definitely Joss’s anchor and keeps her centered but even though these two have just met there is that air of familiarity, Joss feels safe with Wes and there was nothing that these two couldn’t do together.

“I can’t save you from you, Joss. Please…give up.”

For me, the first half of this book was a little slow but it soon ramps up and holds you hostage. I really don’t know what to say about the last 15%, my mouth is still on the floor and my head is still a jumbled mess coming up with theory after theory as I desperately try and put together the clues or not clues…who knows with this book. While I thought one part of this book wasn’t particularly needed and just added drama for dramas sake I appreciated the time and effort gone into bringing that part of the story to life and am also intrigued as to how this affects the second book. I am just so confused…it is a good confused…because I cannot for the life of me see where Ginger Scott is going to take this…what rhyme or reason…what could explain things that have happened throughout this book? I have my inklings and they are probably way way way off the mark but that is the beauty of this book…I JUST CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!

“More can wait. I’m here with you…not because of more. I’m here because of you.”

I seriously need book two now, I need to know what the hell is going on…Ginger Scott, please put me out of my misery!!

Profile Image for A_Ryan.
677 reviews195 followers
July 24, 2017
3.5 Stars

I don't think I've changed my mind about a book as many times as I have about this book.

The best bits: Scott is a great storyteller. She knows her way around a plot line and her words captured me from the very first page. She succeeds in taking unpredictable twists and turns, surprising readers and leaving them slightly breathless.

The mystery element within this book is it's stand-out feature and the only thing that kept me reading on. I went in blind and wasn't expecting it AT ALL. It changed the whole ball game (excuse the pun!)

Scott also excels at creating male characters and I loved all of them in this book. Kyle was a fantastic character. I adored his complexity and his loyalty. I loved him just as much as I loved the magnetic Wes. And I felt that each of them had a backstory worthy of their on book... without Joss.

The worst bits: Unfortunately, Joss, the main female character, was incredibly unlikeable... and practically ruined the book for me. I struggle to remember any admirable moments, other than when she played ball. I understand that she was neglected and rebellious... but there wasn't enough to counter these conflicts and make her a relatable lead character to cheer for.

Joss and Taryn's friendship was more unbelievable than the paranormal aspects of this book!

Recommended for: Fans of YA romance.

Do I care enough about these characters to read book 2? Meh... maybe just enough to skim.... Actually, I just want to know more about Wes.
Profile Image for Tandie.
1,540 reviews248 followers
March 27, 2017
Are you kidding me? I read through all that angsty melodramatic crap for THAT ending?
Wes was the only good thing about this story and he's an unbelievable Gary Stu. Drama, trauma, and a missing boy-incredible? Horrible MC Joss, tons of woe is me inner monologue, damaged-angry-girl saved by a special boy, and a cliffhanger ending that I don't even care about.

I haven't given a one star rating for a long time. They're reserved for extreme cases. This book is that bad. Like, teenage soap opera with a touch of super-boy bad. I was skimming & forcing myself to finish the last 10%. Why? Why do I torture myself?
Profile Image for Shelley.
549 reviews20 followers
March 3, 2017
This is one of the best books that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It’s not just one of my favorite reads of the week, month, or even the year; it belongs on my list of favorite books of all-time. Five stars isn’t enough. Once I finished reading A Boy Like You, I sat there staring blankly at my Kindle wondering how I was going to write a review that would do this book the justice that it so deserves.

I was only a few pages into the book when I knew that it was going to be special. Right from the prologue, my heart was beating rapidly, I was fighting back my tears, and I was settling in for what was promising to be an unforgettable journey. It ended up being an unforgettable journey and so much more. Ginger Scott has an incredible talent for pulling her readers in, making them feel her words instead of simply reading them. I never felt as though I was merely reading the story; I was living it and experiencing every single emotion right along with the characters. This is the feeling that I am constantly chasing as an avid reader, and I found it with A Boy Like You.

Joss Winters’ life changed at the tender age of nine years old. What began as a normal day in her life quickly changed when the family life that she knew and loved crumbled before her eyes. This one day saw the demise of her parents’ marriage, Joss’s life nearly ending, and an awkward boy coming to her rescue and leaving a lasting impression on her for years to come.

