Mark Porton's Reviews > A Twisted Love Story

A Twisted Love Story by Samantha  Downing
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A Twisted Love Story by Samantha Downing was a thoroughly enjoyable read. This little gem held my attention throughout and it certainly delivered in the thriller/suspense stakes.

The most fascinating aspect of this story was the toxic relationship between Wes and Ivy. OH MY GOD – talk about knowing how to push each other’s buttons. We all know the pinch points of intimate partners – something to be used in critical situations, perhaps when you’re partner has you cornered with logic and reason, and all you have is emotion and spite – a quick button press – quickly achieves DEFCON 1!!!!.

Well, Ivy and Wes do this ALL THE TIME. They break up, as a routine. They have friends who wonder why they’re together – friends who take sides. It really is a sight to behold. But it seems they’re in love – really?

When her beauty products spread out too far, he swept them into a drawer to clear the counter. The second time, he hid the makeup all over the apartment, stuck in every nook and cranny he could find

My heart rate increased to critical levels after reading this.

There are some wonderfully tense interplays between Ivy and Wes. Quite tense, for example at dinner on one occasion, Ivy orders beef – ‘to prepare for battle’ – it’s that type of thing that keeps this reader from sleeping for another half an hour. It’s intriguing – relationships are fascinating.

Wes is not above payback. In fact, he loves it

Now, I have focussed here on the relationship aspect of this story. There is a helluva lot more – for example, Ivy and Wes may have been part of a hit and run many, many years ago – and they are now under scrutiny from a female detective who is as determined and as gnarly as rusty nails. They MUST work together – yes, these two!!

You reckon they'll pull it off?

Very enjoyable.

4 Stars

Footnote: There was one particularly offensive line in this story. One of the characters was looking for an alias and quite wisely made the sophisticated decision to choose the name “Mark” – this prompted the startling retort:

”Mark? Of all the names in the world, you picked Mark?”

I fell off my chair.
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Reading Progress

September 11, 2023 – Shelved (Other Hardcover Edition)
September 11, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read (Other Hardcover Edition)
October 19, 2023 – Started Reading
October 19, 2023 – Shelved
October 20, 2023 –
page 80
20.51% "Hooked immediately."
October 22, 2023 –
page 210
53.85% "Excellent - talk about knowing how to push each other's buttons!"
October 23, 2023 –
page 300
76.92% "Why do we need to sleep?


October 23, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)

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message 1: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Lee Glad you enjoyed it. However, this was a no go for me.

message 2: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Haha! An enticing review, MARK. Sounds just a tad toxic but some co dependency happening. An entertaining review. I think I’ve picked up this author before but wasn’t bowled over. Maybe I just need to fall off my chair?

message 3: by Judith (new)

Judith E At least they got the spelling right:)

message 4: by Laysee (new)

Laysee I fell off my chair laughing when I read your footnote, Mark. Hilarious review. I enjoyed it. 😊

Kaceey Fantastic review Mark! Loved your footnote!🤣👏

message 6: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Nikki wrote: "Glad you enjoyed it. However, this was a no go for me."

I just checked out your review Nikki, and I enjoyed reading it - I love reviews of 'bad' books. The part you disliked - i.e. the toxic relationship was the part I probably enjoyed the most. In the sense of the experience, the toxicity etc. Anyway, horses for course - thanks for stopping by :))

message 7: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Jen CAN wrote: "Haha! An enticing review, MARK. Sounds just a tad toxic but some co dependency happening. An entertaining review. I think I’ve picked up this author before but wasn’t bowled over. Maybe I just need..."

Oh you got me Googling "co-dependency" - I've ended up on "MensLine Australia" - there's heaps of stuff on there Jen Jen!! Good stuff too :)) Yes, this one was a nice change of genre for me, a bit ridiculous - but I enjoyed the ride, thanks again 🤗

message 8: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Judith wrote: "At least they got the spelling right:)"

Oh for heavens sake Judith!!! I knew I shouldn't have shared my "Morj Porrydon" story 🤣😬

message 9: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Laysee wrote: "I fell off my chair laughing when I read your footnote, Mark. Hilarious review. I enjoyed it. 😊"

I hope you didn't hurt yourself Laysee!!! ....................and I'm not here to be laughed at 😂😂, thanks again for stopping by and your kind comments :))

message 10: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Kaceey wrote: "Fantastic review Mark! Loved your footnote!🤣👏"

I just checked out your review and loved it Kaceey, as I said - it was riddled with enthusiasm!! What a couple hey? Who did you prefer Wes, or Ivy? Thanks for your kind comments here - even though a little more sympathy re my footnote wouldn't have gone amiss 😂😂

H (no longer expecting notifications) Balikov You really know how to tell a story, Mark. Thanks!

message 12: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette I loved your footnote. Too funny!! Sounds like an intriguing book. Terrific review, Mark!

message 13: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton HBalikov wrote: "You really know how to tell a story, Mark. Thanks!"

