The Adventures of Moby Dick (1996)2 of 6
Lawrence Bayne,
Garry Blye,
Marvin Dolgay,
Desmond Ellis,
Henry Less,
Ken MacNeil,
Herman Melville,
Glenn Morley,
Robert Sandler,
Mark Shekter,
Laura Shepherd,
Mairlyn Smith,
Colette Stevenson,
Allen Stewart-Coates,
Stuart Stone,
John White, and
Caroline Yeager in
The Adventures of Moby Dick (1996) PeopleLawrence Bayne, Garry Blye, Marvin Dolgay, Desmond Ellis, Henry Less, Ken MacNeil, Herman Melville, Glenn Morley, Robert Sandler, Mark Shekter, Laura Shepherd, Mairlyn Smith, Colette Stevenson, Allen Stewart-Coates, Stuart Stone, John White, Caroline Yeager