I've completed the game going the heroic route. Did every side quest. I adore this game. Honestly, my favorite game of all time, not lying. Negative reviews on here are by trolls that's have low attention spans. If you want fantastic writing, characters arcs performed by amazing voice talent, and enjoy turned based strategy and role playing you will love this game. It's essentially just Dungeons and Dragons. Same rules. However, imagine playing D&D with the best dungeon master ever and beautiful computer graphics illustrating your story. It's also not afraid to get totally absurd, goofy, or just plain freaky deeky if that's your style. It's up to you. You can have sex with a bear. It's pretty rad. Lol. Honestly though, it will probably hit you on an emotional level the more seriously you take it. Finishing the game for me was an extremely emotional experience for me after 250 hours. The denouement was fantastic. I really needed that, and it was great that they put it in there. It's really sad to end the game because you really become friends in a way with your companions. You actually really care about them. Such great writing. Minor bugs are forgivable on the technical side, after all it is a video game. It's also an extremely complex game with so many variables. This is a game for grown ups, not inpatient button smashers. If you're mature and love D&D, it doesn't get any better than this.