Thanks so much for that H - "spinning a yarn" can be a lot of fun!

message 14: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Antoinette wrote: "I loved your footnote. Too funny!! Sounds like an intriguing book. Terrific review, Mark!"

Thanks again Antoinette - I am glad you are sympathetic to my plight contained within my footnote 🙃

message 15: by Candi (new)

Candi Ooh, I'm going to make a list tonight of all the ways to push my partner's buttons :D Fun review, MARKus! I hope you're up off the floor and back into the armchair with a pair of slippers and a blanket (and a book!)

message 16: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Candi wrote: "Ooh, I'm going to make a list tonight of all the ways to push my partner's buttons :D Fun review, MARKus! I hope you're up off the floor and back into the armchair with a pair of slippers and a bla..."

You have to make a list Canders? I would've thought they'd be committed to memory by now 😂😂........thanks again, not sure about the slippers and blanket, I'm sweating lilke a Sumo Wrestler as we 'speak' 😅

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) ‘Mark’ my words she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Mark is a great name 😉 Wonderful review as always

message 18: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Margaret M - (semi hiatus - wrote: "‘Mark’ my words she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Mark is a great name 😉 Wonderful review as always"

I enjoyed your review too Margaret, in fact, I think it was YOU who MADE me add this one, and thanks so much!!! Yes, funny enough I am with yourre the whole "Mark Shambles" associated with this story - such a blight on a wonderful story!!! Thanks again 🤗🎈

message 19: by Kimber (new)

Kimber Silver What an enjoyable review, Mark! Wes and Ivy sound like a disaster waiting to happen. I'm glad you had a good time with this page-turner. : )

message 20: by Federico (new)

Federico DN So intriguing. Sounds like a terrible nail biter thriller! Twisted Love indeed lol. Fantastic review Mark! Glad it rocked :)

message 21: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Did I ever tell you one of my sons’ name is Mark? I love that name!

Graham “Smell the Ink” Another top notch review Mark. 👍

message 23: by Jeannie (new)

Jeannie Nice review, Mark!

message 24: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I have a big grin on my face, put there by reading your review. Thanks, Mark. Even though you are not here to be laughed at (your words) you frequently bring a smile and a laugh, and that is no small thing. I appreciate you being in my literary world.

message 25: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Kimber wrote: "What an enjoyable review, Mark! Wes and Ivy sound like a disaster waiting to happen. I'm glad you had a good time with this page-turner. : )"

Yes, for sure Kimber - and it was that aspect I found the most interesting and suspenseful - their relationship was a complete train-wreck, but there was something obviously 'there'. Thanks again 🤗

message 26: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Federico wrote: "So intriguing. Sounds like a terrible nail biter thriller! Twisted Love indeed lol. Fantastic review Mark! Glad it rocked :)"

Yeah I thought it rocked mate, I've read a few mixed reviews though as the level of 'button pushing and skulduggery' was next level, almost unrealistically so (I suppose) - thanks again Fede!! ⚽⚽🦘

message 27: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Antoinette wrote: "Did I ever tell you one of my sons’ name is Mark? I love that name!"

Awwwww how nice Antoinette - I suppose there aren't any babies called that any more!! I remember Dad saying, back in 1963 - the ward was full of "Mark's"

................I used to reply (every time), "What even the girls Dad?" and he would reply (every time) "You're a Dickhead Mark". Oh, how I miss him 😞💔

message 28: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Graham “Smell the Ink” wrote: "Another top notch review Mark. 👍"

Very kind of you again Graham, thanks so much mate 🤗⚽

message 29: by Lorna (new)

Lorna A delightful review, Mark. I love that you enjoyed the book, toxic relationships and all!

message 30: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Jeannie wrote: "Nice review, Mark!"

Thanks heaps Jeannie 🎈

message 31: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Lisa wrote: "I have a big grin on my face, put there by reading your review. Thanks, Mark. Even though you are not here to be laughed at (your words) you frequently bring a smile and a laugh, and that is no sma..."

