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All the Bad Apples

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The day after the funeral all our mourning clothes hung out on the line like sleeping bats. 'This will be really embarrassing,' I kept saying to my family, 'when she shows up at the door in a week or two.'

When Deena's wild and mysterious sister Mandy disappears - presumed dead - her family are heartbroken. But Mandy has always been troubled. It's just another bad thing to happen to Deena's family. Only Deena refuses to believe it's true.

And then the letters start arriving. Letters from Mandy, claiming that their family's blighted history is not just bad luck or bad decisions - but a curse, handed down through the generations. Mandy has gone in search of the curse's roots, and now Deena must find her. What they find will heal their family's rotten past - or rip it apart forever.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published August 1, 2019

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About the author

Moïra Fowley-Doyle

6 books1,005 followers
Moïra Fowley is half-French, half-Irish and made of equal parts feminism, whimsy and Doc Martens. She lives in Dublin where she writes magic realism, reads tarot cards and raises witch babies.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 960 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,835 reviews56.1k followers
September 8, 2022
A BOOK about FAMILY CURSE,WITCHES, BANSHEES, GHOSTS washed with magical realism, mysterious historical journey to the family ancestors’ stories repeated itself like living in the same Groundhog Day, taken place IN IRELAND and lots of tasty, juicy apples give you cravings! What am I waiting for? GIVING WITHOUT THINKING MY 5 BILLION STARS!

My vocabulary was limited to express how I loved this book so much because this is more than a mythological, mystical, mysterious, gothic, folkloric adventure. This book is the best feminism manifesto I’ve read so far.

This is not about a specific family curse. It’s about a culture’s shameful beliefs, behaviors, acts against the women who had been punished, expelled, cast out, kicked out, locked out by ILLOGICAL, IGNORANT, RUTHLESS BRAINS for centuries! They’re banned as “BAD APPLES AND LEFT TO BE ROTTEN ON THE GROUND!”

It’s about the beautiful and innocent souls of women who had paid too much by enduring their unhappy, miserable, destroyed lives.
It’s about unplanned pregnancies! Only the women paid the price by being kept in shame, endured back-street abortions, sold their children in illegal adoptions. Some of the women’s babies had been taken away from them to be buried in unmarked graves.
So this book is about CHANGE THE PATTERN to prevent the history repeat itself over and over again!

It’s about to speak freely! It’s about to express yourself honestly! It’s about not to be afraid of being yourself and not to care what the society norms force you to do!

This starts with three sister’s story. Mandy, Rachel, Deena! The day Deena declared she was gay and her father forced her to take her words back, her sister Mandy warned her, she would be in danger of their family curse and she disappears with a letter says she’s going to find her daughter at the end of the world.

Deena starts her journey to find her sister but this journey ends with revealing harsh, dangerous, heart-wrenching secrets of their family. As long as Deena resumed her walk at the end of the world, she got closer to find her real self and honest truth about her own being!

I loved this heart throbbing, thrilling, magical, riveting, fast pacing, poetic, soul searching adventure. This is one of the surprising and amazing books of this year! It’s vulgar, raw, emotional ride! I enjoyed every second of it!
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,988 reviews13k followers
August 23, 2023

All the Bad Apples is a hard-hitting, enchanting YA-feminist tale. I was so enthralled by this story, I absolutely could not put it down once I started.

Deena begins to unravel the mysteries of her family tree whilst on a search to find her missing sister, Mandy, who others assume is dead.

Fowley-Doyle includes a lot of Deena's family lore in this story and I was totally into it. I wanted to know everything there was to know about the Rys family.

The author continues to seamlessly blend past and present together as the narrative unfolds. The reader takes a front seat as history continues to repeat itself.

Women and girls are stripped of their power and choice, made to live false lives. It was heart-wrenching and felt extremely genuine.

At the beginning of the novel, Deena, our teenage protagonist comes out to her family with a mixed reaction.

She is a student at a Catholic school and has been raised within a conservative household. She is struggling with her identity and being able to live her truth.

I thought this aspect of the story was so well done, as were all aspects really, but the feelings evoked as Deena questions whether or not she is a 'nice, normal girl', were just so powerful.

That's how the story kicks off and as far as gut-punching, hard-hitting topics, it never lets up.

I loved the format the author chose to slowly reveal the truth at the heart of this tale. I am going to be thinking about this one for a long time to come.

I am not going to say anything else in regards to the plot because I think it would best serve the story, and your reading experience, to go into this with as little information as possible.

A story of family, identity, secrets, truth and power, I am still reeling by how much this story has impacted me. Truly stunning.

While this is a fully fictional story, the topics explored within were well researched by the author and are based on true events that happened throughout the course of Ireland's history.

As the author lives in Ireland and is Irish herself, that is where the story is focused, however the issues the girls and women faced are universal.

