After being identified as one of the architects of the riots, Owen is placed inside a camp, Thea hatches a plan to rescue her brother, and get The Driscoll family out of the area.
I followed the first episode pretty well, this second one had me absolutely baffled however, I generally didn't have a clue what in Earth was happening here, that said, I did enjoy it.
If you managed to stick with it, you may well just enjoy it, it's definitely very well acted, and there is something about the story that's so engaging. What a total contrast to episode one, it's now incredibly surreal.
Love the idea of 'The Welsh catcher,' that's like something out of a kid's nursery story. It's making me think of The Two Ronnies sketch, the worm that turned.
I followed the first episode pretty well, this second one had me absolutely baffled however, I generally didn't have a clue what in Earth was happening here, that said, I did enjoy it.
If you managed to stick with it, you may well just enjoy it, it's definitely very well acted, and there is something about the story that's so engaging. What a total contrast to episode one, it's now incredibly surreal.
Love the idea of 'The Welsh catcher,' that's like something out of a kid's nursery story. It's making me think of The Two Ronnies sketch, the worm that turned.