Eureka Seven is far and away one of the greatest works of fiction in existence. From the captivating world to the seamless characters (and not to mention the bad-ass mechs), this anime series transcends its medium. When I first began watching Eureka Seven on Adult Swim it was an interesting new series to me, but nothing more. I didn't want to wait an entire week between episodes, however, so my impatience led me to download the entire series in Japanese with English subtitles. I watched the entire series in three days and it immediately became the opiate of my mind for at least that much time afterward. Eureka Seven has a beautiful art style, an entrancing world, absolutely phenomenal high speed fight scenes, and an excellent story that is absolutely full of twists and turns, shocking moments, and profound surprises. Nothing, however, compares to the masterpiece that is the character cast. Renton is the main character who is at the beginning of the series a bored and whiny kid who is oblivious to the nuances of adult life. After he meets the mysterious Eureka in the first episode (and immediately falls in love with her), his character sets off on a true adventure and by the end of the series Renton truly becomes a man. The fantastic romance between Renton and Eureka is the center of the storyline and will undoubtedly cause at least half of Eureka Seven's audience to burst into tears at multiple points of the story (yeah, it really is that powerful). The other characters in the story are no less interesting and many go through extreme changes just as Renton did. The cold, hard, and reluctant leader Holland morphs into a compassionate and strong hero by the end of the story and many people who watch this series start out hating Holland but absolutely love him by the end. I could go on and on, but just take my advice: GO WATCH THIS SERIES RIGHT NOW.
Eureka Seven is a marvel to behold, a true work of art.