Please read this book. Please read this book. Please read this book and as always, this includes the Author's Note at the end. Read that too!!
Profile Image for Cece (ProblemsOfaBookNerd).
339 reviews6,990 followers
January 14, 2020
Unputdownable. This is full of inherited rage, inherited silence, inherited stigma, and so much more. It’s about a past that is only escapable if someone finally dares to speak it out loud. It’s a horrifying masterpiece that demands to look centuries of trauma in the face and scream about it or nothing will ever change. Essential, essential reading.

TW: Homophobia, internalized homophobia, historical homophobia, mentions and discussion of rape and incest
Profile Image for Korrina.
193 reviews4,088 followers
January 18, 2020
Well, that was quite a painful read and it definitely made me hug my son a bit tighter. :*( A really important story and look at recent history.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,650 reviews2,257 followers
August 29, 2019
This is what a curse does : It takes a truth and twists it. It punishes those who don't conform.

ALL THE BAD APPLES is, to quote the author, a story that "was, in part, fueled by rage." I don’t want to veer away from the specific history she's shed light on but for anyone who has looked around, confused and shocked and angry, about some of the abortion bills trying to be passed in the US? You’ll want to read this book. Because Ireland had been living that life up until 2018.

That's the problem with having a funeral for your sister without really knowing whether she's dead. Without a body in the coffin, how can you be sure she won't come back?

Overwhelmingly, this book is a very Fowley-Doyle story. If you've read her before, you'll know exactly what I mean : she infuses her twisty whimsy, her magical storyweaving, her mysterious realism, into a narrative that has deeper, darker, roots. In ALL THE BAD APPLES it's about women, it's about shame, it's about family.

"I can see the headlines now. Runaway Queer Kids Become Victims of Remote Cabin Chainsaw Killer, Surprising Absolutely No One."
"I'm not queer, sorry."
"Then chances are you'll be the only one left alive."

I won't be speaking much to the plot because half the journey is not knowing what's real and what's not. Half of this is about the history that came before the events of the moment. Some of it will challenge where you think the story is going. Most of it will probably break your heart. The rest will make you angry.

"I wonder — are all legends kind of warped? The scream of a banshee is supposed to foretell a death, but really it's a warning. They're supposed to be evil ghosts, but they only ever wanted to help. [..]"
"I bet if the banshees were men the myths wouldn't have gotten it wrong."

What you should know : it's queer, it's family-focused, it's about grief, being heard, belonging, owning up to who you really are, and is rife with secrets. And apples. Lots and lots of apples. Bad apples, nice and normal apples, all kinds.

Tell your story. Speak your truth. Shatter the silence.

I would definitely recommend reading the author's note when you finish this one. It was educational and even more heartbreaking. I was tempted to rant about the factual elements that make up the backbone of this story, that are woven in amongst the fiction and the fantasy, but. That rant doesn't belong to me. I'm not here to regurgitate or educate on something I know so little about. But.. read it. Read this book. And then go find THE SPELLBOOK OF THE LOST AND FOUND. And continue to enjoy the wonder and weird magic that is a Fowley-Doyle experience. You won't regret it.

** I received an ARC from the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for OonaReads.
637 reviews237 followers
July 29, 2020
This is my favorite book of the year, it has everything I love in a story.
Queer characters
A family curse
Secret family history
Found family
Road trip
Going after a person who has gone missing/is presumed dead
Feminist rage against patriarchy

I cannot think of a book that I will love as much as this one.
Also as a side note, Finn is the only man in this book who deserves rights.
Profile Image for Acqua.
536 reviews230 followers
May 31, 2019
All the Bad Apples has everything you should expect from a Moïra Fowley-Doyle novel: beautiful atmosphere, blurred lines between the magical and the ordinary, and queer characters. At the same time, it's so much darker and angrier than usual.

This felt like the bookish equivalent of a scream.
You might think this is a story about a lesbian who has a very traditional catholic father and who is grappling with the consequences of her older sister's disappearance and what might be a family curse, discovering her family's history in the process. It is, and yet it's not.
All the Bad Apples is a story about the crimes of the catholic church, a story about the women whose truths are still buried and untold, a story about Irish history from the point of view of those who are always erased. It's a story about how necessary the separation between church and state is, about how we shouldn't take our victories against bigotry and patriarchal systems for granted.

This book made me realize is that I'm kind of tired of reading about Americans' problems. I don't live in Ireland, but for various reasons, what they went through is much more similar to my country's problems. Reading about European countries from a modern European point of view is so refreshing, and I'm glad this book exists.
This also meant that for me this book was a lot more horrifying to read than usual. And even if you don't know what it means to deal with catholic fundamentalism, I recommend reading the content warnings at the end of this review.

So, why not a higher rating? Because - and this has happened with the other novel I've read by this author too - by the end of the book, I felt like I didn't know any of the characters.
Deena is a lesbian, her best friend is a bisexual and biracial black boy, she meets a girl who is also queer during this novel, and there's the beginning of what could be a romance. I always want to get invested in Fowley-Doyle's mostly-queer found families, but I never manage, and - mostly in the second half - the parts about history took over the book, so that the present storyline started to feel stagnant.
(It still surprised me, though. I would have never seen any of that coming.)

