17 of 40 found this moderate
The titular "Big Boss" loves young women to the point where he would always have them as company in his mansion and would sometimes pimp them.
One of the plot elements focuses on two lead characters who are cousins and have secret and suppressed crushes on each other.
A drunken man chooses a prostitute at a brothel and takes her to a room. She undresses, exposing her breasts. It is strongly implied that they had a one night stand. In a later scene, the same prostitute is seen again, exposing her breasts to her same client to inform him with her scar as evidence.
15 of 23 found this severe
A man is stabbed in the stomach with a knife, and blood is shown spraying briefly as the knife is removed.
-A man is struck in the head with a hatchet, briefly showing the gory crack in the head along with blood spray.
Two dead men are shown being taken to large circular saws. We begin to see one of them getting cut in half as blood begins to pour down below. The shot cuts away when the saw is roughly halfway through the man's waist, but the sound of the saw is still prominent.
Hsiu Chien is slashed behind the back with a knife, leaving a large bloody gash.
Hsiu Chien gets slashed in the forehead by Hsiao Chiun and blood pours profusely from the wound like water running from a tap.
A man is mortally wounded in the back with a hatchet.
A factory worker is hit across the face with a stick, leaving a bruise.
A factory worker is kicked in the face, and completely knocked out, landing hard on the ground.
Cheng Chao-An is nearly attacked by a group of dogs, with one dog beginning to bite his arm;, although he does not suffer a wound from it, it's still an intense scene.
One of Hsiao Mi's concubines gets shot by him in the chest with a small dart.
13 of 18 found this mild
"Bastard", "damn" and "hell" are used.
14 of 20 found this moderate
The main plot of the film deals with an ice factory being used as a front for drugs, most likely cocaine. Several references made to a prostitution ring being run by this same front are also made.
A scene in a gambling den shows players smoking.
A man is shown smoking a water piper in a few scenes.
Cheng finds an unmarked bag of drugs in a block of ice and tastes it to identify it.
A man is shown smoking in an office.
A man drinks copious amounts of cognac until he is completely drunk, and is shown in a later scene passed out.
11 of 19 found this moderate
A man strikes a boy across the face after refusing to pay him for rice patties. The boy is shown crying and runs away.
A man grabs a woman in a harassing way as she tries to break free.