Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

2010 Challenge Archive > May - Pick It For Me! Challenge

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message 1: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments What's a Pick-It-For-Me Challenge?
It's a group recommend a book thing - works just like a Secret Santa or Xmas Exchange, except that the gift is replaced by a book recommendation. Just like in Secret Santa, the givee-giver pairings are randomly assigned. So whomever you get, you recommend a book for them. Preferably it should be something new and unfamiliar to your givee, NOT a book from their to-read list - the point is to introduce new books and new authors. In return, you'll have a book recommended to you (sometimes you might get a few options to choose from). After you're done reading your Pick-It-For-Me book, a short post with some feedback - a mini-review of sorts would be appreciated.

For this challenge, you need either HAVE YOUR PROFILE SET TO PUBLIC (preferable) or make the person who'd be doing the recommending to you your friend. On top of that, I strongly advise keeping your bookshelves updated, otherwise you might end up with a recommendation for something that you have already read.

Signing up period will remain open until the 29th. You'll have time until ~the 2nd to make your recommendations. Everything will be done in this thread so check it often. Also, please be sure you really want to participate. Once I pair up people, it makes it difficult to re-pair when someone decides not to participate.

message 2: by Rossy (last edited May 02, 2010 10:36PM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Signed Up:

1. Katherine(21)*
2. BJ Rose(72)*
3. Leah(17)*
4. Diane (deebotte)(40)
5. Penney(39)*
6. Harper(28)*
7. Emily(29)
8. Debbie(39)*
9. J Bug(25*)*
10. N. L.(28)*
11. Ahrcadia(18)*
12. Jennefer(27)*
13. Elke(32)*
14. Gigi(25*)*
15. Annvelwis(26)
16. Pollyanna(24)
17. Photojim(41)*
18. Nairabell(23)*
19. Karolina(18)*
20. Yz the Whyz(39)
21. Carolyn F(48)*
22. Gus(21)*
23. Michelle(21)*
24. Cathy(40)*
25. Sandy(40)*
26. Charlotte(34)*
27. Delicious Dee(28)*
28. Heather C(27)*
29. ♦Jennifer♦(20)*
30. KimKirt(45)*
31. Regina(43)*
32. Angela(26)
33. Angie(28)*
34. Ashley(26)*
35. Ari(17)*
36. Sara(30)*
37. Rachel(25)*
38. Lili(28)*
39. LethalLovely(20)*
40. Sherrill(45)*
41. Chichimo(25*)*
42. Cher(38)*
43. Morgan(30)*
44. Angelique(21)*
45. Jen(37)*
46. Natalie(18)*
47. Kassa(32)*
48. Fran(43)*
49. Melissa(31)*
50. Annie(38)*
51. Melanie(22)*
52. Shelley(36)*
53. Tatiana(28)*
54. Amelia(21)*

(PB) = prefers paperback book format
(K)/(E) = prefers kindle or ebook format

Delicious Dee(K)/(E)

message 3: by Rossy (last edited Apr 30, 2010 09:59AM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Rules :

1. Everything will be done in THIS thread. Please make your recommendations HERE.

2. Make sure to check back BEFORE the 2nd of May and make recommendations for your partner. If i do not hear from you in this thread or through a private message by 11pm, i will assume you will not be participating. Therefore i will re-assign your partner to somebody else.

3. Give 8 book choices to your partner. 4 from their TBR and 4 brand new to them author/book. Of course we are only committed to FINISH 1 recommendation; but this will give your partner different options to choose from depending on their reading mood.


Members listed below will pick for each other using the mentor by generation method!

2. BJ Rose(72)/3. Leah(17)
21. Carolyn F(48)/35. Ari(17)
40. Sherrill(45)/46. Natalie(18)
30. KimKirt(45)/19. Karolina(18)
48. Fran(43)/11. Ahrcadia(18)
31. Regina(43)/39. LethalLovely(20)
17. Photojim(41)/29. ♦Jennifer♦(20)
4. Diane (deebotte)(40)/54. Amelia(21)
24. Cathy(40)/23. Michelle(21)
25. Sandy(40)/1. Katherine(21)
5. Penney(39)/44. Angelique(21)
8. Debbie(39)/22. Gus(21)
20. Yz the Whyz(39)/51. Melanie(22)
42. Cher(38)/18. Nairabell(23)
50. Annie(38)/16. Pollyanna(24)
45. Jen(37)/9. J Bug(25*)
52. Shelley(36)/14. Gigi(25*)
26. Charlotte(34)/41. Chichimo(25*)
13. Elke(32)/37. Rachel(25)
47. Kassa(32)/34. Ashley(26)
49. Melissa(31)/32. Angela(26)
36. Sara(30)/15. Annvelwis(26)
43. Morgan(30)/12. Jennefer(27)
7. Emily(29)/28. Heather C(27)
6. Harper(28)/53. Tatiana(28)
10. N. L.(28)/38. Lili(28)
27. Delicious Dee(28)/33. Angie(28)

(PB) = prefers paperback book format
(K)/(E) = prefers kindle or ebook format

Delicious Dee(K)/(E)

message 4: by Katherine (last edited Apr 20, 2010 07:42PM) (new)

Katherine (kebrand0112) I'm in! This is one of my favorite challenges.

message 5: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments I'm glad you feel that way Katherine, welcome back!

message 6: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 4413 comments I'm in as well - I may still be reading my April book in May, but I still want in, please!

message 7: by Leah (new)

Leah (leahkarge) I'm in again. Maybe I'll actually get to read this month's book...Anyway! Again, I'll take anything from my TBR list and don't do eBooks.

message 8: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Done! Hopefully i'll get to read this month's book, kind of running behind on it myself.