On the historical parts: I loved their message and the point they were making, they just weren't that interesting to read. The problem with multi-generational stories is that I often struggle to get invested in anything historical and with so many characters, but that's more on me that on the book.

I would recommend All the Bad Apples to all of those who enjoy Leslye Walton's novels and liked the inter-generational aspect of The Astonishing Color of After.

Content warnings for the present storyline: homophobia (challenged, and mostly at the beginning, but it's there right from the first chapter), frequent mentions of what is rumored to be a suicide, controlling parent, bullying
Trigger warnings for the parts about family history: incestuous rape (implied), rape of a minor (implied), institutionalization, physical, emotional and religious abuse (mostly told, not shown), one of the main characters' ancestors got burned alive for being gay ("a witch"; again, told not shown), and we're also told about forced pregnancies, abortion, mothers separated from their babies, death of a baby, suicide, a lot of misogyny and bigotry.
[I hope I haven't missed anything but there was a lot.]
Profile Image for Jana.
193 reviews83 followers
May 25, 2024
Morate pročitati. Ali bukvalno morate.

Apdejt (25. maj) :

"Sve trule jabuke" pročitala sam početkom aprila i od tada ne mogu da dođem sebi zbog ove knjige. Mislim da nije prošao ni dan od tada a da nisam razmišljala o nekom njenom aspektu. Ipak, ostavila me je bez teksta i već danima pokušavam da utiske pretočim u nešto smisleno i opširnije od "Molim vas, čitajte ovu knjigu, jer bukvalno morate".
Izazvala je mnogo suprotstavljenih emocija u meni, od toga da sam osećala sav bes koji su osećali i likovi, do toga da sam samo želela da zagrlim knjigu, jer me je pogodilo sve što se dešavalo junakinjama priče, ali nisam znala kako da sve to sročim.

Međutim, prošle nedelje se u našem komšiluku održao još jedan protest protiv prava žena na abortus, a ne zaboravimo i klečanje muškaraca radi ženske čednosti i, ponovo, radi zabrane abortusa, koji je takođe održan ne toliko davno. Zatim je američki fudbaler na diplomiranju održao govor u kom je objasnio da je žena najispunjenija kada je majka i žena, džaba joj diploma.

Nakon ovog najnovijeg talasa nepoštovanja osnovnih prava žena, pre svega reproduktivnih, kao i posle otvorenog zagovaranja njihovog oduzimanja, shvatila sam da nismo svesni toga da su prava koja imamo i za koja se borimo vekovima ostvarena mnogo skorije nego što mislimo i da prošlost bez njih uopšte nije tako daleko. Žene u Irskoj pravo na bezbedan abortus u svojoj zemlji imaju tek od 2019. godine, dok je tek 2018. godine dekriminalizovan. S druge strane, u Poljskoj je nedavno opet potpuno kriminalizovan 2021. godine. Nakon što je 2022. godine Vrhovni sud poništio sopstvenu odluku u slučaju Rou protiv Vejda, u 14 američkih država abortus je postao ilegalan.

Tema reproduktivnih i seksualnih prava žene nažalost u mnogim delovima sveta i danas je aktuelna. Naravno i kod nas, tradicionalna porodica i abortus jesu omiljene teme o kojima desničari vole da raspravljaju. Zbog toga mislim da je veoma važno da pročitate "Sve trule jabuke".

O čemu se radi u knjizi:

"Kada Dinina neobuzdana, misteriozna sestra Mendi nestane i proglase je mrtvom, njena porodica se potpuno slama. Ali Mendi je uvek bila problematična. To je samo još jedna nesreća koja je zadesila Dininu porodicu. S tim što Dina ne želi da veruje da joj je sestra stvarno mrtva.

Ali, onda počinju da stižu pisma. Pisma od Mendi, u kojima tvrdi da za zlosretnu istoriju njene porodice nije odgovorna loša sreća ili loše odluke – već kletva koja se prenosi s žene na ženu generacijama. Mendi je krenula u potragu za izvorom kletve pre nego što ona zadesi i Dinu. Ali, da li kletva zaista postoji? I da li je Mendi stvarno živa? Očajnička potraga, u kojoj je vode samo poruke koje se misteriozno pojavljuju, dovešće Dinu do nekadašnjih Magdaleninih vešernica, zloglasnih duševnih bolnica za žene u Irskoj.

Odvažan i divno napisan, ovaj izuzetno važan feministički roman za mlade preispituje aktuelna pitanja ženskih seksualnih i reproduktivnih prava koja su, uprkos tome što živimo u 21. veku, iznenada ponovo sporna."

"Sve trule jabuke" je vešto napisan spoj magijskog realizma, misterije, istorijskog romana i savremenog romana za mlade. Iako možda deluje kao da obrađuje mnogo tema i da autorka koristi mnogo literarnih alata, priča je izuzetno skladno napisana, pitka i veoma laka za razumevanje. Kada počnete da je čitate, vuče vas, morate da pročitate još jedno pa onda još jedno poglavlje da biste saznali šta se dalje dešava. Kod mene je tako bilo, progutala sam je za dva dana.

