The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Brian Libby: Floyd
Heywood : The Count of Monte Crisco...
Floyd : That's "Cristo" you dumb shit.
Heywood : Alexandree Dumb-ass. Dumb-ass.
Andy Dufresne : Dumb-ass? "Dumas". You know what it's about? You'll like it, it's about a prison break.
Red : We oughta file that under "Educational" too, oughten we?
Captain Hadley : Dufresne!
[to Dekins]
Captain Hadley : That's him. That's the one.
Guard Dekins : I'm Dekins. I was thinking about setting up some kind of trust fund for my kids' educations.
Andy Dufresne : Oh, I see. Well, why don't we have a seat and talk it over. Brooks, do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? Thanks. So, Mr. Dekins...
Brooks : [at lunchtime to the other prisoners] And then Andy says, "Mr. Dekins, do you want your sons to go to Harvard... or Yale?"
Floyd : He didn't say that!
Brooks : God is my witness! Dekins just looked at him a second and then he laughed himself silly and afterwards he actually shook Andy's hand.
Heywood : My ass.
Brooks : Shook his hand! I near soiled myself, I mean all Andy needed was a suit and a tie and a little jiggly hula gal on his desk and he woulda been *Mister* Dufresne, if you please.
Red : Making a few friends, huh Andy?
Andy Dufresne : I wouldn't say friends. I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning - it's a wonderful pet to have.
Red : I'm tellin' you, the guy's... he's talkin' funny. We better keep an eye on him.
Snooze : That's fine during the day but at night he's got that cell all to himself.
Heywood : [remembering something] Oh lord...
Red : What?
Heywood : Andy come down to the loading dock today. He asked me for a length of rope.
Red : Rope?
Heywood : [meaningfully] Six feet long.
Snooze : And you gave it to him?
Heywood : Sure I did, why wouldn't I?
Floyd : Jesus, Heywood!
Heywood : [upset] How was I supposed to know?
Floyd : Remember Brooks Hatlen?
Snooze : No. Andy'd never do that. Never.
Red : I don't know. Every man's got his breaking point.
Heywood : It's a fine morning, ain't it? You know why it's a fine morning, don't ya? Come on, set 'em down. I want 'em all lined up, just like a pretty little chorus line.
[the cons pull out cigarettes and hand them over to Heywood, who lines them up in front of him. He takes a long whiff]
Heywood : Ah, yes. Richmond, Virginia.
Floyd : Smell my ass.
Floyd : Takin' bets today, Red?
Red : Smokes or coins, better's choice.
Floyd : Smokes. Put me down for two.
Red : All right, who's your horse?
Floyd : That little sack o' shit. Eighth, eighth from the front. He'll be first.
Heywood : Aw, bullshit. I'll call that action. You out some smokes, son, let me tell you!
Floyd : Well, Heywood, you so smart, you call it!
Heywood : I'll take the chubby fat-ass there. Fifth from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck.
Floyd : [Dismissing Red's theory on why Brooks killed himself] Red, I do believe you're talking out of your ass.