Title: "Can't Buy Me Love"
The show presents an intriguing premise by focusing on Chinese influence in the Philippines. However, it falls short due to a recycled plot and conflicts. Given its status as a Netflix-produced series, a 10 to 20-episode format would have been more suitable. The excessively slow pacing becomes noticeable to viewers, making the series feel prolonged.
Certain scenes (NOT ALL), especially those involving the main characters Caroline and Bingo, are not only useless to the plot but also tedious. The series often appears to struggle with maintaining a clear story direction, and the attempt to extend episodes becomes overly evident. Fortunately, being a Netflix series allows viewers to fast forward and skip such scenes.
On a positive note, the charm and acting skills of the secondary characters, Irene and Snoop, stand out. They bring vitality to the entire show, keeping the audience engaged and interested.