Dina kao protagonistkinja mi se veoma dopala, pre svega zbog toga što od početka ima unutrašnju borbu u kojoj pokušava sebe da definiše, da shvati ko je i šta je i preispituje svoje dotadašnje odluke. Avantura, ili bolje reći potraga, u koju kreće sa svojim prijateljima, koliko uzbudljiva, toliko i jeziva, praćena je duhovima prošlosti i obavijena velom misterije.

Jedna jedina zamerka koju imam jeste da je kraj delovao malo zbrzano i volela bih da smo dobili malo više detalja o likovima nakon što se završila glavna radnja knjige.

Negde sam pročitala da je autorka ovu knjigu delimično napisala jer je bila besna, i to se i te kako vidi. Na svakoj stranici provejava taj bes zbog nepravdi koje su vekovima činjene ženama i svima koji nisu bili bogati strejt muškarci, kroz različite suptilne opaske i komentare likova.

Rekla sam da je knjiga pitka, ali je emotivno prilično teška. Ono što me je verovatno najviše pogodilo jeste činjenica da su delovi ove knjige zasnovani na istinitim događajima. Moram priznati da zaista nisam znala za postojanje Magdaleninih vešernica (poslednja je zatvorena 1996. godine, jezivo) i bila sam preneražena dok sam čitala o užasima koji su se tamo dešavali kada sam, nakon čitanja ove knjige, nastavila još malo da istražujem. Obavezno pročitajte i beleške autorke na samom kraju, jer u njima potanko objašnjava šta ju je podstaklo na pisanje ovog romana, a navodi i izvore iz kojih možete da saznate više.

Možda sve ovo što sam napisala o knjizi do sada zvuči mračno i iako na trenutke jeste tako, poruka knjige je kako istina oslobađa i pojedince i društvo, i koliko je bitno da se s njom suočimo i glasno govorimo o njoj kako bi budućnost bila bolja i kako se greške iz prošlosti ne bi ponavljale. Roman govori o tome koliko je podrška ljudi u zajednici značajna u svakom aspektu života, bili to porodica, prijatelji ili institucije. Govori takođe i o putu ka prihvatanju sebe onakvih kakvi jesmo, bez obzira na to šta okolina misli ili nameće.

Mnogo hvala Izdavačkoj kući Odiseja na primerku, ali i zato što prevode važne knjige koje se bave bitnim i aktuelnim temama. 💙

Ako planirate da čitate "Sve trule jabuke", a zaista se nadam da ćete ovoj knjizi dati priliku, moram da vas upozorim na sadržaje koji nekome mogu biti uznemirujući: homofobija, zlostavljanje, seksualno zlostavljanje, silovanje, pedofilija, samoubistvo, smrt, podmetanje požara, zlostavljanje životinja.
Profile Image for J.A. Ironside.
Author 58 books352 followers
November 23, 2019
ARC provided via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

I fucking love this book. It's easily one of my favourite reads of 2019. All the Bad Apples follows Deena, who undertakes a quest to find her missing older sister when she vanishes on her seventeenth birthday - apparently in response to the Rys family curse. The curse falls on the 'bad apples' of the family. Those who cannot be 'nice, normal girls'. The ones who have sex outside of marriage or who desire other women or act in any other way outside the norm for their gender. Set in Ireland in 2012, against the backdrop of what is still a rigorously Catholic country (though things are gradually changing for the better - the repeal of the 8th amendment making it legal for women who need to to get abortions is a big step in the right direction.) The strictures and attitudes might seem farfetched for 2012, certainly for 2019. They're not. There are still plenty of people, both in Ireland and outside of it, and in the western world at large, who think like the more repressive and conservative characters in this book. I speak from experience having been raised Irish Roman Catholic - it's a special blend of fundamental religious indoctrination and superstition at it's worst. (At it's best, it resulted in me meeting some of the best, kindest and most tolerant people of my life - but honestly the way it was practiced when I was a child and teen, Catholicism was not calculated to bring out the best in its followers.)

This isn't just about religion. This is about a system that has been allowed to grow in a way that marginalises women, poc and LGBTQIAP+. It's not so much that's it's anyone's fault, it's that it's everyone's responsibility to try and improve matters; to question; to speak out. Moira Fowley Doyle does an amazing job, via the medium of the Rys family history, of tracing the origins of some of these attitudes. There's no judgment, despite the rage underlying parts of the book. (Fury I shared in fully, having come from this particular Irish background). There's a look at how the Great Famine shaped attitudes, how the English landholders mistreating Irish workers fostered a mindset more geared towards intolerance - when everyone you know is starving to death, it's very hard to find compassion for others' sufferings. From there, we follow the trail through a dark and damning history specifically backed up by the Catholic Church. If you haven't heard of Magdalene Laundries, the church sanctioned mother and baby homes, the Christian Brother orphanages, you will. Be aware that while it's not a gratuitous depiction, it pulls no punches. It was something I knew a lot about and it still had me incandescent with rage.

