The specialized magazines loved this flick. I must say that I wasn't a fan of the first one. I liked the gore but it lacked on a story. This one was directed by the same director as part 1 (Robert Hall) and I must say, it was shot in the same way, a lot of gore but again it was written by the director himself and yes, a lack of story...
The flick starts were the other one ended at the grocery store. The heroin from part 1 (the wife of Robert Hall, Bobbi Sue Luther) has survived the atrocity at the store and she finally can go away from it all, wrong, after a shower someone is visiting her motel. From there on you can pick up the flick easily because before the shower scene she do has a flashback about what happened at the store.
The names from part 1 are back here in this part and some new names like Danielle Harris. She's only in it for a few minutes so don't expect to see her act like in Blood Night: The Legend Of Bloody Mary. Her name is in fact just a teaser. The acting is believable so on that part no complaints.
But as I said, the story is weak. Here we do have a fake Chromeskull and of course the real one. The fake one do plays the main part in the first part of Laid To Rest 2. The second part it's gore galore with the real Chromeskull. But it just doesn't fit the way the story is told. Why those two girls are chosen by Chromeskull isn't explained of example. And the coppers doesn't add anything special too.
But of course this feature is known for it's gore and that is done in a excellent way. The red stuff do flows a lot and the killings are done in a exaggerated style. The knifes are again impressive.
Overall, this movie is really one for the gorehounds and the lovers of torture porn. The Laid To Rest flicks aren't my cup of tea storywise but i do love the gore in it and the way the killings are done.
Gore 4/5 Nudity 2/5 Story 2/5 Effects 4/5 Comedy 0/5