Joss was a tough, feisty, spirited, and stubborn teenager. She preferred keeping her feelings in check and people at bay. She had experienced her share of loss and disappointment over the years and her tough persona helped to give her an unapproachable, nonchalant appearance. Joss was struggling in her life, and she was spiraling into dangerous territory with self-destructive behavior.

I loved Joss. I wanted to shake some sense into her, give her a big hug, and yell at her that she was worth so much more than she believed. She had given up her hopes and dreams, believing that it would stave off disappointment when her dreams didn’t come true. She had a natural talent for softball, a love and talent that was deeply-rooted with her father, a baseball coach for the local high school. Even her love of softball took a nosedive when her family fell apart and her father checked out emotionally from her life. But when she meets the new boy, a pitcher for her school’s baseball team, his mere presence makes her feel more than she’s allowed herself to feel in a long time.

Wes is one of those special characters who is just beautiful inside and out. His caring nature and kindness shines through in everything that he does. He’s an enigma who seems wise beyond his years. Wes sees Joss, truly sees her. He wants to challenge her, help her, be there for her, and save her. He wants to see her succeed as much as she tries to fight it. I loved witnessing Joss letting herself fall (although reluctantly) for Wes. He meant a lot to Joss in the short amount of time that they knew each other, she was comfortable with him, they felt natural together - almost familiar.

A Boy Like You is a unique, romantic, emotional, and mysterious read that captivated me from beginning to end. I can’t sing this book’s praises enough. It was just everything that I could have wanted. I knew that it was the first book in a duet, and I knew that I was going to be left hanging at the end, but I couldn’t be happier that I’m going to be getting more of this story and these characters in the near future. This is an exceptional and extraordinary book!

*It deserves more than 5 Stars!
Profile Image for Jen.
765 reviews116 followers
March 3, 2017
[image error]

There are magical gems in this book world of ours—those who deliver the kinds of books that do all sorts of crazy things to your heart. You can tell they pour their souls into their work, leaving you breathless and hungry for more.

This is the third book from Ginger Scott and all I can say is damn. She creates magic. Romance, friendship, family, heartache--she delivers it all in one brokenly beautiful package.

This is not your typical boy meets girl, sweeps her off her feet and ride off into the sunset story.

We meet Josselyn Winters when she's a young girl playing at recess and having fun with her best friend, Taryn. Their favorite things to do are play softball and have races in Joss's yard. Of course there's a boy--Christopher, a lost, quiet boy who only wishes for a friend. Joss includes him in a race and on that particular day her world changes. In a heartbeat all she knew and loved is torn to shreds and Christopher is the one person who rescues? her.

Flash forward to years past and Joss is a trouble seeker. She drowns her pain in bad decisions and phony smiles. She's brass and balls on the outside, but on the inside she's slowly sinking. Softball keeps her occupied and she is amazing at it, but it doesn't distract her from the pain she bares. She prays for the day she'll meet another boy like Christopher--one who will make her feel safe, loved and not so alone.

Wes Stokes comes into the picture—he's the beautiful, shy type and Joss is slowly swept off her feet. Their friendship is formed through their love of the game—she's actually one of the few people who can take any pitch he throws.

"I love the way you see me. I do... You make me want to live up to your expectations. I'm afraid I'll disappoint them, though."

Over time, their friendship grows and Wes and Joss become more. This isn't an instalove romance. You're with them as they discover their feelings and it will make your heart melt.
"You have always made me feel like I belong," Wes says, brushing another soft kiss over my lips and resting his head on mine, his eyes closed.

"You have always made me feel like I matter," I say back, my head shaking at the memory of his embraces during my darkest times.

I won't give away anymore of the details than I've already shared. But what I can tell you is that you will laugh, you will cry, and most of all you will FEEL. This is the kind of book I love.
"The quiet boy loving the firecracker girl..."

Ginger Scott has become one of my favorites. I know that when I dive into one of her books, I will be lost for hours in the characters and plot that she creates. Her writing is incredible and her ability to put you there—right in the fields with her characters—whether hearing the crack of the bat, seeing the stars filling the sky, feeling the touch of a first kiss. It's so bright and brilliant and clear, your "in" the book, not just reading it.