And yet for all that, this is a remarkably hopeful novel all about reclaiming the past - good stories, bad stories, hopeful and despairing stories, family stories but most of all women's stories - and then building a better future out of knowing the past. It had a certain amount of creepiness which I rather relished. And I enjoyed all the references to Irish history and mythology - it made me quite homesick at times.

Deena is a sympathetic character, flawed but adventurous. There's no moustache twirling villains here, but also no quarter given for anyone who goes on to perpetuate a cycle of oppression and abuse just because they've come from one themselves. I loved the friend group that formed around Deena, and her family dynamic fell into strange but true and utterly believable territory.

I've loved all the authors' books but this is the best one yet. Highly recommend.

TW: neglect, abuse, rape (off page), abortion, teen pregnancy, anti LGBT attitudes (always negatively portrayed) and institutional abuse/ infant death (off page)
Profile Image for Michelle.
653 reviews191 followers
December 10, 2020
At first I thought this book was a YA fantasy about a family of women that were under a curse. That if it was deemed by the rest of the family that they were bad apples that they would suffer this doomed fate. I didn't quite get what the specific details of that fate would be beyond visitation by banshees, broken bone combs, bodily scratches and the ghost of a bull. Was she going to die? Be tortured mercilessly? Be trapped in purgatory? I just wasn't sure. But as the book opens up with a teenaged girl Deena on the verge of her 17th birthday coming out to her sister we get a sense that whatever this fate is, it will befall her. Especially after her father walks in on her revelation. And certainly after both of her sisters reactions. They implore her to remain quiet about her sexuality and emphasize how important it is for her to appear to be a "good girl", a normal nice good girl.

I was kind of surprised that with this storyline that this book is set in 2012. But as the story goes on you learn more about Deena's family history and how the curse came about, you come to realize that bad apples include women who were deemed to be too pretty, women who spoke their mind, women who had boyfriends, women who were raped.

The afterword by Moira Fowley-Doyle gave me more insight into the crux of the book and why she why she chose to use these women to represent this time frame. In it she talks about the Magdalene houses in Ireland and how up until 1996 they operated without much oversight. Because there was no separation of church and state thousands of women were sent to these homes for anything construed as being deviant behavior. She explains how abortion was illegal until 2019 and punishable by 14 years in jail. How she was compelled by the death of Savita Halappanavar to tell this story. Halappanavar had suffered an incomplete miscarriage and was denied surgery to remove what remained in her womb. As the physician explained, her request went against Irish Catholic law. On October 28, 2012 Savita died from sepsis, one week after being admitted to the hospital.

Fowley - Doyle also talks about how two school boys discovered bodies that were buried in a mass grave near Tuam, County Galway. It was excused away at first as being from the famine. It turns out that more than likely these bones were the bones of children who were born at the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home.

Research was conducted by Catherine Corless who pulled up the records of all of the children born into this home and found there were 796 children, babies whose bodies were unaccounted for. They were not buried in any of the local cemeteries. The Bon Secours Mother and Baby home was open from 1925 - 1961. Using this figure Corless estimated that one child died within those walls every two weeks. One baby every two weeks. 796 children unaccounted for.
Profile Image for Temi Panayotova-Kendeva.
437 reviews51 followers
January 6, 2020
Would have been interesting if it was a real ghost story. It is not about an actual supernatural curse, the plot is just plain basic and stupid and the same as the other books Doyke has written. She needs some more imagination and to stop writing this god awful predictable plots.
Do Not Waste your time with this!
Profile Image for Mariana.
422 reviews1,918 followers
November 12, 2020
Por un rato pensé que iba a ser un 5 estrellas porque amo el estilo de esta autora, pero la última parte del libro se me hizo larga e innecesaria.
Tiene un mensaje muy poderoso de aceptación y habla sobre asuntos que generan mucha tensión en Irlanda, como el descubrimiento de los bebés enterrados en una casa-hogar católica y, por supuesto, la lucha para tener acceso al aborto legal en un país con una tradición católica tan arraigada. Mi mantras de vida es leer todo lo que la autora publique, me gusta mucho su onda realismo mágico nostálgico.
Profile Image for Ellie.
579 reviews2,421 followers
March 4, 2020
ALL THE BAD APPLES is intense and sad and, at times, challenging. It is not an easy read. It sheds light on Ireland’s dark past and the atrocious treatment of women under Ireland’s religious ideology, even up to the modern day. It also encourages women today to stand up and speak out, breaking free of stigma and creating a better future. It, at once, is both a book full of magical fabulism and historical horrors.

Very much worth the read, though.

tw: rape (off-page), women being treated really shittily, mothers being forcibly separated from children, neglect/death of babies, abortion, homophobia, abuse

read as part of #fffebruary2020
Profile Image for charlotte,.
3,584 reviews1,090 followers
August 4, 2019

disappointed @ how this book used the d-slur (and not in a good way) to refer to the mc before using the word lesbian and she never referred to herself as a lesbian like........please can u just have ur LESBIAN mc use the word lesbian once i beg

Rep: lesbian mc, biracial (black) bisexual side character, wlw li
Profile Image for Cortney -  Bookworm & Vine.
1,016 reviews234 followers
November 30, 2021
Quick read that I started and finished on a slow Tuesday at the bookstore. At this point, I've read all of this author's books, but her two subsequent books didn't touch how great her first one was.

