I've never seen a worse thing created in GoAnimate in my entire life, and judging by the amount of crap people make with it, that's saying a lot, this literally has 0 substance, there is no variety at all, it clearly only caters to autistics and not much else, first off, repeated "jokes" (calling these jokes is an insult to good writing), pappy needs to learn how to be actually funny, most of the time, if he thinks one thing is funny, he'll repeat it over and over again, if it wasn't funny the first time, then it won't be funny the one thousandth time that's for sure, it's not even like it's trying to be funny, this is straight up lazy, there are so many better GoAnimaters than this (RadRuan555, It-Saac Studios, CadenIsCaden, Anti Animations, SolitareJoker) please for the love of god stop giving people who don't try attention, and start actually supporting people who put effort in their stuff, all in all, terrible series, and terrible channel, I wish I could rate this a 0.