Bodice Ripper Readers Anonymous discussion

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Group Reads and Challenges > Challenge: BR Rummy!

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message 1: by Jennefer (last edited Oct 02, 2010 12:29PM) (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
********challenge closed***********
In the group survey one of the suggestions that came up was to do a quarterly group challenge and I say, hey, why not!?! We will try it and see how it goes. :) I thought I would try to do a challenge that would have varying degrees of success depending on how much you wanted to put into it so I hope this fits the bill and will be fun for everyone!

Challenge will run from July 1st to September 30th (I know this is being posted late but I have been having a hard time deciding on how I wanted to do this. I wanted it to be full quarter... so you can backdate and include any books you have read since the 1st of the month)

Rules: This was inspired by a favorite card game Gin Rummy. Basically the idea is try to get as many 'runs' and 'books' as possible. A book read can only be used once in this challenge (you can not use a book for two separate 'runs' etc.) Books read can be from any genre you like so don't worry about only using bodice rippers :)

Run: A run is a minimum of 4 books and a maximum of 14 books with consecutive copyright dates: 1978,1979,1980,1981 etc.. (original date, not reissue).
Book: A book is a minimum of 3 books (no maximum, we could be playing with a dozen decks of cards right? lol) that are published by the same publisher or written by the same author.

You can play as many different 'books' and 'runs' as you like. So if you like read only 3 books by the same author for one 'book' and Yay! Challenge complete! Or you can be competitive and try to put down as many cards (books read) as possible!

Please post only once and edit that post with your updates. Please include the date that each book was finished.

message 2: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) oh that sounds fun...if i wasn't overloaded on challenges for other groups, I would totally be in...although I might be able to do this one concurrently with a year published one for another group...hmmm

message 3: by Tammy (new)

Tammy Walton Grant (tamgrant) | 214 comments This sounds really cool! I'm in, but need to do some thinking first before I can put together a list.

message 4: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Feel free to post as you go Tammy! :)

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 12, 2010 10:19AM) (new)

OK, I was never good at card games apart from War, so here goes....

*1977: White Midnight (Finished 7/15/10)
*1978: Tarifa (Finished 9/12/10)
*1979: Ashes in the Wind (Finished 8/13/10)
*1980: Lady Vixen (Finished 7/10/10)
1982: Forever My Love (Finished 8/2/10)


message 6: by Jennefer (last edited Oct 02, 2010 12:28PM) (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
I am ready to start my list I think.... I might not get to all of these but I like making lists :)

Borderland 1975
Wicked Loving Lies 1976
This Other Eden 1977
The Kadin 1978 finished 07/02
Wifey 1979
Lady Vixen 1980 finished 08/01
An Indecent Obsession 1981
The Jasmine Veil 1982 finished 09/20
Whispers on the Nile 1983
Stormfire 1984
Ride the Savage Sea 1985
Loving Julia 1986
Hearts Aflame 1987
Silver Angel 1988

Judgment in Death by JD Robb finished 07/17
Betrayal in Death by JD Robb finished 08/16
Seduction in Death by JD Robb finished 08/23
Reunion in Death by JD Robb finished 09/14
Purity in Death by JD Robb finished 09/23
Portrait in Death by JD Robb

Ok this is a big list for me!!! but I might try to sneak in another book with another BR author, or maybe a few Avon books, we will see :)

I sucked at my run... oh well :) I got a book!!!

message 7: by Gaijinmama (last edited Jul 10, 2010 08:51PM) (new)

Gaijinmama | 9 comments Hi there, I can't resist a Challenge so I'm stepping out of the Lurkers' Lounge to say hi.
Question: do all or most of the books have to be Bodice Rippers or in the Romance genre? I love Romance, which is why I joined the group, but I'm a pretty eclectic reader. In fact I'm a completely wack-job-insane ADD Gemini reader, as you'll see from my TBR shelf.

message 8: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Hi Gaijinmama! Welcome to the fun! :)

You are more than welcome to use any books you like! No need to stick to any specific genre!

message 9: by Gaijinmama (new)

Gaijinmama | 9 comments Thanks for the lightning-fast reply!
Count me in then. I'll post as I go, unless I can't help myself and stay up late and make a list.

message 10: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
I just happened to be hanging around :) Have fun!

message 11: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 6 comments Love the concept. Great challenge idea, Jennefer. : )

message 12: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. I'm in, I'll post as I go.

message 13: by Amethystprincess (new)

Amethystprincess | 1 comments I am totally in on this one, this may take a while but I will totally get this started today or tomorrow, I have a lot to read and some of them are all by the same author....