On the fence about whether I'll continue to read her or not. Just wasn't super impressed.
Profile Image for Stella ☆Paper Wings☆.
577 reviews44 followers
April 3, 2020
All the Bad Apples is an underrated masterpiece. The more time that passes since I read it, the more I begin to realize how genius it really is. I think it might end up in my top books of the year.

If you've read my reviews in the past, you probably noticed that I love me a subversive feminist book with magical realism incorporating real historical events to make a statement about generational trauma, the grieving process, the importance of storytelling, and the nature of oppression. Oddly specific as it is, that's pretty much my brand. Still, I think I can say fairly objectively that this is a brilliantly crafted, beautifully written, and powerfully produced story. As with every 5-star review, I don't even know how to begin to express the beauty of this book.

It's so subtle that I don't think I even realized how much I was enjoying it until I was at least halfway through. This is a book you'll want to devour, as events flow smoothly into one another and the interlocking plot threads make it impossible to put down. It alternates between the present day in which the main character searches for her missing sister, and the past in which we follow one family's convoluted history. I love this element because it feels like several separate stories all connected to create an impactful story that explains many of the character's personalities- and it is a very character-heavy book.

This is not an easy book to read; since it tackles so many difficult concepts, I think it has to delve deep and avoid sugarcoating anything. Part of the point of the book is to realize that sometimes we have to face the harsh realities of the past in order to understand them and grow from them. (However, that means this book comes with a lot of content warnings, which you can find at the end of the review.)

It's simultaneously intersectional and straightforward, somehow taking on society as a whole while also just talking about one family and eventually concluding at maybe we're all "bad apples." I did enjoy Fowley-Doyle's last book, The Spellbook of the Lost and Found and I still have to read her debut, The Accident Season , but it seems like she's grown so much as an author, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

Content Warnings: rape, extreme homophobia, misogyny, abuse, miscarriage, implied incest, death of a child, abortion, parental neglect, bullying (all challenged)
Profile Image for PopiTonja.
118 reviews11 followers
April 27, 2024
Kakva priča! Ne verujem da će je neka knjiga smaknuti sa trona "knjiga godine"
Nebrojano puta sam se naježila i osetila je kroz kosti, potresala me je zbog istinitih činjenica a sve vreme je zapravo pitka, zanimljiva, puna uzbuđenja i želje da saznam što više. Knjiga koju je teško ostaviti sa strane... jednostavno stranice dozivaju i vape da budu čitane. Magično upakovano i napisano.
Nadam se da će Odiseja prevesti i ostale njene knjige. Stvarno bih sve želela od nje.
Ogromna preporuka!
Profile Image for Sugar Pill.
255 reviews66 followers
March 31, 2024
Ova knjiga će ući u top knjige godine. Garantujem.

Ovu knjigu ću da poklanjam i jedva čekam da devojčice iz moje porodice porastu dovoljno da mogu da je čitaju. Takođe, odmah sam potražila i druge knjige ove autorke. Eto, toliko mi se dopala.

Znate ono kada čitate knjigu za mlađu publiku i polako shvatate da ste je definitivno prerasli? To ovde nikako nije slučaj.

Knjiga ima dve linije pripovedanja, jednu u prošlosti, jednu u sadašnjosti. Priča koja se odigrava u sadašnjosti nosi dinamiku i avanturu, dok se u prošlost vraćamo da čujemo izuzetno teške priče o ženama u Irskoj.

Podstakla me je na razmišljanje i stvorila mi želju da znam više. Više znanja o konceptu Magdaleninih vešernica je moj naredni zadatak nakon čitanja ove knjige.

Teška sudbina žena me je, naročito od čitanja Julijine priče, navela na to da razmišljam da li je kletva porodice, koja je okosnica ove knjige, zaista kletva koju je neko bacio na porodicu ili je kletva jednostavno biti žena u određenom vremenskom razdoblju.

Autorka je nekako uspela da u jednu knjigu uklopi magijski realizam i surovu stvarnost i da se te dve suprotnosti savršeno uklapaju kao delovi slagalice. Takođe, na odličan način ume da ukaže na to da se desilo nešto strašno, a da to direktno ne napiše.

Tematika je teška, ali čitanje knjige nije mučno. S druge strane, meni je teško da pronađem odgovarajuće reči da je opišem, jer mi se nekako čini da ništa što napišem nije dovoljno dobro i da ova knjiga zaslužuje bolje.

Svakako, opširnije utiske, snimljene u toku čitanja, imate na mom Jutjub kanalu.

