Reviews by Cat Ellington are now available in a progressive book series!
Accessible exclusively through The Complete Anthology succession, Vol. 1 features a collection of the first (50) literary examinations (compiled from 1979 - 1996) that were penned by the distinctive author and public figure during the earlier years of coming into her own as a hobbyist critic of literature prose.
Enhanced with an exciting personal colloquy, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol.1 has its adroit wordsmith evaluating several of those written works produced by some of the most renowned names in both fiction and nonfiction literature, including Iceberg Slim, Stephen King, John Grisham, Jackie Collins, Donald Goines, and more.
Cleverly-written with exceptional detail to wit, sentiment, in-depth wisdom, and laugh-out-loud humor, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1 is a narrative of superlative nonfiction prose that both book lovers and book reviewers the world over are sure to love.
So settle down, why don't you, and prepare to lose yourself in the analytical creativity of its undoubtedly original, greatly admired, pleasantly fun-filled, and incredibly thought-provoking authorship.
Cat Ellington is an American songwriter/composer, casting director, poet, author, voice-over actress, and entrepreneur from Chicago, IL. She is best known for her prolific contributions to the music industry, the motion picture industry, and literature.
The award-winning artist also enjoys reading, listening to music, cooking, collecting vintage and modern charm bracelets, watching movies and classic TV shows, sailing, jet-skiing, playing tennis, and eating frozen yogurt — lots of it.
I met the author Cat Ellington about two years ago, when she had been in Minnesota for a function at the Mall of America. Back then, she hadn't yet released her book Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1, but we were all introduced to her as a very talented book reviewer, and I followed her reviews on another site. Cat Ellington is a beautiful woman, and I must say, so are her reviews. She has a way with words, in speaking live in person, and writing. After I found out that she had actually started publishing her famed reviews in book form, I just had to buy my own copy to read them. And in a word, they are splendidly written and entertaining. NEVER boring! Oh no! I like this lady's work, and I recommend her work to all who love reading the great classics in literature.
Cat Ellington's new book, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1, is a funny and entertaining read! Haha!!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed her insightful and sage reviews of a bunch of crazy characters who oftentimes find themselves in dangerous situations, sometimes by their own making.
And speaking of the unforgettable people depicted in many of the top rated books reviewed in her first volume, Cat Ellington's sharp humor also reveals itself as she nudges her reader towards the plot in which the characters are chasing after desires that prove to be elusive, if not worthless. Excellent read! So sit back and enjoy the ride with the one and only Cat Ellington.
Funny, funny, and more funny!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing while reading this one. It's very funny, but also really insightful. This is the first time that I ever read a book like this, and I thought it was good. Nice reviews. Cat Ellington is fun. And man, she has a way with words, the way she describes the various, crazy plot twists and the shenanigans of some of these wonderful and excellent novels. Reading Cat's reviews made me want to read a lot of these books that I haven't even read yet, books that I never even noticed before. And I'm certainly looking forward to reading her next installment, Reviews by Cat Ellington, Vol. 2!!!! She did a good job.
Growing up, I have always enjoyed reading all kinds of book reviews. I guess I was fascinated by what writers or authors perceived about a story or novel. A pal of mine suggested this book by Cat Ellington. So being the curious reader that I am, I leaped at the idea. And I sure am glad that I did. Enthralling, witty and engaging. This first book of this series delves deeply into each story uses various devices such as songs, lyrics, etc., to help the reader understand the how and the why of perhaps the author's intention. Highly recommended to those who are also curious felines of reviews. Meow to the author.
I really enjoy reading a good review of one of my all time classic books every now and then. But sometimes, you come across a review that stops you in your tracks and causes you to go reread that same book because you realize that there were little elements that you missed or didn't noticed. Such is the case is this little gem, because the author has the profound ability to pick and expose the details of each plot outline, character' inner conflicts, and a dozen other important pieces that many readers sometimes miss or overlook. Thumbs up.
I really enjoyed this book, Reviews by Cat Ellington, because many of my favorite books from famous novelists were in this edition. I especially liked the insightful and funny examination of each classic work which I thought was very helpful, because the author delved deep into each character's back story, motivation, psychological profile and plot line. Ms. Ellington sure has a dark sense of humor and that made reading these exciting reviews that much more entertaining. Great read!