Now that makes me happy our Lisa - yes, not here to be laughed at!!!!! 😬😬😬😬😬, but I am glad to bring a smile to your dial, that has to be a good thing - thanks again 🎈🤗

message 32: by Sue (new)

Sue Gerhardt Griffiths Bahahahaha your footnote.... Must check out this book now. Fab review, Mark! Our best friend is Mark but he looks a little like Deacon from the show Nashville so we call him Deacon, he loves that lol. A good friend from school was a Mark too and my sister's best friends brothers name is Mark. A young man from church is also Mark. Goodness, they're everywhere 🤣 Never realised how popular your name is, Mark. I always thought it was Peter and John, I know hundreds of them! I always get annoyed when authors, especially when writing a series and use the name Peter, out of a gazillion names they come up with Peter, all I can do is shake my head LOL.

message 33: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Lorna wrote: "A delightful review, Mark. I love that you enjoyed the book, toxic relationships and all!"

Yeah I should have used a different word re 'enjoying' Wes and Ivy's relationship Lorna - I just found it fascinating, you know - like impending doom, loved it. Thanks so much again for your kind words 🤗🎈

message 34: by Julie (last edited Oct 27, 2023 04:44PM) (new)

Julie G It's funny that a character in a book would find an excuse to criticize the name "Mark." I can barely dream up a less offensive name!

(P.S. I met a very old "Julie" yesterday, and it was funny to me--there are primarily 3 main decades in which the name "Julie" was very popular, and this woman's decade of birth wasn't one of them. It's interesting when you realize a point in time when new babies aren't being given your name anymore. . . until things come full circle and your name, or some version of it, enters the collective consciousness again!).
Dude, your name is Biblical!

message 35: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Sue wrote: "Bahahahaha your footnote.... Must check out this book now. Fab review, Mark! Our best friend is Mark but he looks a little like Deacon from the show Nashville so we call him Deacon, he loves that l..."

I open my heart to this cruel, cruel world Sue and all I get is mockery!!! I had to check out this Deacon guy, I must say he's pretty good looking........for a Mark; we normally succeed with workman-like looks, an unstable demeanour and irritating pranks. I like Deacon.

Having said that, it's wonderful you are bathing in a world of Mark's - I was just thinking, I dont know any (apart from on here), maybe Mark's repel each other?- I'll have to read up. Thanks again Sue, always a pleasure 🤗🎈

message 36: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Julie wrote: "It's funny that a character in a book would find an excuse to criticize the name "Mark." I can barely dream up a less offensive name!

(P.S. I met a very old "Julie" yesterday, and it was funny to ..."

"Less offensive" bahahaha - I love that, I dont know whether I like that beige characterisation of what many think is a vibrant, even exciting name Jools!!!

I just wonder if some names will ever come back again?? There have to be some, I'm too scared to mention them here as I might cause offence to some here on GR!! 😬😬

Yes, I accept Mark is biblical - but isn't Lucifer as well?? Thanks for checking in Jools always a pleasure 🤗🎈🦘

Nancy (playing catch-up) Another stellar review, Mark! Wes and Ivy sound like a nightmare.

message 38: by Mona (new)

Mona I enjoy reading your reviews more than the books themselves. 😂 So good:)

message 39: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Nancy (trying to catch up after a very busy May) wrote: "Another stellar review, Mark! Wes and Ivy sound like a nightmare."

Oh indeed they are Nancy - BUT, they seem to have this compelling attraction to each other. We know the type - but this relationship was next level toxic. Thanks again my friend :))

message 40: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Mona wrote: "I enjoy reading your reviews more than the books themselves. 😂 So good:)"

How kind of you Mona - it's certainly quicker reading reviews than reading books!!! But thanks so much - this book was terrific 🤗🎈

message 41: by Julie (new)

Julie G Hey now, Marky Mark, I never declared that your name was beige!

I agree with you about certain names dying out. Several examples of ones that might benefit from expire spring quickly to mind, but God forbid I commit to sharing any of them.

I'll tell you one thing. . . I'm a huge Beatles fan, and yesterday, when "Dear Prudence" came on, I said to my youngest daughter that anyone named Prudence could overcome any other bad feelings she might have about her name, just knowing that the Fab Four wrote that kick ass song just for her!

message 42: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Julie wrote: "Hey now, Marky Mark, I never declared that your name was beige!

I agree with you about certain names dying out. Several examples of ones that might benefit from expire spring quickly to mind, but..."

Ahhhh......the legendary Beatles hey Jools? Probably a good move not sharing any 'expired' names on here - but who knows, things do become fashionable again don't they?

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