This is one for the record books. A gentle, amazing hero and a heroine who is a fighter. And I adored them both. Don't miss the chance to fall in love with A Boy Like You.
February 20, 2017
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

5+++++++ Stars!!!!!

I'm still trying to get my emotions to settle down in order to write this review. Though, I find it difficult because this book sent your emotions into overdrive. This book blew me away, and I loved it.

"But Christopher is still holding me. He won’t let go, even when they tell him to. He fights away people tugging against us—blood dripping over one of his eyes. I don’t want him to let go. I want them to leave. I want him to take me away."

Nine year old Josselyn Winters, saved by a boy named Christopher. But, only then to have that same boy vanish without any knowledge of his whereabouts. Eight years later, now a seventeen year old Joss is transfixed with a new boy. She is without-a-doubt convinced that baseball player Wes is Christopher, that young boy that saved her life years ago.

"I know who you are. Why are you ashamed to admit it? Is it because I wasn't worth saving? Is that why?"

Wes has no idea what Joss is talking about. He doesn't know why she keeps insisting that him and Christopher are one-in-the-same. She lets it go, but not entirely. Is he? Isn't he? Who knows? She and Wes form a friendship, and the way it slowly becomes something more was amazing to read. The way that Wes is there to encourage her. The way he's always there for her and help her through her problems. But, most importantly the way he protects her, damn it's so beautiful.

"You had me the first time I saw you, and I'll be in love with Josselyn Grace Winters until I die."

Wesley Stokes, OH! MY! GOSH! For real, there are NOT enough words to describe the enormity that he is. Honestly he was EVERYTHING! An amazing friend, a great son and brother, and an impeccable boyfriend. Seriously a hero amongst heroes. I dare you not to fall in love with Wes, I triple dog dare you. I promise you, I'll definitely win. Because there is no freakin' way you won't fall.

"I cannot keep you safe from you. You have to do that for me. And I'm so afraid you won't."

'A Boy Like You' kept me on the edge of my seat. It was compelling. It was heartbreaking. It had me shedding tears. It hurt my soul. But, above everything else it was a beautiful sensation.

Ginger Scott, what have you done to me????? I NEED book 2 right the heck NOW! I seriously CAN! NOT! wait for 'A Girl Like Me' I need so many answers and I will try to wait patiently, but I will certainly fail. I just need for summer to get here fast!!!

Add this book to your TBR! And after you do that, preorder it! AND, then buy a physical copy! Please please please with a cherry on top, READ! THIS! BOOK!

Profile Image for Cheryl McIntyre.
Author 37 books2,163 followers
April 28, 2017
This book is so good. A Boy Like You is my first Ginger Scott book and I absolutely loved it! Books that vividly put me in their world and make me feel what the characters feel are my favorite, and Ginger Scott does this flawlessly. I cannot wait for book 2!
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
March 7, 2017
4.5 Stars!
I loved this one but hate that I have to wait until Summer to get the next book! I'm freaking praying over here that I will not have to hunt down GS at the end of the next book!!

Did I get goosebumps when Wes and Joss had their first kiss? Hell yes!! GS did not disappoint me!! Did I get goosebumps and cry some happy tears when Wes finally sent a text to Joss at her work of a letter? Hell yes I did! These two were so sweet together and I loved them both! I love the mystery behind Wes! How bad ass Joss is! How hard she's trying to keep it together and pretend she doesn't want what all girls in High School want. I loved how close these friends are. How they grew up together, party together, play ball together and how they are just always there for each other. I loved Wes's two brothers and how close they all three were. I just loved them all and the book!

“On the first day of school, Mrs. Grandel read everyone’s full names. That’s how I knew… Grace. I memorized your entire name the moment she said it. I waited for her to say it, for you to raise your hand and claim it as your name. I waited. Josselyn Grace Winters,” he says, his eyes on mine, his body still—mine captured with every last word he’s said.

I can't wait to see how the next book goes! I'm really scared though! I'm not gonna lie! Guess we will find out this Summer!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 472 reviews

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