Imme Gerritsen and Sem Van der Horst previously starred together in Mees Kees in de Wolken (2019) and Mees Kees (2017).
Arjen Rooseboom considered Nop de Graaf (who played Gerben Zonderland for 25 years in a theme park) to be too old for the part, since Gerben is in his late 20's, mid 30's in the books about the Kameleon and De Graaf recently turned 65. He offered to take over the character, but De Graaf strongly refused. Instead he wanted Rooseboom to reprise his role of Kees Carbid, the character he played for the last time in Kameleon 2 (2005), nearly 20 years earlier. Rooseboom on his turn however was against this suggestion, since he didn't want to play a 35-year old male behaving like a teenager. He then came up with the idea of an older version of Kees who's being brought back by a younger version, inspired by the latest Hollywood trends.
Karel Feijen, who portrays Grocer Zijlstra, runs an actual supermarket in the village where filming took place.
The design for the pike's head had to be child friendly, although it was heavily inspired by the monster from Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954).
Allard Warnas, who played the villain Mister X, was upgraded to the role of the Mayor in future projects after this, including another short film, a full length feature and a musical.