Henry Zebrowski (Gary) claimed when the show first began, the makeup would take almost an hour and a half just for himself, but they were eventually able to cut the time in half as the series progressed. Zebrowski also claimed that removing the makeup was also difficult, requiring 100% alcohol that acted almost like a chemical peel on the skin.
Matt Sevitto's (Satan) costume required him to wear 9 inch heels.
In the episode, "Nu-byle", while Gary is asleep in a meeting, it is revealed via doodles that his top man-crushes are:
1: Ricky Ricardo
2: Richard Gere
3: John Adams
Ted, the eco-terrorist demon is based on Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber.
In "Fried Alive", there is a poster announcing an 11 movie full series marathon while Gary watches the crowd funding pitch for the 11th movie, indicating either a prequel, or a spinoff was made.