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McMurty is America’s Proust, if that means anything to you, or if that means anything at all. That is to say, after peeling back the layers of relativity, Proust and MccMurtry are brothers because they're both thinking about time and what time really does to us.
Lonesome Dove isn’t just a masterpiece, it’s the product of a harvest-a harvest of the past. McMurty long evaded his own past, spending 2+ decades writing books on contemporary Texas. He d ...more
Lonesome Dove isn’t just a masterpiece, it’s the product of a harvest-a harvest of the past. McMurty long evaded his own past, spending 2+ decades writing books on contemporary Texas. He d ...more
a short but deep look into Freud's later works, particularly Totem and Taboo, Civilization and Its Discontents, and their relation to his final work-Moses and Monotheism. Freud's theory that cultures are like a body and pass down repressed trauma is intriguing. While a lot of it at large feels fanciful, there does seem to be some truth it is gesturing towards.
Obviously the historical evidence Frued relies on and extrapolates on in Moses and Mono ...more
Obviously the historical evidence Frued relies on and extrapolates on in Moses and Mono ...more