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Gaijinmama wrote: "In fact I'm a completely wack-job-insane ADD Gemini reader, as you'll see from my TBR shelf."

Hail, fellow wack-job-insane ADD Gemini reader. Well met. :D

I think there are more of us than we realize.....

message 15: by Gaijinmama (new)

Gaijinmama | 9 comments Karla wrote: "Gaijinmama wrote: "In fact I'm a completely wack-job-insane ADD Gemini reader, as you'll see from my TBR shelf."

Hail, fellow wack-job-insane ADD Gemini reader. Well met. :D

I think there are mor..."

Hail and well met, indeed!
Yeah, I could throw a great party with the voices in my head... No but seriously, I've sort of been swept into the Paranormal/ Urban Fantasy Whirlwind that's been going around, but I'll pretty much read anything as long as it's good. I may not be able to resist making a list here, it's so much fun to play with my TBRs.

message 16: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Yz the Whyz wrote: "Love the concept. Great challenge idea, Jennefer. : )"

Nothing compared to the great challenges you do in your group Yz! You are the Challenge Queen!!! :)

message 17: by Amanda (last edited Sep 08, 2010 11:29PM) (new)

Amanda | 107 comments Ok, I'm in! :)

I'll make my list as I go. I do have an idea of where to start though. I'm thinking....


Walkers on the Sky (1976)

Hide My Savage Heart (1977) August 30th

Savage Embrace (1978) August 8th

Touch the Wind (1979)

Adora (maybe, if I finish it) (1980)

message 19: by Tonya (last edited Oct 03, 2010 02:59PM) (new)

Tonya (_tonya_) | 0 comments Here is my list. I will update as I go.

Run 1
2005 - Passion by Lisa Valdez - finished 7/17/2010
2006 - Ask For It by Sylvia Day finished 9/11/2010
2007 - Everything Forbidden byJess Michaels finished 7/27/2010
2008 - Some Like It Wicked by Teresa Medeiros finished 7/20/2010
2009 - Some Like It Wild by Teresa Medeiros finished 7/25/2010
2010 - Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris finished 7/14/2010

Passion  by Lisa Valdez Ask For It (Georgian, #1) by Sylvia Day Everything Forbidden (Albright Sisters, #1) by Jess Michaels Some Like It Wicked (Kincaid Highlander, #1) by Teresa Medeiros Some Like It Wild (Kincaid Highlander, #2) by Teresa Medeiros Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10) by Charlaine Harris

Run 2
1977 - Captive Bride by Johanna Lindsey finished 8/2/2010
1978 - A Pirate's Love by Johanna Lindsey finished 9/5/2010
1979 - The Rebel Bride by Catherine Coulter finished 8/21/2010
1980 - Lady Vixen by Shirlee Busbee finished 7/6/2010
1981 - Wild Sweet Witch by Araby Scott finished 9/7/2010
1982 - Unconquered by Bertrice Small finished 9/19/2010

Captive Bride by Johanna Lindsey A Pirate's Love by Johanna Lindsey The Rebel Bride by Catherine Coulter Lady Vixen by Shirlee Busbee Wild Sweet Witch by Araby Scott Unconquered by Bertrice Small

Book 1
Dragonswan by Sherrilyn Kenyon-novella finished 7/7/2010
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon finished 7/31/2010
Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon finished 8/7/2010
Midnight Pleasures Anthology-only read the Kenyon story finished 8/13/2010
Dance With The Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon finished 8/15/2010