Profile Image for dora_i_knjizica.
46 reviews202 followers
March 30, 2024
Baš je nekako kraj lepo zaokružio celu priču, trenutak kada bih zagrlila mamu, sestru, sve žene koje volim, koje su srećne jer nisu bile proklete i one koje su bile proklete ali su razbile kletvu.
Profile Image for Ana | The Phoenix Flight.
242 reviews175 followers
October 21, 2021
Peguei neste livro a pensar que ia estar a ler uma história jovem adulta sobre bruxas, uma maldição de família, descobrir as nossas raízes. E o que encontrei foi isso e muito mais.

Enquanto tenta descobrir mais sobre o que aconteceu à irmã, dada como morta, mas sem corpo que o prove, Deena vai fazer uma viagem ao passado da família, enquanto vai descobrindo a História da Irlanda. Uma Irlanda que existia até há muito pouco tempo. Muito, muito recente mesmo. Uma Irlanda extremamente fechada no seu catolicismo, na ideia do que é bom e mau, do que é aceitável e do que é um crime.

É um livro que revolta. Uma história que gostariamos de pensar que está no passado distante, quando as pessoas não tinham acesso a informação e não sabiam "mais e melhor". E no entanto, como diz a autora nas notas finais, há certas coisas que por lei só foram alteradas em 2019. E há um caminho bem longo para percorrer.

"(...) the past will only keep repeating itself as long as we're kept powerless by our silence."
Profile Image for Katie.dorny.
1,110 reviews637 followers
March 30, 2020
This blew me away and the authors note and acknowledgements hit me more than the novel did.

This book tells the story of the Rhys family who are reeling from the passing of their sister and whom Deena is reeling from her crap school and peers.

Please be warned that there is the mention of sexual assault in this book.

I don’t want to detail the plot as after going in myself knowing nothing and having no expectations, I loved this. It was dark, harrowing and incredibly moving all in one.

This is an important book that discusses a topic I have never read about before in ya fiction.
Profile Image for sana.
247 reviews
September 18, 2021
Okay, this was a weird ass book. At the beginning I thought it'd be a 4 star read at the minimum, but . . . I can't even explain how fucking strange this book ended up being. I appreciate the history aspect and speaking up for yourself. I loved how the author made Deena's ancestors' stories so REAL. It hurt to learn about them. But I didn't like the ending. Nope. 2.5 stars. ALSO can we talk about how the air smelled like apples or someone was being referred to as a bad apple IN EVERY CHAPTER. I got sick of the apple metaphors. Although it did make me hungry.
Profile Image for Grace .
565 reviews9 followers
July 7, 2020
Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to read anymore of Moira Fowley- Doyle’s work. I just think it’s a bad sign that the more she writes the worse I’m writing her books so I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.

After Deena’s sister, Mandy, disappears her family are left grief stricken. But Deena doesn’t think her sister is dead like they do. She thinks Mandy has gone to break a curse that has seemingly haunted their family for generations. Flitting between the past and present the secrets of the Rys family are revealed as Deena searches for her sister.

I have always said that Moira is great at creating atmosphere. You’re able to feel the salt from the sea, the wind kissing your face, the grass underneath your feet. This book unlike her others felt very gothic.

However, the characters were so bland. I can sometimes forgive bland side characters because they’re not the focus of the story. But even Deena, our main character, had no personality. She just had this frenzy to find her sister and she’s also gay. That’s all I know about her. The rest of her friends were also very flat and just felt like pawns to serve the plot than real people. There was also such a forced romance that had my eyes rolling. Not every YA book needs a romance.

My favourite part of the book were the historical stories. The characters of those had more life to them than the present day ones.

I really wanted to love this book because the premise sounds so good. The execution was all over the place. It was part mystery, part ghost story, part giving a voice to the voiceless, part feminist manifesto. It just wanted to be everything and therefore felt rushed, underdeveloped and confusing. That along with the cheap plot twists had me rolling my eyes. It also felt similar to Spellbook of the Lost and Found, but just not as good.

I think that highlighting the atrocities of the Magdalene laundries is so important. I already knew about them but I can see how beneficial it would be for someone who isn’t into history to have them brought up in fiction.

The heavy handed messaging is probably my biggest gripe with this book. Especially towards the end everything is so quick and then it turns into a preachy monologue about women and their stories and abortion. Regardless of how you feel on the subject, it just felt to me like the author was pushing an agenda rather than telling a compelling story. I think stories are such valuable tools to express ourselves and our opinions, but when you sacrifice story for a message, you lose me.
Profile Image for Samantha (WLABB).
3,987 reviews272 followers
August 22, 2019
Rating: 4.5 Stars

The Rhys women were cursed, and upon their 17th birthday, all the bad apples fell from the family tree.
“You’d know them a mile away. The ones who don’t look like the others, don’t act like the others. The ones who don’t conform, don’t follow the rules . . .The ones who dress differently, love differently, think differently.”

However, Mandy was determine to break the curse, and while tracing the family's history, she disappeared. They had a funeral, but Deena didn't believe her sister was dead, and when a letter, written in Mandy's hand arrived, Deena was determined to find her and bring her home.

