David Cazares plays a character name The AWeesome, a parody of The AMaazing (whose real name as Maaz) who also appears in this video.
David Cazares reprising his role as the Shotgun Man from Mokey's Show (2012), as well as The Captian from Every Fuckin FPS Game.
Just one day after the video released, Arin Hanson wasn't happy with the animation, saying things like he got made fun of making cartoons and it would just hurt his feelings. He also calls out Newgrounds animators for patting Pelo on the back, despite Arin being an animator along with others. David Cazares (Sr. Pelo) reaches out to Arin saying it wasn't meant to hurt anyone, and he would make a video explaining all the jokes. But people like Chris O'Neill told Pelo that he shouldn't change his humor just because of this. One day later, Arin makes an apology post, not for the controversy, but for being an edgy animator. Pelo had said that he and Arin had spoken and they were cool with each other.
This video was received praised by viewers, fans and YouTubers, particularly Maaz, CypherDen, Kat Jackson (Katzun), Christian Brantley, Scott Falco, [error], Jomm (an impression to Dominic Panganiban), Nathaniel Swoosh (Infamous Swoosh), NCHproductions, Turkey Tom, Justin Whang, Pierce Riola, Zalinki, NateIsLame, Brody Boutcher (BrodyAnimates), TheTalentlessWriter, Lightsen, Weegeepie, Francy Artist, among others.
Despite this, ScribbleJuice and Lievicus did worked with Sr. Pelo for collaborated the animation, as well as for Maaz who gave voiced as JustanOpinion.
Despite this, ScribbleJuice and Lievicus did worked with Sr. Pelo for collaborated the animation, as well as for Maaz who gave voiced as JustanOpinion.