Dragonswan (Dark-Hunter Novella, #0.2) (Were-Hunter, #0) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #2) (Were-Hunter, #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Midnight Pleasures (Includes Dark-Hunter Novella, #2.1; Wild Wulfs of London, #1) by Amanda Ashley Dance With The Devil (Dark-Hunter, #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Book 2
Flirt by Laurell K. Hamilton finished 8/21/2010
Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton finished 8/27/2010
Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton finished 9/3/2010

Flirt (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #18) by Laurell K. Hamilton Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #19) by Laurell K. Hamilton Divine Misdemeanors (Meredith Gentry, #8) by Laurell K. Hamilton

message 21: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Only a couple weeks left in our challenge!!! Here is where everyone is so far....

Jennefer- 1 book completed
Tonya- 2 runs and 2 books completed! Wow!
Karla, Amanda, Jeaninie, Joeera, Gaijinmama are all getting close!!!

It's not to late to join in the fun! Feel free to look back to what you have read since July 1st and see if you are can put together a book or run!!!

message 22: by SmittenKitten (last edited Sep 21, 2010 09:57PM) (new)

SmittenKitten | 189 comments I’ve decided to join in on the fun!

Run 1
1978 – The Silver Devil (Finished Sept)
1979 – Ashes in the Wind (Finished Aug)
1980 – Lady Vixen (Finished July)
1981 – Embrace and Conquer (Finished 9/15)
1982 – Reap The Savage Wind (Finished Aug)
1983 – A Gentle Feuding (Finished Aug)

Run 2
1985 – Only With Your Love (Finished July)
1986 – Caress and Conquer (Finished Aug)
1987 – My Lady Vixen(Finished 9/17)
1988 – Comanche Cowboy (Finished Aug)
1989 - The Wager (Finished 9/21)

Book 1: Cordia Byers
Midnight Surrender (Finished Aug)
Pirate Royale (Finished Aug)
Nicole La Belle (Finished 9/12)

Book 2: Kresley Cole
Dark Desires After Dusk (Finished July)
Kiss of a Demon King (Finished July)
Dark Needs at Night's Edge(Finished 9/19)

message 23: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
********challenge closed***********

message 24: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Congratulations to:

Karla- completed a run of 4 books!
Jennefer- completed a book of 5 books!
Tonya- completed 2 runs and 2 books with a total of 20 books!!! Wow!!!
SmittenKitten- completed 2 runs and 2 books with a total of 17 books!!!

Great job to everyone!!!!

Be sure to check out our next quarterly challenge here!

message 25: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. I'm late, but these are all runs I finished before October 1, 2010 - phew!

2007 = A Lick of Frost (Meredith Gentry, #6)
2008 = Swallowing Darkness (Meredith Gentry, #7)
2009 = Divine Misdemeanors

2006 = Pack Challenge
2007 = Sun, Sand, Sex
2008 = Dragon Actually
2008 = About A Dragon
2008 = Everlasting Bad Boys
2008 = The Beast in Him
2008 = When He Was Bad
2009 = Belong To The Night

2002 = The Fiery Cross
2005 = A Breath of Snow and Ashes
2010 = The Exile: An Outlander Graphic Novel

2008 = Running Wild
2008 = Sam's Creed
2009 = Wild Instinct
2009 = Tucker's Claim
2009 = Naughty Bits

2006 = Scandal in Spring
2007 = Mine Till Midnight
2008 = Seduce Me at Sunrise
2008 = Devil in Winter

2006 = Darkfever
2008 = Bloodfever
2008 = Faefever
2009 = Dreamfever

2007 = Midnight Alley
2008 = Feast of Fools
2009 = Lord of Misrule

2009 = Desire Untamed
2009 = Obsession Untamed
2009 = Passion Untamed

message 26: by Jennefer (last edited Oct 12, 2010 05:37PM) (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 444 comments Mod
Congratulations to Carolyn! 8 books! Whew!

message 27: by Carolyn F. (last edited Oct 12, 2010 10:24PM) (new)

Carolyn F. I tried for more but most of them I could not get past 2 books. Thanks Jennefer!

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