This book was part mystery, part history, part family drama, and part coming of age. Fowley-Doyle had characters, who were struggling with their identities, while she also explored the dynamics at play in a very complicated family and the many factors that contributed to it. The star of this tale, though, was the Rhys family history, which included some of the most brutal injustices brought against women and children of Ireland.

Through fictional accounts, I learned about the oppression and abuse these women faced. The author approached all topics unflinchingly, from the murder of the lesbian lovers and the imprisonment of young unwed mothers in Magdalene Laundries to the abortion ban, which was only repealed last year. My heart ached for the Rhys women, but all of this was even more powerful and haunting, because I knew it was based on reality.

The delivery of the family history packed an even bigger punch, because Fowley-Doyle created an atmosphere with touches of magic, that just amplified the mood. She also did a great job of keeping me unbalanced, and I surprisingly enjoyed it. It all added to the tension that was building as Deena and her friends raced to "the end of the world" to find Mandy and get to the heart of this mystery.

It was a wild ride, which was horrifying at times, but ultimately gave way to some hope for the future by educating us about the past.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for 여리고.
71 reviews218 followers
November 27, 2019
3.75 stars.

"There are things that hold you, and there are things that you hold."

This book has vague similarities with The Disappearances but as much as I loved the aforementioned title, All The Bad Apples did not make it through to my 'favorites' shelf.

There were strong issues depicted in the book that would be controversial to some. I, for one, had a slight dissent from certain outlooks the author wanted to convey in the story. But aside from those topics, this book is well-written as it is well-researched, raw, provocative and full of grit. It made me feel a lot of emotions, mostly anger I didn't know was proliferating inside my chest.

The only thing I didn't like about it is it was more info-dumping about family history and less actual occurences surrounding the main characters in the story. It is more like a motivating force, an eye-opener rather than an actual story to be more aware and responsive to certain issues circulating our world until today such as violence against women, child abuse, abortion and the essence of so-called feminism in the society. I understand how significant this book is and what it signifies to people, men and women alike but because of the ones I mentioned before, I realized I found this book tedious for my taste. Too long when it didn't need to be, dragged a bit much and as others would say, nothing really happened much in the book itself. The book is more like extracting history and adding a pile of trivial stuff like curses and ghosts and banshees and magical aura to make it look more interesting but sadly, it wasn't the case for me, hence the slightly low-ish rating.

On the positive note, I am fairly sure some others, if not more, would find this book more to their liking than I did.
Profile Image for Howard.
1,825 reviews104 followers
January 4, 2020
5 Stars for All The Bad Apples (audiobook) by Moïra Fowler-Doyle narrated by Marisa Calin and Elizabeth Sastre. I thought I was in for an interesting tale set in a beautiful place. The premise sounded great. I had no idea that this was a fictional tale set around such an important topic. The unsettling part of the book is that many of the subjects are historically true. The narration was superb. I could listen to the narrators read the phone book. Maybe the Dublin phone book. 🍀
Profile Image for Karima chermiti.
859 reviews159 followers
October 13, 2019

Trigger warning :

There are things in life you hold, and there are things that hold you.

This book flew under my radar for so long I don’t know how it was even possible; full of all the things I love and appreciate in books, All the Bad Apples is an all time favorite of mine and it will always be. Like a scream in the dead silence of night, it woken something in me and made breath like it was the first time ever. Powerful, touching and deeply moving; this book is a story that demands to be felt and lived and understood.

This is a story of generations of women being judged for who they are and cursed for daring to be different and rebellious only for the silence to shatter and for the truth to be learned ; be who you are and be proud of who you are and never let anyone make you feel otherwise.

If you are the branches of your family tree, what are the roots? Who are the worms burrowing in underneath? What land holds you up.

The book starts with a funeral; Mandy, Deena’s wild and troubled sister has died or at least that’s what everyone believes except Deena who still thinks that her sister is alive and well somewhere searching for a way to break the curse that follows the family women who dare be wild and different. When Deena starts receiving letters from her sister Mandy, she embarks on a journey to discover the history of her family and break the curse once and for all.

The thing that I loved about this book is the fact that it can’t be labeled into a genre; it can’t be defined by words and explanations. This book exists because it should and because it has something important and empowering to say and it said it in the most beautiful, weird and honest way possible.

There was a mystery to their relationship, a complicated dance of affection and resentment I didn’t understand.

Between the complexities of its characters, the intricacy of its plot and the beauty of the writing, All the Bad Apples have a lot to offer. Part historical fiction, part contemporary, part urban fantasy and mystery, this book is like different million pieces that shouldn’t fit and yet they do.

A story of sisterhood, of defying all the prejudices and judgments, a story of family whose history is filled with tragedy, injustice and cruelty. A tale of ghosts and heartbreak and pain but most important it’s the story about characters knowing who they are and facing with pride and dignity everything and everyone who will try to erase their identities.

I can’t express with words how beautiful and important this book is; all I can ask of you is to read it and feel it with all your heart and soul.

Cry. Rage. Speak out. Break the stigma. Break the curse.

Displaying 1 - 29 of 960 reviews

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