Diane ~Firefly~ | 1500 comments I'm in. TBR or paperback please.

message 10: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments I'm in as well. This is my favorite challenge! As usual I'm ok with any format. Thanks for putting in all the work Rossy.

message 11: by Ez (new)

Ez (ezrah-rah) | 387 comments I'm in! I just started reading this month's book today.

message 12: by Emily (new)

Emily Oh sign me up. *LoL* I can't seem to resist this. hehe Anything on my TBR list is fair game too.

message 13: by Debbie (new)

Debbie  (db_debber) | 2757 comments I really enjoy these, count me in too please Rossy

message 14: by Buggy (last edited Apr 20, 2010 09:06PM) (new)

Buggy | 59 comments This sounds like fun, thanks for the invite Rossy. From my TBR list please

message 15: by N.L. (new)

N.L. Riviezzo (nlriviezzo) Count me in. :)

message 16: by Arcadia (new)

Arcadia Barrile (braintasiabooks) I'm in again :]

message 17: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 247 comments I'm in!!!

message 18: by Elke (new)

Elke (ejurca) | 1810 comments I am in again!!! :)

message 19: by Gigi (new)

Gigi | 1149 comments I'm in! TBR or something new.

message 20: by Annvelwis (new)

Annvelwis | 671 comments I'm in! TBR or something new.

message 21: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) | 300 comments I'm in :)

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments Oh yeah. I am so in.

message 23: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 433 comments I'm in, but can my pick please come off by TBR. Still under a book-buying embargo! :)

message 24: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments I'm in.

Something new or already in my TBR is fine

message 25: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Alright you guys are in!

Welcome to those new to this challenge. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Also, welcome back to my little gang. Very glad you couldn't stay away.LOL

message 26: by Arcadia (new)

Arcadia Barrile (braintasiabooks) Oh, yeah, I'm fine with TBR or wishlist :)

message 27: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 4413 comments Forgot to say - I'm OK with books from my TBR or Wishlist or something new and different, as long as it comes with a few choices

message 28: by Rossy (last edited Apr 24, 2010 05:00PM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments I have written down some rules for us to follow this month. Some were already known to those who have participated in the past, but this will make it more clear for everyone.

As you can see i have set an amount of books to be recommended. That way we do not get too many recommendations or too little. I hope everyone can follow these simple rules.

Thank you in advance!

message 29: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments BJ Rose wrote: "Forgot to say - I'm OK with books from my TBR or Wishlist or something new and different, as long as it comes with a few choices"

Not to worry, as we will be picking from both this month.

message 30: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. I'm in too.

message 31: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Done!

message 32: by Gus (new)

Gus | 114 comments I'm in!!! I've never tried this one before, so I'm pretty excited XD

message 33: by Debbie (new)

Debbie  (db_debber) | 2757 comments well, if you want specifics... I am good with all the above - TBR or New =)

message 34: by Debbie (new)

Debbie  (db_debber) | 2757 comments Cute new pic Rossy and looking over the list, you some how got me twice (8 & 11) and Yz is on there twice also.

message 35: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Great, my brain is playing tricks again. Thanks for helping out Debbie!

message 36: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Gus wrote: "I'm in!!! I've never tried this one before, so I'm pretty excited XD"

Hey Gus, welcome!

message 37: by Michelle B (new)

Michelle B (meesh_ox) | 42 comments I'm in!!

message 38: by booklovinrn (new)

booklovinrn | 346 comments I'm in...always opem to nudges from my tbr list.

message 39: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1287 comments I am in. Got a very good recommendation in April!

Charlotte (Buried in Books) | 561 comments OK, I'll give it a go.

message 41: by Rossy (last edited Apr 21, 2010 12:36PM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Please set your profiles to PUBLIC until the 2nd of May. Just in case i need to get in contact with any of you, or if i need to look at your profile for the pairing.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks in advance!

message 42: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 7316 comments i'm in...hopefully May will be better than april! I would prefer Kindle/ebook format if possible (since I have only sucky bookstores in the area)

message 43: by Heather C (new)

Heather C (heathercook) sign me up!

message 44: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Gotcha!

message 45: by Buggy (new)

Buggy | 59 comments Rossy, I absolutely love you!!!! Thanks for the *exception*
You gave me a laugh and made my day.

message 46: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments I figured why not, it's not like she's not that at heart?! Glad you liked it, somebody else gave me the idea.LOL

message 47: by Buggy (new)

Buggy | 59 comments I am that at heart and then some, Cheers

message 48: by ♦Jennifer♦ (new)

♦Jennifer♦ (thejenneral) count me in please. :)

message 49: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Done!

message 50: by Gigi (new)

Gigi | 1149 comments hee hee. Thanks Rossy! *wink*

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